Woops! Did I say that?

Saturn will be going direct on or around the 23rd of the month.  But its effects will be felt a few days prior to that.  Combining with Saturn are the energies of Mercury and Mars, which itself will be going retrograde on or around the 30th.   Mercury will enter Scorpio a deep water energy on the 29th.  Jupiter retrograding back into Pisces on the 28th will have a spiritual effect.  Anyone or anything that’s important to us, will become top priority.

But I want to talk about the combined energies of Saturn, Mars, and Mercury, and an important effect they’ll have on things.  These combined energies have already been showing up in the readings as a lack of fear.  Usually around the runner for example there is fear.  Fear of rejection, (which is rich right?!) and/or a fear of saying too much or the wrong thing.  The energies of Saturn, Mars, and Mercury together eliminate any such fears.

This might sound good, but it affects both sides, DF and DM, and furthermore it’s a bit of a double-edged sword.  While this energy is great for FINALLY telling someone how you feel or discussing anything you’ve been afraid to bring up, these energies in an equal and opposite reaction can make us in an almost drunken way say things that we didn’t mean to say.

This ties to one of the most common apologies we as people offer.  We say something mean in a heated moment, then later apologize saying something like, “I’m sorry for what I said.“.  Psychology teaches us that this is a false apology.  It’s all in the wording.  If you read between the lines what we’re really saying is, “I’m sorry those words came out of my mouth, I think them, and feel them, but you weren’t supposed to hear them.”  By contrast if someone says simply, “I am soooo sorry” and stops there, they’re apologizing for the sentiment and the words.  It doesn’t make they’re words any less true, but it does show remorse on a deeper level.  That’s just a bit of psychology for you to keep an eye out for with anyone in your life.

But therein lies the rub of this Saturn, Mercury, Mars, energy.  YES the fear is gone, but we’re dealing with runners (DM mostly) who have been suppressing a lot of feelings.  A toxic Ace of Cups has formed.  This “toxic” nature of the emotion and an almost resentment towards offering it can lead to some blurting out of things they don’t mean to say.  Oh they mean the words, but they don’t mean to have you hear them.  lol…  On the DF side there’s a lot of anger for being put through all of this.  While it has benefited them in making them stronger, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few things they’d like to say.  And those things could very well come out under this fearless energy.

Under this energy we don’t care about consequences, or what other people think.  We’re bold in our speech, and tell it like it is, surrounded by a fearless energy.  This can mean true feelings being expressed but those true feelings will likely be a mix of good, “I love you”, and bad, “I don’t want to love you”.  With variations on each of course.. I’m generalizing..

So my point here is holding back will be difficult under this energy for both sides involved.  Diarrhea of the mouth is common symptom of this type of energy.  So take some Pepto DFs, and remember your runner doesn’t have any.

This energy is a whole lotta be careful what you wish for.  The opportunity for communication has never and likely will never for some time be stronger, but with fear removed all bets are off.  The 5 of wands has been coming up quite often in certain contexts, and I have to take note of that because the universe always hints at what’s to come, and I’m getting the hint..

I agree that the fear being taken out of the equation is a good thing that can finally lead to progress.  However, a little bit of fear is always okay.  It prevents us from blurting out any toxic emotions, things we’ve held back because they’re not necessary for the other person to hear.  These things we blurt out are devil energy yes, but energy non the less.  So again, it’s great that the fear is removed, but it might not be great that ALL of it has been removed.

I tell you all this and I’m sure it’ll come up in readings anyway, but I tell you all this because I want you to be careful as the month comes to an end and bleeds into November.  These energies of no fear of expression will be with us for the rest of the year and into 2023.  They’re not just about the soulmate cycle.  They apply to neighbors, friends, co-workers, anyone you come into contact with.  This energy can embolden you, but it can also make you sloppy, and sometimes a bit too brash.  If you’re aware of this, you can control it.  In theory anyway..  So I’m making you aware of it, and maybe you’ll discount others for their words or behavior if for no other reason than they’re unware of the energies in play.

As for the runners, well… All of this energy explains why the eclipse season is so important, and that season begins right in the middle of all this Saturn, Mars, Mercury energy.

All of my readings are well thought out.  Meaning I’ve been pulling on Mercury for a reason, and I’ve been pulling on the moons and Pluto etc. for a reason.  All of my readings tie together to tell a story that’s unfolding within the energy.  Steve’s Love Tarot is ME studying the cycle, and the energies, and YOU getting to watch, ad hopefully learn a trick or two.  Notice I say hopefully, I’m not arrogant, and I’m not the warlock on the hill, but I do know a thing or two and I’m happy to share those things with anyone who wants to listen.

October is a 2 part story.  Part 1 we’ve covered, it culminated with the 10/10 portal.  Part 2 begins with Saturn Direct.

Now what of the eclipses?  Why are they as the cards have been showing us so important?  The new moon eclipse on October 25th is very much a reap what you sow energy.  Which is why you should read this short but important article again…  If your runner shows up in this energy they will reveal themselves through everything they say.  Both the good things and the outbursts matter.  The things you say will matter.  We keep seeing the Ace of Swords, which means there’s a lot of truth in play.  Truth is beginning to make a comeback in the soulmate cycle and I can tell you thankfully in societal energy as well.

Always remember that even if things are blurted out in anger or in a heated discussion, they’re always true..  In fact the heated energy often makes them more true than anything else being said.

The runner’s and other people will do what they do.  We can’t control that.  But we can control ourselves.  We may be able to apologize for saying the words, but it’s the sentiment that always matters more, it carries more energetic weight.  So be careful what you blurt out..  Someone might accept your apology, but they’ll never never stop feeling the sentiment.
