The good the bad & the ugly

Let’s talk about energy, specifically good vs. bad and why sometimes we think we’re doing something good, when in fact we’re not, or vise versa.

This topic came up today in an extended reading I did for Pluto retrograde.  And I thought it would make a terrific article.  It’s about the mistake that many people make with the energies around them and more-over the actions they take which they interpret as good, when in reality may be seen as bad by the universe.  It all boils down to a lack of understanding how how energy works and in the assumption most make that the universe sees gray areas, and cares about their “intent.”  Neither of which is the case.

We all want to do good things.  We all want good energy or karma to come back on us.  But what is good, and what is bad?  The answer is it depends on the energetic environment, i.e. the contextual energy surrounding the things we do.  I’ll do my best to explain…

Anyone can manipulate the energies around them whether they have any super-powers or not.  Regular people with no special abilities rather blindly do it all day long as they go through their life.  In some cases these people through what can only be called dumb-luck seem to always succeed.  While others who seem to be doing the right things end up failing and even getting themselves into messes.  The truth is in both cases it’s manipulation of energies, it’s actually their own fault whether something good or bad happened as a result of their actions.

The issue is one of context.  What I mean is most people in this world of ours get the concept of “good” and “bad” completely wrong, usually because of selfishness, but sometimes because their thinking is far to linear.  I’ll explain why, and in the process offer you the very same energy life-hack I gave the viewers of the Pluto-retro extended read..

First off, you don’t need to be a science geek or energy expert to understand the concept of energy manipulation.  You’re the star of your own life, but you’re also the director.  The first thing you must understand is the concept that our universe is JUST energy.  I know I know, the new-age people and spiritual leaders like to add an element of drama to it all with talking beings and all manor of characters to go along with it all.  The universe is simply energy in various forms and frequencies.  Some of that energy is good (angel for example) and some if it is nefarious (devil for example) No matter what it is all of the energy exists in a binary universe.  Energy knows no gray area.  It’s either positive or negative, yes or no, black or white.  In true Yoda form I’ll add, “there is no maybe”.  “Maybe” only exists in human-context”.  It’s a bit of a cop-out.

The above being said the mistake many people make is in thinking they’re doing something good or putting out good energy without taking a broad view to understand the context of the energies around them or the situation.  The universe is unforgiving in this way.  If you do something, you get like energy back.  This is dangerous to us because the energy that comes back in our universe comes back 3-fold.  But that’s not 3 times, it’s an exponential 3-fold.  The universe always works in exponents.  In this case I mean you get back 3 to the 3rd power.  So if you put out 3, you get back 27.  Now that that’s clear, in my observations of many people I see the mistakes they make with energy.  They assume the universe will make allowances.  They also think they’re doing something good for example when in reality they’re not considering the context of all the energies involved so in fact what they thought was “good”, the universe reads as “bad” or negative, so they get back negative.   Maybe they donated to charity.  That’s a nice thing right?  But if that charity is a fraud and doing bad things with the money, all the universe sees is they contributed to that bad thing.  Net net the result is a negative.  Granted in this example there may be no way to know the charity was bad, but again I’m sorry to say there is no gray area in a binary universe.  The universe is JUST energy and energy always tries to balance.  It strives for neutral balance withing polarities.  So a negative must be met with an equal positive or as close to equal as possible.  A positive can be met with a positive, which is also balance, that’s ideal balance within a given polarity.  But by equal contrast a negative can also be met with a negative as well.

I’ll offer a Steve-style home-spun, somewhat funny example as I think analogies are an easy way to get points across to a general audience.  These are extreme examples but I think my point will be clear.

Example 1:  Let’s say you’re a vigilante and you take someone out because they’re a bad person in your mind.  They’ve done bad things and you’re going to go all Charles Bronson “Death wish” on them and save the world from their evil ways.  Sounds viable doesn’t it?  Seems like you’re doing a good thing right?  I mean they’re a bad person, they’ve hurt people in the past.  So you find them at a farmer’s market where they’re shopping for lettuce.  And BAM!!  You take them out!!!  You run out of there with pride that you’ve done the world a favor.

Truth is the universe would read this as negative, or a bad thing.  You did the wrong thing, even though you thought it was good.  And by human logic it may very well have been good.  I mean this was a bad person after all right?!  NOPE!!  The universe energies would see you as playing judge and jury, and humans are not in a judging role.  (unless they’re judges lol).  You in fact did a bad thing a negative thing energetically speaking.  That person was helping a farmer by buying his lettuce in that moment.  You met a positive with a strong negative, causing a repel effect in the energy, which sends back to you the net result of negative.  Again there is no gray area.  It’s about our actions, NOT our intentions.  This concept applies to energies yes, but it also applies in the 3D to the law in many cases too.

