Divinely charged

Let's talk about the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and soulmates.  And just for shits and giggle I'm going to tie it all to car batteries.  Why?  Because I'm Steve, and…

Time in a bottle

If I had a box just for wishes And dreams that had never come true The box would be empty Except for the memory Of how they were answered by…

We die anyway (mp3)

By countless request I'm throwing another song track of mine up here in the blog's music section.  I'm working on a new blog article now but I figure this will…

Every WITCH way but loose

Energy is a funny thing.  I don't mean funny ha ha.  I mean the entire universe is just energy in various forms.  Even matter is held together with energetic bonds. …

Destiny’s Road

Today I did a reading about the node shift happening on January 18, 2022.  The north node or true node is moving into Taurus, and the south node is moving…

Shred Zepp

A lot of people know I'm a big Led Zeppelin fan.  So just for fun I thought I would share another song track I wrote and recorded with you all. …