1983-1995 – (The last great soulmate cycle)

The decade of the 1980’s.  A decade that came up in the energy and that I mentioned on a recent 3 card read.  I said that many people are comparing the societal energies of right now to the 80’s, and I also said how much that pisses me off because I was there, and I was still me even though I was a kid.  And because of that I can tell you nothing could be further from the truth.  I would give my left nut to go back to the 80’s.  I loved the 80’s, the energy was incredible!!..  By contrast I would give both my left AND right nuts to leave the present time and frankly go anywhere else….  Calgon Take Me Away!!!”

Anyway, jokes aside I gave one 80’s difference example on the reading of fancy cars from movies etc. and how in the 80’s we dreamed about them, but unless we ACTUALLY had the money we didn’t ACTUALLY get one.  And I mentioned how these days you can get pretty much anything you want even if it’s 5 times your yearly income.  And this is true, but it’s just one example.  I said on the video there are 100’s of examples I could give.  Well I’m going to offer a few more here, and it might help shed light on why the current soulmate cycle which as always is a reflection of societal energies is as difficult as it is.

The 80’s had a soulmate cycle which was the 1st one I studied in full actually.  That cycle began around the end of 1983, and stretched until about the end of 1995.  I remember I was a kid, and kept notes on the cycle in my Blue “Trapper keeper“, a mainstay for any child of the 80’s, our lives lived in Trapper Keepers!!  LOL…

First off the 80’s wasn’t all roses and rainbows.  And I can see why some people think today is similar to the 80’s in societal energies or behavior as they phrase it.  There is a lot of greed in the energy, and a very me me entitled attitude in people causing a separation between soul and ego.  And yup the 80’s had that too.  But the soulmate cycle in the 80’s was super easy.  I mean it was smooth as silk.  The separation phase was minor at best.  But because of the lack of spiritual growth it did result in a lot of divorces.

You see the 80’s was about materialism yes..  It was the dawn of the “YUPPIE”.  Upwordly mobile was the key phrase.   By definition it was a young person with a good job and a fashionable lifestyle.  We see that today in our young people too, they all want to keep up with the Kardashians, and be influencers etc.  But in the 80’s they didn’t spend money they didn’t have as much as they do today.  While the 80’s was a decade of decadence, virtually all of it was worked for.  Credit cards were still fairly new to most people.  We kids of the 80’s were called “latch-key kids”.  This was because both parents usually worked.  And we came home from school often to an empty house,.  In the case of MY childhood, we usually came home from school to a 20 dollar bill left on the counter with a note next to it that said,. “be sure and eat”..  Of course we spent it on junk food and in later years beer, and “psychedelic shrooms” from the burnout kid down the street on one occasion as I recall.   (I know…. great parenting right??!!….)…  but actually it was by accident great parenting.  Because my generation is above all one of the most independent to ever exist..  Our inattentive parents “accidentally” (meaning we can’t give them much credit) raised their kids to be clever citizens of the world.  The spirit of independence caused most of us in my generation (Gen X) to move out by age 18 or 19 at the latest… Whether we had the money or not, we moved out.  Independence energy does not like living living with mummy and daddy…  I had my own place at 17 in fact.  Although I was disappointed at first that there wasn’t a 20 dollar bill on the counter each afternoon… LOL

Anyway…  the psychological issues with the 80’s were usually around people working too hard to earn enough to get all those toys they saw on Miami Vice and in the movies of the era.  All of the emphasis was on working, and almost none was on spiritual growth of any kind in the 80’s..

Very much UNLIKE today where people try to find ways to work less and get more.  Today in many ways is the exact opposite of the 80’s.  Most people today are living waaay beyond their means.  If they lost their job they couldn’t cover even 1 month of bills and rent etc.  This is why here in Los Angeles for example nearly 25 thousand people live in their cars currently, but that number increases by as much as 55% each year.  I’ve got 10 of them living just 1 block from my house in fact, on a street they can park on overnight.  Some of those cars are BMWs and Mercedes by the way..  These people had houses, and boats even I’m told…  I have spoken to many of them and they all have the same story.  Too much credit, and not enough cash.  The promise of credit is great.  You can buy all sorts of stuff, but if your credit limit is more than your yearly income, that’s a problem.  And for many people today it’s 4 times their yearly income.  There is even a new trend of putting rent on credit cards..  That’s an eventual mathematical recipe for living in your car 1 block from my house for sure.

Unless of course you pay the balance each month.  Which only 35% of credit card holders do by the way.  46% of card holders are in the hole for enough that it would take a year or more to pay it down and/or off.  This again is a mathematical recipe for living in your car 1 block from my house or someone else’s.  Aerosmith sang a song called, “Livin’ on the edge“…  And it’s a fitting title for the final sentences above.  Ideally you should have enough savings to cover you for a year, or at least 6 months if something goes wrong, such as job loss for example.

