Past-Lives – The teaspoon of salt in a mountain of dough

The topic of past-lives came up on a recent LEO extended reading.  I shared some thoughts on them, and some thoughts on my detailed research into not only my own ability to pick up on energy but the ever popular past-life regression therapy as well.  I’m going share some of that here with you just in case you as an “adult” think you can gain access to specific stories of who you were in a past life.  The truth is you cannot, any more than you can pick the salt out of a finished cookie you’re eating.  The cookie analogy is a good one, one that’s easy for everyone to understand so I’ll re-approach it in a little bit.  But first I need to explain a few things about past-lives and childhood so everyone understands the context…

I often say when past-life energy comes up in a reading that I don’t have stories for you of stagecoaches or parties in the 1920’s etc.  And this is true, but assuming you’re an adult and not a 4 year old child no one else does either.  And for a very good reason…

We do bring the wisdom from our past-lives with us into our current life.  We also bring memories and feelings from that past-life as well.  But those memories and feelings don’t live in the brain, not even in the subconscious mind.  That’s a gross misconception.  Yes the brain can and does translate soul energy for us through intuition etc. however in order for that to happen heart energy is required to act as the translator.  The brain doesn’t speak soul.  The brain is a processor and storage device that our current 3D vessel uses to collect and process new data as we go through our lives.  It runs the body and keeps us safe by using logic to prevent us from doing stupid things like walking off a cliff etc.  The subconscious mind is the hard drive of sorts, it’s where the brain sticks things.  It’s where all those bad things and good things that happen to us throughout our lives get pushed down into and locked away for safe storage and possible access later down the road.  It’s our ego’s version of past-experience so to speak, but ONLY for our current life…

Any psychologist will tell you the most important years in a child’s life are the first 5 or 6 years.  It’s when they form the basis of who they will become, what kind of person they’ll be, and the dreams and goals they’ll set and have.  And those psychologists will tell you why.  From a psychology perspective it’s because the brain is forming and learning, literally absorbing data like a sponge at that age, both consciously and subconsciously.  But I will add there’s more to it than that….

Children between the ages of 2 and 5 in particular give or take have full access to who they were in previous lives.  Not just the most recent lifetime, but ALL of them!!  This is however usually ruined through bad parenting and societal norms we must live under.  For examples as is often the case, parents who thrust upon the child their own expectations and form and mold the child into who and what they want them to be rather than who the child was meant to be, i.e. their soul’s true purpose.  This is very common and in some extreme cases can land a future adult on a Jerry Springer type TV show.. LOL..

A child aged 2 to 5 knows exactly who they were, where they came from and why they’re here.  In fact many of their nighttime dreams reflect this and play back true stories of their past lives so that they may learn.

I’m a bit different from anyone any of you know.  I’m literally 1 in 300 million people by my IQ alone.  That said I was very self-aware from a very young age.  By age 4 I had begun keeping dream journals in fact.  I found my dreams very curious at that age and earlier.  They seemed to repeat various messages, and contained things within them that I as a 3 or 4 year old couldn’t possibly have known.  For instance I remember one dream vividly to this very day, and because no one ever suppressed my soul (I ignored my parents and their rather childish friends as a child as I thought they were morons since age 3) I’m one of the lucky few who is aware of at least some of what happened in their most recent past-life that brought them into this one.  It was a recurring dream of a car crash.  I’m not going into detail as it was a rather involved dream but at the end of the dream I would hit a tree.  Once I do everything goes black for what seemed like a long time, and then I would wake up.  Usually screaming.  I stayed with my grandparents a lot and they were always alarmed by it, and told this story until their dying days in fact.  The truth is I never bothered to tell them what the dream was, but I remembered it.  And obviously still do to this day.  I know that I was very young in that crash, and based on the car it was sometime in the 1920’s or 30’s.  A 3 year old child has no way to form such detailed memories nor did I know anything about cars at age 3.  Let alone the make and model.  LOL..  That dream occurred over and over until I was about 5 or 6.  The core message of the dream as I read it was I had unfinished business in THIS life.  That unfinished business proved to be education related more than anything else.

