The month ahead: “July 2024”
– Written by Steve’s Love Tarot (Jump to reading schedule)
July 2024 is like a Crab riding the on the back of a Lion that’s hungry for crab. I always enjoy years when Cancer and LEO energies blend a bit and bleed into one another during Cancer season just prior to things moving into full LEO gear. And this year has just the right blending of mutable Gemini energies in the mix as well, especially with mighty Jupiter in the sign. The blending of these energies, mostly the Cancer and LEO ones which mostly plays out through the movements of Mercury and Venus always seem as I’ve found in my tracking of cycles throughout my life to bring good mood vibes to emotional memories. Meaning, July will likely for most people be a very nostalgic and emotional month, but even if that emotion is negative at times it’ll be enjoyable, you’ll GET something out of it, something I suspect which will prove to be very important. I’ll explain what I mean…
This “feel-good” nostalgia energy is important because when nostalgic feelings are enjoyable, it usually makes them more useful, because contained within nostalgia energy is always a lesson of some kind. Typically this type of energy comes in to show us something. To remind us of something we’ve forgotten that may be keeping us stuck. Or maybe affects our future in some way.
Sometimes this type of nostalgia energy reflects back to us as deja vu type energy. And July 2024 is one of those times. The energy that creates deja vu usually and often travels as an energy hand-in hand with nostalgia energy, and not unlike nostalgia energy usually happens to help us “remember”. And I put that in quotes because I mean “remember” in the deepest of ways.
If this energy comes in for you, there’s something very important that you’ve forgotten. In July this “memory” this deja vu attached to an energy of deep nostalgia is about a feeling, about an emotion. It’s NOT about a place, or a specific person. If it is for you, in other words you feel it about a place or a person, then it’s likely not about THE place or THE person specifically, but rather more about HOW that place or person made you feel in the time-frame that the energy is taking you back to. So I advise you to pay more attention to the “emotional” aspect of it all if possible.
If the above sounds a bit hocus pocus, well…… it is… And it’s that kind of month. If you want to spot some magic… Like handing binoculars to a bird-watcher, July 2024’s energy will certainly hand you some “magic-spotting binoculars”. You can choose to take them or not. We all have free-will. But yeah, there’s some hocus-pocus afoot this month for sure…
There’s a lot of energies in play in July 2024. Heck as Saturn goes retro in Pisces at the end of June, Neptune also goes retro in Pisces right on top of of the month. Both of these retrogrades provide some clarity energy, which is great and perfectly timed because that clarity blends well with the second most powerful energy driving the month of July, and that’s the 2nd full moon in Capricorn.
The space between the 1st and 2nd Capricorn full moons, i.e. June 21 – July 20th’ish, creates a safe haven of sorts. A safe haven for what you may ask?? Well… a safe-haven for you to release some things from the past. To see those things with clarity, and then safely let them go, without regret. A decluttering of your mind, heart, and soul. Again so you can move forward. I say again because we talked about this earlier with the nostalgia energy, which is working in conjunction with the Capricorn moon energies. Everything this month is working hand-in-hand, to help everyone move forward in some way.
July 2024 is a powerful month, it’s almost a bit of a Unicorn in that it seems to have it all. Truth be told it is a rare set of energies. But I have to laugh a little because actually, yeah, it’s a rare “set” of energies, i.e. them all coming together at this one point in time, but it’s also super rare that when these energies do come together they work with each other so seamlessly. And that’s exactly what’s happening in July 2024. It’s like a well played symphony of energies.
So enjoy the month, get the most out of these energies. Which as always only present an opportunity for you. You can as always free-will your way out of it, and as you feel nostalgia for example, you can decide to shut it down. You can be a doubter and allow that frequency of Devil energy to influence you . You can cling to the past if YOU want to. The energies don’t force you to do anything. It’s your free-will choice how you behave within the energies.
My suggestion is to you let yourself FEEL this month. Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, and release whatever needs to be released. Be it mental, emotion, or actual physical things, or all of the above, July 2024 is a good energy to release it in.
And maybe, just maybe, most important of all…. July 2024 is also the perfect energy to “remember”. Remember something you forget, something very emotional, something that may have transformed you or your life in the past, but slipped away from you as life rolled on. Whatever it is you need to “remember”, it’ll be different for all of you, you really don’t have to try too hard. The frequency of that emotional memory is floating right there in the energy mix of July. It’ll be all around you. In fact it’ll take more effort to ignore it. Or even doubt it.
And I’ll state for the record once again that “I am NOT a time-lord”, (although I do have several friends who are certain I’m a time traveler.) There is no time i.e. clocks and calendars in the energy, so energies and energy cycles all bleed together as they fade in and out of one another. One door closes and another opens is more a case of one door stays ajar for a bit as another swings open. So some of these July energies may bleed into early August for some of you, or if you’re really slow on your timeline and behind the game a bit, maybe even September or October for a few of you… Either way, no worries, this energy will find you for sure. And believe me, you’ll “feel it” for sure when it does.
— Cheers
Special reads for July 2024
(As readings are completed, links are added)
- The All Signs July 2024 Overview reading
- An All Signs reading for Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
- An All Signs reading for Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
- An All Signs reading for Mercury in LEO
- An All Signs reading for The New Moon in Cancer
- An All Signs reading for Jupiter sextile The North Node
- An All Signs reading for Venus in LEO
- All Signs Second half of the month spot-check
- An All Signs reading for Mars in Gemini
- All Signs reading for The 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn
- An All Signs reading for Mercury in Virgo
The above are “special” planned readings. They’re generally listed in the order I plan to pull them. Of course along with the readings listed above the usual random timeless reads and individual sign energy update mayhem will ensue as the energy dictates. There will also be as usual “Singles reads”, “Cure for Cancer” reads, “3 card” reads, TF Journey, & Schrodinger’s Cat reads peppered in along the way.
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