The Spiders from Mars

The title of this article is taken from David Bowie’s famous 1972 release titled, “The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from Mars“.  I titled it that way because of the album’s first single which has some significance to me, and because music and various songs often show up in my readings.  But I think a few misunderstand the importance of that happening.

Most of you get it.  What I mean is most of you understand that for me music is part of how I read energy.  I’ve explained that many times..  The universe, the energy, gets messages to each of us in ways the “WE” will understand.  Emphasis on the word “WE”.  Everything is customized.  Messages from the universe are RARELY literal.  This is part of what makes my job on YouTube tricky, and draining to say the least..

For me for example energetic messages typically come in through emotion, which is one of my languages, or through mathematics, which is my other language.  Which makes music all the more powerful for me  because music is mathematics and emotion in motion, so it combines my two energy languages into one medium.

But however the messages come in for each of us we have to be able to dig deep and look for hidden meanings.  Some intelligence is helpful as is patience and also a bit of a emotional depth won’t hurt either..

Let’s talk about music, because it comes up a lot in my readings and usually when it does it’s quite powerful.  I remember as an example of that power “Helplessly hoping” from the November 2021 reading and how that really spoke to viewers.  The fact is art of any kind is a very important and powerful medium for the universe to use.  This is because proper art comes from the soul.  And once created art then touches the soul of anyone it resonates with.  Energetically this is because art makes a solid connection between the soul, heart, and mind.  It’s almost as powerful as love itself in the way it transcends the 3D.  And some would argue including me that “art IS love energy” because of this very effect.  Which is why art should never be censored by the way.  Censored art is like putting the soul in prison and torturing it.

Having said that, when I mention a song in a reading it’s very important.  The fact is for a general reading I’m usually focused on one set lyric from the song.  In the Full Moon in Leo reading for example the song that popped in was “We’re not gonna take it” by Twisted Sister.  However the only part of that song that had any real meaning is the line “if that’s your best, your best won’t do.”  The entire song was not part of the equation, however that’s only in how it relates to the reading as a whole.  How it relates to you personally, only you know, and that requires some thought or even research on your part…

Sometimes I’ll suggest to you in a reading to “go look up the lyrics” for a given song that pops in.  I say that for a reason.  It’s not like I get a royalty if you download it or read the lyrics.  I never talk about anything or even joke about anything in a reading that’s not part of the energy so it’s important if I suggest something like this to you.  The reason I may suggest from time to time that you go and look up the lyrics is because for each of you a certain part of the song may mean something.  It will rarely be obvious though.  You may have to dig for it.

Sometimes the song itself seems irrelevant on the surface, yet it’s totally relevant if you apply some “depth of thought”.  Any messages from the universe are symbolic.

Keep in mind most of you don’t read energy.  You’re a regular average Joe or Jane in the freak-show department.  If you can’t walk into a room and read it.  You’re not an energy reader.  You might be very intuitive, but that’s not the same thing.  That said the universe uses people like me as conduits to get messages to you.  And/OR to point something out to you which contains a message, or even just point you in the right direction.  So again, not only do I know what I’m doing, I’m always aware of what I’m doing.  Which is a fancy way of repeating that I never say anything in a reading that isn’t part of the reading.  Especially if it’s a song…

The universe as I said can very subtle in how it gives us messages and information.  Especially through a pre-created source like a song.  As may of you know from an article I wrote some time ago my father passed away on March 8, 2019.  No less than 1 day after that the song “Starman” from David Bowie kept showing up everywhere.  And I mean FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!  Even my wife started noticing it.  It was even used in a TV commercial for something at the time.  But beyond that I couldn’t escape it.  The coffee shop I walk by every day was playing it in their rotation for example.  It even came on at Ralph’s grocery store for god’s sake..  I knew it meant something but I didn’t know what, nor was I in the mindset at the time to figure it out.  But the song never went away through the course of a spiritual journey I was on at the time.  Spanning March of 2019 thru about the end of 2020.  My father’s energy played a big role in that journey.

My father and I had a lot of unfinished business.  That often creates an energy vortex.  In other words his energy is allowed to remain for a bit longer than most energies can stick around after they pass.  Usually it’s about 3 days and a magnetic residue is left behind.  In his case he lingered about 6 weeks best I can figure..  And his energy seemed to indicate that he thought I was “spinning my wheels”.  i.e. wasting my potential.  This energy spurred a nearly 2 year long spiritual journey which ultimately led me to YouTube, all of you, and a few other things as well..

Anyway….. when we pass away and our energy leaves these 3D vessels and we return to our true energetic form.  In that form we know and see everything.  Many who have had near death experiences have reported this effect.  Our loved ones energy lingers for a bit and they in their energetic form can see our entire lives in one snapshot, and all of the possible roads of destiny that are in front of us.  They can at this point use their energy to point us in the right direction.  Usually it’s through dreams.  But my dad was never a “usually” kind of guy so for him it was breaking lamps in my living room and seemingly putting a David Bowie song on endless repeat.

There were a lot of coincidences after he passed that alerted me that his energy was still around and trying to make a point.  I won’t bother listing them, that’s not the point here.  What I will do is put the chorus of “Starman” below…  As you’ll see by the lyrics, on the surface it has nothing to do with a spiritual journey or a father who thought his son was wasting his potential.. 

