The Great Divide / Thought vs. Feeling

I get asked one question in various forms all the time.  A summarized version of that question would be, “how do I know when I’m okay, or have pushed past pain?”  The question as I said take various forms but the answer is quite simple regardless of the question.  The answer is, the fact that you’re asking means you’re not truly feeling “okay”.  I always tell you that the brain’s job is to question.  It questions everything, and in doing so it generates fears.  These fears and doubts can ONLY be believed by YOU the person however if your brain or ego energy is the only voice in town.  Usually this occurs when the soul energy is where feelings live is blocked in some way, usually shut down.  This is common with people who are prone to overthinking in particular.  Their energies are out of balance.

This is a simplistic explanation but simple is usually best.  I’m not here to impress or confuse people.  I’m here to get a point across.  Feelings come from the soul but they require “heart” energy to translate them for the brain.  If that’s not present the brain freaks out and rejects the feelings in an effort to protect us.  That may sound counter-intuitive but that’s the brain’s job.  It sees the feelings a threat of sorts.  In a way the brain if left on its own without any balance of heart and soul energy acts a bit like Chemotherapy acts in the body.  Meaning Chemotherapy attacks bad cells in the body, BUT it also attacks good cells too.  It’s not discriminating, which is why doctors take patients off it periodically or else it will end up killing them.  It’s actually quite dangerous.  Well, that’s what your brain does when you’re not in alignment energetically.  Your brain can’t read the soul’s language without the heart to translate, so it just wipes out everything with doubt and fear, which are its main weapons.  But this not unlike Chemotherapy is “dangerous”.

You might think you’re in love for example, and love is a wonderful thing, but it’s an emotion not a thought.  So if you “think” you’re in love your brain will attack the notion.  There’s no soul energy being translated by the heart.  The soul knows not of doubt or thought.  With the brain on the other hand, doubts set in, paranoia in some cases, and we begin to overthink and over analyze.  This is what’s happening with the runners in this soulmate cycle in fact.  Most of them are shut down from either their upbringing or a past pain of some kind.  Or in some cases the love has been gone from their relationships for so long they’re a bit numb to the emotion.  With regard to the runners we don’t mean shut down in the brain, we mean the soul in some cases, OR just the heart i.e. the translator in many other cases.  In some cases it’s both sadly.  Either way the brain or ego is the only voice in town within them, which is why that damn King and Queen of wands keeps showing up everywhere in the reads.

In a recent reading I talked about what the kids like to say all the time out there.  They like to say, “what you think about your bring about.”  Countless positivity people make millions off this totally FALSE notion as well.  Many of them teach and preach to “fake it until you make it”.  Which clinical psychology would tell you is downright dangerous.

They say, put a smile on your face and go out into the world pushing past any pain and eventually you’ll be okay, it’ll become truth.  Tell the universe what you want and eventually you’ll get it.  Tell yourself you’re great and eventually you’ll believe it and it’ll be fact.  NOPE!!  Not a chance in hell in fact!!   It rather comically reminds me of all those parents who teach their children to marry for money, telling them the love will come, as if it’s just going to grow out of nothingness.  That’s nonsense..  ALL of the above is dangerous advice from people with no clue how energy works, or in some cases how life works.  Not from a science perspective or even a spiritual one.

Actually if you follow any of that advice what’s more likely to happen is that bubble of hope and false belief within you will burst.  Reality has a way of doing that to bubbles.  This is because reality is made from the tip of the horn of a unicorn.  LOL.  And when that horn piece does pop that bubble of falseness you’ve created around yourself you’ll end up being more depressed than you were when you began.  Fake it until you make it is not a principle of psychology, or any form of science that I’m aware of.  It’s also not a clinical practice as I said.  In fact psychologists are mixed on the benefits of things like positive affirmations.  The ones against it note what I’ve noted, making it clear that unless we feel it deeply and believe the words we’re telling ourselves it’s all just hot air that could lead to disappointment.  We can convince ourselves of many things, but we cannot ever convince ourselves of a feeling.  Feelings must be felt, and true feelings are soul-generated.  That’s why for those who marry for money, their parents were wrong, the love never does develop.  But what does develop most fine are some great affairs…. i.e. bangin’ on the side and with that usually a whole lot emptiness and disappointment.  All of which show up in those damn tarot readings of mine all the time..

