Timelines – “Schrodinger’s cat for President”

Since my previous article I’ve noticed that many people have a hard time with the concept of Schrodinger’s cat.  A few who wrote in via Twitter, including one obvious staunch and very angry Trumper couldn’t see the forest for the trees in my previous article..  That’s probably my fault.  I wrote example, I talked about the energy around my niece and her unfounded fears.  I talked about baseball..

So let me be SUPER clear…  Everything is Schrodinger’s cat.  I read timelines, it’s one of my superpowers.  It’s part of what makes me useful to my friends, and family and all of you out on YouTube…  However timelines never show us what leads to them happening or not happening, they simply show the path.  This is built into the energy so that we learn and grow.  That’s why we’re here in these 3D vessels that we call bodies..  If I or anyone could just “know” the answer then we wouldn’t learn anything.  It’d be like a teacher that just gave the students the teacher’s edition of the book..  LOL..  Although I know we’d all love that, it wouldn’t serve any true purpose..  Copying the answer is not learning.  In copy mode, we learn nothing.  That’s why cheating accomplishes little in the way of gaining knowledge.

Let me be political for once.  Since several of you seem to need it.  This like everything is about energy.  Everything is Schrodinger’s cat as I’ve said.  We don’t know if the cat is alive or dead until we open the box, i.e. make a choice…  This applies to a new job you take, a love you make, or a new president we elect.

This might alarm you, but it shouldn’t.  The timeline I and many prophets in fact are reading in regards to America, shows the US splitting.  It shows it dividing into multiple federal governments, rather than one centralized government.  We’re on this timeline RIGHT NOW!!  This divide happens by the early 2030’s with its beginning around 2015 to 2016, growing closer and closer with each passing year and event.

The energy that’s around us now is a divisional energy cycle.  It operates under a haze of illusion and what I call conspiracy-type devil frequency energy.  And as I’ll share with you its been here before.  In a regular predictable cycle I might add.  Suffice as to say it’s right on schedule here in our present day.

To be clear, (especially for the angry Trumper) what I’m NOT saying is that if Trump wins this division of America comes true.  Nor am I saying if the Dems win this doesn’t come true.  In fact either side winning could be the cause of this divide.  For example if the Dems win it could cause social unrest. We’ve already seen the violent nature of the other side.  In fact I as I said I heard from one of them.  Easily one of the most low vibration people I’ve ever gotten a tweet from by the way.  The make America great side is convinced that if they lose they were cheated.  They base this on something they were told by someone.  It isn’t true, but it’s devil energy, it creates easy to swallow conspiracies and illusions..  So perhaps the Dems winning leads us down this road of divide as the other side revolts.  This makes the Dems actually the bad guys in more ways than one.

It’s equally possible that if the other side the Republicans win they cause the divide.  Certain states revolt for example..  Who knows??  My point is NOT ME, and NOT ANYONE..  I’m neutral, I’m just telling you what the timeline says…  The timeline gives us no indication of what puts us on the course or gets us off of it.  It only tells us which way the wind is blowing right now.  Uncertainty principle tells us that wind can change at any time, or equally as likely stay its course.

It’s funny how people will hang on my every word about energy on YouTube when it comes to someone they love, but if I dare talk about other energy, I’m wrong, I’m this, I’m that, I’m sent by Binden.  LOL…  I assure you I was not.  I despise politics.  But I keep myself informed.  Why?  Because it’s the wise thing to do.  Anyway, it’s all the same energy.  The soulmate cycle is always a reflection of the societal energy..  Plain and simple…

If you want my honest opinion, either side winning could result in the timeline I spoke of coming to fruition…  I don’t know, no one knows.  We don’t know until we open Schrodinger’ box and see which universe we’re in..  It’s a pretty simple concept and I can’t explain it any more simply than I have.

The problem comes from rigid thinking.  Each side is too rigid in believing the other side is wrong.  It creates a “my way or the highway” attitude.  Which is not only not what America is or ever was about, but it also creates a divided nation.  I blame that on this energy cycle.  It’s a divide and conquer type energy.  That in and of itself is a problem as it can lead only to unrest and no compromises being reached.  Each side in its own way hears what they want to hear, and reads what they want to read.  And that negative rigid energy feeds itself, and then is fed by the media even more..  More and more people are falling under it.  It’s even spreading more to the Dem side in fact.  This is because this energy spreads like a cancer, that’s an easy way to put it I suppose… Meaning, cancers begin in one place then spread to other places..  The more it spreads, the more fucked you are.

