Frequency exchange

Let’s talk briefly about energy, specifically frequencies.  Energy is frequency, and frequency is measured in cycles.  If something is 100 HZ for example that means it cycles at 100 times per second.  Obviously the frequency of your soulmate connection is far slower than that.  For the fastest connection in this current cycle (Cancer), the frequency is about 1 cycle every 2 weeks or so.  You might think that’s a pretty low vibration.  But you’d be thinking in 3D energy terms so you’d be wrong.  It’s actually as 5D vibrations go, quite a high vibration.  Most of the frequencies in the 5D are either quite low cycling once every month, year, or even thousands of years, or, they’re quite high, cycling very fast.  Faster than your computer processor, they’re way beyond the GHZ range, even beyond THZ range.

In this article however I’m going to focus on 3D energies mostly.  Energies that manifest for us to use and follow here in the 3D in our everyday lives.  I got a bad wrap from someone about something I said on a recent extended reading.  I talked about frequencies being like ingredients in a recipe, and just like with a recipe some ingredients don’t always work well together.  I used Tiger’s eye frequency as an example, stating that I can’t wear it because when I do all hell breaks loose around me.  Their misunderstanding is probably my fault for not explaining on the video what I meant.  Since most people even those who think they know about energy don’t have a clue, I knew someone would run with what I said like fox with a chicken in the night…  Some idiot decided to shoot me a message and say that Tiger’s eye having an adverse effect on me proves that I’m the devil, I’m evil, because when I put on a frequency like Tiger’s eye that’s designed to ward off evil spirits it then sees me as the evil spirit and tries to ward me off.  And that’s why all hell breaks loose for me they said.  Well thanks for 411, but that’s not how energy works, and thus it’s not why at all…

Before I explain energy here a bit more, let me just say that the ACTUAL reason all hell breaks loose if I wear Tiger’s eye is because the frequency of Tiger’s eye is already part of and balanced within my core energy.  We’re all made up of a recipe of various frequencies of energy.  It’s what makes us who we are.  Similar to your chart for example in astrology.  We all have a unique makeup of energies.  Those frequencies are the ingredients that make up the recipe that is ME or YOU!!  In my case by wearing Tiger’s eye I’m adding to a frequency that’s already there, and it causes a bad taste if you will, a chain reaction of sorts.  No different than if a recipe called for a half a teaspoon of salt, and you added a half a cup of salt.  It would have a very adverse effect knocking the entire recipe out of balance.

Now that that’s cleared up, my paragraph above explains energy nicely.  It may help you to understand why I always warn people not to just go out and buy crystals and wear them as talismans at random  Or worse yet buy a bunch of them because you like the “magical” properties of them, or worse yet, and even more superficially, you find them pretty.  You need to understand that not only do some frequencies of energy not work well together in close proximity, BUT also some frequencies of energy actually work against your own core energy, i.e. the frequencies or energy recipe that make you YOU!!

I come across so many people fucking themselves up the ass energetically in life because they’ve bought and/or are wearing or surrounding themselves with a veritable volatile mixture of frequencies in the form of a neck full of 10 different kinds of crystals for example.  They look like Mrs. Roper from the old 3’s Company TV show.  Or worse they have a shelf in their home that has crystals and gems upon crystals and gems of all different types radiating together and mixing in the room and around them.  And these same people often wonder why things don’t go their way, or they hear weird things in the night.  Often this over mixing of frequencies can cause someone to even become paranoid.  But more often this mixture of frequencies many of which should not be in the same energy recipe attach to the person and make them appear shall we say weird or odd to others.

I saw this around a person my friends used to call “the freaky lady”.  She was real nice and worked at a psychic bookstore here in Los Angeles.  YUP, she was nice, but the energy coming off her was odd.  This was only because she sat all day at work around what I read as a bad recipe of frequencies of energy.  I would walk into this store and my god, I could feel the what I used to call accidental evil.  The store was filled with every kind of crystal and gem you could buy.  It was toxic for me to even walk in the store.  Because not unlike ingredients in a recipe not all frequencies play well together…

Think of this concept in terms of incense.  Which the store also sold by the way.  What I mean is, imagine someone who works in an incense store was burning them all at once all day.  Imagine how they would smell at the end of the day having all that scent attached to them.  People might think they were odd.  Well everything is energy, so that analogy applies perfectly.  People would think that person smelled weird.  Everything is energy, even smells.  So just like with frequencies of energy not all incense scents work well together burning in the same room.  If you mix the wrong ones, while individually they may smell nice, when burned together and all at once they may end up a veritable recipe for the smell of dog shit.

Whether the smell analogy or the recipe analogy works for you my advice is to not fuck around with things you don’t understand.  You wouldn’t start working on your car under the hood and disconnecting things if you didn’t know anything at all about cars would ya??  OF COURSE NOT!!  Well energy is definitely not something you should get advice about via Mrs. Roper or the freaky lady at the psychic bookstore.  In fact you should get your advice from a scientist to be honest.