Anyway on topic… No doctor for example would tell you to pretend your illness isn’t there and it’ll go away.  YET millions of people believe this concept of “what you think about you bring about”.  Now there is such a thing as the power of suggestion.  This is a very different thing and it deals with the subconscious mind.  And many doctors will tell you that when you’re sick how you feel about that can determine whether you get better or not.  However that doesn’t work by the brain.  You can will yourself healthy, and many people have.  But notice I used the word “will”.  It’s about the flow of energy.  The brain alone cannot do it.  It must originate from the soul.  The same principle applies.  In order to will yourself healthy you must have “faith” and total belief that you will be fine, and that energy must flow from the soul to the brain, so it’s authentic and made of feelings, not thoughts and fears.  If it only lives in the brain or originates there then it’s the same nonsense as trying to convince yourself in the mirror that you’re great and not really feeling or “truly” believing a word of it.  The brain does play a role in keeping you healthy however.  I said this will to live must flow from the soul to the brain, but why?  Well the brain is necessary to send signals to the rest of the body.  The soul doesn’t control your body’s nervous or immune systems.  The brain is a tool that runs this 3D vessel we reside in i.e. our bodies.  The REAL US, who we REALLY are resides in the soul.  You’d be surprised how many people get that backward.

Thoughts are a 3D frequency of energy.  Our thoughts actually dissipate very quickly.  In fact this is why we write everything down.  Think about it, if no one ever wrote anything down we would have no proof they were even here for the most part.  The primary flow of energy is 5D to 3D.  There is 3D to 5D flow but it’s a secondary flow for reciprocation purposes only.  Energy requires reciprocation to flow so this has to happen.  The 3D doesn’t influence the 5D other than in a reactionary way.  In fact the 3D usually annoys the 5D as I read the energy, in a way the 3D is a by-product of the 5D.  That’s why I always say the 3D is an illusion.  It is!!  The soul is 5D energy, it knows no fear or doubt.  So all those fears and doubts we generate are strictly 3D and come from our brain or ego.  They’re low vibration 3D frequencies.  They’re all devil energy static fluff to put it simply.  They’re an illusion in and of themselves.

But even if we tell ourselves how great we are and try to believe it, it’s still just an illusion.  The brain alone doesn’t have that kind of power.  It’s often mistaken for having it, but in reality it was the heart and the soul that did the job, not the brain.  The brain is basically in this case that asshole at work who gets all the credit for other people’s work.  i.e. the boss..  The illusion of the 3D is a topic for another time.  For now let’s stay on point.

It’s NOT what you think about that you bring about, and we should never go through life faking happiness!!  Falseness is never rewarded by the universe.  Happiness doesn’t live in the brain, and thus you can think about it all you want and you’ll never find anything but an illusion of it at best.  More likely your brain will just generate doubts  The real power comes from understanding that “what you FEEL you bring about”.  Feelings are 5D energy, they resonate with the universe itself.  In fact it’s our only way to do so.  The 3D energy from our brains cannot do this.  The frequencies just DO NOT match in that manor.  When we meditate for example and astral-project, we’re projecting from the soul.  The brain cannot go into the 5D.  In fact it never does.  Even when we die, our soul leaves the body, but the brain stays and rots away with it.  Think of these 3D bodies we’re in as cars.  When they get old they just rot in a junkyard.  We don’t bring them with us when we get our new car.

So you can put on as big a smile as you like, and tell yourself in the mirror all day long how fucking great you are, but if you don’t feel it in your soul it’s false.  And it will never come about no matter how much you fake it.   Why?? Because you don’t truly believe it.  Your brain is a doubting Thomas, it injects doubt into everything, sometimes in just small amounts, but it’s always there, it’s its job to do this in order to protect us, and by “us” I mean these 3D vessels (the bodies) we’re trapped in for several decades here on good old planet Earth.  There’s no hocus-pocus here.  No magic, or angels in play, or unicorns.  It’s not even a new-age statement.  Hell it’s not even a religious statement.  It’s a fact of psychology, a fact of science, and a fact of nature.

