Spring-Break planet Earth

Steve's Love TarotThis article deals with old soul vs. young soul.  What’s the difference?  Well to as usual Big Bird it up and keep it simple.  An old soul has been in human form many times.  Generally at least 10.  A young soul is new or relatively new to human or higher life-form form.  Anyone part of the current or any soulmate cycle is an “old soul”.  This is because you have to be an older or at least middle-aged soul have have formed a deep-soul connection with someone.  Twin-flame is the exception to the rule where some younger souls slip in because Twin-flame is a soul that split in two and doesn’t need the span of time to develop the connection.  This also is why they’re so volatile and often fraught with arguing couples etc.  Twin-flame can be two “young souls” in a connection they’re hardly ready for because each spent a lot of time as Chipmunks and Raccoons rather than humans or other higher life forms.  Giving new meaning to fighting like cats and dogs…  lol

Now that that’s been made clear this article’s title “Spring-break planet Earth” is in reference to the fact that we have a serious problem here on Earth in the collective energy of the human side of things.  That “problem” is right now here on Earth it’s mostly “young souls”.  Older souls don’t want to come here.  I didn’t.  I firmly believe I made a wrong turn.  I’ve wanted out for some time now.  LOL.  I’m a very old soul, a Shaman once told me over 10K years in fact.  Which is probably why I don’t like the cold much as my beginnings would have been during the Ice Age.  LOL..   That said, Earth has become lacking in wisdom, it’s why people like me who teach some ancient wisdom attract so many old souls and repel the young ones.  The soulmate cycle is mostly old souls for reasons I’ve already stated.  It’s also why my channel will have limited growth.  My vibration kicks out anyone below a certain level.  It’ll continue to grow but at a much slower pace.  I pretty much fished out the stocked pond of old souls on YouTube in my first 10 months out there.  lol

Anyway back to my point.  Old souls the souls that can help mankind are passing Earth by.  Earth has become sort of like a spring-break town.  No town wants spring-break in their town.  The older residents see it as a bunch of young kids, drunk on alcohol and hormones running wild.  Much the way old souls see Earth.  There are many options for higher life forms in our universe.  There is an equation called “The Drake Equation”, which calculates how many planets there are in our galaxy the Milky Way alone that would have intelligent life forms.  The number is in the hundreds of thousands by the way.

I know it sounds crazy, but the fact is most scientists would agree anyway that the Earth is in trouble.  It truly is, in more ways that I or anyone can count.  But on the human side of the equation I can’t even watch the news without seeing the effects of too many young souls and the damage they’re causing while on spring-break here on Earth.  They’re morons.  Here in the USA many of them tout the constitution for example.  Yet based on their message they don’t appear to have ever read it, nor do I think they could comprehend it if they did.  Suffice as to say our founding fathers who were all old souls by the way are rolling over in their graves I’m sure.  But that’s just one example and I’m not one to touch on politics, if for no other reason than the country and world for that matter is far too polarized right now, and there’s no way to get through to young souls, which as I’ve been saying, make up most of planet currently.  They just don’t listen to reason, and usually react violently to things they either don’t understand or “think” they understand.  That violent reaction by the way is the mark of a young soul, it’s a psychological reaction to seeing any opposing view as a dire threat of some kind.  This is because they have no real wisdom to generate any common-sense with.

Old souls such as myself and most of you are well aware that there’s no way to get through to young souls.  They don’t listen, they have a one track mind on any given topic.  It’s the mark of a young soul in fact.  So it’s futile and I don’t broach the topic.  However, we only need watch the news to see how these drunken young souls on spring break are behaving and trashing the town so to speak.

Old souls know that no one is ever 100% right.  There’s always some give and take and compromise needed in any situation or hot debate topic.  Compromise is the only way to solve an issue.  Even something as hot as gun-control here in the USA.  This one-track mind of the younger souls prevents this, and in the case of the USA most scholars believe we’re headed for a civil war sometime in the next 50 years.  Happily I’ll be long gone by then.  LOL..  And I assure you I won’t be back to Earth next time unless spring-break ends.  lol

So Earth’s collective energy is mostly young souls.  About 88% is what most powerful energy readers can figure.  That number leaves 12% as old souls, and these numbers jive with the number of people in most of the soulmate cycles.  The people in these cycles are being elevated to a new level.  However even though most of you in this cycle are yourselves old souls that doesn’t mean you know how to access the wisdom contained in your soul energy.  I’ve likely only known for a half a dozen lifetimes and I’ve been around for much more than that.  That said, the job of people like me for example is to help you understand your lessons and how to access that wisdom.  That knowledge is what I’m passing on to you in all of my videos and many of the articles in this blog.  You’re all older souls of varying levels.  But you’ve all been in higher life form intelligent being vessels before.  And in those vessels you learned things.  Those things are still there.  Those things you learned from past lives simply need to be accessed.  They are NOT accessed by the brain stuck in 8 swords.  They are accessed by a brain that has been quieted so the soul energy can get through the noise the brain (ego) creates.

The problem with young souls and the problem Earth has being “Spring-break” central for them is they have NO SUCH WISDOM!!  They have no sense in many ways.  They’re just like the drunk horny teenagers on spring break in some poor unsuspecting town away from their parents for a week or two.  You only as I said need turn on the news to see them.  You only need go to the store, or out on the street to see them.  It’s why I’m a bit of a hermit.  And as I grow older I’ll go deeper in the hermit cave.

The fact is old souls are passing Earth by.  It’s a hell hole!  And word is out in some young soul newspaper or message board that Earth is the place to go and party.  lol

On the one hand it makes people like me and all of you special.  We’re part of only 12% of Earth’s human population.  But on the other hand we’re out-numbered by morons with no wisdom and sense.

In closing, young souls have a hard time understanding things, seeing the big picture, or even admitting they’re wrong.  They learn very slowly as we all do, which is why we require a lot of lifetimes to gain our wisdom.  Yet they don’t have those lifetimes under their belt and they make up about 88% of Earth’s human inhabitants right now.  It’s dangerous for us to have so many young souls on a fragile planet such as Earth.  The universe is well aware of this and is trying to use its old souls who are here to balance the energy so it can attract more old souls to our fair planet.  The energy here in the collective is WAAY out of balance.  Ideally we should have 40% young souls and 60% old souls.  But we’re no where near that.  What we have here on the soul level is 88% drunk teenagers on Spring-break Earth and 12% old souls shaking their heads looking to move out of here, yours truly on that list by the way.  lol

If we can’t attract more old souls here we’re doomed to simply kill each other off and or kill the planet off with selfishness, racism, narcissism, and ignorance.  Which are all the hallmarks of young souls, or in some cases old souls who aren’t in touch with their inner wisdom from past lives.  Such as the case with many of your DMs by the way at least on the emotional front anyway.
