March 2023 – (Saturn & Pluto ROCK the house)

I would be remiss if I didn’t write an article about March 2023.  I don’t write about every month.  Some are what I call transit months, meaning things just flow along under the fuel of previous major events or cycle changes.  HOWEVER, March 2023 is no regular month.  Just taking into account all of the energies we’ve been pulling readings on that have influenced things leading up to it would make it a month for the record books anyway…  BUT two slow moving planets changing signs are super-charging things to say the least.

I’m going to talk about each of these planets in separate paragraph sections.  Those planets are Saturn & Pluto.  Any astrologer and/or energy reader must take “history” into consideration.  I’ve studied history a lot…  I do it in order to spot patterns.  This helps me understand WHY things are happening, or figure out where a cycle of energy originated from..  History isn’t everyone’s favorite topic.  But please remember that low vibrational people have short attention spans. Be it political power grabs or a new lover with bad intentions devil energy counts on this short attention span and lack of attention to detail.  So please study history, I beg of you..  It makes you stronger, smarter, and of higher vibration.  Because as has been said, history not learned from is doomed to be repeated….  And these two planets, prove that point…

Let’s focus on Pluto first.  Pluto stays in a given sign for a very long time.  It’s a slow burn of energy…  Its transit around the Sun is 248 years long.  So how does this distant tiny orb have SO much impact on us here on Earth?  I mean…. what gives..??  Well what’s often not noted because many astrologers or new agers don’t follow science enough in my opinion.  But in their defense they do know more about Unicorns & rainbows than I do..  My knowledge of Unicorns mostly stems from overheard word on the street chatter from the 7 to 9 year olds in my neighborhood, coupled with what I’ve read off the back of Lucky Charms boxes..  But what I can tell you for sure is the energy “science” around Pluto’s energetic influence lives in the fact that Pluto’s orbit around the Sun is NOT on the same plane as the other planets.  It’s off-kilter by nearly 45 degrees.  It plays in a ball field all its own, and is usually unobstructed because of it.  And that’s not even all of it.  Pluto’s orbit is both elliptical and tilted.  Meaning at times Pluto is closer to the Sun than at other times.  This creates in many ways the shock-factor Pluto energy has.  It’s the rebel of the solar system.  Sometimes it’s volume is loud and other times it’s softer.  It doesn’t fly with the other planets.  (see image above) This off-kilter orbit IS WHAT makes its energy capable of great change even though it’s a tiny little dwarf-planet.  If Pluto’s orbit was on the same plane as the other planets its effect on us here on planet Earth would be severely muted because of its small size.

Pluto will enter Aquarius from March 23 until June 11, 2023, And then go back into Capricorn where it will enter Aquarius again from January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, where again it will go back into Capricorn for a short 2 month or so stay, finally entering Aquarius full time from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043..  After that it will bounce between Aquarius and Pisces for a bit the same way it bounces in this transit between Capricorn and Aquarius.

Pluto arrived in Capricorn in 2008.  Pluto’s 14-year tour of the sign saw the housing crisis, banks collapsing, US presidential elections turning into comical cartoons almost.  Remember Herman Cain (ooze becky beckastan) LOL.. We saw surveillance pick up, and corruption; chaos vs. order; and the burning down of economic security.  We learned had our press de-legitimized, and by the time of the United States’ first Pluto Return in February of 2022, America was weathering a botched pandemic and racial issues that seemed to be a rollback from yesteryear.  New tech emerged but progress seemed to come with a stripping away of our rights in some way both online and offline.  Online we saw a once unregulated very cool, innovative and fun internet, turn into the same regulated shit we have to deal with in real life.  All of this and more was exactly what was predicted when Pluto moved into Capricorn by myself and many others, and it’s exactly the type of shit history teaches us happens when Pluto is in Capricorn.

In Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, which is ruled by both Saturn (structure), and Uranus (change), the energy will deal with ethics.  Basically it’s time to get our shit together.  Pluto’s last transit in Aquarius (1778–1798) brought big changes in order and rights, including: the crafting of the US Constitution, and the beginnings of what we know as the Industrial Revolution.  It might interest you also to know that it’s the industrial revolution that’s led to not only much of our technology, but also our little global climate issue..  Everything comes full circle, and as Pluto re-enters Aquarius we get to see the results of what we began the last time it was here.  Including what’s happened to that “Constitution” since then as well.  Jesus…… don’t even get me started.  I’m sure the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves to say the least.  But Pluto’s return to Aquarius gives us some perspective.  A chance to see where we’ve been with sober eyes (thanks to Saturn), and how we can fix it (thanks to Uranus).

