Wonder-Twin Powers ACTIVATE!!

On a recent extended I talked about “Externally Activated Energy”.  It’s a very specific energy which is actually quite common in today’s society and as the cards displayed a very good explanation for the energies around many of your runner soulmates, and in some cases the runners themselves.  In this article I’m going to elaborate on this energy a bit in an effort to help you spot people who are externally activated, and hopefully either avoid them, or pity them if you choose.  Because fixing them is nearly impossible.

So what is “Externally Activated Energy”?  First off it’s not “technically” a term I came up with.  It’s something most energy readers, real-deal ones anyway are aware of.  Many also refer to this energy as “Patching”.  Whatever you want to call it you won’t find many if any writings or videos about it because most real-deal energy readers as I often tell you are NOT on YouTube, nor do they write blogs.  We’re all a bunch of hermits..  We come down from the hill for supplies once a month.. LOL..

No SLT pun intended but among energy readers I’m a bit of a Rainbow-Unicorn.  Most of the ones I know think I’m crazy to be on YouTube or doing this blog.  This is because as my good friend Yoshi puts it, “people won’t understand”.

Well, I respectfully disagree with that, and as luck would have it one of my superpowers is explaining complex things in homespun easy to understand ways.  So let me take a whack at it here…

“Externally Activated Energy” is actually so common you’ve all experienced people suffering from it.  Maybe you have a friend, and in this case I use the word “friend” loosely who acts all nice and kind and loving when you’re around them, but when you’re not there and they’re with other people they bad-mouth you, or gossip about you.  Truth be told most of the people I see on reality shows like Love Island or Bachelor type shows suffer from Externally Activated Energy.  There’s a reason for this of course…  One of the main causes of externally activated energy is “attention seeking”..

So how’s the energy of these people different from other people’s??  Well ideally you want to be “internally activated”.  Like me for example..  Internally activated people have solid energy.  It’s smooth output with no leaks shall we say.  Internally activated people are not dependent upon others for validation of any kind.  By contrast, externally activated people put simply have energy with holes in it.  It literally has holes that leak energy.  As an analogy, if energy was water and you were talking to one of these people, they would literally be standing in a puddle of their own energy as it poured out of them.

As these “holes” (metaphor of course) leak energy the person requires other people’s energy to fill in the holes to balance out in order to behave or even feel properly.  This can reflect in people 1000 different ways.  However usually this reflects in a two-faced type behavior.  So they act differently around different groups of people.  Because those other people’s energy is filling in the gaps of their own energy.  And each group of people offers a different filler energy shall we say.  So they behave one way around you, and another way around other people.

So how do those holes get there?  The answer is complex.  But as always I’ve got a simple answer.  To simplify it and I mean really simplify it they get the holes in their energy thus making it Externally Activated by either long-term deep depression or self-loathing, or too much self-focus creating a false ego and delusions of grandeur.

Good examples of this that most can understand would be rock stars and celebs in general.  They have too much external energy coming at them without any blocks or compartmentalization in place to protect themselves.  This energetic effect is akin to shooting the side of a barn with 12 gauge buckshot.  it puts a lot of holes in it.  Those holes leak energy, but they also let things into the barn shall we say..  And usually these things are devil energy, i.e. very low or ultra-low vibration.

As I said on a recent extended reading, in the case of rock stars they play to large crowds, night after night in front of 10’s of thousands of people each night, with no blocks in place because as they will all tell you, they love the energy, it’s like a drug to them.  Trust me, they eat it up!!  Which is horribly dangerous unless you’re a Steve-type..  LOL..

And yes it is a drug, on the physiological side the crowd’s energy releases endorphins, which are more addictive than heroine.  So yes, they get addicted to the rush.  But endorphins are energy, and only understanding the physiological side is just a scratch of the surface of what’s “really” going on.

Everything is energy, so we must understand energy to get to the core of any issue.  On the energy side the energy from the crowd creates holes in the rock-star’s energy.  So they’re fine if the crowd is there or the cameras are on, but when they’re back home and alone they often get angry, or depressed, and they feel bad about themselves, and often get hooked on drugs or alcohol to compensate for the lack of incoming energy.  For many of them the incoming energy of the crowd was already filling holes put there in their childhood by shitty parents or a rough go of it in general.  On the flip of depression some will act arrogant when not in front of the crowd because their own personal energy leaks through the holes, so they try to fill the leaked energy back in with ego.  So in a nutshell front of the crowd they’re higher vibration because they’re getting the external energy they need, and away from the crowd all that energy leaks out and lowers their vibration.

This same concept applies to a back-stabbing two-faced friend, or the people around your runners who aim to control them or keep you two apart by any and all means..  Some of you have runners who were given false information about you by a supposed friend of theirs or yours or both.  etc. etc. etc.

The rock star example is just that, an example.  The same can be said of some celebs who are one way when the cameras are on and another way when the camera is off.  Usually when the camera is on they’re kind and super cool.  Maybe even wholesome.  When the cameras are off, they’re depressed, or worse yet maybe even an evil asshole or arrogant etc. for reasons I’ve already explained.