Well the 80’s had its problems too..  The 80’s saw the savings and loan banks crash.  This was the fault of the banks who were offering CD savings rates of upwards of 16%.  Mathematically that can’t be sustained.  But people in the 80’s had large amounts of savings compared to those of today.  The early 80’s saw an economic downturn but that was quickly resolved by oil prices dropping by nearly 75%.  Which made goods cheaper and allowed people to save more money.  Yes there was the stock market crash of 87 as well.  But that was an overly bullish market long overdue for a correction in most people’s opinion.  Again.  a little “Livin’ on the edge” 80’s style in this case..

I’m not here to talk economics.  Although it’s one of my favorite topics.  I could go on for hours about how the “kids” these days are not saving any money because they spend it as fast as it comes in, and the shit they spend it on, i.e. 1500 dollar smartphones instead of the 200 dollar model which I can tell you I have and does the same damn thing is far too expensive for what present day incomes can support.  By contrast in the 80’s people saved lots of money and THEN and ONLY THEN spent portions of it on their fashionable lifestyles.  If someone back then wanted something that was 1500 dollars.  Most pulled it from savings.  Not from the imaginary credit fairy..  lol

The differences are vast on the economic side, almost night and day in fact.  The average person in the 80’s saved nearly 10% of their income.  By contrast the average person today saves about 2 to 3%.  Based on the people I know personally, I actually think it’s 0% if I’m honest.  But even adjusting for inflation the income itself of today is less than it was in the 80’s.  You might argue that prices are higher!!  Yup they are, and as I said incomes are lower.  But do you know why???  Well that’s a topic for another time.  That requires I give a long lesson in macro-economics and there’s no way that fits here… lol

Instead I think I’ll offer more of a comparison with the soulmate cycles of the 80’s and today.  First off the 80’s was an easy cycle as I said.  People were far more used to human contact.  There was no internet or social media or texting etc.  If a guy liked a girl he said “hello, do you wanna bang?”  LOL. If I liked a girl I maybe asked her if she wanted to come over for dinner and shrooms later.. LOL

But beyond that the 80’s was a time of great hope for the future.  Remember that word “hope” because it’s kind of what’s missing in today’s societal and soulmate energies.  In the 80’s the films of the era reflected this “hope” quite often.  In fact the movies were quite innovative and spoke to a generation.  Hell Hollywood hasn’t produced a good movie in decades.  For that matter the world hasn’t produced a good decade in decades.  lol.  But today’s movies are just shit… Every time I see one I’m disappointed.  They’re rushed, poorly written, and geared on a 6th grade level because of the instant gratification generation’s low attention span and short memory.  And while they did promote things in the 80’s in movies like “Pepsi-free” in Back to the future for example it was nothing like what they do today.  To sum up the 80’s movie culture, the world lost a legend with the passing of John Hughes some years ago for sure.

In the 80’s computers were new, and video arcades were all the rage.  We were “mall rats” and lived our lives in food courts and record stores.  People were excited about what was to come in the 80’s.  The future seemed limitless.  The economic outlook despite some ups and downs was very positive.  In fact the near future would hold a great decade in the 90’s.  Jobs were plentiful, the national debt would be zero by the decade’s end.

Generally in the 80’s people were happier and in a better mood than they are today.  Their energy as I remember it was smoother and less scattered than it is today.  They were easy to read, and really quite hopeful overall, even though most people’s energy was just as out of balance between ego and soul as it is today.  Very heavy on the material side as I said.

But I blame a lot of the erratic energy around the people today on the fact that our technology has a put a lot more frequencies of energy around us.  This creates a stress in the air as I like to call it.

In the 80’s none of this 4G, 5G and soon to be 6G tech existed.  The environmental energy around us was mostly radio-band waves.  And those had been there for decades and have virtually no effect on us what so ever  So the environmental energy was actually calmer in the 80’s than it is today.  Frankly today’s energy gives me a headache sometimes.  We have thousands of times more frequencies around us in our environmental energy today than we did in the 80’s.  And that puts a strain on our psyche, and our own life energy in general.  It’s stressful, and NOISY!!..  We’re not designed to exist in a pool of this much energy.

We humans and all other Earth creatures living in the current environmental energy is akin to putting fish in a pool of rubbing alcohol.  Sure it’s half water, but the other half is freakin’ toxic alcohol!!  Meaning, we’re designed to live and function mind body and soul in the natural energy of Earth as a fish is designed to live in 100% water.  But that’s not what we’re living in.  Not even close in fact.

We were living in cleaner environmental energy in the 80’s.  I know that for sure because it was easier to read people and rooms in the 80’s and early 90’s.  I have to work much harder at it in today’s environmental energies.

