The Phallic Bird Feeder

I haven’t written an article in awhile..  I’ve had a lot going on offline that’s been keeping me busy.  But here I am!!  Here with a story about my niece.  My sister refuses to let me put up a picture or even mention her name, for obvious reasons, privacy being the main one..  But the story I’ll tell will help you understand a very common and unhelpful energy we sometimes can find ourselves under.  This includes of course, you, me, and especially your runners.  As always with my articles, reading between the lines is essential.

On a recent extended I talked about conspiracy theory energy, and how it was negative energy, actually within the devil energy spectrum.  Your runners are under this very energy in many ways thru they tell themselves and have been since they ran from you.

Negative energy feeds itself.  It doesn’t need us to do anything to help it along.  Just watch the news and you’ll see it in action.  Lies are easier to believe than truth, and negative energy is like sugar, it’s easy to eat it up, in fact it require little or no effort at all, while the truth requires a great deal of effort as it’s positive energy and needs to be fed..  Negative energy is always present, and if our vibration is high enough and we’re balanced enough between soul and ego we can overcome it quite easily.  The problem comes most often when we FEED it.  Feeding something that doesn’t need to be fed is a recipe for disaster.  It’s tantamount to over-feeding something.

My little story here, though cute, is reflective of what’s happening in the world right now, especially here in the good old US of A…  Where frankly prophets have predicted we will fall by 2025.  It’s not hard to see that happening.  It’s sad too, because it’s totally preventable.  I will tell you it’s on the timeline.  The choice is ours, we can still correct its course, but I don’t have high hopes based on the energies and cards I get for it when I pull on it..

But I don’t like politics and this isn’t a political blog.  History, yes, we’ll talk some history, and it may surprise some of you.  But I love energy and teaching people about it.  Because when you know about it, you can control it.  Just like with a magician, the trick loses its mystery and magic when you know what the trick is.

My story here is about a then 7 year old girl, and a cute little bugger at that who let fears, doubts planted in her from friends and from her own self, along with belief in those fears (hence feeding them) and the doubts set in because of all that run amok within her.  She kept feeding something that never needed to be fed.  And the result was mayhem, paranoia, fear, and an internal conspiracy theory that would rival any that have ever existed..

Pay attention, read what I’m saying with an open mind.  Also read between the lines.  Think about it…  I’ve more than proved myself on YouTube as someone who knows about energy, and everything is energy as I’ve often said.  I’m avoiding politics because it’s too triggering, and I won’t get through to anyone if I trigger them in this instance, for reasons I’ll explain in my niece story..  I’m always a neutral observer anyway.  That’s the role the universe gave me…  I don’t much care, but it’s my job to observe and report…  Like an energy security guard… observe, and report.  But that neutrality allows me to see the big picture.  No haze in the way, no negative energy, and for fuck’s sake no conspiracy theories..  That’s all nonsense, and it causes nothing but problems as you’ll see, with my couple year old story about a 7 year old…

Okay, so,,,, a couple years back my sister called me.  She was hysterical.   Very concerned that my niece, her daughter, wasn’t sleeping in her room and seemed paranoid about a man lurking outside her bedroom window that she had become convinced was coming closer and closer.  So convinced she was sleeping in my sister’s bedroom with her and demanded the “cops” as she called them be called.

So… concerned about this I drove over one evening.  I stayed late and put her to bed in her bedroom.  I played her a little song on my guitar, that always seems to relax her.  As I was leaving she said “wait, don’t go!!”  I said, “why” with curious wonder in my voice, pretending I had no idea about the man outside..  This was my way of getting her to open up about these fears.  She told me the story of a man lurking outside her window, each night growing closer and closer, but sometimes he’s not there, and then he reappears.  She said all this with wonder and massive expression of seriousness in her voice.  She said, “he’s gonna take me!”  So…. I said “okay I’ll stay” “we can’t have that, you’re the only one who likes my songs”…lol  So I turned off the light and sat with her for a bit.  Sure enough she sat up, and whispered, “he’s there, do you see uncle Steve?”  I said, “yup I see him!!”  Of course not wanting to make her feel stupid I played along.  I said, “oh my god!!” with shock in my voice.  She then proceeded to shush me.  LOL..  ha ha

