Every WITCH way but loose

Energy is a funny thing.  I don't mean funny ha ha.  I mean the entire universe is just energy in various forms.  Even matter is held together with energetic bonds. …

Destiny’s Road

Today I did a reading about the node shift happening on January 18, 2022.  The north node or true node is moving into Taurus, and the south node is moving…

Shred Zepp

A lot of people know I'm a big Led Zeppelin fan.  So just for fun I thought I would share another song track I wrote and recorded with you all. …


"When everything's made to be broken" "I just want you to know who I am." The line above is as this short article's title would suggest from a song called…

Alley Cats

This article is a bit of psychology 101.  It's also while a story from my real-life a principle that applies to much of what I pick up in the energies…

Annoyingly right

I run into this all the time.  Many of my close friends would tell you that I'm "handy" to have around.  I offer advice and insights that most people either…