In and out of view

I don’t remember losing track of you;
you were always dancing in and out of view;
I must have thought you’d always be around

Over the past couple of years I’ve been reminded of the people who have come and gone in my life.  People who once meant so much in the moment that one day seem to vanish into thin air.  There have been many people over the years I’ve missed, we met in passing at an event or what not and we missed each other due to timing issues or other situational factors, while others entered my world full-on and at times took it over.  They were so important in our moment in time.  I’ve always found that people enter my life for a reason.  Those reasons aren’t always obvious at first.  Sometimes it takes years or in a few cases decades for those reasons to become evident.  Many of these people I helped in the past by offering them perspective or a new way to see the world, some directly, but many as with a large of number of you I’ve helped indirectly.

Anyway, over the course of 2020 and 2021 I’ve reconnected with many people from my past.  What I realized through all of this reconnecting connecting and sharing of wisdom (in both directions) is that all of these people have played a role in shaping who I’ve become and how I conduct myself in my journey through life.

Many of you that I’ve spoken with feel that because people come in and out of our lives on such a regular basis giving them too much of our time, or helping them to gain a new perspective on something perplexing is a waste of time and energy unless you’re super close to them.  Because if not it only means that someone else will benefit from all the work we/you put in as they vanish away from our lives.  This seems a rather selfish outlook to me.  I never view relationships or connections of any kind in this manor.  On the one hand yes that may be true, someone else i.e. other people in their life who are either already in it or may enter it will benefit from your words of wisdom.  Someone may even gain access to that person’s heart or soul because of something YOU said to them, while you’re left out in the cold so to speak as they drift out of your view and/or your life.  But that’s hardly the point.  Because on the other hand sometimes they stay, but either way giving to others benefits us as much as it does them as I’ve said before, and it should never be done with expectation of any kind of gain or recognition.  That’s the mark of a superficial person, a narcissist of the highest order.  Giving to another rewards the giver just as much as it does the recipient.  This applies to the 5D or in the 3D.   In the 3D it’s an exchange of knowledge and that can provide an almost surreal cathartic benefit to the one doing the giving.  In the 5D the rewards to the giver are endless.  The universe rewards any help it can get in its endless effort to balance energy.

The great Buddhist teacher Taisen Deshimaru said. “To receive everything, one must open one’s hands and give”.  But I’ll humbly add to his wise words by saying that many in today’s society forget that the “give” part must be honest & without expectation of recognition or personal gain, or the more nefarious blow-job or a night of bangin’.

In the lesson department we sometimes learn some harsh lessons from others.  Shying away from difficult life lessons and seeing the err of our ways only limits our personal growth.  Dismiss no one without cause, because every person holds at least one key, one puzzle piece that you’ve been missing.  Show people kindness until they give you a reason not to.  I believe there’s too much self-focus in today’s world.  People have become materialistic, on a quest for that ever elusive “security”, which is only an illusion and doesn’t exist anyway.  It’s a false and frivolous quest, and one that only limits you to surrounding yourself with other superficial people looking for the same thing.  There’s nothing to learn or gain from that.  But we’ll talk about people more another time.

In closing…  Yes people will come and go in your life.  But every connection has a place on our timelines, every connection we make with someone, in fact every experience we have is there for and/or happens for a reason.  Sometimes that place is limited and people and situations come and go very quickly, but sometimes they stick around for life, and well into the next one too.  But whether they stick around or not, whether than fade in and out or become lifelong friends or partners makes no difference energetically speaking.  They entered your life and crossed your path for a reason.  The lessons you’ll learn through your interaction with them will benefit you well into the future, whether it’s a good interaction or a bad one.  Not all of our lessons are “light”.  Many of them are “shade”.  But even shade is still lit a little bit.  Notice we don’t say “dark”, we say “shade”.  But these people long-term or short pick up a trick or two from you as well if they’re smart enough and wise enough.

I will note on the humorous side that sometimes when you reconnect with an old flame or an old friend from the past you learn quickly why they’re not still in your life.  lol  And that my friends is a lesson in and of itself too.   One of the most foolish things people do all the time is go backwards on their own timeline.  But sometimes we didn’t learn the lesson and we have to eat some uncooked Turkey to finally get the fucking point.

So be good to each other, be kind to others, and NEVER help someone in the hopes you’ll get something in return.  Be open, let people into your life.  That way you can separate the wheat from the chaff, rather than just dismissing everyone and eliminating all of your options.  Besides that’s not what helping others is about.  You can’t help them or learn from them if you tell them to fuck-off before they even said hello.  I firmly believe or at least hope that none of my friends or readers are that FK’ing shallow, but it was a point of logic worth making to end this article.

— cheers