How we FEEL about ourselves (feelings come from the soul) is what people around us and the universe itself pick-up on.  NOT the bull shit we’re putting out with our thoughts.  IN FACT if you’re pretending to be happy and faking it until you make it, usually people will talk about you behind your back, or gossip about you with other friends etc.  OR worse yet say to you, “oh.. you seem happy”.  That word “seem” is the key, it’s a bit of a Freudian slip of-sorts.  They’re actually reading your energy without even realizing it.  Something feels off or fake or unstable about you to them.  The words “seem” or “seems” imply doubt.  We use it for example in the phrases “seems too good to be true”, or “something seems off here”, or my favorite “things aren’t as they seem”.  Yes, if you’re faking it you do indeed “seem” happy.   No one ever said to someone who IS ACTUALLY happy that they “seem happy”.  And the reason for that is most people in this world today are getting energy all wrong and are actually “faking happy”.

It’s best to understand that happiness doesn’t live in the brain.  So if you don’t feel it and believe it heart and soul you’re not putting out happy energy.  We don’t “THINK about feelings”, that’s backwards and wrong.

Let’s get spiritual here for a moment.  When we pray… we pray with feelings.  We pray FROM the soul.  If you think the words coming out of your mouth matter, I’m here to tell you they do not.  It’s the feelings that are attached to the prayer that are heard by the universe or God in this case and answered.  The same applies to manifesting which is in essence a form of prayer.  They’re both actually the same type of energy though they employ different techniques.  The end result is the same.  You change your energy flow to get something you want.  But in order for either to work you must feel your intention.  It must be pure, and not mixed with any doubt or fears.  The only place doubt and fear can come from is….. you guessed it….. the brain…   So the words coming out of your mouth aren’t at all important.  I suggest to people always to shut the brain off when praying or manifesting.  You can pray without words, just with feelings and the same applies to manifesting, in fact it’s the ideal way to do it both my opinion and experience.  Leaving the brain / ego out of it, creating a pure intention with no fears or doubts, just pure faith.

You see me do instant manifesting on video all the time.  I’m manifesting information instantly right in front of you.  I often tell you, and I quote, “The words coming out my mouth are just drama for you so you know the question context.”  And that’s true, I put my intention out with feelings, NOT with the words.  When I read energy I read feelings, and I then translate those into words.

Anyway, my point here is this.  You don’t bring about anything with your words or your thoughts, other than fears and delusion if those “thoughts” don’t match how you truly “feel” in the soul.  This is why we need good balance between our soul, heart, and mind.  The mind if left to run amok on its own will run us into the ground and leave us cold and shut down for our own protection.  Or worse depressed and lonely.  Too much heart and we get taken advantage of.  A sucker for a sob story we all would be.  Too much soul and we get lost in too much spirituality.  The feelings often can become too deep to control, and we end up coming across a little kooky possibly.  Balance is always the key, the ever important lesson of Temperance I keep droning on about on those videos.  The brain is useful to the soul in one main respect.  It can help to regulate the feelings.  Meaning prevent them from getting too hot to handle.

So how do you know if what you’re feeling is real or not or if you’re in balance, or even if the soul energy is being translated by the heart and getting through to the brain for proper processing?  The answer is simple really, but also tricky.  Where people go wrong where energy is concerned is they end up going through most of their lives “thinking about feelings”.  That’s backwards, and as such they end up confused and usually pretty messed up in the head when they’re in relationships, especially if there’s deep love or a soul connection.  The brain is a processor.  It processes and sorts, it knows not of love or feelings and wants nothing to do with either as they are horribly illogical.

No….what you want to do ideally is allow yourself to feel with heart.  i.e. empathy.  This will prevent the brain from misunderstanding and seeing those feelings as a threat.  The heart translates the soul’s energy or language for the brain.  This translating of the soul’s energy shuts down the brain’s defense mechanism protocol of rejecting for protecting.  This in-turn will allows the brain to do its primary job, which is simply to process the information.  Oh, it may try to judge the emotions, and it may even generate a little anxiety, but if you lead with the soul instead of the brain you’ll have an inner knowing of how you feel and you won’t allow those energies to do much damage.  In fact they won’t be able to, because the soul is an angel energy making machine.  It’s made of pure love, which is the most powerful force in the universe.  All of that angel frequency of energy and love cancels out the devil energy i.e. the fears the brain generates quite easily.   But a brain left to run the show on its own with its fake it till you make it concepts, or “thinking about love”, will in the end leave you cold and depressed that none of your manifestations or prayers have come true or been answered.  When in reality they never came to pass because put simply you transmitted them on the wrong frequency.

