November 2022 – (Some real spiritual shit)

The last quarter of 2022 is powerful.  It kicks off of course with October’s massive energy of “change”.  Those changes lead us into November which in-turn leads us to the new beginnings of December.  But does this mean that November doesn’t contain any new beginnings?  No, not by a long-shot!!

October brought us the 10/10 game-changing energy.  It also brought to the surface for both the DF and the DM many things we had never looked at, things we carpet-swept, demons we must look at in order to grow and move forward.  October ends with eclipse season which carries over into November.  But what is November about?  Surely it’s not just about eclipse season.  According to my Q4 of 2022 reading November appears to be the go-between.  It’s headed by a 2 of cups reversed after all.  But though November is far lighter on the astrology front than October was, November is nothing to sneeze at.

I’ll make a prediction.  October was about the Death card and the Justice card mostly.  And that’s proved to be true in the readings.  But as we end October and slip into November the energy changes to a month that’s likely the home of the Hierophant, High Priestess, The Hermit, and The Hanged Man.  November does continue eclipse season with a full moon and total lunar eclipse on the 8th to complete the energy of the new moon partial solar eclipse on October 25th.  BUT November’s BIGGEST energy is that of a continuation of “portal season”.  November 2022 is about the eclipse and the 11/11 portal energies.  These energies peak only 3 days apart, this is some serious power.

So what is the 11/11 portal?  Well,,,, as I said November is the month of the Hierophant, High Priestess, The Hermit, and The Hanged Man.  And I predict we’ll see those cards often throughout the month, likely beginning in the final week or so of October.  The 11/11 portal at its core is the energetic new year.  Energetically it ushers in the coming year’s energy.  It’s about spiritual energies, and the harmony-seeking balance of those energies.

But here in 2022 it’s deeper than that because of the changes within ALL of us that October brought and the eclipse energy surrounding it.  October was MASSIVE.  A once in a decade energetic storm of change.  And because of that this year’s the 11/11 portal not only ushers in the energy of 2023 but it’s a spiritual energy that comes right out of the box pre-balanced.  No seeking is necessary here in 2022.  The energy is right there for you, and all you have to do is accept it.  This applies to both the DF and the DM alike.  This year’s 11/11 portal is ALSO one of the most powerful manifesting energies I’ve ever seen.  Not unlike a new moon being a good time to manifest, the energetic new year of the 11/11 portal makes it ideal.  But never more-so than this year of 2022.

Many of you for example can feel this already.  You’ve gone through a transformation over the past few months since Lion’s Gate, i.e. the 8/8 portal.  You’ve gained new perspective on not only yourself but why you love and what you’re willing to accept in love.  That’s why the 2 of cups is reversed in the November column of my Q4 of 2022 reading.  Everything I’ve talked about here in regards to the energies is in play.  That November column in the Q4 reading backs up and talks about the energies of the 11/11 portal, and the fueling force of the eclipse happening around it.

October 2022 brought it all up to the surface.  Because we can’t “change” anything until we acknowledge that which needs changing.  November of 2022 is where the rubber hits the road, both spiritually and in the 3D.  November’s energy is a necessary go-between where the spiritual lessons we’ve learned are not only felt but also acted upon.  Because without the 11/11 portal processing and putting all of October’s energies into play, the new beginning of the Fool crossing the Ace of Pentacles as shown in the December column of the Q4 of 2022 reading cannot happen.

All of this is why I begged, urged and pleaded with all of you on video to NOT let October’s energetic experience and opportunity pass you by.  The energy was and still is ripe for making major changes in how you live and love.  November is just a necessary spiritual segue.

In closing, watch the readings..  You’ll see everything I’m talking about play out.  I not only energy reading on the videos, I energy read when I write these articles as well.  All of my October predictions came true.  We did see Death and Justice everywhere, and an Ace of Swords, and even a Chariot of forward movement that we just couldn’t ever get rid of.  While November is far more spiritual in nature with its Hierophant-esque themes, it a spiritual energy that has a flow of forward movement built into it.  I call it an energy of “workable spiritual growth.”

As for the 11/11 portal itself.  Of course I’ll be pulling on it when the time comes.  But in the meantime from the end of October on, especially beginning around the new moon eclipse on the 25th, which I’ll be pulling a reading for on Sunday October 23rd.  Put your manifestations out there.  The eclipse energy and the energetic new year of the 11/11 portal together are some of the most powerful manifesting energies I’ve ever encountered.

Put your intention out to the universe with feelings not words.  You can use words if you want to, but the universe reads emotion.  So like a singer who sings from the soul, speak your intention with heart and soul..  Tell the universe what you want, and give it the option to give you something better too.  Never limit the universe to ONE thing.  It’s not always possible because it’s not always for the greater good of all involved, and that’s a requirement to receive ANY manifestation request.

Once you put your intention out there.  “I want this or something better” for example…..  Let it go.  Forget about it…  Don’t keep asking over and over.  You only need ask once.  If you ask too many times some say it annoys the universe, but what it actually does is fill the void you created for the universe to fill by putting your request out, with another request, rather than what you wanted.  So by asking the universe for something repeatedly, you are simply filling your own void with your request over and over and over.  Which is self-defeating..  So STOP IT!!

Ask 1 time..  And let it go…  That creates a void for the universe to fill.  And nature abhors a vacuum, and thus fills them.  All that’s required on your part is neutrality and a little faith.   Manifesting is no different than praying.  Both require faith.  You wouldn’t ask God for something, and then feel in your heart that it won’t happen.  That would be stupid, even a priest will tell you that.

As for neutrality it’s a fancy way of saying put your request out and let it go.  Go about your day to day life and have faith that the universe will fulfill your request.  And because your request is for something or something better, the universe has some leeway to bring it to you in short-order.

As I always say, “if you want the moon, ask for Mars, and you’ll likely get the moon or something in between.  But if you just ask for the moon, that may not be possible and you’ll end up with something less than what you wanted.  Or worse yet, nothing at all…”

This is actually a very common problem when people manifest, and also why many people get discouraged when manifesting.  Saying things like, “oh this is bullshit, manifesting doesn’t work!!”  But I argue that’s a bit like the old saying don’t shoot the messenger…  In this case it’s don’t shift blame onto the universe when you just plain and simply did it wrong.

In the case of November of 2022…  Don’t miss out…  You will a find a whole new you is there for the taking.  All you have to do in this every easy and almost prefabbed for success energy, is reach out and take it, or should I say, live it…
