It’s all in the “why”

On a recent reading “Full moon in Aries read I mentioned in the soul position of the reading about the collective societal energy in the majority often over extends themselves to try to put out or portray an “image” of some kind.  i.e. they’re rich, or they’re popular etc.  This can play out with someone buying something they can’t really afford to give the appearance they “can” afford it, or it can play out as it often does with people exaggerating on their social media how great their life is, and the list goes on.

Sure enough, and I knew this would happen…. someone misunderstood and got triggered.  They wrote in red-faced and angry that they do over-extend themselves sometimes but it’s their business and they do it because they “want” that stuff, stating it’s not for other people to notice.  Ending with, “HOW DARE YOU!!”.

Well yes,,,, how dare I indeed… LOL…  God forbid I do my fucking job…  I rolled my eyes when I read it, and I rolled my eyes again as I typed it here.  But yet again I feel this is a great forum for me to explain a little more about how energy works.

As I said in a recent article, I ask my viewers to “think”.  I realize I’m always going to offend “someone”, and as the great Comedian Ron White once said, “you can’t fix stupid”, but in-spite of that it’s never my intention to offend anyone.  My intention is to point out the commonality between things, and explain the energy to everyone.

To understand energy you must think on multiple levels.  You can’t just assume I’m talking about YOU, or that anything I say doesn’t have rabbit holes you can go down.  I always say, “energy is always in layers”, and it is.  You can ask “why” at least a dozen times and go down rabbit holes galore on much of what I say on any given video..  I don’t have time, so I give you the white meat.  And again, as my viewers to “think”…

The soulmate cycle is a cycle of energy contained within the collective societal energies.  Thus the soulmate cycle is always reflective of the societal energies.  It’s a comparison that any “real” energy reader makes on a daily basis whether we’re reading a person in person, or doing a reading of some kind.  Everything is energy, and everything is connected.  I do realize no matter how many times I say that little phrase a few won’t be able to go deep enough to figure out what that means.  It means, everything!!!  And everything must be taken into consideration when doing any kind of reading.  That’s my job, it’s what I have to do..  Let me try to explain why this is all important…

In the societal energies we have people as I put it on a recent video trying to keep up with the Kardashians.  I meant it as a catch phrase, but let’s face it, some are literally trying to do that.  They buy stuff they can’t afford to appear to be on a higher level, and in many cases these same people base their self-worth on such superficial things as how many followers they have on social media or how much high-end cool stuff they own.  This is a fact, and there are countless news specials about it, and even a few celebs saying this behavior needs to STOP!

Not everyone is like this, there are no absolutes.  It’s a large majority of our society though.  Especially with the younger generations, but of course there are people who are NOT like this, and base their self-worth on more meaningful things such as “who they are”, and “how they conduct themselves”, and “how they feel about themselves”, and “how they treat others”.  So I wanted to be clear about that..

So by all means buy the Maserati even though you might be stretched to do it.  Get the latest gadget, or the latest high-end clothing.  BUT energetically whether this is good or bad is “all in the why” as the title of this article tells us.  Why you did something is the energy the universe reads.  The act of doing something is just the baseline energy.

Energetically speaking it’s not whether or not you do something, it’s about “why” you’re doing it.  You could for example kidnap someone.  Horrible right?  Well that depends…  why did you do it??  If you did it to extort money, that’s bad yes..  But if you did it to save their life, that’s actually good energy…  Karma be it good or bad is about the “why”, not the act.

The universe looks at the big picture when deciding what the energy is, I look at the big picture in my readings and condense it down to a manageable reading for all of you.  In return I ask that you dig, think, ask yourself “why” I said something..  You’re all capable of doing that.