My point here is BEFORE you go out and buy a bunch of crystals and shit to start wearing on your body or covering your house in thus altering the energies that make you up and surround you, you might want to experiment first.  The best thing to do is figure out which ones work best with your core frequency.  You that by a process of elimination.  And you do that ONE at a time!!!

But there are still no guarantees.  Some frequencies just don’t get along and the effects of this discord can be very subtle.  To be on the safe side, in my experience there’s usually with each person only about 2 to 3 crystals or gem type frequencies that work well together.  Even still I recommend just picking ONE and NOT mixing frequencies!!  Just like cooking, a simple recipe is always best.  Don’t overdo it!!  And never buy a bunch of crystals because you like what the magical properties are.  Don’t assume that those properties will work well with your core frequency.  And never assume that by putting them together with other good magical properties that you’ll get ALL of those properties if you do.  What you actually get may be a bad recipe.

In frequency speak as in our life two wrongs don’t make a right.  BUT with energy, 2 rights don’t necessarily make a right either.  In fact it’s quite common that 2 beautiful frequencies can cause tension.  We see this in music with tension chords for example.  Individually the notes are wonderful, but together they’re ominous.

It’s also important to remember the lesson I taught you earlier in this article when I wrote about Tiger’s eye and why all hell breaks loose if I wear it.  BEFORE you EVER wear a crystal or gem of ANY KIND, even Rose Quartz, which is kind and gentle energy by itself, on its own, make damn sure its frequency is NOT already part of the energetic recipe that makes you up.  Too much of any one ingredient throws you out of balance.  If you’re already out of balance then it may help you yes, but it’s only a temporary fix, and you should try to balance your energy naturally and not rely on a crystal to do it for you.

All of you are an energetic recipe.  You have energy ingredients.  Don’t be a bad cook in your own life…

Me, I stay way from crystals and gems etc.  with the minor exception of Green Jade.  If find it works well with sterling silver in particular.  But I’m not suggesting it for any of you.  Because it may not work for you…  This is why new age websites that tell you to get this gem or that crystal because it does this or that are dangerously wrong.  It only does this or that if this or that works with your core energy and the energies you exist in for reasons I’ve clearly already explained.

There’s a misconception that they help with reading energy by channeling in and straightening out surrounding frequencies.  I’m not sure what idiot started this, it sure as fuck wasn’t a real-deal energy reader that’s for sure.  I would love to blame it on some moron on YouTube, but this theory has been floating around since long before YouTube ever showed up.  It’s actually a myth, and it’s also false.  It’s one of the first things I proved wrong when I was a child when one of my mother’s hippy friends suggested I surround myself with a veritable junk pile of crystals and gems of all type that she brought me to help me channel energies she said.  They did anything but, for reasons I’ve already explained.  And her point of view later went a long way in showing why her life turned out the way it did in the end.  Maybe she should have chilled out a bit on her crystal purchases…

Speaking for myself as an energy reader, crystals are like kryptonite to Superman.  They just get in the way.  That’s why you don’t see any on my fucking reading table.  LOL..   Although I do plan to add a rainbow unicorn at some point in time..  😉

They get in the way of energy reading for a number of reasons.  But to rattle off a few.  They get in the way because we don’t know what exact frequencies are going to be in play as we read energy.  The universe sends us random energies.  Most of the time they’re 5D energies anyway, but even if they’re not, as I’ve just taught you, increasing the amount of an energetic frequency ingredient only fucks things up.  Think of it in CB radio terms.  Too many people on the same channel always creates feedback and glitches.  That’s too much of one frequency in use, i.e. knocking things out of balance.  And being me, that’s a good analogy because I sound like someone who would know about CB radios, and I am.  I grew up with them in fact.  I also used to do short-wave radio too.  All of that was part of my early learning experience around my study of energy i.e. frequencies.

To each his or her own.  All I can do is share my experience.  You’re free to ignore it.  I know I mentioned not putting crystals around me for my readings once early on out on YouTube when my channel first began, and the following day I was told by one of you that a rather pissy veteran reader surrounded himself with crystal balls on his table for one of his readings soon thereafter.  hmmm I thought… passive aggressive much???  lol

For some they’re a symbol of their identity.  And that’s fine, but also they’re a key indicator of whether someone is a real-deal energy reader, or a new ager who isn’t.  Crystals in general to a real-deal energy reader are like kryptonite to Superman.  If we use them it’s never more than 1 at a time and very sparingly at that.

My advice for crystals and gems is to only go with one or two that work for you if you must.  Keep it simple, and do some homework and try to figure out what frequencies make up the energetic recipe of YOU..  Your astrological chart can be of help in this in fact.  In either case, this way you don’t end up wearing the wrong one or ones, and in the process inadvertently knock yourself out of balance, causing in some cases, bad luck, or, as I like to phrase it, all hell breaking loose..  ALL of the good shit, and ALL of the bad shit that happens to us in our lives is ALL ABOUT THE ENERGY we emit and surround ourselves with.  Nothing more, nothing less.
