The balancing act

The concept of balance is something I’ve always kept in mind in my studies over the years of people, energy, and my odd ability to pick up on said energies.  My early mentors from childhood some of which I think actually were the warlock on the hill always emphasized this balance to me.  Warning that imbalance is a hinderance to energy growth.  And can lead to disastrous results.

I always keep a delicate balance and always have between spiritual, reality, and science.  A prime example of what can happen when imbalance occurs is a YouTube tarot reader I first found a while back when I started checking out YouTube as a possible place for me to teach and maybe throw some cards.  This reader was the first person I found actually.  He was good!  He was an honest reader who threw a good reading, always encouraging people that the cards aren’t predictive, they’re merely gauging which way the wind is blowing.  But something happened.  I think it was around the time his cat died.  He snapped!  He seemingly lost his mind to be honest.  He started to get weird.  He created a character, changed the name of his channel and himself to this character, and even started seemingly inventing his own laws of physics in some spiritual world of his own making, in an almost Dungeons and Dragons way.  I mean the guy lost his fucking mind!!

Whatever happened exactly I’ll never know.  But the result was an imbalance of energy within him.  He went from fairly balanced with a successful YouTube channel to what I can only read as a catastrophic imbalance of 100% spiritual and 0% science and 0% reality.  And as a result he got a little kooky shall we say.  The 3D result in the real world was a loss of over 50K subscribers and video views that used to be 10 to 20K per video dropping to what is now about 1 to 2K per video, but it takes a week or more for them to reach even that low number.

I won’t mention the channel’s name, but I will say he’s a prime example of what happens when we lose ourselves through imbalance.  We see it all the time in real life with religious zealots for example.  It’s too much spiritual and not enough science or reality, they read too much into it and it becomes all consuming to them.  Through imbalance they’ve lost themselves and become radical and erratic in their behavior.  We also see it with people who are too far out of balance with reality.  They’re usually 90% reality and 0% spiritual and 10% science, but it can be as much as 50/50 between reality and science, and no spiritual at all.  These people are the naysayers.  Negative people who don’t believe in magic or love, or soulmates.  They doubt everything and question everything.  I always feel sorry for these people because the magic of life is contained within emotion.  The emotional things are what stir us.  Logic and being Mr. or Mrs. Spock about life removes all of that..  Again it’s an imbalance of energies that causes this.  Balance is required ESPCEIALLY between spiritual and reality.  Science isn’t necessary per-say but I always feel it’s important to include it in my energy mix and my own studies of the universe.

We also see imbalance all the time with people we see come through the SLT Twitter feed.  They’re lost in what I call 8 swords energy.  It makes no difference what I say on a video because they can’t hear it.  And when I speak the truth about how the soulmate cycle is a blessing in disguise with no fate about two soulmates being together they freak out!!  Because for them the only option or point is to be with the person.  Because they’re out of balance they can’t see the forest for the trees.  They can’t understand how the lesson of it all can benefit them.  They’re “fixated” (and that’s a keyword there), FIXATED on an outcome, and 1 outcome at that!

The reason they can’t see the lesson is because they’re out of balance.  To explain, this is because the lesson itself is balance and balanced within itself.  So since like energy attracts like energy YOU yourself must be balanced or at least close enough to it to receive and understand the lesson.

Lesson is a harsh word for some.  It sounds forced, like a teacher or parent trying to “teach us a lesson”.  It’s nothing like that at all.  We grow our energy, raise our frequency or vibration through “learning”.  It’s not like the universe is trying to teach you a lesson.  In fact it doesn’t give a shit whether you learn anything in the 3D or not.  The universe is JUST energy!!!  And energy in nature tries to balance, and correct itself when it goes out of balance for any reason.  The entire universe is energy.  Energies mix and form recipes if you will.  Those mixes often create an opportunity type energy.  The opportunity at its core is to balance yourself and learn something, i.e. raise your vibration as the kids like to say.  Maybe the energy mix makes quitting a bad habit easy as pie, or maybe it has you cross paths with a soulmate.  Soulmates on any level always have a key to help us learn more about “who we really are”.