Keeping the above paragraph in mind to say the present is like the 80’s is backwards for sure.  The 80’s was an exciting time overall.  The present has little hope for the future.  I’m sorry to say that but it’s true.  We’re right on course for MIT’s calculation of collapse by 2040.  We’re going backwards on racial issues, women’s rights, and even whether the Earth is flat or not.  So it goes beyond just political issues, now we’re re-dealing with issues we settled hundreds of years ago.  LOL  Most of this is because there’s too many young souls here.  And those young souls unfortunately can also vote, and are very susceptible to conspiracy theory energy.  Which is a low vibration of devil-type energy.   lol

The current timeline of things is a nightmare.  I’ve already written about it so I won’t repeat myself.  Sure it’s all Schrodinger’s Cat and thus anything can happen, but we do have a lot of power to direct things and change course.

The 80’s saw the fall of communism, and the world literally opening up.  My god there was so much excitement for the future.  Now…. well..  don’t even get me started.  The world has changed, but those changes are our fault.  Our technology has backfired and has created a world of energetic chaos in the environmental scope, and separation in the physical scope.  All of this lack of human contact and loss of hope and empathy has pushed the soul energy out quite a bit.  In the 80’s the soul was temporarily on mute, now it’s suppressed and caged, and that shows up in the readings I do quite often.  What’s the difference you might ask??  Well…. it’s the difference between just hitting the mute button on your TV remote vs. ripping the speakers out of the TV and chucking them in the bin.  lol   … There’s a big difference there.

And this is why this particular soulmate cycle has such a HUGE separation phase.  Yes it’s the same energy both soulmate and societal that as was here during and pre-WWII.  Back then the soulmate cycle not unlike the current one had a massive separation phase.  But that one was caused by a world fu**king war.  Which within it was driven by an energy of bravery and a call of duty and unity.  When soulmates returned together after the war the baby boom started.  They were bangin’ hot and heavy…  By contrast, this time in the present soulmate cycle, albeit the same energy storm is in play, but the driving energy is quite different.  Sure it’s the same massive separation phase, but this time it’s built around a driving energy of fear and isolation, rather than bravery and unity.

And that’s why this current soulmate cycle is nothing like the 80’s as well.  In the 80’s we were still a smart societal energy.  We’re not anymore.  We’re actually the opposite of that.

To give you an example…  Since this cycle is the same energy that was here during WWII I’ll use that to demonstrate the laws of physics in play with an equal and opposite reaction that’s happening right now within this energy.

On the political side America in WWII fought against the Nazis, we were about freedom and equality for all races…  We created many of our superheroes around this era.  Captain America being one of them.  He fought Red-Skull an villain modeled after Hitler.

Hitler on his side played the dictator handbook move for move.  He first deligitimized the press, he separated mothers from children, he built a wall which is called “The Atlantic wall”.  And he wanted more walls around his country as well.  Does this at all sound familiar to anyone??  I mean I could go on for about a dozen more items that will match the present but do I really have to??  Well….okay.. by contrast in the present day in an equal and opposite reaction we recently elected and are still (seriously) considering electing a man who is not only supported by Nazi groups, but is building and has built a wall.  And also began by deligitimizing the press…. OH, and technically he also separated mothers from children as well if you recall during a border incident..  hmmm??

What happened here??  Well it’s physics 101.  It’s the same energy storm but it’s the equal and opposite reaction.  So what happened then over there is now happening now right here..  It’s simple really, but not easy for many people to spot.  Most of society is conditioned to believe all this “energy” and “universe” stuff is horse-hockey, aka bull shit.  But it’s not of course.  It’s just like astrology in that it’s a study of cycles and patterns.

They say history not learned from is doomed to be repeated.  Well we’ve seen much of it repeated in recent times. To me it’s all just the study of energy.  Its cycles, and their effect on our energies both from a society perspective and a soulmate cycle perspective.  Like a good movie I can’t wait to see what happens.  Will the idiots win, or will smart people prevail?  Who knows..  it’s all as always a great big Schrodinger’s cat experiment..

But having said that.  If I’m totally honest I do get mad when people compare right now to the 80’s.  Not so much because I miss the 80’s.  But because in my humble opinion the 80’s and 90’s were the last great soulmate cycle.  But they were much more than that.  They were the last time we were proper human beings and treated each other with at least some empathy.  The last time there was any innovation in music, art, film, and pop-culture.  Here we are in 2023 and we’re still looking over our shoulders to the 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s for our pop-culture references.

The truth is the 80’s and mid-90’s was the last time both sides of a soulmate cycle came together without the universe needing to bring in a dump-truck full of energy to make it happen.  The 80’s were cool…  It was a time before the internet and Reality TV made us a narcissistic, shit stupid, lazy society of hypocrites.

So please don’t compare the 80’s to right now in ANY WAY!!!  It’s offensive, at the very least TO ME…..  And every time you do it makes John Hughes roll over in his grave.  And I don’t think that’s cool either..

And if you wonder why your runner ran from you…  Everything I’ve said here is why.  It wasn’t you….. it’s them…..  But it’s society that made them this way..  Or in some cases caused their parents to teach them to be this way..