I don’t vote, I don’t care.  Why??  because I understand the concept of Schrodinger’s cat.  Just like any empire that’s ever existed America’s direction will be determined by its choices.  But its core fate is already written.  It is only the inevitable which can be delayed by choices.  We’re either in the universe where the cat is dead, or alive.  That said, I’m a neutral observer of the energy.  I have to be.  I’m always the student…  I have to be able to see all sides equally, or I do myself or no one any good..

One very angry Trumper who wrote into me (obviously well under the spell of this energy cycle) thought I was against his candidate.  I’m not sure why?  I find Trump amusing actually.  Scary, but amusing none the less.  Truthfully I’m not for or against either side.  I just want to study the energy.

What might surprise that Trumper is the truth.  I’m about to prove them wrong actually.  If I was a betting man, and I’m not, but if I was, and someone asked me to make a choice based on the energy, the timeline I see, and all of the data from history and in the news etc.  To be honest I would have to wager a bet that the great divide, the breakup of America is more likely to happen if the Dems win…  Purely because as I said the other side is low vibrational and quite violent as most low vibrational people are…  It’s their way or the highway.  I mean come on, they brought a hangman’s noose to the capital.  You don’t need proof of that violent nature do you??  But in their defense they’re not stupid people.  I don’t like it when people call them stupid in the media.  That low vibration is only because of a temporary conspiracy-type devil energy around them..  They’re unaware of it, and  it has a good hold on them because they’re ignorant of it.  In fact this type of energy lives and dies by its victim not knowing its upon them.

The good news is this energy wears off, it has a life-cycle.  The current cycle of energy runs out around late 2027-2028..  That doesn’t mean it’s over.  It just means by then the damage is done and course of fate is set in motion.

The energy around us right now as I’ve been telling you in regard to the current soulmate cycle is the very same energy that was around during WWII.  It occurs in a cycle of every 80 to 90 years in a regular pattern.  WW1 was the setup period for the energy, that led to WWII.  There’s always a 5 to 10 year setup period.  Prior to the WWII the era of this energy was the Civil War here in the US..  Again an energy of division.  The south and the north.  Well in WWII it ended with a division, the East and the West of Germany.  Energy never repeats exactly the same way.  The peripheral energy is always different.  But the basic pattern remains the same.

OH, and in case you want one more example, prior to the civil war time this energy occurred around the revolutionary war.  Again a divisional energy, dividing the colonies from England.  The energy cycle seems to work back and forth between centering over Europe and then North America.  Right now of course it’s over North America primarily.  But the effect is worldwide usually.  Hence, world wars being a big part of its past cycles.

There are no coincidences here.  Any good energy reader, of which I am a decent one studies history.  History is important to spotting energetic cycles and patterns.  Everything is energy and energy is always cycles.  It comes around and around…  Just like weather, just like seasons, just like electricity is measured in cycles and just like that astrology you all love and follow so much.  It’s all cycles…

So get off my back…  I’m the good guy here.  I would be remiss as your energy weatherman to not say something.  Why shouldn’t you notice the patterns of energy that affect your life and your world?  The problem is most people are oblivious to them.  History seems to be forgotten.  In WWII it was the old power and the Nazi power.  Here in our present as the energy returns is the old power and a new power.  Same divide, same energy… new peripheral circumstances.

I’m just giving you the energy and pointing things out to you..  Most people never make these energetic cycle connections.  Most people don’t even research the issues for that matter.  I don’t know which choice is the better choice.  I don’t know which choice leads to the timeline I and hundreds of prophets see of the US breaking apart.  That’s for you to decide personally.  But as an energy reader I’M TELLING YOU, make sure it IS your decision and not the energy around you deciding for you..

How do you know if it is??  If you’re inclined to believe conspiracies and lies despite mounds of evidence.  If you mistrust due to seeds of doubt planted in you.  That’s not you!!  That’s your first clue because that’s exactly what this energy does.  Take my advice or not.  I don’t give a shit…  It’s good advice though.

I hope we divert from the timeline.  I hope we make the right choice.  But we don’t know what that “right” choice is until we make it.  In fact there may not even be a right choice.  Either choice might lead us down this road which many speculate.  I can see the merit in that assessment.  Much damage has already been done by this energy and the people caught in its proverbial spell.  My fingers are crossed as I sit back and watch.

However let’s be honest…  Most will not snap out of this energy cycle and its illusions in time for the 2024 election.  So that’s kind of the lynch pin of the future.  It’s more important than most realize.

Hopefully this clears things up and you understand why I and other energy readers always take a neutral stance.  It’s because we understand the concept of Schrodinger’s cat.  Both sides of the political coin are what they are.  When you look at it from that starting point it’s easy to be both objective and entertained on many levels by it all.