You don’t have to take the opportunity, but the energy is there whether you take it or not.  Like I always say on the videos.  If you go to a river, whether you believe the river is there or not, IT’s FUCKING THERE!!  You can ignore it, but it’s still there.  Might as well take a dip I say…  Or have some fun playing in it.

It’s never fun when someone rejects an offer of love.  Or you can’t be with them because they’re with someone else.  Someone you know is toxic and they don’t even really love.  But you only lower your vibration by continuing to give love when it’s not coming back at you.  And as a result you attract more people who are of low vibration.  Which makes you more depressed because you keep meeting and banging people who hurt you.  Often this results in someone wondering why..  Why me they yell out to the universe??!!  Or they say things like “all men suck” or whatever..  No all men don’t suck, your energy is out of balance so you’re only attracting the ones that do..  It really is that simple…  No hocus pocus, no unicorns, or angels or devils.  It really is that simple.  The idea is to learn from experiences throughout life. The wisdom you gain allows you to not repeat mistakes, but it also raises your vibration which in-turn attracts a higher vibrational group of people and situations. 

The runner’s in this cycle (most of which are DMs) are a prime example of what happens when we shut down and go out of balance.  In their case it’s too much ego.  Empathy doesn’t live in the ego.  But the DF side of this cycle was too much soul.  Equally as bad and equally as out of balance, this can and often does result in despair and feeling of failure or low self-worth.  Hence, the DF’s lesson in this cycle is one of self-worth.  Self-worth lives in the ego, and the DF had no ego energy to speak of, they were almost all soul energy. 

So people like me try to help the DF balance their too much soul with a little ego to help bring them into balance.  People like me can’t help the runner, because they’re the opposite of the DF.  It’s a law of physics, equal and opposite reaction.  The runner is as much all ego as the DF was soul.  But because the runner or DM in most cases is all ego they’re a bit of a doubter as I described earlier about people too out of balance on the reality side of things, i.e. pentacles.  So the only side that can be helped by others IS the DF side, which is exactly why you guys are out watching tarot readings and other videos and reading books etc.  My job was and still is to help the DF bring their ego energy up a little, i.e. self-worth.  Which is why I banged you in 2021, and why I preach and ask you triggering questions like “why do you want someone who doesn’t want you?”  or “Why do you keep giving love when you’re not getting it back?”  And yeah I pay a price from some for triggering them, but it must be done.  It’s part of the job.

When we have self-worth and in the DF’s case the potential for perfect balance between soul and ego, we are in Empress energy.  The Empress is balanced within herself.  He or she doesn’t need the Emperor.  The Empress is attractive, soul nurturing, abundant, and self-sufficient, with amazing capability to give and receive love.  The Emperor by contrast always needs the Empress, especially in this cycle.  For example the Emperor is all 4 Kings.  The Empress is all 4 Queens.  Using the cups suit as an example.  The King of cups is stingy about giving the love from the cup.  By contrast the Queen of cups gives the full cup, and that cup is blended with empathy and balance.

Each side has something to teach the other.  Most of the connections in this particular cycle are symbiotic.  The Empress benefits from the Emperor in this cycle by drawing from the Emperor’s ego energy a little bit to gain some much needed strength.  The Emperor in this cycle benefits from the Empress far more though.  They are WAY out of balance and are missing the magic of life.  They benefit from the Empress primarily by learning what REAL happiness is, and what REAL love is.  The Empress already knows this, he or she doesn’t need this from the Emperor.  Hence the baby fawn coming to suckle the mama deer (doe) on the Queen of Pentacles in what we call at SLT “The animal deck”.

