God or The Universe doesn’t screen calls

Whether you want to use the word “God” as this article’s title does, or you want to just say “the universe” or “source” it makes no difference.  Like the words energy and matter they’re pretty much “for the most part” interchangeable based on your specific belief system.

The topic of Tarot being the work of The Devil comes up a lot.  There was a tweet about it recently on my Twitter feed where someone’s cards were taken from them by what I can only assume were some of the most ignorant people on Earth.  Claiming witchery and the occult and how the cards fly in the face of Christianity.  That’s fucking nonsense, they most certainly DO NOT!!  Nobody is more Catholic rooted than I am.  I’m Italian, it’s our fucking religion.  But even when my email was active last year I heard this nonsense all day long every damn day.  It always amazes me how many religious people have no idea what their “good book” actually even means or says.  Someone should write the “Big Bird” version of the bible, and I think a lot of the worlds problems would be solved.  Oh and as to the person who lost their cards.  I’m pretty sure The Bible also says something about “stealing” being bad…. lol  lmao…

I’m here to tell you that anyone who thinks Tarot is the work of The Devil is ignorant as fuck!!  By that logic prayers are also the devil’s playground.  In fact talking to God in general and getting an answer through a medium of any kind is no different than using Tarot.

This little issue is something that always bothered me in my studies of structured religion and comparative religion.  My family is Catholic, and most of them have warped and misinterpreted bible passages into things that boggle the mind.  My mother lives for the bible, yet she pretty much commits every sin in it on a daily basis.  In face here entire life is a combination of Sloth, and Vanity..  LOL..  Which are two of the worst deadly sins.

I’ve written an entire article here in this blog showing off my prowess with regard to The Bible.  I’ve not only read it over 100 times, I’ve broken it down, studied it, and spoken with biblical scholars even.  And in that very article I even showed all of you how to research within it and learn from it.  The truth is to fully understand The Bible it must be analyzed.  But to do that some factors must be taken into consideration FIRST…

I already wrote an article about the Hypocrites who write into me about this nonsense so I won’t repeat that article here.  But I will say to study any religion, especially The Bible, you first must understand it’s written in old language.  It’s not how we speak today.  We run into this in modern day with The Constitution here in the USA.  It’s been misinterpreted so many times mostly because while it’s in English, it’s in a no longer spoken vernacular of English.  Meaning without insulting anyone I hope, you have to be pretty smart to figure it out.  And it seems the people reading it are not.  But that’s why it’s left to “scholars”.  And so it is with The Bible.  Biblical scholars are very smart people.  They know it’s written in an old language and they account for that.  But they also study it under a main assumption.  The main assumption being that there are no contradictions within it.  This basic assumption helps you to deduce the meanings of hard to understand passages.  But that requires you have the ability to deduce.  Sherlock Holmes was a pretty smart dude.  Deduction takes brains.  For example “eye for an eye”.  Many misinterpret that to mean if someone kills my wife I can then kill theirs in return.  But that flies in the face of and contradicts the whole “shall not kill thing”.  LOL.  So no, that can’t be right.  So from there we can deduce that it must mean God will take care of it.  In the end it’s basically the bible’s way of talking about what most of us call “karma”.

So you see….. Right there I just taught you how to be a biblical scholar and study the bible.  A simple example yes, but those are the best.  To fully study The Bible you need spreadsheets, whiteboards, and you need to make connections to differing points in the book itself.  The fact is most people just don’t do this.  Hell most people can even balance their budget let alone do Biblical research.  But that’s what makes it all so scary.  Because I think you should have to take a test on the book before you start spouting off about it.  The book itself even tells you in James 1:23, if you’re going to speak the word of god, you must be sure you’re living the word of god.  Right there with James 123 along most of the people touting the bible are in violation of it. 

My point is you look for contradictions in the bible to study it.  And when you find them, you work under the assumption that there are none.  It’s also a good way to study people by the way… 

Having said that this takes me to the point of this article.  Using Tarot as an example.  My goodness the number of times I’ve heard that Tarot is The Devil’s playground is too high a number to even count in just my 1 year so far on the YouTube. 

For fuck’s sake people.  Tarot IS NOT the work of The Devil!!  Tarot is simply a medium.  It’s actually a quick way for the universe or God to grant you the information you requested.

I call it “informed prayer”.  The reality is asking the universe a question of any kind is no different than prayer.  You might pray for rain for example.  But you can just as easily pray for information.

So to those who think Tarot is the work of The Devil, I urge you to try to be a bit more open-minded and look at it all maybe from this perspective.  Let’s say you’re walking down the street.  While doing this you ask God for a sign.  “Tell me I’m on my truth life’s path God” you ask or even beg.  About 5 minutes later a truck drives by.  Painted on the side of this truck is the word “YES” in giant letters.  There’s your answer.  God gave you the answer.  He or she or it used a “medium” to do it.  That medium was whatever was on-hand or near-by.

Well the Tarot is just a medium.  It’s one that gives quicker answers because it’s right there, and the universe or “God” can use it to deliver the response to you, in real-time mind-you.  No waiting for a truck to go by or a passer-by to say something random to you.

There is a Devil card yes, and that to the devout is proof that it’s all evil.  But that Devil card is only to reflect certain energy.  There’s also an angel card by the way.  That said, the devil card must be there.  The universe is a mix of light and shade energy.  I would also like to point out that The Bible itself is a mix of light and shade.  It contains many life lessons and ethics to live by.  Those are demonstrated through stories, and some of those stories contain a fair amount of some pretty scary shade.  Far scarier than any “Devil” card in the Tarot.

In closing….  That’s it…. a short article…  Tarot is just a medium.  God, source, the universe uses whatever medium it has on hand to give you the answers you seek.  Be it a truck driving by minutes or even an hour later with your answer painted on the side of it.  Or a napkin on the ground that says “Burger King”, or a harmless deck of cards, it’s all just differing forms of prayer.  It’s all a bit of ringing God up on the phone.  There’s no more witchcraft or evil to Tarot than you asking God for a sign.

God, source, or the universe, doesn’t screen calls.  It delivers the message through what’s on-hand for it to.  The universe is just energy.  Nothing more.  It’s in a way a giant hard drive.  It’s filled with information, past present and future.

Some people don’t believe energy can contain information.  This is likely because science is tricky for them.  Perhaps they’re just not lateral thinkers.  And some people we all run into in life are just plain shit-stupid.  Because the fact is the very smartphone you’re using or the radio you’re listening to are all just receiving and/or sending information that’s locked in a given frequency of energy.

But then ignorance is rampant in our world today.  We must deal with people who have gaps in their knowledge.  But gaps in knowledge are fine.  What’s not fine is never filling them.  There’s a laziness about studying things, about learning, about growing in our society today.  And I find that alarming.

Speaking for myself when I want to learn how to do something, or even just about something.  I study the shit out of it.  I make sure I take in ALL the angles.  I make sure I know what the fuck I’m talking about.

That said, if you think Tarot is the Devil’s playground, yet you pray to God, and ask God for signs, then you’re not only a hypocrite, you also have no idea what you’re talking about and probably very little understanding of the universe you live in.

I hope I’ve made this point clear.  I’m sure as time goes on many thousands more people will call me or you The Devil for our use of Tarot as a medium to speak to God and the universe.

I say, so-be-it.  Because as the great comedian Ron White once said…
“You can’t fix stupid.”