I knew anyway prior to even going over there after hearing the story from my sister that my niece through no fault of her own had gotten herself wrapped up in conspiracy energy.  My favorite devil energy to debunk I must admit.  I knew what the issue was but she had become so paranoid that my sister was ready to take her to a therapist.  She’s a very bright girl, and this can work to one’s disadvantage with a conspiracy type energy.  The energy feeds itself so when a smart person feeds it, it gets totally out of control.  Because smart people see more angles, so when they fall victim to conspiracy energy it’s tough to untangle them from it.  This was a very scared little girl, but she did it to herself.

So I took her outside, and I did it in a fun way.  We were like Scooby-Doo in a way.  I said “let’s investigate”.  I knew me being me that I couldn’t get rid of this paranoia and devil conspiracy energy within her if I just told her what was going on.  I knew she needed to discover it for herself..  So we went outside and investigated.  I know that she had to be the one to figure it out.  So I led the investigation but let her make all the discoveries.  I let her figure out that it was just the moon’s shadow off of a Pine tree outside her window at a slight distance, and there was a bird feeder involved that added to the human look of the shadow she was seeing.  But she was in grave denial at first, as everyone under this type of conspiracy devil frequency energy is.  She was saying, “oh but it can’t be the tree uncle Steve!!, that would be dumb”  So long story and long night short, we went back inside and I with a flashlight revealed that it was in fact just a tree with a rather what I deemed phallic shaped bird feeder enhancing the effect.

Once she calmed down, and saw that I was right, (which took 2 hours by the way), I then could explain to her WHY it appeared to grow closer and closer, then further and further away until it disappeared.  This is the phase where the person who has been under this energy of conspiracy feels shame or stupid.  But that’s always a by-product of it as it’s removed.

Her main argument that it can’t be a tree, because as she put it, “trees don’t move” I then dismantled.  The answer was the phases of the moon.  She without knowing had become the moon whisperer.  This also explained why this “MAN” came at different times each night.   He grew closer as the moon grew fuller and by the new moon appeared to be taking a night or two off.

She allowed her own fears to run away with themselves.  The negative energy that launched this, should have stopped there.  She should have gotten out of bed and figured out it was just a tree or that penis shaped bird feeder.  But she didn’t.  Seeds of doubt within her were planted, and they began to feed on themselves because they are a negative energy as well.  So the end result was layers and layers of negative energy all feeding itself with a child feeding it.  In this energy people will believe anything.  It makes you very open to suggestion.  If I had gone over there and make a joke out of it and told her I thought it was a giant ape-like turtle, she would have believed that, and become more and more frightened.  It’s a spiral effect.

Hopefully you smell what I’m cooking here.  …

At the end of the day she’s fine now.  Been sleeping like a baby ever since.  We’ve since had a conversation about letting our imagination get the better of us and believing our own lies.  Truth is that’s how you explain it to a 7 or 8 year old.  But for grown-ups i.e. all of you I’m telling you this story is EXACTLY what’s happening right now in our society.   I shake my head as I watch it.  Half of the American public has become a scared 7 year old girl thinking a tree is a stalker.  Feeding their own negative energy, due to seeds of doubt that have been planted over the past few years.  I can see it’s all nonsense static devil energy, but they can’t…  And it’s about to fuck everything up and come back and bite us all..  Except unlike my niece, we won’t be able to just crawl into bed with our mommy…

Devil conspiracy energy requires only 3 things thrive and grow.  And it’s actually a formula used by dictators to take over countries.  Hitler used it in fact with his loosely translated I might add “make Germany great again” slogan..  All this energy requires to take hold is seeds of doubt being planted, logic that seems to make sense on the surface, and fear to set in, which grows that logic and prevents any digging beyond the surface.  It creates a belief that the energies reality is the only reality.

