2022 – The Unfinished Symphony (aka Unfinished Business)

So here I sit with a cracked Heineken and a laptop on December 15, 2021 on a very cool crisp evening.  As I grow pensive and look back upon the year I’m reminded of my prediction for the year which I made back in September of 2020.  Every year as I’v said on video I make a prediction for the coming year for friends and family usually, and this year all of you as well.  A prediction that’s based on the incoming energies as the Earth winds down to make another run around the sun.  I always make these predictions in a movie or song title sort of way because that’s me, that’s how I roll as the kids like to say.  That prediction made in September of 2020 for this past year 2021 was that it would be a year that was “Somewhere in a fairytale“.

Now many of you might say that my prediction of the energy didn’t come to pass.  Really?  It didn’t?  I find it hard to believe that any follower of my channel, Twitter, blog, or words would say such a thing.  It was everything of the sort I assure you.  My prediction was spot the fuck on!!

You’re all part of a soulmate cycle, or even if you’re not or think you’re not you still lived it and experienced the same lessons as someone who actually is.  I always say “if you found Steve’s Love Tarot you found it for a reason.“.  I say that because it’s true.  Not because I think I’m some fucking Jesus or something.  My god I would be an arrogant fuck to think such a thing!!  No, I say it because it’s true.  Energetically everything happens for a reason.  We don’t live in a random universe as science once believed.  In fact it’s quite predicable.  Physics teaches us that everything that has ever happened or ever will happen has already happened.  It does apply that to matter and energy, but everything is energy, so it applies by default.  And this fact gets proved to me every damn day.  Every single time I sit down in front of that table and read energy that seems eerily familiar.  Energy that I’ve felt before.  It’s just coming around in a cyclical nature.

The truth is actually much deeper than all that.  “Everything” is actually all happening at the same time, i.e. all at once.  Like a tape, everything is on it all at once.  In human terms you’re still a child, and you’re an elderly person, and you’re dead, and you’re just being born, etc. right here right now.  It’s all just on different frequencies of the same timeline.  All of those different versions of you exist at once is my point.  You’re constantly getting messages from all of them.  The messages come through your intuition, and they come through to help you.  The problem is most people don’t listen to their intuition, they listen to their damn brain.  The brain for all its glory is a doubting Thomas. It’s a real Debbie Downer buzz-kill.er in fact.  The brain or ego is there to analyze things and protect you from making silly mistakes.  It also processes all of the data coming at you in our 3D existence.  It’s job is to say, “hey dumb ass better get off the tracks a train is coming...”  In computer-speak it’s the processor, the memory, and the hard drive all rolled into one.  The soul houses something computers don’t have, and that’s emotion.  It’s in computer-speak more like a cloud.  It houses all the stuff from the old days, i.e. wisdom from our past lives, and emotional lessons learned etc.  And the list could go on but I think my point is made.

In the quantum world particles get messages from the past and the future all the time, but in their case they listen and react accordingly.  Thus keeping them from bombarding one another.  The same applies to us here in the our 3D lives/visible universe.  But as I said, we don’t listen, and thus human beings here in the 3D learn very slowly.  We are painstakingly slow to the universe.  That fickle old gal is always annoyed with us, trust me on that one… lol

The Big Bang that started it all, that brought everything into existence in less than a billionth of a second (aka a nano-second) is still happening.  The universe is still expanding from the explosion, the singularity as they call it created all of the matter and all of the energy that will ever be created.  We as humans in fact create nothing, though we think we’re pretty great.  Even when we generate electricity we only use friction to harness what’s already there.  We don’t create it.  Nor can we destroy it.  Matter and energy, two words that are interchangeable can only be transformed.  It goes from one state to another.  This applies on many levels.  This can be us dying and going back to the 5D, or it can be us learning things in the 3D and transforming our energy into something hopefully better.  Better is a loose word though.  It means a gain of some kind in energy-speak.  In horror movie-speak it’s “more power Igor“…  lol  I joke but that’s about it…

SO…… you don’t think this soon to be past year of 2021 was a fairytale do ya?  Hum… well maybe some of you aren’t as wise as I thought you were.  Let me try to clear that up for you…  Fairytales as they were originally written were horrifying.  I have some of the original Brothers Grim books, and they are terrifying.  Even as they were mellowed and later told to early 20th century children stories like the 3 little bears and Little Red Riding Hood are cautionary in nature.  They’re designed to teach lessons.  Little Red Riding Hood among others is the story of the perils of not being able to tell the Devil from the Angel, and as I mention on video sometimes this is something many get wrong and learn the hard way as Grandma gets eaten, or worse they get eaten.  And I don’t mean in the good way ladies.. lol  Fairytales are not about the happily ever after.  That’s just to end on a positive, which psychology would teach you is the key to any difficult conversation.  No, fairytales teach life lessons!!  And you all learned some this year.  I know I was there for it and I even taught many of you a trick or two.  So I’m sorry to break it to you, but 2021 was indeed “Somewhere in a fairytale“.

