Out with the old & IN with the NEW!

I’ve been talking a lot on recent videos about a very major energetic cycle that’s ending here in the middle of March 2022.  About a month ago I debated with myself whether to even mention it or not, because it opens a can of worms so to speak.  What most of the planet doesn’t realize is we go through our lives going in and out of energetic weather bubbles for lack of a better way to put it.  People think astrology rules our lives, when in fact astrology is man-made and is us (man) making observations about what happens when this aligns with that etc.  But all of astrology, all of the alignments etc. actually operate with the bubble of a baseline core energy.  This is how “credible” astrologers make their predictions.  That baseline/core energy can change the dynamics of the astrology from one bubble of it to another.  To try to make this point clear, think of that baseline core energy as a fish bowl, and we’re fish living in it with all of our things and astrology and such.  And every so often the fish bowl of energy we all swim around in gets changed by our fickle old gal owner (the universe), and clean energy is put in.  We then find ourselves in a new core environment.  Which changes the energetic dynamics of everything around us.  Including how the astrological alignments pull on and affect the energy.  By either making the alignments more profound, or more subtle.

“Remember!!!!  Everything is energy!!!  And everything means EVERYTHING!”

I mention this particular energetic cycle that’s ending this week because it’s important, and I want everyone to understand what’s happening.  The current “long” “major” energetic cycle or fish bowl that we’ve all been swimming in began around the middle of June 2020.  It ends somewhere between March 14th and 16th 2022.  By the time we wake up on the 17th 2022 we may still have one foot in the old cycle as they tend to blend together at their beginnings and ends, BUT we will also have one foot firmly planted in the new one.  The new cycle will take us from right now mid-March 2022 until about Thanksgiving time here in the USA or late November 2024.  It’s a bigg’en..  lol..  A very big cycle but one that we will reap the rewards of the last cycle in.

So you don’t think there were rewards in the last cycle?  Think again!!

I called this year 2022 in my yearly prediction article the year of “Unfinished business” or an “Unfinished symphony”.  That alone was my way of implying that things left undone from the previous couple years will be wrapped up and in many cases moved on from here in 2022 and partly into 2023 as well.

So what was the old cycle, the fish bowl of energy that’s ending now?  The long cycle that we’re coming out of this week which again began around the middle of June 2020 was very important to the collective energy.  It was hands down the biggest cycle of people going on spiritual journeys and awakenings that I have ever witnessed.  And I’ve seen many cycle changes in my life so far.

In fact my name for this current ending cycle in my notebooks is “Mother Mary“, which I took from The Beatles “Let it be”, which is about seeking wisdom.  Maybe all those spiritual journeys were due to COVID and all the lock-downs forcing us to look at ourselves, or maybe the were the by-product of that which is one of the biggest and most intense soulmate cycles I’ve ever seen, which has been in play during the entirety of this current cycle.  Either way it makes no difference.  The fact is all of us, myself included have been on one hell of a learning curve and spiritual awakening during our journey through the current energy cycle.

You all can think in large part this current now ending energetic long cycle for SLT.  Steve’s Love Tarot was the product of my own spiritual journey, which was set in motion by this very energy bubble.  In fact my journey began as coincidence would have it in June of 2020.  My current journey anyway…  I had one previous to that in the previous cycle.  All that being said speaking for myself, my own awakening made me want to take a shot and see if maybe my words and skill-set could be of help to some people.  I had no expectations, but I will admit that prior to the awakening and spiritual journey that this current energetic cycle placed me in, I would have been far to cynical and selfish on some level to bother with a YouTube channel.  While I wasn’t an asshole, I was a little but shut off from sharing my abilities and wisdom with others.  Unsolicited anyway..

But in this current cycle as with many of you I learned about myself.  I learned about myself through interactions with others, both good and bad.  But all of you as I said learned too.  You’ve all been on a spiritual journey, some of you may not have even been aware of it in fact.  Not all of us came in at the same time.  Fish get added to fish bowls all the time.  But the energy of the current cycle forced things to happen, which in-turn forced us to take a good hard look at how we were living, treating others, treating ourselves, and most importantly how we were giving and receiving love.

I did my part to guide you all through your journey.  That’s my purpose here.  A purpose I strongly believe through a series of inexplicable coincidences prior to SLT going live on YouTube is the fickle old gal universe’s idea and plan if you will.  lol   ..  Sounds crazy, I know, but the universe has been using me as she does with anyone like me as a conduit for about as long as I can remember.  Sending me people all the time, as though I’m the star of some TV show I can’t seem to get cancelled.  LOL..  But as always I’m grateful I have something to offer them.  Sometimes it’s great, and sometimes it’s small.  But all of the time it’s worth it.

So what’s the new cycle then?  What’s our new fish bowl like?  Well…. the old fish bowl of energy had no toys in it for us to swim around.  No treasure chests or underwater lighthouses.  The old fish bowl was a bit of a cloudy day with a chance of showers.  But that energy type is necessary for us to take a look at ourselves.  It causes things to happen, things that can seem bad to us in the moment, but often later prove to have actually been for our greater good.

The new fish bowl of energy is a bit of a sunny day with highs in the mid to upper 70’s.  There’s lots of toys in the water this time.  It’s bikini weather by comparison to the old cycle.  It’s an energy cycle which will allow everything we’ve all learned over the previous cycle on our spiritual journeys to be put into motion.  And that will be facilitated by opportunities being put in front of us.  It’s an energy that doesn’t take away as the last cycle did, but rather brings things, people, and opportunities to us.  It’s an energy not designed to teach us new lesson per-say, but to help us understand what the old cycle taught us, by showing us those lesson in motion.

