August 2023

The Month Ahead:  “August 2023”

– Written by Steve’s Love Tarot

August 2023 is astrologically speaking basically a full moon sandwich (blue moon moon) with a full moon in Aquarius on August 1st which makes it easy for us to let go of outdated thoughts, ideas, and feelings about ourselves and others.  And a full moon in Pisces on the 30th of the month which is very dreamy as always, but because Neptune in Pisces is already retrograde and Uranus goes into retrograde just prior to it in earthy Taurus, those dreams are easier to sort out, which makes it easier to figure out which ones are realistic or just fantasy.

But August’s energy has a deep ravine running right through it.  A big gaping hole between the beginning of the month and the end of the month.  And this is thanks to one of the most powerful “Lion’s gate” portal energies that I personally have ever felt or even thought possible.  This ultra powerful Lion’s gate portal energy which peaks on August 8th dominates the month.  There is LITERALLY not much if any astrological influence around it, as though an explosion went off and leveled the ground, this year’s Lion’s gate energy is what I like to call a “ground zero” energy.  What I mean is after the full moon on the 1st, there’s NOTHING but Lion’s gate energy in-play until around the 16th of the month when the New Moon in LEO rolls in, but even that just adds to the Lion’s gate energy by basically giving it a booster-shot.  With the exception of Neptune (now retrograde in Pisces) in a semi-sextile with the north node of destiny in Aries on the 15th (which is a separate issue, which only adds to the reality-check that is this month) that’s about it astrologically until around the 23rd of the month when the Sun enters Virgo followed by Mercury going retrograde in Virgo, Uranus going retrograde, Mars changes signs blah blah blah.  It’s as though all of this is getting pushed and crammed into the end of the month thanks to the Lion’s gate energy.  That’s not what’s actually happening, but it sure looks like it, and it’ll sure feel like it too.

An important Uranus retrograde in earthy Taurus occurs on the 28th, just a day after Mars moves into “keep the peace/thought provoking” Libra.  Mars in Libra combined with the energy of Uranus retrograde in Taurus adds a practical realism to the energetic environment, which is best explained though example by people actually doing what they say they’re going to do for once “IF” it can be done.  These energies combined on the runner’s side should help to remove their usual emotional laziness / excuse machine defense mechanisms.  And furthermore this energy gets an added boost as it blends with the month’s second (blue) full moon (in Pisces) on the 30th.

This month hands down is all about Lion’s gate though.  The energy of it is everywhere.  For the the DF side I predict that it brings with it a lot of change.  Change mostly in the way of new love opportunities, but this can also relate to career, housing, and self-love as well.  i.e. you may love who your are or where you are a lot more, which only makes you more attractive to others.  Typically this manifests as you being able to see more angles on things, i.e. more perspective.  So it’s a bit of a feedback loop, where one side feeds the other.  I look at this year’s Lion’s gate energy as a protective bubble of sorts.  Sort of like a chrysalis, where the DF side emerges as a really awesome looking butterfly.  You can picture August energetically in your mind’s eye as two islands split apart by a massively deep lake that’s calm on the surface but if you were to dive in, would have an overpowering undercurrent.  Which on the DM side may cause some drowning so to speak.  Which is okay, sometimes that’s how we all learn lessons.

While the DF side I think will stay out of the deep water and float nicely on the surface of that lake, the DM side which encompasses most of the runners in this soulmate cycle I think will feel the effect this energy has on the DF side as a threat of some kind.  This is good because I think that by default this will bring some serious and I mean serious realities home for them, and they may just finally sink in for once.  I say never fight the energy flow, but with something like this year’s Lion’s gate energy the rule is the same for swimming.  The worst thing you can do is thrash around if there’s an undercurrent.  It’s best to stay calm and stay afloat. 

This year’s portal season which kicks off with Lion’s gate is no joke by any means.  And we’ve seen hints of this in recent readings as Towers have been falling on Devils, and 5 cups has been emerging in soul energy positions.  All of this is as I see it a setup for the realities and maybe emotional breakdowns on the runner’s side in particular that August brings in.

Overall it’s a powerful month, but it’s power is deceptively quiet.  As I said the surface of “Lake Lion’s gate” is calm.  Most of the more obvious astrological alignments pulling on the core energies around us happens late in the month, and it’s all crammed together a bit.  That Lion’s gate bubble of energy in the middle creates a wide space for its powerful effects to take-hold.  So don’t let the calm surface fool you, it’s powerful enough underneath to create a space for itself right smack in the middle of the month.  So it’s powerful enough to bring about a lot of change.

As always I’ll pull on all of it and walk you through the month as we see it all play out together in real-time.  This is a month I’m sure where the calendar below doesn’t tell the whole story.  I’m sure there will be MANY super-random reads which don’t appear in the “planned” list of reading below.  As I said August is powerful but deceptively quiet on the surface.  And when that happens things, situations, people, changes, and events tend to pop up quite suddenly like a Jack-in-the-box on crack.  Certainly it’s safe to say that in August 2023, every day will bring something new.  New adventures possibly, and new changes definitely!! 


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