Woops! Did I say that?

Saturn will be going direct on or around the 23rd of the month.  But its effects will be felt a few days prior to that.  Combining with Saturn are the…

It’s all in the “why”

On a recent reading "Full moon in Aries" read I mentioned in the soul position of the reading about the collective societal energy in the majority often over extends themselves…

Fly swatting

Today we're going to do some science!!!  And have some fun sorta..  We're going to talk about time perception and house flies.  House flies you ask??  Yup, the common house…

The forgiven

This article is about the topic of reaching out, and the core reason for these soulmate connections and journeys..  But it also explains some of the core dilemmas I face…

Fig Newtons

This is another post about energy, but also a lesson in Temperance, with a pinch of home-spun bible study thrown in for good measure.  This article's lessons stem from Luke…