For instance, in the readings lately we see incoming energies.  Even in a singles read I did recently I saw massive incoming energies.  That said, there’s a lot of opportunity in this new cycle.  Not just for love though.  There’s practical opportunities as well.  Where as the old cycle was restrictive in many ways, much the way a school’s scholastic program is structured and somewhat restrictive in order to help the students learn more efficiently and equally.  In the case of the new cycle, in our new fish bowl, school is out…. It’s summer vacation of sorts.

But before everyone gets excited and runs for the bikini drawer.  I would be remiss if I didn’t offer you a piece of wisdom here…  Much like with summer vacation when you’re a kid, a lot of fun can be had.  But if I recall my summer vacations clearly, and I do… They can also be a time of getting into some real trouble.  This is because the structure of school is removed.  We can sleep in, we can stay out late with friends etc.  Our parents still have to work, so during the day we are unsupervised.  All sorts of things are gotten up to in these types of energies.  This is why our parents for example trust and hope that they have taught us right.  Often they have, but kids will be kids.  At my house as a kid it was shooting pool, inviting girls over, smoking some weed, raiding the booze cabinet, and doing everything all of that would suggest and then some.  Only to have it all cleaned up by 5:30 when dad got home.  #LikeNothingHappened

My point is, you’ve been to school in the current ending cycle.  Whether you realized it or not, you’ve been on a spiritual journey.  You’ve changed, you’ve grown, and you’ve learned a trick or two during the cycle that’s ending this week.  Opportunities will be coming your way in the new cycle.  As it applies to your runner soulmate, they are headed at least energetically YOUR WAY!!  I promise you that!!  But they too have been on a spiritual journey whether they realized it or not.  Half of them don’t even know why they’re coming your way, but they’re compelled to sort of.  The difference is the DF’s took it a bit further.

But everyone has changed since June of 2020.  This includes not just the soulmate cycle but the entire collective of the planet.  My advice and friendly warning is to worry about yourself and what you’ve learned.  Look at yourself now vs. then.  What’s different.  For most of you the answers to “what’s different” would fill a notebook!!

What have you learned?  Well spiritual journey’s vary and are very personal.  But for the most part I would hope that you’ve learned about energy, about love, and about yourself.  I would hope you’ve learned where you fit into it all.  Where your place is with yourself, those around you, and within the universe as a whole.  I hope you’ve learned at the very least that you’re worth something.  And if someone insults you or puts you down, or even tries to bring you down or hold you down, that’s their problem, not yours.  It’s them, not you!!  I hope you’ve learned that if someone wants to leave you or run from you or doesn’t want to be your friend, you let them go, because they’ll regret it.  The Empress begs no one, waits for no one.  He or she knows their value.  More-over you’ll regret letting them in if you have to talk them into it in any way. 

I also hope you’ve learned how you love, and why love requires two-way flow.  It’s a principle of energy in fact.  Everything is energy, and that includes love.  Energy requires two-way flow, it requires reciprocation to flow.  Love that only flows one-way isn’t love, it’s despair!!  And nobody deserves that, nor should they ever suffer within that energetic environment.  We are responsible for our own happiness.  The most anything or another can do, is add to it.  

Most of the spiritual journey’s in the previous cycle were about self-worth and vulnerability.  But they were also a cautionary tale against narcissism and entitlement behaviors.  People who didn’t learn this lesson in the previous now ending cycle, here in the new cycle beginning in mid-March 2022 will find themselves in many towers.  Bricks falling on their heads.  The opportunities that the new cycle brings in will come whether someone learned anything from the previous cycle or not.

But for those who didn’t learn, and are still exactly the same person they were back in June 2020 when this cycle began will likely miss out on every single new or repeat opportunity coming there way in the new cycle.  Not because they didn’t come in, but because they didn’t notice them.  They’re still too busy being self-absorbed.  Or, if they do catch the opportunity they will fuck it up in some way.  This is because the new cycle is very much about this article’s title.  It’s very “Out with the old and in with the new“.

As I’ve said on video a few times, there’s a bouncer at the door of this new cycle, and nothing ugly gets in.  Ugly in energy speak is in and out energy, or negative energetic traits like selfishness and narcissism.  You’ll see a lot of this energetic “bouncer’s” actions play out in our society between now and the end of 2024 during this new cycle.  You’ll see many arrogant, narcissistic assholes who thought they got away with lying, cheating, or just being evil, getting busted, getting karma left and right.

For all of you my loyal DF following.  I think most of you had a very successful spiritual journey and growth spirt during the current ending long cycle of energy.  This fish bowl we’re all leaving has been a rough ride, but its also been very good to us in the things it forced us all to look at, change, and grow from.

It’ll be important to apply the lessons you’ve learned, but the good news is, there will be ample opportunity to do that.  And for that I for one am very excited about our new fish bowl of energy…

I’ll go head and end this article with a prediction.  And say that this new fish bowl we’re entering into will most certainly make this year’s eclipse season quite interesting, in a very positive way.  You can go ahead and mark my words when I say that it’ll be an eclipse season like we’ve never seen before.  And we’ve seen some doozies especially beginning with the Leo and Cancer eclipse seasons which opened our current soulmate cycle for the most part.

I hope this article helps you to understand a little more about WHY you’ve been going through so much in recent years and months.  While there’s a lot of astrology happening inside the fish bowl, and that’s all very important.  The astrology is only as good or powerful as the core energy it’s operating under.  And let’s just say if astrology was a car, it was a car with a trunk full of weights in the long cycle of core energy that we’ve been in since June of 2020.  It’s about to become here in mid-March 2022 a car with an empty trunk, and maybe a few extra horsepower too…