Even SLT is a fairytale.  It certainly was for me.  The fact that I’m even here writing this blog and on YouTube boiled was down to a last minute decision coupled with something someone said to me at the end of 2020.  Had that not happened, none of this would exist, no blog no SLT.  None of us would know of each other..  And none of you would have learned whatever it was you picked up from me.  This year for me was special.  You all are special and special to me.  But for me you all made 2021 my fairytale.  This year proved something to me about myself, something the universe itself felt I needed to learn.  It’s a long story, but it’s a story that I’ll tell someday here in the blog.  In short, my fairytale, SLT, was the universe’s way of proving to me that a couple years back I did indeed have an impact on someone where I previously thought and felt that I had none.  Basically, the impact my words had on all of you, coupled with the HUGE success of the channel and its growth was all the universe’s way of proving to me that there is still some magic left in the world……., and more importantly in this old soul of mine.

All of the above said proves the fairytale that was 2021.  We lived some real adventures this year here at SLT and offline in our lives.  Granted for many of you they were emotional adventures as well, but we all learned some valuable lessons.  Including this lesson in fairytales….

Energetically as I said to you back in September, 2022 is a repeat, a redo of 2020.  Not just for the soulmate cycle itself, but for the entire collective.  This redo was manifested in by Billions of people who felt 2020 was as it was called on Twitter “the year that got cancelled.”  So much energy went out that the energy of the universe reset to 2020.  Energetically 2022 IS 2020, with a few minor differences in outside influence energy from the astrology in play which admittedly is different from 2020.  But that astrological impact as I often say is holistic at best.  The core energy of 2022 is that of 2020.  A perfect DNA match.  And it’s already here by the way, and has been for a couple months.  Right now is basically the end of 2019 energetically.  I see signs of this everywhere, including one I mentioned on a video about a building on one of my walks.  Humans have trouble separating themselves from being human.  You must understand that the universe doesn’t go by our calendars.  Our clocks and calendars are just human beings tracking cycles of the sun around the earth and the spin of the earth itself.  That’s it.  No magic there.  Everything is energy, and energy is cycles, aka frequency as I’ve said a million times on video of course.  That’s science, no new-age anything.

So to wrap-up and be clear.  My prediction made in September of 2019 for the actual year of 2020 was that it would be the year of “The great perhaps“.  My prediction for 2021 was that it would be “Somewhere in a fairytale.”  And my prediction for 2022 made just this past September or October, on a video I might add, is that it would be the year of the “Unfinished symphony” aka “Unfinished business.

An Unfinished symphony is usually a reference to a composer who while composing a piece passed away suddenly, rendering it incomplete.  The most famous of these is Beethoven’s Unfinished Symphony.  In our case here with 2022 being an energetic repeat of 2020 at its core, the term does indeed apply.  In the case of the composer, they died while composing.  Well for many who had plans in 2020, those plans died.  Plans never got completed.  I had a friend who finally got a role on a TV show.  Only to find out Hollywood was closing for a bit.  Sure we can blame COVID.  Or in some cases COVID was just an excuse.  But as the soulmate cycle goes for those in it in 2020, COVID made separation almost mandatory.  It didn’t change the core energy of the year which was as I dubbed it, “The great perhaps“.  What it changed was the outward and inward energy of the collective.  Now the collective gets a second crack at 2020’s core energy.  Which I will tell you, I had high hopes for that year in late 2019 pre-COVID..  It was pure magic as I felt it flowing in.  In fact I remember I even changed my desktop picture on my computer to just the color purple, which represents magic.

So what’s your unfinished business?  What symphony do you need or want to finish this coming 2022?  It doesn’t need to be from 2020 by the way.  It’s just 2020’s core the energy that’s in play again.  Stop thinking of time in human terms.  There is no time in the energy.  Think of it as a smell in the air if that’s easier for you.  I could just as well say, “the air will smell the same“.  Maybe you liked that smell but it got cut short, and then the smell of shit crept in.  Well now you get to smell that good smell again.

So again I ask, “What’s you’re unfinished symphony”?  And how will you apply what the fairytale of 2021 taught you?  Will you make 2022 a year to remember and finish your brilliant symphony?  Or will it be another “great perhaps” because you wrongly and rather foolishly think fairytales are all about the “happily ever after“….. and not about the “lessons” they teach.