All of the above being said, and in an effort to be honest.  NOT every DF or DM will be able to learn the lessons and grow their energy in this cycle.  Just like not every student in a class gets an A or even passes.  Some do well and some do not.  You’re all at different energetic levels.  It all boils down to “Balance”.  It all boils down to HOW out of balance someone is, and/or how low their vibration has gotten.  How long have they allowed low vibrational energies to enter their life.  Like an unwanted houseguest lower vibrational people are junk food that tend to stick around and linger.  It can take a bit to get them out shall we say..

The ability to benefit from this cycle is there for everyone.  But for some it’ll take longer.  They may not figure it out for 20 years.  Which is why everything I’m doing while I’m here on YouTube and in writing this blog will always be here.  Long after I’m gone, it will ALL remain.

We’ve all had many experiences in life where we didn’t understand something.  But later on a re-approach we finally got it.  It finally made sense.  Back to the future which comes up a lot in readings is a prime example of this.  Some people like me for example got it the first time.  For others the science and math involved was all a bit too much and they had to see the movie 5 times maybe to understand it.  And others just plain never understood any of it at all still to this day.

My point is, for some it’s all making sense right now.  For others, my fast forwarders, or people that dismiss my channel because it’s not about rainbows and unicorns, it’s not their time.  or, maybe those people are just meant for and only on the level of the fluff channels as I call them.  For these people I’m well aware that nothing I say will help them.  When someone is in 8 swords energy they are in a prison of their own making.  Their energy loops back onto itself.  In order to receive we have to be able to give.  Energy requires reciprocation to flow, (a little science there for ya for balance Meaning, if our energy loops back onto itself and we’re trapped in a loop of thoughts and feelings that we can’t get out of, we’re not radiating energy outward.  Which means we can’t receive it either.  That energy loop we’re caught in (8 swords) creates a force field of sorts.  Nothing gets in, and nothing gets out.  Yet we always have the key..  But that loop of energy creates the blindfold effect.  Hence, none so blind as those who will not see.  It’s why on the 8 of swords someone is almost always wearing a blindfold.

No one and I mean no one gets out of 8 swords with the help of other energies or people.  Only we have the key, and we must use it.  The energy has to be right for this to happen.  What the kids call divine timing.  For most the energy is right right now.  But for some the energy isn’t right, and what SLT is putting out won’t be received until later down the road.  I always say if you found this channel there was a reason.  That’s true.  But it’s true in many different ways for many different people.  Sometimes that reason someone found SLT is so they can bookmark it to come back when they’re ready.  Or so it’s in their cache so it pops up later down for them…   There’s always many angles on the energy.  That’s why I encourage people to take the long-view of all situations.  Everything happens for a reason.  But that reason isn’t always obvious.

All of this ties back to the danger of imbalance.  I’ll end where I began.  I’m always very very careful to keep a delicate balance between spiritual, reality, and science.  Too much of any one of those is bad in its own way.  The most dangerous I think is too much spirituality.  Spirituality energy is thick and goopy.  It sticks to you like a BBQ sauce that sticks to your ribs.  When we’re out of balance in that respect it creates a loop unto itself like 8 swords, but it’s far more blinding. It can cause us to do some crazy shit, and behave in crazy ways.  We saw it with the crusades in 1096.  And we can see it all over the news, Twitter, and YouTube today.  People talking about conspiracy theories and/or those folks that are getting a little too much “light” shall we say.

You’ve all hear of “light workers” of course.  And that’s all fine and good.  But I agree with the late great astrologer Jonathan Cainer.  Who once said he didn’t consider himself a light-worker and never would.  What he meant wasn’t that it’s a bad thing.  Of course it isn’t!!  Light is angel energy after all.  He meant being a light worker lacks balance.  If you’re a “light worker” you also simultaneously MUST be a “dark worker” as well.  Balance is required is not just the title topic of this article, it’s a fucking FACT!!  Without it you’re all “light” and no “dark” and you end up shall we say as I’ve seen quite often with the YouTube channel I mentioned earlier in this article and a few Twitter feeds that follow me, a little kooky about it all to say the least  Creating characters and fantasy lands from your imagination, reading crack-pot new-age blogs and taking it all far too literally.  Too much “light” and not enough “dark” to balance it and we end up losing touch with reality, which is a key energy that requires itself to be in the mix for balancing.  The universe always wants us to balance the 5D energies with our perceived reality.

