This article is about “perspective“!  Perspective is arguably the most valuable commodity/energy any human being can have.  And not unlike honesty “it’s such a lonely word“.  And not unlike money, it’s easily lost…

This article’s title is Apache for “Big man“.  It’s used most famously as superhero Apache Chief’s magic words to grow in size and mass.  Usually to 50 feet tall,… but his growth potential is actually unlimited according to my neighbor’s teenage comic book-freak son, who I consulted when I got the idea for the title of this article…. – (thank you Sean) <<< he wanted a credit… lol

But the phrase “ineck chock” isn’t just a clever comic book sourced article title.  I chose it as the title because 50 feet tall or infinite in size and more-over importance, or worse the polar opposite of that i.e. super small is how many people see themselves and even their lives.  That’s a warped perspective and a dangerous energy in either direction.  This is because in energy-speak perspective in inherently a “balanced” energy.  So perspective is an energy which doesn’t contain “extremes” in any one direction or the other.  So when we do take things to extremes and end up in an end all be all way of thinking we’re mistaken if we think we’ve got “perspective”.

In fact this false/inflated and out of balance perspective has created a bit of a problem in our society.  Problems like drug addiction, anxiety, depression, and in the 50 foot tall direction, inflated egos leading to narcissism, and its cousin from the trailer park that it enjoys sleeping with…”entitlement”.

Apache chief is a superhero, he’s fantasy..  And so is the notion that we human beings are anything more than just an energetic being, a blip in fact in the sea of energy that is our universe.  In fact we’re even energetically a blip in comparison to just the Earth’s energy.  Does this mean we’re not important?  No of course not!!  We’re very important, but only within the context of our existence.  We experience our lives from our “perspective”.  We call it the “human perspective”.  We talked about this type of concept on a recent reading that covers “perception” so I’m not going to re-approach that topic here.

What I want to explain here in this article is how easy it is for us to lose perspective.  Remember as I said perspective is a balanced energy.  What often happens is we think we have perspective but really we’re just caught in a loop of our own energy.  In Tarot we might call it 8 of swords energy.  The reason we get stuck in this is actually quite simple.  We get stuck in a loop of our own energy because we tend to fixate.  It’s human nature to view most situations in absolutes.  For example, “I have to be with this person”.  Or, “I want this person and I won’t find anyone else like them.”  Neither of those statements are true, and neither of them represent perspective because they’re completely out of balance, both are skewed in one direction.

The solution to the problem is actually one that offends many people.  Where this article is going could be taken wrong by some for reasons I’m about to explain.  In a nutshell we take ourselves and our lives too seriously.  We created the environment for that to happen by complicating our lives with monetary concerns, religions that tell us we’re superior beings etc. etc. etc.  Also society tells us we must have this this and that or we’re shit.  So we create stressful situations, and spend beyond our means to keep up appearances, and all of that energy (because everything is energy) bleeds into our ego, which MOST people use to govern their emotions.  So when we fall in love or cross paths with a soulmate we treat that situation the very same way we treat needing the cool car or the big house or the great job.  So it all swirls together into a big pile of anxiety.  As the Buddhists teach, “all suffering stems from attachments.”  In most cases it’s attachment to “specific” outcomes, or attachment to material things.  And NONE of what I’ve just said about attachment and specific outcomes etc. is “perspective” energy.

All of this is why I always encourage everyone to try to learn from your experiences in life.  By doing so you raise your vibration which in-turn makes getting proper perspective much easier, and you also gain as a by-product of it all, “wisdom”.  Which is becoming rare in our society today, which is a shame because it’s so important, and so easy to attain.  Proper perspective is simply looking at situations in your life and your life as a whole from a “lofty” perch.  Or as I like to say a lofty perspective.  When we’re in the middle of the lake it’s hard to see all the angles of the shore.  But when we fly over the lake 1000 feet up, it’s very easy to map it all out, and get it right.  We can’t do this, we can’t have this kind of perspective if we lock ourselves into believing lies that we’re telling ourselves.

