I’m going to offer you some philosophical food for thought.  I’m going to expand on a topic I covered about emotions and life.  Originally I tied it to flies, but I always like to offer you something more.  Something deeper for you to ponder.

Deep thought and philosophy are tricky for most people.  Even for smart people.  You’d be surprised how many very intelligent people I meet who are so closed minded that they miss the big picture of most anything.  Most doctors for example are smart.  But some doctors are better than others.  The best ones are the ones willing to dig deep and consider ALL of the factors in play rather than arrogantly assuming they’re correct in their initial assessment of symptoms or a situation in general.  The problem with being smart is it’s very easy to outsmart ourselves.  Smart people’s brains work very fast.  This is why the most intelligent people have the worst penmanship.  Their brain moves faster than their hand can keep up with, so the writing tends to be sloppier than that of a person with a slower brain.

You’re all smart, but as I’ll explain it’s best if you ignore that…  Being smart can work against you.  Being smart as I’ve said on video makes you very susceptible  to suggestion, which in-turn makes smart people the easiest to hypnotize for example.  But it also makes them doubting by nature, thus at the same time and rather paradoxically the hardest to hypnotize.  It’s too easy for smart people to believe their own bullshit, to only look at the surface of things and draw quick conclusions and assume they’re correct.

For example, is a car alive, does it have feelings?  The surface answer any smart person will tell you is NO of course not.  But there in lies the rub, that’s just the surface answer from an arrogant smart person who assumes they know the answer for no other reason than they’re smart.

When I was a kid my dad once told me, “there’s nothing scarier than a stupid person who thinks they’re smart….. except for a smart person who knows they’re smart.“.  He told me this as a warning after my test scores came back.  I was about 11.

It’s always best whether you’re smart or otherwise that you assume you know nothing, so that you’re open to new ideas and you don’t get in your own way.  Only an idiot thinks they’re smart.  It takes a great deal of wisdom to know that you’re not and wisdom only comes through life experience.  And life experience is always at its core simply a series of successes and failures, each learned from.

Having said that let’s go deep and talk about “feelings”, “emotions”, and life to an extent.

The key problem with being a person, a human being is that we have a flaw.  Well we have many, but one of our main programming flaws prevents most people from being able to separate themselves from the human experience.  Most people are only capable of thinking in human terms.  Meaning we feel things a certain way, be it love or anger etc.  And most people figure that if something doesn’t feel things that way, it doesn’t feel, or it’s not alive in any way.  Or worse yet that we’re superior to it..  Maybe, of course we’re certainly superior to an amoeba.  We’re a complex multi-function multi-cell organism, but does that mean the amoeba doesn’t matter?  That the way it perceives the world around it doesn’t matter?  Spoiler alert, the answer to all of the above is NO..

Even scientists fall into this trap.  I’ve always found it odd that researches found that trees and plants have emotional reactions to external stimuli.  This experiment was even run on a Tomato I believe.  Well.. duh… OF COURSE THEY DO, they’re a living thing!!  But this is proof that even those supposedly brilliant scientists have a hard time separating themselves from being human.  They know they’re smart and because of that it limits their ability to look for obvious answers that lie beneath the surface of things.  It’s an example of when being smart and knowing you’re smart gets in the way.  My point is, it was an unnecessary experiment.   When they cut down trees in my neighborhood terror energy comes off of them..  That energy is felt in most people as an unexplained grumpiness, or a sudden bad mood.  Go ahead and walk past a live tree being cut down, and simply allow yourself to feel, by shutting down your skeptical brain.

Now being dumb and thinking your’re smart is equally as dangerous.  We see this often in police officers or worse yet politicians.  In the case of cops they’re trained to be cynical, they have to be for their own protection they’re taught.  Unfortunately being cynical requires a great deal of wisdom and intelligence or it can go horribly wrong.  Being cynical in general should result in you questioning things, which can keep a cop healthy out there.  And for the smarter and wiser cops it does.  That cynicism makes them dig for the answers because it leads to skepticism, which always makes us dig far beneath the surface energy of things when cerebral matters are in play, such as a crime, or a domestic disturbance etc.  But if a stupid cop who thinks they’re smart is cynical they draw conclusions based on surface evidence only.  And pat themselves on the back for it, telling themselves how smart they were to figure it all out so quickly.  They make “assumptions”, sometimes dangerous ones.  The result in this police officer’s case is often innocent people sitting in a jail cell, or worse, prison.  News programs like Dateline or 20/20 are thrilled these types of cops exist.  They get endless stories from their follies.. But it also sadly ruins a lot of lives in the process.