Now how might this example be an actual positive you may ask??  Well by contrast if you were this vigilante and you saw this person you deem as “evil” or bad attacking another person, and you then jumped in and pulled them off that person and then “took them out”, energetically in this context you did a “good” or “positive” action.   This is because they were doing a negative act, and you came in with an equally positive act and balanced the energy.  You operated under the for the greater good principle.  You saved the damsel in distress and shorted out a negative action.  The result is positive for you and the damsel.

The universe is just energy, and energy tries to balance itself.  So in effect you helped the universe balance energy.   In the first example you took it upon yourself to take a neutral or even positive energy that wasn’t doing anything bad in the moment and knocked it out of balance ending in a net net result of negative.  In the second example you did 3 things.  The positive damsel had a negative assailant attacking, and you cancelled out the negative by returning or balancing the situation back to positive.  in the second example the karma that comes back is you’re a hero.  In the first example the karma that comes back makes you an inmate regardless of your perceived good intentions.

Hopefully this example is clear..  If not, read it again.  While it’s an extreme example, energetic situations similar to it actually happen all day long to people.  People who think they’re doing something good, yet because they fail to take a lateral view and understand the context of the energies around their actions are in fact doing something the universe will in the end read as a net negative result.

The universe isn’t a person.  It doesn’t have logical skills or even reasoning skills.  There are NO gray areas.  Everything is energy, and all of that energy operates in a binary universe i.e. polarized.  The energy can only see black or white, positive or negative.  Never forget this.  Especially if you’re someone who ‘thinks” bad things always happen to you, or you have “bad luck”, or “things never go your way.”.  That’s all nonsense, and it’s totally correctable by simply slowing down and taking a broader view of the energies around you.

So to be sure your’e getting back “good” energy.  Be sure what you’re doing is actually “good”.  The only way we can do that is to not be narrow or linear in our thinking.  Selfish acts are a good example of this linear thinking.  Selfish acts are almost always viewed as negative by the universe even if they’re good because they’re not usually for “the greater good of all involved”.  Your intentions do not matter.  The universe doesn’t care about your intentions, and I know that’s hard for people to grasp.  All it notes and all that registers are your net actions and whether or not they are positive or negative in the broad context of the energies in play.

A good example of our “intentions” meaning nothing to the universe and the energies around us is the bank example as I call it.

Example 2:  Let’s say you’re coming back from the shooting range, and you stop at the bank.  By accident you bring your gun inside with you, still on your person in a bag.  You walk up to the teller, and as you sift through your bag to find your ATM card you take your gun out and put it on the counter with a pile of other junk without thinking.  Your “intention” is NOT to rob the bank of course.  You’re just a fucking moron.  You took the gun out without thinking or even realizing you did it.  Either way regardless of your intention the teller (struck with fear at the sight of the gun) yells out “GUN”!!!.  You yell, “NO NO I’m sorry I’m not robbing the bank!!!”  Next thing you know you have security on top of you, police have been called.  Security tackles you down to the ground.  Sure maybe you manage to get the whole mess straightened out.  Explaining what happened and your intentions.  But your intentions don’t matter in this 3D example and they don’t matter to the 5D universe.

Your intention wasn’t to rob the bank, but in the end energetically you did.  You caused the teller to well up with fear as though you were.  You knocked the energy out of balance by doing so.  She may need therapy, she goes home and drinks heavily.  You only took the gun out by accident but the universe doesn’t read gray areas as I said.  It’s only the net result that matters.  The net result regardless of what your “intent” was (i.e. digging for your ATM card) will be negative.  The teller becomes a raging alcoholic, has to quit the bank because she’s shaken.  The karma comes back on you because you’ll likely be charged with bringing a weapon into a federal FDIC insured bank at the very least.  Which can come with jail time and a hefty fine.  Jail time you’ll serve through community service regardless of the fact that your “intentions” were not to rob the bank.

I know, it’s scary.  I too can rip that story apart and ask the question, “well Steve how were we supposed to know the future and all the energies, and it was just an accident.”.  YUP, I know..!!  The answer is we don’t know.  Sometimes bad karma comes back on us through stupid mistakes we make.  Which is why we must always be conscious of what we’re doing.  People walk around blind to this concept.  Most of the people I run into on a daily basis have no idea the stupid energetic mistakes they’re making, most of which the result of them just not paying attention.  Or acting out of pure self-indulgence.

Both of the main examples I’ve given here are extreme but I have to hammer the point home that we live in an unforgiving binary universe.  Too many people out there think their “intentions” matter.  NO, I’m sorry to burst your bubble.  Your intentions mean nothing to the net energetic result.  All that matters is what you did and the context energy or environmental energy you did it in.  This concept is no different than manifesting.  Your intention might be to manifest a great love.  But if you inject negativity into it thinking you won’t get that love, the net energetic result is the negative, even though your “intent” was to manifest a positive.

