The only certainty is uncertainty

German physicist Werner Heisenberg's "Uncertainty principle" states that the position and the velocity of an object cannot be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory.  This principle goes a…


Philosophers often wax on the idea that there is no evidence the past ever happened.  Time doesn't leave for us to follow.  It just passes.  Some might be confused by…

Famous by 3 (Part 2)

Hopefully you've read the original "Famous by 3" article prior to reading this one.  But either way do what you like..  I wanted to explain a few additional concepts to…

Famous by 3 (Part 1)

After this, check out "Famous by 3 - Part 2" I talk sometimes on videos about the number 3 and it being "very important".  I thought long and hard about…

Dark Energy

I find as I browse YouTube from time to time a lot of uninformed idiots out there using the wrong vernacular for things and confusing people with it.  People who…