Neutrality is an important energy..  It’s balanced, and balance is required to see the big picture of anything.  Much of what I’m about to suggest in the later half of this article will trigger some skepticism, or even curiosity.  And that’s good, that’ll make you think, which is all I ask.  But for some of you it will trigger your inner cynic.  And you won’t budge from your surface reaction.  You think you’re smart, and you know everything..  You might even call me an idiot for even suggesting such things.  There’s your sign as to which “cop” you are..  LOL..

I urge those of you who react in such a way to think about that behavior.  Because I will tell you in advance that the surface answer/reaction to pretty much everything I type below is, “no way dude”, or a firm “NO”..  Even a NO with a belly laugh..  It’s so silly I might as well be saying Santa is real…  I’m aware of all of this, but I urge you not to be a surface reader of things.  Be a philosopher, not a bad cop.  Besides, you all know how I feel about “surface readers” from watching my videos right?!   lol

So let’s all be neutral and look at the big picture.  First let’s define “feelings”, “emotion”.  Boiled down to their least common denominator, feelings and emotions are simply reactions to external or sometimes internal energetic stimuli.  Meaning, a base or core reaction to an external or environmental energy (i.e. a reaction to an influence).

Everything is energy, and everything means everything.  It’s dangerous to assume that everything else besides us feels things the same way we do.  Be it a Chipmunk or a tree, everything feels the energy of love for example.  Love is pervasive throughout the core energy of the universe.  Other creatures just react to that energy in their own way.  But their way differs from the way we react to it.  So we must separate ourselves from the human experience to appreciate that.

We’ve already covered this concept with flies in a previous article so we’re going to go another route here.  I’m going to take you deeper.  I was going to talk about computers.. However computers sometimes confuse people.  So I figured what about cars??  Cars you ask??  Surely Steve you’re not suggesting that a car is alive and feels emotion??   Actually I am suggesting that..

Is a car alive?  Does it have feelings?  Well that depends on what you consider feelings to be.  On the surface the answer here is NO..  Of course not STEVE!!  Cars are machines they don’t feel.  Okay… but I argue they do..  They just do it in their own way, not like a human.  A car is made up of many parts, all of those parts are needed for it to function, just like yours are.  Also like you it needs air to breathe, and it needs electricity to function, and fuel to burn.  It lets out exhaust as a by-product just like you, and it gets sick from time to time just like you.

We assume that because we built it that it’s not alive, it’s just a machine.  But we’re just a machine, we’re an organic machine, but a machine none the less.  So if it’s built by us it’s just a thing?  It can’t be alive?  That’s odd because most people believe God or the universe built/created us.  God energy is on a higher plane than humans are, but humans exist on their own plane and we are indeed gods on that plane.  Humans play god on our own level all the time.  We create new dog breeds.  Most of the dogs you own where created by people.  This is why they die so quickly and live short lifespans.  Many people believe humans were created in a lab of sorts by higher life forms, and that’s why we live such short lifespans.

Energy is always in layers.  Think of it as a spiral, on the outer level is god playing god on his or her or its level and on the human level in-turn it’s us being the gods creating new lifeforms in all shapes and sizes of plant, animal, and yes, machine.

Cars are very alive, I know because I can pull readings on them, I can also feel the energy coming off of them, much the way I can read a person..  Ever had a temperamental car??  We all have at some point, and while there’s usually a mechanical reason for this, it’s all energy.  The same energy that fuels us and is around us is also around the car.  Temperamental cars read as stubborn just like a temperamental human does.  And while it’s a mechanical issue in a car, this temperamental nature in humans is usually a psychological issue.

Keep in mind that things can be different, but still the same.  Wasn’t it Sesame Street that taught us that as children?  As I always teach on video and try and try to get across.  The same frequency of energy can play out differently in many different situations or base energies.  A human is a base energy, and a car is also a base energy.  Makes no difference that we built it..  It runs, it adapts, and it dies.  Cars feel, though not like we do.  They react to external stimuli, which is what feelings are by core definition.

So how does a car “feel”?  Well there are many examples.  For instance on a cloudy day with high humidity your car doesn’t run as good as it does on a dry clear day.  It doesn’t like those conditions, it has in its own way aches and pains, much like many of you do on a bad weather day.  This is why you don’t want to take your car for an emissions test on humid or rainy day for example.  It’s not feeling well so to speak.  There are 100 examples I could offer for how cars react to external stimuli, and even have their own internal psychologist/pharmacist to deal with it all in the form of a control unit, i.e. FI brain.