There’s a starman waiting in the sky
He’d like to come and meet us
But he thinks he’d blow our minds
There’s a starman waiting in the sky
He’s told us not to blow it
‘Cause he knows it’s all worthwhile

He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

As you can see….. if you just look on the surface it’s a stupid song about aliens talking to and about children… right??  But I knew it had a meaning or it wouldn’t have kept showing up everywhere for nearly 2 years.  With any message from the universe you have to dig deep to find out what it means specifically TO YOU!!  But that often involves research, i.e. legwork.  And most people are pretty lazy about that kind of thing..  Fortunately I’m not…

So in October of 2022 long after the fact I dug deeper and researched the song as a whole in order to finally figure it out, and put to rest to why this song kept showing up in 2019 and 2020.  Research that included I might add reading an interview with Bowie’s drummer where he clearly talks about the song’s hidden meanings..  Stating that the song as a whole is about hope for the future.  And that hope lives in the children.  It was also a turning-point for Bowie’s career.

The final analysis only has meaning to me.  But I’ll share the analysis in part anyway…  In the song the aliens talk to children not adults.  I am my father’s child…  That implies that my father is the “Starman”, which he was, because he was dead.  lol..   The line about “He’s told us not to blow it” is about him thinking I was spinning my wheels.  That one cracked me up.  Because “don’t blow it” was on par with his final message to me before I left for California at 19 years old.  He actually said “don’t fuck it up kid”..  But the universe is rarely literal as I’ve said, so close enough is usually all we get.

And there’s much  more to it, including the meaning of the final lines and how they pertain to my spiritual journey etc.  but I think you get my point.  We can’t take things at face value.  If I mention a song in a reading, and suggest you look up the lyrics and read them.  There’s a reason for that.  Some part of the song will resonate with you.  You won’t know what it means by taking the lyrics literally.  But you will if you do some research about the song, or the artist, or just dig a little deeper than the surface within yourself..

As another example from “Starman”.  The line in the Bowie song about “Let the children boogie” for example sounds meaningless and dated on the surface.  But the energy around me in the 3D did seem to almost magically set itself up in ways that allowed me the time to have a nearly 2 year “focused” spiritual journey.  There’s a whole story with that but it’s actually an important part of the equation.  Most would glaze over that, but 5D energy keep in mind manipulates the 3D quite easily.  So it would have been easy for my dad’s energy to set things up for my journey.  The line “Cause he knows it’s all worthwhile” was my dad’s energy seeing the ending of my journey..  And if you’re happy I’m on YouTube I guess you might agree it was all worth it..  But it certainly was worth it for me either way.

So songs sometimes for each of us will contain characters within the lyrics.  You always need to consider that in order to figure out the meaning.  Because to figure out the meaning of anything, especially a written message like a lyric, you need to know whos who within it.  In “Starman” for example it was clear upon circumstances, the energy, and outcome that I’m the child or children, and my dad is the starman watching and directing from above.

What I’ve shared above is an example of why what I do on YouTube in my readings in real-time is complex and tricky.  And why I go off on the fast forwarders who don’t even have the patience to sit through an insightful reading.  I do it because I know what’s involved with figuring out life-paths and messages from the universe.  And I want people to be better..  I want people to be smarter, and live a better life.  We can’t do that if we’re fast forwarders as I call them.

My point is, whether it’s a spiritual journey you’re on or a message from the universe you’re looking for, it all requires a great deal of thought, intelligence, depth of emotion, and most importantly “patience”.  The messages from the universe are RARELY IF EVER obvious, but they do almost always repeat…

But if you don’t learn the lesson of Temperance you will miss most if not all of the messages.  And a spiritual journey is impossible if you’re in a hurry..

But not unlike work-ethic energy, the lack of temperance carries over into other areas.  Meaning, if they fast forward through a reading, they fast forward through their life in general.  And in doing so miss all of the depth, meaning, and lessons.  Fast forwarders stay stuck in repeating negative patterns and wonder why nothing ever changes or evolves.  It’s a bit like speed reading.  Yeah you get the gist of the book, but none of the substance.

So remember, a song I give you in a reading might for you have a meaning far deeper than my interpretation of its message in the reading.  The reading is general…  And your life is NOT!!  So dig, dig deep..  Always ask “why”..  Keep going down rabbit holes.  Patiently peeling back the layers of the energy.  Just as I demonstrate to you every time I pull a reading..

In the case of my song “Starman”, I only went back and figured it out as an afterthought long after my spiritual journey as I said.  I figured it out back in October of 2022 because the son of a bitch came on the radio in my car and it sparked my memory of its constant presence from 2019 thru 2020.  And 2022 was a year according to my prediction for it of, “Unfinished business”.  So I thought I would finally go all Rockford files on it and figure out why it was even a thing in the energy in the first place.

The truth is it kinda made me chuckle when I did figure it out.  And keep in mind I’ve only shared a small piece of what I figured out.  Because I remember that song from a Bowie mix tape my dad had in his car when I was a kid..   He did after all love David Bowie.  He even had a Bowie mix-tape in the car of various songs from various albums.

In fact after I thought it..  I remember being about 10 years old and riding around doing some errands with my father.  And I remember that “Starman” song came around on the tape player once and I clearly said to him… “I hate this song!!!  It’s stupid…”   lol

Well here’s another energy lesson for you.  Sometimes the things we hate come back to haunt us, but sometimes the universe knows that they’re the best way to get us to pay attention..

But I gotta love my dad for picking that particular song to get a message to me.  He knew I’m sure damn well that it would grate on me and eat at me due to my rather harshly expressed dislike of it all those years ago.