I told that story because ALL of you have a similar story from childhood whether you realize it or not.  At a young age we have access to our past-lives.  This is for energetic purpose though.  It’s so we KNOW what our soul’s true path is.  Otherwise how would we know.  It makes logical sense but the problem is children in our society are ignored by parents in favor of tradition, or some sort of expectation of who they will become.  Again, all of you have similar memories from childhood, but the problem is once we pass childhood no matter how enlightened an individual we may be, myself included, those past-life energies get “mixed” into and in with current life data, obligations, and worst of all expectations our parents and teachers alike put upon us.  No matter how hard I tried to keep them, the dreams eventually stopped coming around age 6 or 7 for me.  And this jives with much of the data out there of children who have recalled past-life experiences, and in some well documented cases even gone to meet their past-life families.  One such boy in the 60’s was a shot down fighter pilot in WWII.  He retained his past-life memories until age 8, and in an interview stated that they totally faded by that time.  This is for good reason.  The past-life “specific” memories fade as we get older in part for reasons I’ve explained but also so that we don’t focus on them too much and actually LIVE THIS LIFE!!

So what of cookies you may ask?  Well…. we start out in our very early years as an unmixed cookie dough of sorts.  As we move through the years of our current life the dough gets mixed.  Hence “the cookie analogy”..

The reason you as an adult person cannot go and get hypnotized to recall past-lives is because of energy mixing.  I’ll keep it simple here and leave out the key and complex part of how the brain needs heart energy to translate soul energy and there’s no heart energy in play during hypnosis.  While that’s a key point of concern it’s not necessary for what I’m explaining here and it may just confuse my readers.

To explain…  When you go through past-life regression hypnosis as an adult what’s actually happening is your subconscious is creating stories.  It’s pulling from dreams you forgot you had while you slept throughout your life, wishes you’ve had and pushed down, and it’s peppering in some memories of your current life which all live in the picture book that is your subconscious.  There is no past-life energy there, or very little.  Most of it is current life energy put together in a bit of a long forgotten mix-tape.  It’s all fairy fluff, yet to you it may seem very real and believable.  You were a Prince, or a Princess, and you had a great love affair.  It makes sense, of course you did and you were.  You might find you were a bartender in 1910 and ran a pretzel stand on the street.  But all of that could just be a movie you saw in your teens twisted with dreams you’ve had and memories long forgotten from your youth of when mom brought home some special warm pretzels.  Whatever it is it’s not soul energy and it’s not past-life energy.  Hypnosis never is.  The brain has no direct access to the soul.  Which is why science can’t find the soul.  They know it’s there.  Take if from me, I’m married to a scientist.  They don’t write about it because it’s not accepted, it’s too theoretical for them to risk their grants publishing an article on it.  But they do KNOW there is a soul energy there.  Something runs us.  And it’s not food as one colleague of my wife put it to me.

Let’s talk cookies…  Think of a cookie dough, in this analogy your past-lives are “the salt” in the dough.  In a bowl we pour 2 and half cups of flower, some baking soda, some vanilla, some sugar, and some butter.  All of that represents your current lifetime.  We then add a small teaspoon of salt, which is your past-life energy.  At this point nothing has been mixed yet.  As a child aged 2 to 5 let’s say, you’re an unmixed cookie dough.  The salt (past-lives) is still just sitting there as a pile on top.  You could reduce it or pick it all out if you wanted to taking very little of the other ingredients with you.  It’s easy to see and isolate the salt.

BUT as we move through life the cookie dough gets mixed.  i.e. shit happens to us and around us.  By the time we reach adulthood it’s a fully mixed dough and ready to bake into a cookie.  The dough is mixed by things that happen in this life, memories that are stored, dreams that are had, disappointments and successes alike.  At this point as with any fully mixed dough we can no longer isolate the salt or any specific ingredient.  It’s all mixed together, the salt cannot be removed or even accessed other than through taste…  And the taste is the key here..  That’s what’s always there through our lives.