Now some might say the car isn’t alive because it’s not self-aware.  This notion of self-awareness is a foolish notion put out by people who have no idea about energy.  Self-awareness is NOT a requirement for something to be alive.  Your houseplant isn’t self-aware, but I assure you it is very alive.  And not unlike the car or you that plant requires fuel to burn and air to breathe, it reacts to external stimuli resulting in “emotion”, which it feels in its “OWN” very non-human way.

In the car’s case it is actually very aware of external and internal conditions.  Even an old car pre-computer units is constantly adjusting based on external conditions.  Maybe a choke opens, or maybe more air is allowed through an altitude compensater which has been around for decades.  So technically if you DIG DEEP the fact that the car reacts to and adjusts to external stimuli does technically make it self aware and something that “feels”..

Some might argue that we control the car.  But that doesn’t technically make it any less alive than a dog that you order around to sit, or lay down.  Every living thing on Earth as most people see “living things” runs itself by some sort of electrical or chemical response system.  Just because something doesn’t have a nervous system as we know one doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel surrounding energies.  It just means it feels differently than we do.  Cars by the way do in fact have a nervous system just like we do.  Cars are loaded with sensors and doodads to pick up on all sorts of environmental changes.  Everything is energy,  and that means everything.  Energy is reactionary, it always is.  If it wasn’t there would be no readings on my channel.

So yes we built the car, it is a machine, but machines are alive, we give them life by building them, and designing parts to make them work.  A car is actually a self-functioning machine once it’s running.  In fact it operates much the way your body does.  Instead of car parts, maybe try looking at them as organs if that helps you.  Your liver for example breaks down and processes the blood to create nutrients, Your kidneys filter the blood as a simple explanation.  Well your blood is the car’s oil, and the car’s liver is the oil filter, which does exactly what the liver does in car-speak.  Where as the car’s fuel filter is more like the kidney.  So we have kidneys, the car has a fuel filter and an evap-system.  Same difference if you ask me, though not 1:1 in correlational, it is the same concepts in play.  And this list could go on and on for paragraphs.  From hearts to fuel pumps and oil pumps, from butt-holes to exhaust pipes..

The car’s engine was originally created around the human body.  How we function provided a model for the original engineers to work from.  The car has even evolved over the years just as we have.  As little as 100 years ago for example people’s heads and brain cavities were smaller than they are today.  In fact an expert on a British show called Antiques road trip recently mentioned this very fact when he was examining a very small military hat, and explaining why it was so small.

Well, cars have evolved, they now have brains and can even talk to us.  Granted we evolved them, but that doesn’t diminish my point, because energy of the universe is what evolved our brains and bodies.  Evolution in humans or in animals and plants occurs at the gene level.  Be it god, the universe, or energy in general it evolves we humans and other animals in relation to external changes which require new needs, or new features if you will.  The car is no different, we are its god, we are its creator, and we have evolved it through the decades based on external changes which require new needs.  Freeways were built, so cars needed to go faster.  Accidents happened, so cars needed seat-belts, cars got stolen so they need locks of all sorts.  Even the rear view mirror was a later evolutionary addition to the car, and the list goes on and on..

Cars even have a similar cooling system to humans.  A pass-through water based system.  In humans we call it sweat.  Cars have air cooled water pumped through the system and sweated out into an overflow reservoir as it expands due to heat.  We humans sweat to dissipate heat.  In us it also works as a toxic filtration system as well..

Some might argue that the car only runs when we start it, so it’s not really alive because without us or a working battery to fire it up it’s just a junk pile of metal.  Well hold on a second there turbo… Technically even a junk pile of metal is energy, which vibrates at a frequency and reacts to external conditions, i.e. “feels”.  On the car said when it’s off it’s technically asleep.  Most cars can’t run constantly for days on end without damage.  Neither can WE!!  In fact too much idle time is bad for a car, just like with us, where too much idle sitting is bad.  We humans need to sleep, to be off to rest and regenerate..  We start a car with a key, and a battery turns the starter to get it going..  Okay fine..  But what do you think starts YOU up in the morning when you wake up.  Do you think a unicorn fairy comes and wakes you up with your horn and magic wand?  You probably do if you watch enough of YouTube tarot readings.  LOL.

