February 2024

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The month ahead: “February 2024”

– Written by Steve’s Love Tarot  – (Jump to schedule) 

To call February 2024 the month of “Aquarius” would be a gross understatement.  Not only is it Aquarius season for the first 2/3 of the month, you only need look at the scheduled special reads at the bottom of this page to see that Aquarius energy dominates.  Pluto is already in Aquarius and here in February it’s being joined by Mercury, Mars, and Venus as well as a New Moon all before or around the month’s half-way point.  This is making the shortest month of the year quite a stand-out.  One which will reverberate throughout the rest of the year for sure.

With all this activity drenched in Aquarius energy, the themes I spoke about in my Pluto in Aquarius reading are being amplified exponentially throughout the better part of February.

The stand-out energy of the month in my book however is Mars in Aquarius.  While this happens mid-month on around the 13th I predict its lead-in effects will be felt at least a week prior to that.  Mars is my star of the show this month because there is so much clarity around that’s carried over from Uranus going direct in Taurus at the end of January that Mars in Aquarius has a harmonizing effect on all of the surrounding energies which allows for and gives us ALL (low vibrational people in particular) the strength and wisdom to “reverse” decisions.  Yup that’s right.  That troublesome aspect of runners and other lower vibrational people alike of not being able to admit when they got something wrong, which jams up soulmate-cycles and societal energies big time is all but gone in the month of February.  Higher vibrational people typically have no trouble with this because they aren’t trying to protect their precious ego, but even they will have some added bravery and gumption in this department.

Mars’ effect is further amplified when it blends with the energy of Venus joining it in Aquarius on the 16th.  Venus’ energy in Aquarius adds a spark of creativity to the mix.  I think for the soulmate-cycle it will unlock yet again that free-spirit energy that lives in the soul of the DM side that’s usually pushed down so far even I can’t find it half the time…

No matter how you slice it and no matter what your sign is February 2024’s core-energy i.e. the environmental energies that will be surrounding us is drenched in the beginnings of this year’s massive forward movement.  Which will be welcome after January’s slower setup type energy.  But I should point out that setup months like January have to happen.  They’re never much fun, and sometimes they can be a down-right pain in the ass.  But without them the energies don’t have a chance to line up correctly.  And that’s never good, because things don’t go smoothly when that happens.

In February the energies are lined up just right.  For MANY of you February 2024 will be a very serendipitous month.  Fortunate situations, people, and things will seemingly land in your lap so to speak.  But some of these serendipitous happenings will be influenced by Mars in Aquarius and will come from things you once saw as a mistake or a bad option or vice versa.  Remember, under these energies Mars in Aquarius is providing the courage and wisdom on some level to reverse decisions and directions.  But also remember that cuts both ways.  So for some of you it’s not just about reversing a decision or decisions from a positive to a negative, i.e. a yes to a no, it can also be about reversing decisions from a negative to a positive.  Which can play out as a no to a yes, or someone you once saw as bad, now suddenly could show you their very positive hidden meaning to your life.

On SLT it should be an interesting albeit a challenging month of readings for me.  Mostly because of the nature of the energies there will likely be several “random” reads peppered into the mix.  This is because the energies of February this year in particular with so much activity in Aquarius will be anything but predictable.  Let’s not forget that Aquarius is ruled in part by Uranus.  And our old unpredictable friend Uranus is now moving direct once again.  Sure there’s clarity with that, but also I’m sure quite a few energies coming out of the blue.  So expect an interesting month for sure.  — Cheers

Special reads coming late Jan-February 2024
(As readings are completed, links are added)

_____Reads in February 2024  begin below______

The above are “special” planned readings.  They’re generally listed in the order I plan to pull them.  Of course along with the readings listed above the usual random timeless reads and individual sign energy update mayhem will ensue as the energy dictates.  There will also be as usual “Singles reads”, “Cure for Cancer” reads, “3 card” reads, TF Journey, & Schrodinger’s Cat reads peppered in along the way.


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