I always think people should have more of a sense of humor about themselves and this silly little thing we call our lives.  Our biggest problem is overthinking.  Which is an ego concern, but it’s also a sign that we’re allowing external energies to influence us far too much.  This is easy to allow because as I said we’re all connected so those energies are always coming at us.  But if you want to swim in true balanced perspective energies you need to understand the simple concept that we can’t control what others do, think, or feel about us or anything.  We can only control how WE react to their energy coming at us.  Once you realize that, coupled with the fact that in the scheme of things most matters are only important in the moment, you gain valuable perspective and few things will ever truly get to you or have the ability to put your life on pause.  Even really bad things.

Sure bad things happen and they might affect you especially in the short-term, you’re only human after all.  But it’s when we allow things to affect us too much, over the long-term they become toxic to our own energies.  Perspective is an energy..  (everything is energy) It’s actually a “protecting” energy.  We have have the ability to call it in and swim in it when we need it.  BUT you must understand your place in the universe and understand that it’s a balanced energy so that you can catch yourself when you’re out of balance and not assume you have perspective when in fact you do not.

I always tell people “your life is for you”.  In many ways we have to be what I call “creatively selfish”.  Not selfish, that’s bad.  Being “creatively selfish” is a way of taking care of YOU and having it still be for the greater good.  In the case of the soulmate runner I’ll offer you some perspective energy.  Even if they don’t grow and look at themselves, you’ve taught them a lesson and raised their vibration a little just by you growing yours.  This is often the case in these cycles and it comes up in the readings quite often where the other side is feeling or in some cases seeing the growth of the non-runner.  And that acts as inspiration for them.  Whether they come towards you or not makes no difference.  You’ve had an affect on someone else’s life.  Which is powerful balancing energy that’s always for the greater good and always appreciated by the universe.  Any help we can give the fickle old gal universe in keeping its currently HORRIBLY out of balance energy in-check, is rewarded believe me.

It’s what I’m doing here with this very article and any article I write or reading I give.  I’m helping the universe balance energy.  I’m rewarded with viewers and readers..

Now I’ll offer you some final perspective.  This is math based, but it’s designed to show you just how small the energy of a human being is to the universe as a whole.  I’m not telling you this to make you feel small.  I’m pointing this out so that you gain some “perspective”.  It’s perspective that I always keep in mind.  It prevents me from ever becoming an entitled fuckwit, or arrogant in any way.  Most of society is very self-focused, which is a shame, because we’re here for such a short time.  But also when you realize how small we are, and that our lives are experienced from our human perspective, which we all find urgent and very important, but in the scheme of universe energies, we’re not even a lit match next to a 5000 acre forest fire.  This is also why I tend to internally and sometimes externally laugh at ANYONE who’s gotten a little too big for their britches in the ego/narcissism department.

So just in case you’re one of many who think human beings or worse yet “YOU” are the most important thing in the universe, or even here on Earth, let me offer you some real perspective, not just from a science perspective but also from a pretty powerful energy reader’s perspective…

Remember….. The entire universe is just energy.  Everything is energy.

I’ll do some rough math and an analogy to give you some perspective on how small the energy of 1 person and even all the people actually is..  Let’s pretend the Earth was just the size of the Sahara desert,  and like the Sahara it was all sand… The Sahara desert is about the size of the United States.  It contains about 1 and a half septillion grains of sand.  If you don’t know what a septillion is, you probably know what a billion is so I’ll tell you that a septillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000 Billions, i.e 1 quadrillion billions, i.e. it’s a fuck-load of them.   Having said that, a single human energy, i.e. one single human being would be equivalent to about 1 teaspoon or about 40, 000 grains of sand worth of energy in that desert.  So if you want to know even in Earth terms how much energy effect 1 single human being has just on the Earth, NOT the entire universe.  Simply go stand in the middle of the sand swept Sahara desert and grab a teaspoon of sand.  I think you’ll find you’ve made very little dent in that vast desert.  LOL

Granted there are 8 billion teaspoons of us now here on Earth.  But energetically even with 8 billion of us here on Earth, that’s only 320 trillion grains of sand out of the Earth’s 1.5 septillion grains in our math analogy.  To give you perspective there are 1 trillion trillions in 1 septillion.  So that means in short-quick math that the Earth is still even with the energy of 8 billion human beings, 4,687,500,000 times more powerful an energy in and of itself than ALL of the human energies added together.  So to summarize and round the number, the energy of the Earth itself is 4.7 BILLION times stronger than all 8 billion human being’s energy put together.

