Pet sounds – (“he a Pisces”)

This article’s title is NOT in reference to the Beach Boys album of the same name.  It IS however in reference to a topic I get into a lot with people, usually misinformed people about astrology and animals.

I got a message from someone a month or so back quite perturbed with me for always referring to Flem the parrot as a “Pisces”.  This person went on a long long diatribe telling me how utterly offensive that is because astrology they said and I quote “if I knew anything” was for people, NOT for pets.  They said any pet horoscope is nonsense for example.

Well… rather than respond to them I thought I would spend a Saturday morning writing a fun little short note about this here in my blog for all to read.  Just in case anyone else out there is confused by this topic.  If you are, you’re probably not unlike this person who wrote in, not paying attention to what I’m trying to teach you about energy..  It’s never wise to assume that you have everything figured out.  I never do… I only talk about what I call “Things I know to be true.”..  But ignorance I will always have little tolerance for.  It’s just the way I am..  lol

First off I DO know a thing or two about energy.  And a sure fire sign of a low vibrational person is someone who is rigid in their thinking.  In other words high vibrational people, wise people, always allow for the fact that they could be wrong.  I knew arguing with this person would be a waste of my time because they didn’t write in to offer me a tip or correct me.  They wrote in to insult me, and puff themselves up in the process.  All they really did was give me an idea for a clever blog article.  So to them if they’re reading this, I say thank you…

Okay so yeah, Flem the parrot IS a Pisces.  He was born March 3rd 2003.  He has a chart just like any one of you does.  So does your dog, your cat, your fish, your hamster even.   They all have charts.  In fact trees also have charts.  Single cell organisms also have charts.  Why… because we all live in the same energy, in the same universe… The laws of physics are NOT selective…

People who feel that astrology is only for humans, don’t understand energy at all!!  Or they’re just so self-absorbed that they can’t see past themselves.  The energy around us is around all of us.  Saying that astrology isn’t for animals is the same as saying the laws of physics only apply to humans.  And that’s just not true.

Yes astrology is man-made.  But it’s man tracking patterns based on the energetic bodies surrounding us in space that have a gravitational effect on the core energy that affects us on a daily basis.  So over time humans have tracked the patterns that happened when certain alignments occur, or when certain objects are in a specific position in relation to us here on planet Earth..

As an energy reader I have to account for the astrology because it acts as energetic wind of sorts.  The astrology pulls and affects the core energy that contains all the data that I get as emotion in my case.  I then translate that emotion based on my life experience of having felt the given emotion before.  No different really than the core concept of astrology.  This very same pattern tracking  based on experience is exactly what early astrologers did with the alignments and planetary placements.

When we’re born we get a chart.  Planets and our Sun (a star) were in specific places when we were born and they were in effect affecting the energy around us.  In the Sun’s case it’s energy was a specific energy, i.e. our sun sign.  These charts make up “PART” of the energetic recipe of who we are and why we’re here.  Your chart placements determine “IN PART” how the energies you live in will affect you and direct you as you go through life.

The above simple explanation of astrology aside, NONE OF THIS is limited to human beings.  I’ve gone a long way here in my blog and on video on YouTube to try to teach everyone how inflated the human ego has become in societal energies.  So much so that most think we’re some omnipotent being of some kind.  How arrogant of a person to think that the laws of physics only apply to them.  That’s akin to thinking that animals don’t matter.  They don’t feel, they don’t care about their lives etc.  And none of that is the case at all.  In fact animals feel everything we do, they just respond to those feeling differently in some cases.  This is especially the case with more intelligent animals.  But I’m not going to cover this again as I’ve written blog articles here in this very blog on this topic.  One in particular about flies as I recall.  If people aren’t going to read them, that’s not my problem.  Usually the ones that don’t read my articles are the ones that think they already know everything.  Which again is a key sign of a low vibrational person..

My problem here is in explaining HOW the astrology affects animals like Flem the Parrot.  So here we go…

Like always I’m here to teach you about energy.  So we begin with a brief energy lesson recap…  So…. again…… !!   EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, and EVERYTHING MEANS EVERYTHING!!

Lesson two and probably the most important one is that.. THE SAME ENERGY FREQUENCY PLAYS OUT DIFFERENTLY FOR DIFFERENT HUMANS, ANIMALS, AND THINGS IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS..   i.e. the same energy that causes someone to steal a 20 from your top drawer, is the same energy that causes someone to rob a bank.  It’s the same damn frequency.  Just like a drug affects different people in different ways.  Everything is energy, so drugs are energy.  So with a drug you’re putting an outside energy into your inside energy.  For some people aspirin is deadly.  For others it isn’t.  This new fad of probiotics is another great example of this energetic concept.  Probiotics work miracles for some, and yet for others they cause major problems for them.  Each probiotic is an energy, and if a specific one doesn’t match with your specific energy i.e. the biome balance you specifically have, you get a bad reaction.  It’s always a shot in the dark with things like that.  Many doctors warn that one man’s probiotic cure is another man’s wish they never took that pill or drank that drink moment.

The latest fad of Kefir for example which is a fermented mass of probiotics and other bacteria is touted as a wonder drug probiotic.  Well it damn near killed me few years ago.  Its energy was very bad for my specific energy.  It has a problem of causing a histamine reaction is some.  Yours truly included.  Yet for others it saved their lives, and has no effect on them other than positive. This is in part why I don’t like marketing or “research studies”.  Marketing markets to everyone to sell things.  Without keeping the very energetic concept in all caps above in mind.  And research studies never have a 100% complete sample of the population.  So this is why I’ve given many examples here of this concept that you must learn.  And that concept again which I’ll tie to animals and pets and astrology in just a moment is…”the same frequency of energy plays out differently in different situations.”

If the all cap sections above are all you learn from me, you know more about energy than 97% of the damn population of this planet.

How does all of this apply to animals and astrology??  It’s simple…  Let’s say for example your horoscope says, “expect an exciting development today“..  For YOU that might be a call from a new job, or an old friend showing up from the past.  Or even your favorite TV show being saved from cancellation..

BUT the same energy plays out differently for different living things in different situations.  So for your pet dog for example that same horoscope might play out as he or she finding a new stick behind a tree that they never saw before.  And they come running in tail wagging all excited to show you.  For Flem the Parrot that same horoscope could mean he gets a bath that day and the water is particularly warm, which he absolutely loves.

So you see…. the same frequency of energy, applies to both me, you, your dog or cat, and Flem the Parrot, but differently…

So don’t be a fucking arrogant asshole and think the whole universe and the laws of physics only apply to humans.  Why??? Because we’re some higher lifeform???!!!.  Sure,,, we are an advanced lifeform..  No doubt our brains are a highly developed piece of energetic engineering…  But that only means for the universe which is just energy trying to stay in balance that we humans have more energy to keep in balance.  If anything human beings and are a pain in the ass for the fickle old gal universe.  We humans are always knocking things out of balance with our over-thinking, greed, and narcissism.  Whether it’s our own internal energies, or destroying the delicate balance of nature..

So for the record, if Mars is squaring Jupiter and that’s having an effect on you, that energy is also affecting every other thing living or otherwise on this planet..  Not in the same way, but the theme is the same, whether you’re human, a parrot, a dog, a cat, a lion, or even a tree, or for that matter an amoeba.

So yeah…. Flem the Parrot is a fucking Pisces 100%…  And by his behavior over the past 20 years I can tell you he fits that bill nicely, as nicely I might add as ANY human Pisces does…

Everything is energy, and everything means everything“… “So astrology is energy, which means it affects everything.”