That taste of the tiny amount of salt in that finished cookie is how you feel your past-life energy in your current life.  It’s a “knowing”…  When we cross paths with a soulmate from another lifetime we just know we knew them before, and we feel something, we feel unconditional love for them, but we don’t know how we know, or even why we know..  Just like when we eat the finished cookie from our dough we can taste the salt, we know it’s in there, but we don’t see it, or get any detail about it, and most importantly WE CAN NO LONGER PICK IT OUT, i.e. isolate it..  It’s just part of the cookie..  And a very small part at that..

This is why in adulthood past-life regression therapy is always just stories pieced together from memories, dreams, and wishes from our current lifetime.  We can no longer separate the salt from the dough.  So as the great Judge Judy often says, “if one thing isn’t true, the whole thing isn’t true“.  What I mean is, there is no accurate story of a past-life because most of what’s coming in is from this life.  The salt in the cookie dough only makes up 1 teaspoon of the dough.  The flour of our current life for example is 2 and half cups by itself.  Which is far far more than a tiny teaspoon.

The lesson here for any parents reading this is something Robin Williams once famously said.  He said, and I’m paraphrasing, “You’re only given one little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.”  That quote is true and put into context with this article it means… We’re only given one TRUE shot to see who we used to be.  To see and know who we once were in our prior lifetime.  By the time we’re over the age of 5 that shot is pretty much gone.   We can always feel our soul’s true purpose into adulthood, but there’s a difference between feeling and knowing details…  Knowing the details is of great use in making sure we stay on the right path and don’t end up as many do, unhappy, and bound to expectation, and energy flowing in the wrong direction..

In those fleeting moments of childhood, those very early years we know exactly who were were and why we’re hear.  It’ll always be a shame to me that through either ignorance or just plain selfishness that information is cast off as nonsense, ignored, or thrust out of us by the practicality based society we’re forced to live among.  In spite of my own parents who were not very spiritual I managed to see past them.  I’ve spent a lifetime over 40 years now trying to disprove my own oddness, my ability to see, feel, and know things that others miss.  I’m endlessly neutral about it all…  But one thing I do know to be true is everything I’ve written in this very important article.  An article I doubt any past-life regression therapists will particularly like.  LOL..   But I’m sorry, it’s the truth as I know it.  So take it for what it’s worth to you.  Consider the source, I’ve more than proved myself to those in my life, and many of you here online.

If you’re a parent of a young child.  Here’s a task for you.  Ask any child aged 2 to 4 to tell you a story…  A child that age cannot form context, i.e. they can only relate on knowledge they have at hand..  BUT…. hidden within whatever story they tell you, no matter how odd and Sesame Street it may seem is the secret to who they once were before they graced your presence in this life.  That much I can promise you.  Record the story, it may take some analysis on your part to work it all out.  Ask them to tell you about any dreams they have.  Add that data to your analysis.  The end result will be a picture of who stands before you.  Where they a royal, or a construction worker?  Oh, and the more creative the child is, the more elaborate the story, the more detail hidden within it, and the more enlightened the child is.  i.e. they have lots of past-lives in play.

As an adult we can’t ever truly know for sure who we were if we didn’t figure it out in childhood as 99.99% of kids never do for reasons I’ve already gone over.  But as adults we can feel it…  Which is why it’s so important to always flow with the energy, and lead by intuition, the soul, not with the brain.  The brain’s job is to protect you, to tell you everything your intuition is telling you is nuts.  And in true paradox form, that’s the whole problem that happens to us when we’re small children.  Except in their case that “brain” energy is almost always fueled and programmed by mom and dad, or a teacher of some sort.

So do what you like.  But my advice is to save your money on past-life regression unless you’re under the age of 5.  However that doesn’t mean it’s not useful.  While as an adult it absolutely cannot tell you ANYTHING about who you were in a past-life, it can offer you valuable insight into who you are and why you do the things you do in this current lifetime.  It can do that by accessing long lost dreams, wishes, and forgotten moments.  Which in the end can have a cheering up effect for sure….