Personally I’m happy for Pluto’s return to Aquarius.  It’ll be a slow burning wake-up call for societal energies.  And runner soulmates as well..  woo hoo right?!  I think Neil Young’s song title “The needle and the damage done” is perfect in title and lyrics to describe the upcoming Pluto transit through Aquarius.  Because we have become addicted in many ways to our tech, and our toys, and electricity, and factories, cars etc. etc.  But all of that has come at a price.  Aquarius partly ruled by Saturn, will be seeking payment for sure.  Greed is short-sighted energy.  It’s like a credit card.  It’s fun while you’re using it, but not so fun when the bill comes..

Now for Saturn.  Saturn joins the Sun in Pisces on March 7, 2023, through May 24, 2025.  Then it goes back into Aquarius briefly, and returns to Pisces August 31, 2025, and remains there through Feb 13, 2026.

Saturn is our teacher.  Our karmic life-lesson taskmaster.  In Pisces Saturn is uncomfortable to say the least.  Pisces is the nice kid you don’t want to yell at, but you have to sometimes to set them straight.  Saturn works with order, and Pisces is a bit free-spirited.  However it does make it a great time to drop bad habits.  I mention that a lot on the readings because it’s in the energy.  And Saturn entering Pisces will be teaching us some lessons about maybe cooling out on our metaphorical partying shall we say..  Anything that’s bad for you will be actually quite easy to get rid of thanks to Pluto in Aquarius combining with Saturn our teacher in Pisces.  These two will work well together because as I’ve said Saturn is part of the energy of Aquarius..  So there’s a lot of Saturn here even just within the energy of Pluto..

So this transit of Saturn and its lessons has a lot to do with addiction and societal norms that need changing.  So again Neil Young’s song “The needle and damage done” that’s been ringing in my head since I began this article, still holds as true with Saturn in Pisces as it did with Pluto in Aquarius…

Saturn was last in Pisces between May 1993 and April 1996 give or take.  This transit began with censorship of video games as was previously done with music.  In January of 1994 when Saturn officially moved into Pisces full time it opened with the Northridge Earthquake here in Los Angeles.  Later in its transit we saw OJ in a slow speed chase, then a murder trial.  We first heard the name Kardashian thanks to this trial as well, which is important because they would go on to set the stage for what I call “The influencer generation” which would arrive just after Saturn left Pisces.  The last transit of Saturn in Pisces also heralded in “the internet”, which also would prove instrumental in changing the world in many ways including the meaning of fame.

Kurt Cobain (in pain) was the center of my generation’s pop-culture at the time.  Punk rock, and Grunge rock on one side, and Hip-Hop coming into it’s own on the other.   But for my peeps it’s was the Punk scene and Kurt with his Grunge.  The music embodied our anger at society.  Getting into art and fashion, and making coffee houses famous we become a cross between our hippy parents and the angry punks of the late 70’s and early 80’s.  We changed society through the music and art.  Pisces is very creative, that’s how its energy does things.

So expect during this transit some changes in music and art.  The next big thing is rolling in.  But pay attention.  Many things that will happen during Saturn’s transit through Pisces both on the world stage and in your own personal life will be foretelling of future things to come.  It’s not often mentioned but I think Saturn in Pisces is a bit like the Oracle on the mountain.  It’s what I call “crystal ball” energy.  And there are many things I look back at from its previous transit and say to myself, “my god.. little did we know..”…

As I’ve said, 2023 is a year of change, a year I labeled “restoration”, and it is just that!!!  But it’s only the beginning, and these two planets play a BIG starring role in it all.

Pluto and Saturn’s new homes will cause your runners to make some big changes of course..  But they’ll also cause YOU to make some big changes as well..  And I encourage everyone to take a lesson from me…   If you learn anything at all from me in my time here online….please please please…  always be a neutral observer..  It will help you to view all things from a lofty perspective, be it love, a person, a job, a situation, or a decision of any kind.  Which in turn will allow you to go through life as………. sort of a bullshit detector.  You’ll find that if you play the neutral observer, (giving both sides of the coin equal energy).. you will tend to make the wise decision more often than not.  Because you will be putting out an energy that’s receptive to facts and truth, rather than junk food and paranoid conspiracies.

On the down-side you’ll also notice those wise decisions you’ll be making aren’t always in line with the popular ones.  But that gap between the two, (wise and popular) is where the lesson lives…  And it’s in those lessons where growth lives.  You might not change the world, but you can change yourself, and every energy matters, and that means yours…  And who knows….  Maybe one day the wise choice and the popular choice will wind up being one in the same.  Probably not in any of our lifetimes though..  We’ve got a long way to go as a society…

Those lessons by the way will be shown to us by Saturn during its transit through Pisces.  And Pluto in Aquarius will be providing the radical drive needed for something to come of them…  At the very least, the next several years will be a lot of fun to watch.  More fun I think than the previous transits were.