On video I mentioned my elderly neighbors.  They’re Externally Activated on crack!!  When I walk by them and they’re at the end of their driveway talking to other neighbors they wave at me like I’m their favorite grandson.  But one on one with them, they’re pure evil to me and always have been right from day 1.  They complain about everything I do.  My car is too loud, I work on it too much, my guitar is too loud, I park in the wrong spot… the list goes on…  I figured out long ago they were externally activated.  In their case their energy is full of holes because they’re at the end of their lives and disappointed by how their lives turned out.  I cant’ say I blame them, they moved into the neighborhood when I was in 6th grade, and now they’re pushing 80 and never really did anything but yard-work.  Even their own children never come to visit.  I’ve talked to their son on occasion and even he thinks they’re evil.  But the other neighbors have just the right mix of energy for them, and they’re sweet as pie around them.  Most of the neighborhood thinks they’re a sweet old couple.  And trust me, they’re anything but…!!

They need the energy of others to fill in the leaks in their energy.  In case you’re wondering why my energy doesn’t help them..  My energy doesn’t activate them because I’m Steve and I’m the energy guy.  I have pretty powerful blocks in place all the time to keep low vibrational people away from me.  Not only are these blocks the reason why my channel doesn’t have 500K followers instead of just 100K, they also prevent externally activated people from accessing my energy out in the real world.  So with my neighbors the leaking holes in their energy continue to leak while they’re around me.  So in effect I make them feel miserable about themselves and they take it out me in the form of busy-body bitchiness.  I refuse to EVER let energy vampires feed on my high-end premium brand energy..  Off the record, I find them amusing.  It’s kinda funny to have some crazy old lady wave a cane at you and call you an idiot..  LOL.  Sometimes I imagine I’m in a cartoon, and she’s a skunk or a chipmunk..

It’s not surprising this Externally Activated Energy topic came up in a recent extended reading.  As I said it’s pretty common in our society today.  This wasn’t the case in the 90’s or even the early 2000’s.  Our society today all wants to be famous.  They want to be influencers, and that’s all fine and good, but it creates the same effect as the crowd does to the rock star.  Fame or popularity should be the by-product, not the end goal.  For too many today it’s the end-goal, and that’s backwards from how it used to be and should be for a healthy society.

I blame the internet and I blame social media.  Fame changed when the internet came around.  I saw it happen here in Hollywood.  All of a sudden people were becoming famous for no apparent reason other than they’re some heiress or entitled fuckwit asshole rather than any talent they’ve honed over years.  The word “fame” has been devalued in our society even more than the word “genius” has thanks to the internet and social media.

But we’re way too far gone to fix this, and neither the internet or social media are going away anytime soon.  So my blame is moot and I digress..

For me it’s easy, I can read people like a book.  If I can’t read their energy for some reason I can read their micro-expressions or body language.  So it’s a cakewalk for me to not allow any low-vibration energies OR externally activated types anywhere near me.  But for many of you it’s more difficult.  For example someone reading this blog article right now I’m sure just figured out that their backstabbing gossiping supposed friend has externally activated energy.  Well.. now you know, and my advice is to avoid these types of people.  NEVER surround yourself with low vibrational people.  They attract devil energy.  And the people we surround ourselves with can bleed their energy onto us, or worse yet suck us dry of our own quality energy.  Truth is you should know who’s who in your life anyway based purely on the psychology principle of it’s people’s actions that show you who they are and almost never the words coming out of their mouths.  But many people ignore this in favor of flattery or more often misplaced loyalties.

Personally I classify “Externally Activated Energy” as a disease.  It’s not contagious.  But if you spend too much time around these types of people some of their behavior may rub off as it often does and you yourself might end up with a mild case of it by association.  You can’t help anyone like this, usually they’re too far gone.  Normally it takes a deep spiritual journey to fix the holes in the energy so they stop leaking and requiring external sources to function with balance.  But getting a self-focused attention seeker or the other side of the coin a depressed person with low self-worth to go on a spiritual journey is nothing anyone can do.  They have to want to do it for themselves.  So again, they can’t be helped, just pointed in a the right direction.  Like a wind-up toy on a kitchen table, the best you can do is point them in a straight line and hope they don’t fall off the side of the table.

So with this article when you see this behavior in  someone.  Don’t just label them as a phony, or a back-stabber.  Understand that there’s an energetic reason for it.

Being an externally activated person is like having an addiction.  It’s like being chained to a cigarette or a drug of some kind.  Because whether it’s the celebrity in front of a camera, the rock star in front of a crowd, a friend who says they love you but back-stabs you to others, or my neighbors who are only nice when other people are around….  Anyone with externally activated energy requires other people’s energetic input to function properly..

If you want to avoid being externally activated yourself…  It’s simple…  Like I’ve said many times, and the great Sammy Hagar once sang back in 1988…  “Stop looking out, start looking in,,,,be your own best friend.”..   My point is, the way to avoid becoming externally activated is to simply be internally activated.   It boils down to not self-worth and not seeking approval from others as always.

Externally activated people have very low self-worth no matter which side of the spectrum they’re on.  They’re all basically low vibration two-faced assholes.  But we must have some empathy for them.  Because they weren’t born this way, they allowed it to happen to them in ways I’ve already explained..