And just in case you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe in climate change being caused by humans, or sped up by us I should say, I’ll address this little question here in faded gray font…  “You might ask, so if our human energy is so small compared to the Earth, why do we “supposedly” have such an impact on the balance of energy and the environment?  The answer is because we create machines that impact the environment and increase our footprint on the Earth to superhuman proportions.  It’s not us, it’s the powerful machines we create.  Cavemen didn’t put much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  Maybe farts and campfires, but early peoples understood the concept of balance and never took more than they needed from the Earth.  This is because they were smart enough and lacked self-importance enough to know that it’s the Earth that sustains our lives.  It’s the industrial age that began all of the environmental balancing issues.  Our cars and factories and drilling and fracking machines all have billions of times more energy than a single human being does or even all 8 billion of us put together.  In fact your car alone has millions of times the energy output that you do all by itself.  Our recycling programs are a whole lot of too little too late.  Not even worth bothering with if I’m honest.  Which is a shame, and in one way makes us one of the dumbest creatures that ever lived because Oxygen, water, and a temperate climate are the only reasons we’re alive and can live on this planet.  Most creatures be them plant or animal don’t knock the delicate Earth out of balance like we do with our super machines and industry.”

Humans causing their own extinction through greed and self-focused arrogance aside, I’ll offer you a fun-fact.  Assuming the Earth was small enough to fit under a microscope.  If you wanted to see 1 human being it would require you to magnify the Earth 3.5 million times, and even then 1 single human being would just be a speck.  So technically and if you can understand where I’m going here it’s pretty mind-blowing.  I’ll try to Sesame Street it up for you.  From Earth’s full size perspective our (human) energy is smaller to the Earth than an amoeba’s energy is to us humans from our human sized perspective.  Because we as people only need about 100x magnification to see an Amoeba under a microscope.  But from the Earth’s perspective (if the Earth were the size of a person using a microscope) it would need 3.5 million magnification to see us.

Now that’s just Earth level shit..  Let’s blow your mind some more and show you how small and insignificant the Earth is in the grand scheme of the universe.  The Earth makes up about 0.0003% of just our local solar system.  That solar system resides in a galaxy called the Milky Way.  The Milky Way galaxy is a massive amount of cycled energy.  IT’S HUGE!!  But it’s actually a mid-sized galaxy among approx. 200 billion galaxies.  The entire Earth is almost exactly equal to 1 grain of salt (or sand) within the Milky Way galaxy.  That’s how tiny it is just from the “galaxy” perspective.  And remember, there are approximately 200 billion galaxies, some much larger than our Milky Way.

Now to go a step further, and talk about “the universe” as a whole.  The entire energy of the Earth is about 320 octodecillion times smaller than the entire energy of the universe.  And that’s probably a low calculation because there are energies within the universe that we haven’t discovered yet.

In case you don’t know what an Octodecillion is, it’s a 1 with 57 zeros after it.  It’s a BIG F’in number!!!

Having said all of the above…  Life is pretty simple, it’s human ego that makes it complicated.  When we lose perspective we give power to too many incoming energies, be them people, or situations.  And I single out ego because most people process emotions with their brain.  And that’s not the right tool for the job, nor is it going to offer anyone any true “perspective.  Allow yourself to feel, and allow yourself to think.  Just keep those as separate processes and you’ll be just fine.  Allow yourself to feel without processing it.  Just allow the energy of the soul to flow.  That’s actually energetically how we’re designed to run and function.

So if you want to enjoy life and have a great perspective on it all.  Try to always have a sense of humor about things.  We’re fucking TINY!!!  Sure your life is important to you, and it is part of the universe’s energy and yeah we need to keep it in balance and do our part because everything is energy and everything is connected.  But our pressing issue is keeping our human experience in balance with the Earth and its affecting energies and not keeping it in balance with the entire fucking universe.  It’s a bit of the old adage, “take care of your side of the fence.”  Everyone needs to take care of their side of the fence.  But of course not everyone will.  A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  Which is why the only energy we can control is is our own, i.e. our reactions to things, and our outward behavior.