It’s all ego energy so it doesn’t like to be wrong.  That’s it, that’s all it needs.  It’s easy.  Anyone can do it.  The same energy that took over my niece, has been used by cult leaders, dictators, and Kings for centuries.  It’s sad for me to watch, but also not surprising as our world has become quite self-focused, and that always lowers one’s vibration.  And low vibrational people are very open to this conspiracy devil type energy.

Know this…  Negative energy is lazy energy, it doesn’t dig deeper and it doesn’t look for evidence, and even when evidence is presented it then casts that off by feeding itself as more proof that the conspiracy is correct.  Energy is always in layers, and that applies to negative energy too…

Be it a little girl trying to get to sleep or a democracy, neither can survive once doubt energies set in.  Doubt leads to mistrust, and mistrust leads to more negative energy, and paranoia.  This is why it’s hard to defeat, because it’s a spiral.  My niece was in the very same spiral, so I had to approach it in layers, much the way I do a reading, one layer at a time.

Whether you’re a 7 year old convinced of a stalker outside a window that’s actually just a tree, or a person who believes the nonsense we’re seeing on the news these days.  It’s all an illusion of your own inner creation.  The energy is one in the same.  Same frequency, same everything.

Here’s a history lesson for those who don’t study it.  You might find it interesting.  I’m a huge WWII buff.  I’ve read everything about it.  In fact part of my fascination with the current soulmate cycle is its energy was last in play during WWII.  This same conspiracy/devil type energy that took over my 7 year old niece is the same energy frequency in fact that the Germans fell under in the 1930’s when Hitler took power.  And it’s the same energy in play out there in the collective right now, dominating about half the population.  As a point of note, under the Treaty of Versailles Germany’s navy had been taken away among MANY other things of course because of their actions in WW1.  Germany basically had their nuts chopped off under this treaty and it depressed them a bit to say the least.  Hitler felt he wanted Germany to be great again in a nutshell, and yes that was his message loosely translated.  I know, it sounds familiar doesn’t it??… LOL…  Anyway I’ll condense the history here and simply say that Hitler convinced the German public through his amazing ability to deliver a passionate speech that he was their savior and that he would do just that, make Germany great once again.  Really he was all about his agenda.  A selfish man, drunk on power and high on opium most of the time, battling his own inner demons out in the great wide world.  A petty man he definitely was.  In the end we all know how that energy turned out, it ended in shame…..  Just a little fun fact/history lesson for you here…  But I believe I’ve said on video many times that the last time the current soulmate cycle’s energy was in play was during WWII.  And that’s a fact…  We’re under the same energy right now.  If you want to know what the energy of the 1940’s felt like, well welcome to it, you’re living in it.  Actions in the real world over the past several years show eerie similarities to this era in fact.

The fascists in general came into power in this era by planting seeds of doubt, discrediting, and discouraging.  Anyone who opposed them was discredited.  But this is typical of any devil type energy.  It never wants you to see the truth, because the truth destroys its illusion.  This can be internal or external, it makes no difference.  It can be a country or a 7 year old who’s afraid of the dark.  It’s EASY to believe the illusion.  And human beings will always try to find that path of least resistance.  We are after all are energetic beings and that aside from trying to balance is what energy does.  We have to try to overcome that urge to take the path of least resistance by growing, by balancing our soul with our ego.  The problem is most of society right now is way out of balance.  Way too self-focused to even come close to balancing..

It’s my job to teach you all about the energy around you, and I am…  I say again, pay attention…  Freedom is powerful, and freedom gets taken way slowly.  We do it ourselves all the time.  My niece did it to herself over the course of several weeks.  Slowly, unnoticeably freedom gets taken away, until before you know it this conspiracy devil energy feeding off of our paranoia and fears has either taken over our state of being, as with my niece, or in the outside world you end up with a dictator you hadn’t planned on…

This type of energy always has a time limit though.  That time limit turns out is the same as the soulmate cycle at 12 years give or take.  Hitler for example was in power for 12 years.  We still have a few years left of this energy around us.  This cycle of negative energy runs out in 2027 or 2028.  Regardless it always ends the same way.  Just like with the Germans and just like with my niece who felt stupid after we solved the mystery, this frequency band of energy always ends in some sort of shame!!  It ends with us feeling stupid for ever falling for it…