By contrast if you were a “dark worker”, and only dealt with dark.  Well that’s out of balance too.  That leads to trouble.  It opens the door for devil energy to come in and you end up being a conspiracy nut-job of some kind, or a violent person who thinks attacking people or things is how a point is made, or worse yet just a very shut-down person who misses the whole point of life and all of the magic contained within it.

However in closing, I will also add that ANY imbalance invites devil energy in.  Devil energy only works on people that are out of balance.  Meaning the con-man, or the player that just wants to bang you and ends up hurting you, or the used car salesman that sells you the lemon.  You believe the lies because of devil energy, and devil energy got in and infected you because you’re out of balance in some way and that left you exposed.  This is especially true in today’s society because devil energy can only affect the ego.  And most of society today is severely out of balance to the tune of 90+% ego and 10% or less soul.  It’s easy to see the devil energy.  It makes them greedy, selfish, narcissistic, needing to take a bunch of selfies for some reason.  A desire for attention, and worse yet, the ones that are religious or spiritual and talk about God all the time etc. in most cases just pick and choose parts of the religion that suit them and discard the rest.  In other words they’re what the bible calls hypocrites.

The DF for example was too much soul as I said and that left the ego open and exposed like an empty warehouse for devil energy frequencies to go in and fill their heads with all sort of nonsense from lack of worthiness to even suicidal thoughts for some.  And the DF’s believed it all for the same reason that used car salesman can sell you a lemon.  Devil energy is like junk-food.  It’s easy to eat a lot of it, and even convince yourself it’s real-food.  The lies we’re told and the lies we tell ourselves are quite believable.  But they’re only an illusion as that’s what devil energy creates….illusions leading to delusions..

The same can also be said of “light workers” especially those who are all light.  That too opens the door to devil energy as much as just being a “dark worker” who is all dark  The devil energy in this case usually reflects as that kookiness and can result in depression actually.  Why?  Because whether you’re into reality or not, it’s there.  Just like that river we talked about earlier,,, it’s there, so it must be taken into consideration..

And reality is a mix of light and dark because it’s balanced energy.  Which in-turn is why we must be balanced in order to flow properly within it.  If all we see is light, that doesn’t mean the dark isn’t there.  So depression for example which is devil energy can set in when reality comes a callin’ and we find that all that light didn’t prevent something bad or dark from happening to us.

I’ll tell you something…  Even angels keep the devil in mind at all times..  In fact Angel energy uses devil energy to trigger people in an effort to help them.  Which is why most people get angels and devils confused.  It’s why many of my viewers have accused me of being the devil.  The truth is the angel can seem like a real asshole.  But to help people you need to confront them with hard truths, and that usually triggers the ego’s protection protocol as I like to call it.  By contrast in the equal and opposite reaction devil energy uses the illusion of angel energy to trick you.  So while the angel keeps the devil in mind, the devil also keeps the angel in mind.  Both sides use the opposing energy as a tool of sorts.

Imbalance is dangerous.  The way to achieve balance is to relax the mind.  Overthinking is a no no.  The soul energy is much quieter than the ego energy.  So we have to turn down the volume on ego in order to hear the soul.  That said, we don’t turn the ego all the way down.  Just enough to balance things.  The best ways to do this are either, meditation, practicing the law of pure potentiality, or just getting out into wide open spaces, nature ideally..  There is no better energy to surround ourselves with than nature itself.  It’s energy that allows for a lofty perspective because it’s expansive.

Perspective will be a topic for a near-future article.  This one on balance however is a perfect lead-in though…