This is all why I say when your person shows up don’t be too quick to go all crazy on them and yell and swear etc.  Be nice until it’s time not to be nice.  Be that way with every situation.  There are always unknowns lurking in hidden energies.  I could give 1000 examples here, but the easiest to say is “you don’t know what you don’t know”, so don’t assume you know everything.  Be sure in ALL situations in your life that you understand or at least think about the fact and consider the fact that there may be more going on than you know under the surface.  That under the surface energy is in play at all times.  In the case of your person, sure you might want to swear at them and tell them off for ditching you or making your feel like you didn’t matter.  And while that might make YOU feel good, and YOU might think it’s liberating for YOU.  YOU MUST keep in mind that your actions could be viewed as selfish (one-sided) by the energies and the net result may be harmful to your person.  Which would result in a net negative result for you, and negative energy coming back on you for it.

The easiest way to navigate the energies around us is to “listen”, “process”, and “react” accordingly.  Any fighter will tell you, the one who throws the first punch is usually the loser.

Do what you want, I don’t care, it’s none of my business.  But it’s my job here to teach you something about the energies around you.  My message here is not an opinion.  It’s science, it’s the laws of physics in motion.  I offer a point of view, but it’s one that really has been the secret to what my friends have called for over 30 years “Steve’s luck”.  Everything seems to go my way they say.  Things always seem to work out for me.  They call it “Steve’s luck”, but it’s not luck at all.  It’s just me utilizing the very concepts I’ve covered here in this article.  It’s a life-hack on crack.  Like energy attracts like energy.  The law of the universe is “for the greater good of all involved.”  That’s just a fancy way of saying “energy tries to balance”.  If you understand that concept and understand there are no gray areas in the energy it’s all black and white,  You’ll always check yourself, to be sure your actions are not self-motivated.  And eye for an eye doesn’t mean if someone does something to you, you can do it back to them.  It means if someone does something to you, the universe, god, source, whatever you want to call it will balance the energy out.  i.e. what the kids call karma.

I’ll leave you with a little philosophy, and collective energy 101.  Too much self-focus is what’s wrong in large part with the collective energies around us right now.  It’s ALL out of balance, and it’s a big part of why this current soulmate cycle is so out of balance and why the next cycle will be a nightmare.  That said, meeting another person’s selfishness with your own selfishness doesn’t balance the energy in the way you might think or like.  It just balances on one side, the negative side.

True Empress energy which all you DFs are striving for is balanced within itself.  It’s enlightened.  This is why the only true “selfish” act that CAN be done for the greater good is one taken through what’s often called “enlightened self-interest“.  This whole article talks about that very concept.  Act with “enlightened self-interest” and you’ll never go wrong.  You can’t be “enlightened” if your thinking is too linear.  You must see the big picture as much as possible.  Emphasis on the word “enlightened” here, if you’re “enlightened” you understand the context of the energies around the actions you take.  Mistakes will still happen from time to time.  But that’s just life, there’s always mix of light and shade.  And sometimes we fuck up.  The trick to life is to try to limit those “fuck-ups” to as little as possible.  lol

I make it no secret how disappointed I am with the collective energies of our society currently.  Truth is its been building since WWII.  I’m not the only one either, most who are like me are less than charmed with out superficial and rather greedy world culture.  The universe is actually quite simple.  If it wasn’t simple it wouldn’t work, and it wouldn’t have survived as long as it has.  Complex mechanisms rarely last a long time.  The universe simply wants to keep energy in balance.  Balanced energy to us as individuals never involves punching each other out for toilet paper during a pandemic.

We have a long way to go as a collective.   Thankfully I’m sure my words here in this article aren’t lost on all of you my readers.

So remember….

  1. The universe is binary, it knows no gray areas.  Good and Bad can vary greatly based on the context of a situation.  So try to take big picture views of things.
  2. The universe or energy (and sometimes the law) cares not about your intentions, all that counts in the net result are your end actions and their results.
  3. Be sure what you think is a “good” action is good for the greater good of all involved and not just YOU!  Selfishness is one sided, and that’s not balance.  Selfishness is the number reason many people end up feeling “unlucky” in life.  Many times especially today people don’t even realize they’re being selfish.  Which I find alarming and quite dangerous with my knowledge of energy flow.
  4. Always consider the fact that there are hidden energies at play.  i.e. don’t make assumptions unless you have to.  Try to act from a point of enlightenment & empathy as much as possible rather than a point of anger or fear.  Like energy attracts like energy.  Yes the new age kids all like to spout that little slogan off all over YouTube but what it really means is “everything is energy, so be fucking careful what you put out there, because it’ll be coming back at ya.”…  