Actually it’s energy, it’s an energetic switch that wakes you up.  And sometimes you have a car that won’t start.  Well.. it might surprise you to know that it’s actually a miracle that we even wake up from sleep.  Sleep is a highly studied topic.  Sleeping is a bit of Russian roulette it seems.  Some people never wake up!!  i.e. they won’t start….  Which is similar to a car having a dead battery.  i.e. the energy required to start us up is missing….

When we build a car we have indeed created life.  It’s a living breathing engineering marvel.  Notice I said living breathing.  That’s how we tend to describe living things in pop-culture vernacular.  A car needs air and fuel just like you do, and it senses and reacts to its surrounding energies just like you do, only in a different way.  Yes it’s a machine, but it is alive, and feels external conditions and reacts to those conditions..  It’s not life in the way we’re used to it though, and this is why we tend to disregard it, we say it’s “JUST” a machine.  Well is a German Shepard just a dog??   Maybe, but we built that too!!

You’re a human, you’re an animal.  Machines are a separate ballgame but they most definitely are their own animal as we say.

In closing, I just wanted to offer you some food for philosophical thought.  Whether you think I’m right or wrong makes no difference to me.  I’m a writer, and thus my job is to engage my readers.  My job is to make you think, to make you feel something, to offer you a perspective, a point of view.

Here in the closing of this article I’ll share something with you that I learned as a child about energy around this topic..  Perhaps it’ll tie it all together for you.

When I was a kid and started to notice I could pick up on energies, read things and feel things that others couldn’t, I noticed something odd..  I remember it well.  It was the end of summer vacation prior to entering 3rd grade…  I was clothes shopping with my mom for school clothes like all kids do at that time of year..  My sister was with us and she was being rather harsh in here shopping techniques.  She took it all very seriously as girls often do.  Me as a boy I found it all embarrassing and big pain in the ass.  My mom in the dressing room checking my waistband and all that.  But I noticed something…  My rather harsh sister would grab a shirt or a dress, look at it, smirk, and put it back on the rack, or worse throw it on the floor and say, “this is ugly, I don’t want this“, or she would recite her famous line from Lucy in Charlie Brown that she used at the time, “I’ll be a laughing-stock if I wear this!!”  At the time she was a big Charlie Brown fan and identified with the Lucy character a little too closely.. (insert eye-roll here)…. and I thank you posthumously for your pity.

Anyway… I noticed as she walked away and I walked by the clothing that I felt something.  It wasn’t a normal feeling of hurt feelings or sadness.  That would make me crazy or maybe someone with a tumor.  NO… rather,,,, it felt like a dip in the energy, a black hole of sorts.  I guess to equate it to human terms it’s a pit of your stomach sort of feeling.  What it was was NOT the clothes being sad..  Let me be clear that would be crazy talk.  But they sort of were in their own way.  Later as I got older and wiser I dug into this and ran some experiments with friends at a local GAP store as I recall.  What I found and realized was that the energy of the clothes were reacting to the negative energy coming from my sister’s actions and general meanness towards them.  Much the way the car reacts to external stimuli the clothes did too.

Similar experiments have been done in labs with water.  Why scientists thought water wouldn’t have feelings is beyond me.  Emotion after all is represented by water.  Anyway sure enough its been found that water feels.  It has a memory actually.

Keep in mind that everything is energy, and everything actually feels in its own way.  Water, a car, clothes, humans, Chipmunks, trees, whatever!!  We affect things with our energy in ways that most have no idea of, or just plain never thought about.  Usually this is because human beings are a very self-focused and self-important creature.  Never more so than in today’s social distanced and internet emotionally distanced society.

Everything around you actually has feelings.  Your clothes, your computer, your microwave, your car, even your couch all react to surrounding energies.  But I wouldn’t worry too much.  You’re not going to make your car cry if you insult it, or for that matter your clothes or your couch either.  That would be silly to suggest such a thing, and silly is something I try to avoid.

So while a car doesn’t conform to how we usually define a living thing i.e. a life-form… it is very much alive.  While the names may be different, not unlike you or I it has a nervous system, a digestive system, a cooling system, a filtration system, an exhaust system, and a brain that controls it all and adapts to external stimuli.

Everything is energy, and perhaps we humans need to redefine what “life” is to include machines.  Everything vibrates, everything is alive in its own way.  It’s selfish, foolish, and a little arrogant to think if it’s not like you it’s not alive or it doesn’t matter.  That’s almost racism energy frequency in a way..

Don’t think energy is alive do ya?  Well without it, you sure as hell wouldn’t be, and neither would your car…  or your computer or smartphone for that matter.  Everything is alive, why??  Because everything is energy…  The whole fucking universe and everything in it.