I’m simply trying to teach you about energy here.  I don’t give a fuck about politics, that’s why I talk about history.  In my opinion the damage has already been done especially here in the USA.  I’m too small to have any real impact, and not powerful enough to dissipate the energy on my own.  So I’ll stick to soulmate energies and love and all that shit…

But on the political side a 2 of swords moment is coming for America.  Likely with the next election.  I don’t give a fuck who you vote for.  I hate politics.  I don’t discuss it, and I don’t debate it.  Vote for who you want, I couldn’t care less, I live in both the 3D and the 5D, I’m only here half the time, and frankly I’d rather if I could just stay in the 5D, it’s way better..  LOL…  I only talk about energies.  I’m just a neutral observer and I’ll roll with the energy no matter what happens.  I’m here to teach you something and at the very least to offer you some food for thought…

That being said, if you do care about politics, know that fate is in the public’s hands.  Prophets have predicted our fall would happen in 2025.  I predicted the very same thing back in 1993.  I saw it on the timeline.  Reading timelines is one of my superpowers.  It’s why I’m helpful to people in a soulmate cycle in particular.  Most empires average about 250 years.  Usually they collapse due to arrogance, vanity, and inner-conflict.  Sound familiar??.  As coincidence would have it 2026 is the US’s 250th anniversary.

On the optimistic side I will remind you that everything is Schrodinger’s cat.  While I hope for a live cat because I don’t think the average Joe has any idea what will happen if democracy falls.  I will admit that the news will be far more entertaining if it ends up we’re in a dead cat universe.  However trust me, based on the timeline I see with that… That’s not what any of you should want or wish for.  So if you care about politics (which I remind you, I don’t) be sure and read this article one more time BEFORE you vote..  LOL.. ha ha..

Oh…. and in case you think I’m implying that one side or the other is a dead cat and that I know which is which, I will correct you and stop you there.  Actually I’m just giving you the energy here.  I’m always neutral, because it’s far wiser to be that way.  Please keep in mind that I mentioned it’s all a bit of Schrodinger’s cat.  Everything in our life and universe is always Schrodinger’s cat.  Meaning, as I’ve said many times on video, (thank you for paying attention) the very nature of Schrodinger’s cat is that we don’t know which side is the live cat or the dead cat until we’re actually in it… Until it happens…. Until we open the box so to speak, Until we’re in the middle of it.  Uncertainty principle and Schrodinger’s cat both tell us that it’s equally as likely that either side is a live cat or a dead cat.  Just like on video in a Schrodinger’s cat reading, we don’t know until I flip the card if it’s a live cat or a dead cat…

This is ALL why being too rigid and taking only 1 stance, seeing only one side of the coin is dangerous, and foolish.  You must always remain open minded.  The wise person never blindly assumes they’re right, and it’s their way or the highway.  We always must allow for the fact that we could be wrong.  We must be like water.  Water takes the shape of whatever it’s poured into.  The wise man or woman blindly follows  NO ONE!!!  EVER!!!

It all boils down to energy as always.  This type of conspiracy/devil energy that we’re talking about here behaves like a spell.  It creates a haze of illusion.  In the soulmate cycle it’s within your person too.  They only see one side of a coin.  And the coin has two sides like all coins.  They can’t see through the haze.  And when they do it hurts their ego or it just plain hurts because they ran from true love, a true connection.  And nobody likes to be wrong.  It takes a well balanced person to be able to take responsibility for their actions and admit they were wrong.  We sure as hell don’t see that in our society today…  And we don’t see it YET in the runners in the soulmate cycle either..  This negative conspiracy devil energy is all about blame-shifting and narcissism.