The universe is energy, it reads energy.  Our actions don’t cause a frequency of energy to emit from us.  That’s a myth..  Yes everything is energy, but the “act” of doing something is a base-energy.  Base energy generally causes an equal and opposite reaction.  Meaning if we kidnap someone, we gain a person, and in an equal and opposite reaction someone else looses a person.  But it’s our reasons for doing something that emit a frequency, which in-turn the universe responds to under the principle of like energy attracts like energy.  What the kids might call “karma” coming back at us.  In my kidnapper example, we don’t necessarily get bad karma back for the act of kidnapping.  We get bad karma back if we did it to extort money or for some other nefarious self-serving (not for the greater good) reason, even though the initial act of kidnapping “seems” bad in and of itself.

That same principle applies to me and the things I say on video.  Don’t assume that I mean something bad or insulting even if what I say “seems” offensive or irrelevant in and of itself.  “WHY” I said it and the context I said it in is where the energy lives..

Like energy attracts like energy, so it’s not about you buying some expensive thing, it’s about why you bought it.  If it was for superficial reasons such as keeping up with the Kardashians then you get superficial junk energy back.  If you’re doing it because you always wanted something and you want to treat yourself, maybe because you just got a raise, well that’s different.  That attracts an energy of you getting what I call “warm feedback” from the universe.  It makes you feel good.  Not in a cups way, but in a relaxed or sated wave energy way.

So why is the societal energy in trouble?  Well for the same reason this is such a difficult soulmate cycle.  We’re all connected.  Like a chain in many ways.  BUT a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  So the issue with the out of balance energy both in the collective societal energies and by default in the soulmate cycle is one of many weak links shall we say over-extending themselves for image or other superficial reasons.  Or in the case of the runners staying stubbornly in a life that’s past its expire date.

Many of the runners for example have based their self-worth on pentacles.  Practical things, i.e. money, career, keeping family happy, or stuff they own or could own..  Self-worth CANNOT be based on fluffy things such as these.  It can’t be based on career, or how much money you have, or stuff.  In fact actual 3D real world research shows that a fulfilling career (pentacles) only amounts to roughly 30% of your happiness.  That study alone is proof of like energy attracting like energy.  Career, fancy things, and pretentious friends have nothing to do with the soul..  You might “love” your job.  But you don’t actually “love” it.  “Love” is a very special frequency, that job might be part of your emotional puzzle, but it’s not “actual” love.  That can only be with another living thing, i.e. a person, or a pet, or even a plant.. etc.

As the Beatles once sang, “all the lonely people, where do they all come from?”, “all the lonely people, where do they all belong?”  I mention that because societal energy is the “loneliest” it has EVER been in recorded history.  I in part blame the internet.  We see this loneliness very much in the younger crowd who grew up with the internet.  I did not..  I didn’t even get the internet until my mid-20’s and even then I didn’t care.  I used it for just email for many years..

Part of the problem is that we’ve become in our “majority”, not all, but the “majority”, a trendsetter/trend-follower based society.  The majority of people, and the runners in this soulmate cycle believe that the wrong things bring them “security”.  They buy themselves a new fancy car so they can tolerate their marriage for example.  This is so common it’s not even funny..  When in reality the universe knows, God knows, psychologists know, and I fucking know, the only security is in the soul, in finding yourself, finding who you really are, which I assure you is NOT a Kardashian..  LOL  The married runners right now for example in the current energies are learning that a Maserati won’t fix the lack of love, the lack of cups.  And yes, I use Maserati as a metaphor,… wanted to mention that for those who take me too literally..  lol

In case you’ve made a mistake and gotten yourself into massive debt trying to keep up with these trend-setters like the Kardashians let me help you.  STOP IT!!!  You’re not only hurting your soul, you’re hurting the fucking economy.  Which MIT says is less than a decade away from total collapse.  It’s called a “cascading mathematical effect”, and oh yeah, it’s a fucking problem, and it’s very real… !!  I’m not going to turn this energy article into an economics lesson but it’s not just about unequal division of wealth, it’s about people’s debt exceeding the value of their assets coupled with inflation and incomes not keeping up with it.