I’m just an energy reader, telling you what I read.  But you don’t need me to do that here or anywhere.  Just get informed.  Get educated.  You don’t need an energy reader, you just need to read some history books, and open your eyes.  History can show it all to you..  History will help you spot cycles and patterns in the energy.  It’s fascinating study I assure you…  I find it fascinating to be living in the 1940’s, mid 1800’s and late 1700’s all at once…  And that’s exactly what’s happening energetically speaking anyway…

On the political side just for fun I’ll play Devil’s advocate.  Sometimes in life you don’t get a clear choice.  You have to choose between two not so ideal options.  America lost itself in greed and self-focus somewhere along the way.  Its values have waned.  As I’ve said, in the case of America the divisional nature of the current energy cycle MAY likely make either side winning the cause of the country’s break-up into multiple federal governments.  Anything is possible, there may be no escape from this divide.  That’s the nature of Schrodinger’s cat.  You don’t know until you’re in the middle of it and a choice has been made.  Which is why it’s better to be informed and smart, than to fall for the illusions and haze of the current energy cycle.  It’s easy to snap out of this type of energy though.  The cure is doing your own research, and not relying on the agendas of independent or even mainstream media.  Both sides have published publicly their agendas, so research is hardly difficult.  Be your own best friend.  Stop looking out and start looking in..

As for the energy cycle itself.  Well….. This current energy cycle has the power to make even the most heinous of things and people look good.  Need proof???  We saw it with Hitler, he had this very same energy around him as I pointed out earlier when I said this energy was around last during WWII… Hitler could have told his audience that the sky wasn’t there and his audience would have believed him.

In our present day to be clear, this energy is around BOTH sides.  It is stronger around 1 side though.  Higher vibrational people can see through it through.  It’s no one’s fault, it’s just a repeating every 80 year or so energy cycle.

The Germans had two choices back in the 1930’s when Hitler took power.  Neither was great… History tells us they simply made the wrong choice.  But did they?  I argue they didn’t have a choice.  They were just in the universe where Hitler won..  Hence Schrodinger’s cat.  I used this same type of example with Back to the Future on a recent video.  Where I said, we live in the universe where M J Fox plays Marty.  Eric Stolz was never supposed to get the part in OUR universe.  So when he did, the universe corrected itself and he was fired 6 weeks in.  And there were a lot of incredible things that had to happen and happened for MJ Fox to end up with the part by the way.  Lottery winning odds to the max…  If something is supposed to happen, it’ll happen.  End of story…

The USA not unlike Germany in WWII has no good choice either..  Same energy, same boat.  But the two sides differ greatly..  This lack of “good” choice or direction is because one side is modeling themselves after Hungary (and have stated this by the way) and its Autocracy.  While the other side (the Dems) want to keep the status-quo government basically.  I’m simplifying here but neither option is acceptable, and neither is America if you understand the politics of it all, or even what America stands for, or why it was created in the first place.  It was supposed to be a country by the people for the people.  With the people having the power.  We were not supposed to elect people that love power.

The status-quo is a self-serving government that hasn’t been “for the people” in quite some time.  The other side’s agenda of making America great isn’t freedom at all.  In fact the world freedom organization under their published agenda would downgrade America to “partly-free” just like Hungary.  I don’t think the average Joe voter even though both sides have publicly published their agendas has any idea what an Autocracy is, or even what “we the people” means.  Under this energy it’s far easier to fall for the rhetoric and BS spouted out at rallies than to actually sit down and read a boring document or party mission statement.  It reminds me a bit of what happened in the UK with Brexit.  Where an uninformed and often misinformed public voted in favor of it.  Then after they learned about it said they wouldn’t have voted for it if they’d known.  Well I argue they could have known.  All they had to do was read!!!!  Or better yet listen to the thousands of educated people telling them over and over again what a shit idea it was…  lol

Either way, both sides here in the US love power.  And people that love power do not love freedom.  Your freedom limits their power, and they love power, hence they’re fighting for the right to power, NOT the right to serve YOU the public.  One can’t be pro-freedom and pro-autocracy at the same time, nor can you be pro-freedom and pro self-serving corrupt government either…  LOL…  Both options suck ass.  But to fix it, we need cooperation, i.e. balanced energy.  And under this current energy cycle that’s not possible.  All that’s possible is division, as it’s a divisional energy.  it divides, and conquers.

So in the end we’ll have to see what happens..  The nature of Schrodinger’s cat is you’re either in one universe or the other, and while you can alter timelines by making choices, you can’t alter the core universe you reside in.  If MJ Fox is supposed to be Marty Mcfly in your universe, then he sure as fuck will be one way or another..

The good news is, good or bad this energy won’t come around again for another 80 years or so…  So future generations will get a crack at fixing whatever mess we make here in the present day up until about 2028 when this current cycle of divisional energy ends and its energy dissipates away.