In sticking with staying away from politics as much as possible. I offer you this rather transparent and if you think about it, “humorous” closing analogy.  Not politics, but baseball.  It’s a good example of how fucked America in particular is right now.  It makes me kinda sad, but it’s worth pointing out.  Imagine if you will the Red Sox and the Yankees are playing in the world series.  The Red Sox are playing a game.  They’re there doing what baseball teams do.  If they lose they’ll do like always and shake hands at the end of the game.  But what if the Yankees feel that if they lose they were cheated, no arguments, they just grab the mic before the game and state with arrogance, plant the all important seed of doubt that if they lose….. foul play must be afoot.  Hardly sounds like a sporting event does it?  No sportsmanship there for sure…  And by planting that seed of doubt they’ve in effect poisoned the well of expectation..  It’s an age old trick, that in and of itself IS dirty.

Well normally baseball is a peaceful sport.  Like I said, at the end of the game players shake hands.  Good game they say…  But in our game here it turns out the Yankees lose.  And rather than shake hands and accept defeat they throw a tantrum, start stealing bases off the field and hiding them in the locker room.  Rather than shake hands they grab the microphone from the announcer AGAIN, and start spouting off about how they were cheated, the ball was heavy, the umpires were fake, not real umpires.  Telling the fans to rise up in their defense….  (OMG!!!  holy fuck.  I’m glad this could never happen)…..

If I or someone like me was in the crowd I would think the Yankees were fucking crazy because I would have seen through the “seeds of doubt scam” they ran prior to the game.  It’s akin to hypnotic suggestion in many ways, or poisoning the well for someone else going for the same job you are.  So for me, I yell FUCK YOU Yankees, sore losers..  Thinking of course other baseball fans would join in.  NOPE… only half do…  This is because the lower vibrational people in the crowd have already had the seeds of doubt planted, fell for the scam and thus just start screaming and rioting, yelling, “yeah, they were cheated’…  At this point I would think to myself it’s like some sporting low vibrational Jedi mind-trick was played on them, and they fell for it hook line and sinker.

Kinda ruins the game..  It would be a sad day in baseball.  But half the crowd would fall under the devil energy that we’ve been talking about.  Half the crowd is lower vibration and susceptible to suggestions and seeds of doubt.  They start believing the Yankees were cheated, even though the game was just like every other game.  An investigation would be set in motion, and no foul play would be found, yet that’s not good enough…  So then seeds of doubt are planted about the 3rd party investigation and another layer of OUTRAGE takes hold.

Holy cow.  Sorry about all the fiction everyone…  Yeah…. imagine that happened….  Pretty crazy right.???…  It would ruin the world series for decades to come.  My god how dumb are these baseball fans in my analogy?   They got Jedi-mind tricked and fell for the oldest energetic scam in the book.  Seeds of doubt…..

Truth is this fictional analogy (because that can’t happen in the real world right??) would probably kill off baseball and/or tarnish it for decades to come as I said.  It would cause internal waring within the baseball community and likely tear it apart.  And all because a team of sore losers, whose egos were so big that they can’t possibly lose, and if they did, they must have been cheated, planted seeds of doubt with their ranting to millions of susceptible people looking on.  People who just tuned in to see the world series like they always have…  And the fact is that world series was no different than any other world series that had come before it.

In closing…  In reality the Yankees lose all the time, and have for many decades…  So what’s changed in the energy?  Why now all of a sudden were they cheated if they lose as our analogy here lays out?  What happened here???  Why did the Yankees and their fans lose their minds…??

The answer as I’ve been trying to tell you is simple…  It’s because of the very same frequency of energy that caused a 7 year old girl to spiral out of control in fear for her life at what turned out to be a Pine tree, and a dick chakra shaped bird feeder kissing the moon.

Whether it’s internal or external make no difference.  The result is the same.  Conspiracy Devil Energy is a dangerous frequency band.  While not particularly powerful, it’s like one of those flus that won’t seem to go away.  And when you’re in it it’s all consuming.  Thus making it difficult to both get out of and/or see through.


**Disclaimer…  My uncle is a huge Yankees fan, so I want to be clear they were only used for example purposes here in this article.  The Yankees would never behave in such a childish manor.