Like I said a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  By all means as I said, treat yourself, enjoy your life, and hey go crazy once in a while and get yourself your dream car or dream shoes, or what ever..  But do it for the RIGHT reasons.  Generate the “right” energy from it, from the “why” you did it column.  Do it for YOU, do it because you feel you deserve it as a treat.  DO NOT do it because you want to “impress” others, or put out some sort of “false” image in a true selfie generation fit of “hey look at me, look what I got”.  Because the “why” of it all, your motives for doing it in that case are negative, and read as fake and/or desperate in this case.  And also those folks are a big part of the “weak links” in our chain.

All that “FAKE” “desperate” attention seeking energy output in-turn reflects back to us.  It’s negative energy which we all know feeds itself.  So to the individual the need to buy more and more and more grows.  It’s actually a “greed” frequency of energy, and “greed” energy is powerful enough to bring down empires.  Just ask the Romans among countless others.  But we’re already past “greed” in our societal energy.  We’ve drifted into the next stage which is that of “vanity” and “narcissism”.  Sound familiar??  Yeah it’s all over the soulmate cycle and the readings I pull on it.

Not unlike a high from a drug the happiness of buying this shit to impress others wears off, then you need more shit to get the high again.  It’s addictive, and crushing to one’s credit, and the economy as a whole as it puts strain on the banks.  It’s a form of devil energy, and it like all devil energy frequencies eggs you on, making you think you have to do this.

Your self-worth should be based on YOU.  Not what others see you as or even think of you.  The only way to find it is under an energy of no expectation.  Meaning others can’t put them on you, and you don’t put any on yourself.  This puts you in a neutral energy.  Your soul is eternal, it cannot be taken away or repossessed.  It along with the health of your body is pretty much all you’ve got, and frankly at the end of the day all that truly matters.  If you want people to love you, don’t be an attention seeker.  That only attracts fake love, other attention seekers.  A relationship with two attention seekers is a nightmare, mired in jealousy most of the time.

But we also see this type of attention seeking energy with those we put on pedestals for some reason, which I frankly can’t figure out why half the time..  These folks are our celebrities.  Of which many are vastly unworthy of the tile, and should not be “celebrated” or admired at all!!  In particular we see it in celebrities who are attention seekers.  They crave the attention, it’s an addiction for them.  They only attract enablers around them, “yes people”, who tell them how great they are and say everything they want to hear, not so much of what the may “need” to hear.

If you want people to love you, you must first love yourself, for real, really know your value, really know “who you are”.  If attention is what you want, ask yourself “why”, why do you need it?  Why do you crave it??  Odds are there are some little issues you need to address about yourself.  So to do so, you must ask “why”…. And keep asking it, go down rabbit holes until you find the core answer.  You don’t even have to fix the issue, you simply need to find it and acknowledge it.  The devil hates to have light shined on it.  That’s why it’s the depicted in the Witches tarot the way it is.  The question of “why” is angel energy in question form.  And angel energy cancels out devil energy.

If love is what you want, the real trick to stop looking for it, stop seeking it.  Stop looking outward, and start looking inward.  Remember the number 1 rule of manifesting.  All things come to those who don’t give a shit if they get them or not.  Energetically that’s called creating a void for the universe to fill.  Real love always finds you when your not looking, not paying attention.  And ironically real love is the best attention there is, yet “attention seekers’ never find it.

If you’re putting out superficial energy as many of your runners are for example you’ll miss love, but more-over it’ll miss you as well, or worse yet as we’ve seen you might run from it, because real love almost always feels kinda scary..  But like energy attracts like energy.  And “good” balanced energies are most definitely NOT drawn to superficial energies.

If you want to help the societal energies, stop being a trend-follower and be your own trend.  Just be you, find who you are in your soul and BE IT!!  Allow it to come out.

In closing, we as a society need to stop keeping up with Kardashians, and start keeping up with ourselves a bit more.  Remember it’s not what we do, or how we do it.  What actually matters most to the universe, and what determines what energy comes back on us, is “why” we did it.
