Two Twelves DEFINITELY make a right!!

On Sunday December 11th I’ll be pulling an All Signs reading for the 12:12 portal energies..  This is a very misunderstood portal energy.

I’ll talk about this on the reading of course, but I thought I would mention this here in advance of the reading so you can get a head-start…

A head-start on what you may ask??  Well unless you’re a real-deal energy reader with actual inexplicable abilities to pick up on energies you probably are among those who make a new year’s resolution on or at the new year.  Meaning you say as of January 1st I’ll never do this or that again, or I’ll change this or that etc.  Late night comedians have a field day with new year’s resolutions often joking about how quickly we seem to forget them..  There actually IS an energetic reason for this.. New Year’s day, i.e. January 1st is the 1st day of the Gregorian calendar.  It has nothing to do with energy or anything more than us tracking the Earth’s movement around the sun on a piece of paper.  In other words it’s a human thing not a universe thing.  It’s total B.S.

That said, in energy terms the energetic new year happens at or around the 11:11 portal.  Which by way rarely opens exactly on 11:11.  Numerology puts it there, but energy does what it will.  In fact speaking for myself I recall in 1997 the 11:11 portal opened on 11/21.  Anyway, the 11:11 portal is the energetic new year technically.  So it’s a good time to manifest for example.  However, the activation of that energetic new year energy is at the 12:12 portal.  Meaning in true energy-speak if you actually want to make a “new year’s resolution” the 12:12 portal time-frame is when you make it and begin it.  January 1st is too late, the portal is closed by then…  Which is why most resolutions fade away with little or no energetic wind behind them.  People think the new year is January 1st.  It’s NOT!!!  It’s actually the time period between 11/11 and around Christmas i.e. December 25th ish..  Energy is fluid so that’s why I say “ish”..

I don’t fault people for not knowing this.  Most people are oblivious to the energies around them.  This is easy for someone like me to see by the way they live their lives in general.  Which in part is why I’m here.  I want to help people to live life a little better by understanding the energies around them.  Most people just rely on the calendar.  But as I said the calendar is just a man-made thing, there so we know what day it is for our dentist appointment or mom’s birthday etc.

There’s more going on with the 12:12 portal of course, and I’ll cover that in the reading.  In fact it’s going to be a bit of a wild-card reading.  I’m not quite sure what it will be about, or where it’ll go.  The energy of the 12:12 portal is a STRONG current this year.  So I’m just gonna float on it on my inner-tube on YouTube and let the energy current take me for ride.  It should be a really cool reading, I’m looking forward to it.

However on the “NEW YEAR’s RESOLUTION” front.  NOW (December 10th thru the 15th) is the IDEAL time to make it and set it in motion.  NOT on January 1st, which energetically is a meaningless day.  As is evident by it being most people’s hangover day..  LOL..

So if you want your resolution to stick the 12:12 portal is when you make it.  So don’t miss it.  Make those resolutions NOW!!  Put them out there to the universe with your soul, with feeling, and begin the process through the end of December ‘ish” of living those resolutions.  The universe will add wind to your sails shall we say if you do it this way..  If you wait until after Christmas or the beginning of January you won’t have any energetic “magic” behind you.

When I track my life back on timelines, I see much evidence that the new year as we know it actually begins on or around December 12th…  I say on or around because there is no time in the energy.  In fact the actual 12:12 portal energy this years as I calculate it will likely peak around the 14th, NOT the 12th itself..

I thought this might be a helpful tip for many of you..  I have read a lot of new age websites and watched a few of the unicorn rainbow readers on YouTube, and nobody seems to really get the portal energy correct.  They all seem to make it far more mystical than it is.  In reality i.e. in “Steve-speak” it’s just a jump-start of energy.  The job of any portal energy is to get the motor running shall we say.  Which is why if fades fairy quickly.  Like those little jump-start units that fire up your dead battery.  They send a burst of energy, not long lasting flow of it.

That said, take my words for what they’re worth to you.  And those words are for you to use this 12:12 portal energy and this advice from ME, someone who knows what the fuck they’re talking about to get your new year’s resolutions out there in the energy currents…  If you wait until the calendar new year, i.e. January 1st as most people do, you’ll end up in the group joked about in late night comedian fodder.  Because those resolutions won’t be worth the air you spoke them on energetically speaking.  12:12 offers you a little cosmic help, and by a little, I mean A LOT!!!