Speaking for myself…. I always remember my place in the universe.  I feel the energies around us, and the energies we put out.  And yes we put out a very small energy in comparison to the surrounding energies.  But it’s all about perspective.  We are the size we are, so to us our energy matters in a big way.  Like I said, we perceive our lives through the lens of the human experience.  We only lose perspective and lose ourselves when we forget that we humans are not the end all be all.  All of our life problems don’t amount to much when you think about how short our lifespan is.  And the fact that be it a well placed solar flare from the Sun or the Earth itself with a super-volcano or long dormant virus that’s suddenly woken up we could all be wiped out quite easily at any moment, with little warning.

Which is why I love the a piece of advice once given from oldest living man.  He said, “don’t sweat the small stuff”, and “don’t sweat the big stuff either.”

And if you think solar flares or life is short in general is dire.  Well it’s reality, it’s perspective.  It’s empowering to know you have nothing to lose.  And you don’t!!  So try, put yourself out there.  Tell people how you feel.  Live your life!!  Do the things you want to do.  Have adventures, even if they’re just local ones.  Your soul will thank you for it.

As I said, perspective is “balanced” energy, and it’s always obtained from a lofty perspective.  It’s NEVER ground-level energy.  This is why I always say I love the All Signs readings.  The All Signs readings I do are a fly over of the soulmate cycle.  I’m getting a loftier perspective than I am if I just pull on a single sign.  A single sign reading ties the universe’s hands, it’s a ground-level reading.  I’m telling it to limit what it send me to 1/12th of the entire soulmate cycle.  For an All Signs reading I get the FULL picture from high above it all.

So be like Apache Chief when you need perspective.  Utter the words “ineck chock!!”  It’ll grow you to 50 feet tall, and you can take a good look around.  The energetic air is cleaner up there.  Don’t think of yourself as great, or shit, or even something in between.  Be energy neutral so you can experience it ALL, take it ALL in for your greater benefit, the good, the bad, and the mediocre.  That’s life, that’s why you’re here…. to experience it ALL!!  Not just the good bits!!  Life is NOT just good bits.  And good bits are never as good without something bad to compare them to anyway.  You never know what’s around the next corner, might be great, might suck, who cares!!!  Good or bad it’s all an adventure, it’s all part of life.

With that last paragraph above I’m reminded of my favorite classic Twilight Zone TV show episode.  It’s one where a guy dies and he thinks he’s in heaven for the entire episode.  Everything goes his way… Beautiful women waiting on him.  He wins at pool every time, he always gets the girl, and she’s hot, he always wins at poker, he takes the pot every time.  It’s HEAVEN he thinks to himself.  Until he realizes at the end of the episode that everything going his way is actually kinda boring, and it grows old quickly, because there’s nothing to balance it out.  Rejection feeds and grows the soul, success is a reward, it’s icing on the cake.  Having everything go your way all the time actually sucks all the fun and adventure out of life he realizes.  And it’s in this moment as the episode ends that he figures out that he’s actually been in HELL the entire time.

I was 7 when I first saw a rerun of that Twilight Zone episode.  After watching it I remember it being the moment I realized that most people get the angel and devil mixed up..  There are many things we can learn from.  That episode of that show was one of many things in my life that have helped to give me perspective on various questions and things that plague me.  Perspective is also useful for keeping us on the right life path, or paths as the case may be.

So be in awe of the very fact that you’re here.  You’re alive right now at this point in Earth’s history, in this specific lifetime of yours.  You may win you may lose but you will never be here again…  And who you will be in your next life is in no small part determined by who you ARE in this one…  Just like who you were in your past lives is reflecting in who you are in this one right now whether you realize it or not.

That said, you’ve got a chance to get it right, even if you’ve gotten it wrong up until now.  What right?  That’ll vary for all of you, it depends on your soul’s true purpose, i.e. your path of destiny.  But what’s wrong is pretty constant for pretty much everyone.  Getting it wrong almost always boils down to allowing external energies and the actions or opinions of others to take away your “perspective”.   To leave you laying on the ground, unable to get the lay of the land, hell even unable to even get up sometimes.  Don’t let that happen!!  Fly high my friends.
