Poncho and Lefty (The Leo Soap Opera)

I did a reading today that was very deep for the Leo people.  They’ve got a saga going on that the universe keeps sending me the energy of.  It’s only affecting some Leos but apparently many.   In this reading the universe gave me a song.  The song is called “Poncho and Lefty”, and it’s a song from my childhood that I haven’t actually heard in nearly 35 years.  There’s a reason for that happening.

I tend to go a little deeper than the average bear when looking for the hidden meanings contained within things, situations, and signs.  This skill comes in handy with my energy reading because the universe often gives us clues but not direct answers.  So we almost always have to dig for the true meaning.  While I try to explain things on my readings, those explanations don’t always cover the whole story because they’re general readings.  So I’m writing this to offer some clarification on why the universe decided to bring this particular song into the fray as a response to what’s happening within the Leo saga’s connection.  This specific song came in for a reason.  That reason is because the universe knew I would understand it’s meaning, but also because it’s very important to the Leo saga,

You can Google the lyrics if you want, or listen to the song it’s linked under the artist’s name.  It’s most notably by Emmy Lou Harris.  The song tells the story of the Leo saga perfectly but you have to be able to separate yourself for yourself to understand such messages from the universe.  It knows I can, so it gives them to me.

The song tells the story of Poncho a Bandit, and Lefty a sidekick of sorts.  Lefty is Leo’s runner we’ll say, and Poncho is Leo, or the non-runner.  Roles can be reversed of course i.e. if Leo was the runner in your case.  In the reading I mention the line, “The dust of Poncho bit down south, and ended up in Lefty’s mouth“.  It was the primary line the universe gave me, but it was just the tip of the iceberg here.  Yes, the dust of Leo bit the runner, or vise versa. Either way when the two souls met it bit Lefty the runner in the ass, and they got a mouth full of shit.  They never saw it coming.  The never knew a connection like this one before.  It’s a powerful connection with a lot of love, yet some struggle too.  It was Poncho’s growth that affected Lefty in many ways.  They grew through spying or just energetically picking up on the growth of the DF side because the two are connected.  Lefty saw the energies around them in their true light of illusion.  It was all thanks to Poncho the DF and their growth into the Empress shall we say.

But there’s more to the song than this.  For instance Poncho was a bandit, an outlaw.  And in many cases the runner’s spouse or partner or even family and friends see Poncho (the non-runner) as a threat of some kind.  And I explained this in the extended quite clearly.  Truth is they are a threat.  The love for the soulmate out-weighs the love for the current partner or situation.  That feeds on insecurities in someone trying to hold onto Leo or Leo’s person either or, it depends on your situation and who’s who.

The part that gets a little deep is one of acceptance.  All of the song’s lyrics matter.  In the song, Poncho dies.  Poncho in this case represents the soulmate connection.  Poncho meets his match in the deserts down in Mexico Emmy Lou sang.  I think many will miss this part, and it’s really where the depth is.  I leave my readings open to interpretation, but I really want Leo’s to understand what this means.

In the song Lefty (the runner) did what he had to do.  In the soulmate cycle the runner stuck with the toxic situation because they felt they had to, they felt it was the right thing to do.

Having said that, we must note that Poncho (the soulmate connection in this case) dies in the song.  What the universe is saying is we must allow for the fact that the soulmates might not be able to come to together due to circumstances on the runner’s side.  They may not have a way out, or have the guts to find a way in-spite of all the love.  For some this will be the case.  And acceptance must be had.  Life is a mix of light and shade, not fairies and unicorns and happy endings all the time, if ever in fact.

For some the two soulmates will come together, and that’s clear in the energy.  But it is as the cards and energy were clear to point out as yet unwritten…  Only time will tell…

I’m grateful that song came up in the reading.  I hadn’t heard it since I was very young.  But its energy and words even helped me to make sense of something that happened in my life a long long time ago.  While not totally similar, it was similar enough.

I wanted to make sure all of this was clear.  As sometimes people fast forward, and other times they’re just not deep enough and lateral enough thinkers to dig for the hidden meanings in things.  They think, well I listen to hip hop so I don’t care about a country song.  Okay… but words are words, and no matter who’s saying them or singing them they have always and always will have deep meaning..

Music IS the universe, they are one in the same in many ways.  Music is emotion and mathematics in motion.  And so is the energy of the universe.  Our greatest philosophers and clues about life and its various meanings, come from our singers and artists.  Whether we’re into them as our style dictates or not, they all matter, and their words all have something to teach us.