Life IS about feelings not thoughts.  Our thoughts in the end are quite mundane when compared to what we felt as we went through life because the brain is only a processor of information, and runner of various body mechanisms and functions.  So IF we shut-down or “fake it till we make it” and let the brain lead us through our lives, when we finally get to that end of the rainbow, the end of the road, the end of our life, and we look back on it all, we’ll find that we missed it.  We missed the whole damn experience.  We missed opportunities, people, places, things, important lessons, chances to gain valuable wisdom and insights, & worst of all we’ll find we missed the magic of it all, and its purpose.  In the end we’ll realize too late that life IS & WAS “emotion” all along.  Emotion we missed, because it was never in our brain and all of its overthinking that we held so dear.

In a mix of light and shade the “magic” of life exists in emotion, and feelings.  And those feelings begin with the soul as they flow through the heart to be experienced by the brain.  Not the other way around.

I’ll leave you with this…  It’s okay to have thoughts without feelings, as long as those thoughts are not about feelings.  But it’s ideal even with thoughts of science or math to employ some intuition and feeling into the mix.  Scientists are even now just figuring this out according to a recent science journal article.  How about that…  Yet another thing I’ve been telling people since I was a child is finally being “figured out” by science.  ……(for fuck’s sake).. (insert eye-roll)

As for feelings…..  It’s almost always best to have feelings without thoughts, in fact, that’s ideal.  Progress in life here in the 3D requires we take a few risks now and again.  Risks of the heart, and sometimes more practical risks.  Either way life is a series of leaps of faith.  Emphasis on the word “faith”.  Prayer should be done with “faith”, as well as manifesting.  Faith by the way lives in the soul in case you never figured that out.  The brain is totally incapable of faith.  Purely because it’s illogical.  Truth be told the brain isn’t even very good with “hope”. There’s a danger of it injecting too much doubt into it and thus throwing the very notion of hope itself out of balance, leaving us hopeless.

The soul and the heart are more powerful energies than the ego (brain).  The soul is eternal.  The brain dies with these 3D vessels we live in for 70 or 80 years or so.  And with it goes all of its data, which is why we should teach others, share what we know and what we’ve learned for future generations to bring forward.  In the matter of the brain and the soul the brain doesn’t understand the soul’s language at all, it needs to the heart to dumb it down for it and act as a translator.  So why would anyone lead their life with the weakest energy of the 3 main energies we live on?  hmmm???..  Sadly this is what most of the world does.  But my hope is none of you will.

You can do them if you want, but there’s not need for anyone to trick their brain with affirmations.  I’ll save you the trouble and maybe a pile a money too….  You’re all great!  You’re all wonderful souls.  You’re open souls and awakening souls.  You can save yourself the positivism speeches in your mirror, and stop faking it til you make it simply by letting yourself feel your own energy.  You’re brain will NEVER believe you’re great, and if it ever does it will only do it from a point of ego.  So it’s a trick, it’s devil energy, which is our brain’s specialty.

The angels are here to help us, they live in the soul.  The devil is and always was within us, it lives in the brain.  It’s the epic battle playing out within each of us.  That’s why the lesson of Temperance i.e. balance is so damn important.

In contrast to your brain your soul already KNOWS you’re great.  All you need to do is open your heart so the message can get through.  Or in another way to phrase it, so the angel energy of the soul can cancel out the devil energy of the brain.  And it goes without saying…  once that happens all you need to do is believe it!  And then poof… like magic, you really are great…

**As an aside, if a soulmate connection hurt you and you can’t seem to push past that pain, the best thing to do to re-open the correct energy flow of soul-heart-brain is to take yourself back to the beginning.  Allow yourself to feel what you felt when you first connected and had soul recognition.  Maybe there’s a song tied to it, or a smell, or even a place.  Whatever it is when you first had soul recognition your flow was correct and your heart was open even if you yourself rejected the connection.  Connections are made via the soul so there wouldn’t have been one if each of you were not open in that moment.  That said if you can put yourself in that flow again, even for a moment, you can correct the flow of energy through you and shut the 8 of swords brain down.  Put simply, you need to remember the love, and the energy will do the rest if you allow it to flow without the pain of any rejection creeping in.  You may only have a moment of that feeling, so you need to grab it fast when it happens.  But if you can do it, this proper energy flow of soul to heart to brain will not only help to heal the pain, it will also help you process the lessons you were supposed to take away from it all because the brain will be doing the job it was intended for, “processing”, and NOT the job its been doing, “feeling”.  
