Free-will – (everyone’s superpower)

Free-will isn’t just an awesome Rush song.  It’s actually a very powerful “neutral” energy, which every single one of us has the immense power to control.  It really IS everyone’s superpower.  Yet maybe it’s due to doubt, or maybe it’s due to a lack of understanding, most people wield this mighty sword of energy against themselves, against what they feel, against their own best interests.

I think it has a lot to do with the neutrality of the energy itself.  Using another powerful neutral energy as an example of what I mean, it’s a bit like money.  Money is a very powerful neutral energy as well.  It can make your life better, or it can make it a living hell.  Both devil and angel energies always surround any neutral energy.  Devin-type energy or negative energies with money in particular always try to tempt you with endless bad choices.  Credit offers are a great example of this.  Buy now pay later they say.  Or this credit card has 0 interest for 12 months, and zero interest on balance transfers.  First off if you’re doing balance transfers something gone horribly wrong, and you need to streamline your life a bit.  Exception being hospital bills or something necessary.  These credit examples I’ve given are really just devil-type energy tempting you with an illusion.  Devil energy works with illusion.  Often creating within it an energy of “delusion”.  Those offers sound great!!  You think, YES, I I’ll have more cash… No you won’t.  You’ll have more trouble to get into in reality..  It boils down to you either have the money to pay things back or you don’t.  Right now most of the population is overextended.  That will eventually all collapse on us.  It’s a cascade effect in mathematics.  But people can’t help themselves.  Gotta have it.  Gotta keep up with the Kardashians.  LOL..

My point is this is similar to free-will energy, and free-will energy is even involved in the decision about whether temptation takes hold of us.  We don’t get credit card offers with free-will energy directly, BUT we do get the ability to wield an energy that is completely under our control and use it to decide.  Temptation from devil energies is always swimming around the neutral energy of free-will.  But equally so are angel energies.  From my observations free-will is like a 500 horsepower car.  Not everyone should have one.

Perhaps the best way for me to approach this article is to talk about the “will” portion of the word.  It applies across the board.  We use the phrase “will-power” for example.  Our will is how we direct the energy of free-will.  It’s usually a product of our core programming.  Which is what we were taught and learned as we grew up and as we go through life in general.  This forms our beliefs and ideas about ourselves, the world, and everything in it.  And more-over how we’ll interact with these other energies.

When we’re very young, usually 4 years or younger we’re a very intuitive creature.  But as we move into school we’re taught all practical things.  That intuition, that spiritual 5D nature within us is taught right the hell out of us.  Any kids that remain spiritual are usually ridiculed or ostracized.   They’re the weird kids.  I know, because I was that kid.  By the time I got to 1st grade I wasn’t buying the shit they were shoving down my throat.  It all seemed out of balance to me.  It felt very heavy on the practical side, and very light on the intuitive and emotional side.  In fact, it was zero on the intuitive side.  What this leads to are the box ticking people.  The list creators, the people who wield their free-will in the direction of only things that make practical sense without much or any consideration for how it makes them feel.  This results in a societal energy that’s strong on ego and materialism, i.e. getting ahead and keeping up with the Kardashians, and low on substance, feeling, depth, spirituality.   Buying clothes to make them feel confident, rather than actually just becoming confident by finding and knowing who they really are.

Some might argue that many people are religious so that’s their spirituality.  That’s not the spirituality I’m talking about.  And if you think it is, you’ve obviously never studied comparative religion.

Most religions teach to obey a god.  Emphasis on the word “obey”.  It’s “almost” always an all knowing all seeing being of some sort, and if you don’t obey you are punished in some way.  This is as far from spiritual as you can get.  This is a fear tactic designed to keep people in line, most of the main religions are actually about control and order.  Much the way a dictator does it, it’s usually done by fear tactics.  We only need look through history to see the truth of that statement.  While yes I agree, if you go against the energy of the universe you can indeed feel punished.  But most major religions instill fear in people.  And that leads to a fearful life, which only serves to knock energy out of balance.  And only balanced energy brings the feeling of “true” happiness.

I see it all the time within my very Catholic family who feel me throwing tarot cards and reading energy etc. or even my very existence to them goes against god.  I was a pretty special child.  In looking back now as an adult I see how my parents will ill equipped to have such a child.  For example my mother took me to the doctor and a priest for my “energy reading” as a child.  Looking back I’m appalled by her ignorance.

I’m always warned by them I’ll be punished one day.  Which is funny to me and rather ironic because I’m the only “truly” happy one who’s living a great life among them.  LOL  Why?? Because I follow the flow of the energy around me, I don’t fear it.  I adapt when I need to adapt.  I make practical decisions about people, and situations etc. with a “balanced” amount of emotion, or intuition, or feeling.  Which as I’ve said many times on video is exactly what scientists are now admitting they themselves do.  Why?  Because they know the universe is energy, and if you go against it you’re fighting a losing battle.  Intuition has now been scientifically proven!!  We can thank the Quantum world for at least part of that discovery.

As for pulling tarot cards being punishable by god.  That’s just bullshit!!  Those same people in my family for example pray all the time.  When you pray you’re asking God or the universe for something, for an answer, or an outcome.  That is NO different than manifesting, or even throwing tarot cards because the tarot is just a medium for the universe to answer your question, and I might add, answer it instantaneously!!  I call it “informed prayer”, and that’s truly all it is.  The true hilarious part of it all on this prayer topic.  Is most of the people I’ve met and read the energy of including those in my family who “pray” in the traditional sense, never actually receive the answer.  This is NOT because they didn’t didn’t get an answer to their prayer.  No they actually did.  They never received the answer because they weren’t spiritually open enough to receive it.  Be it God or the Universe, you have to pay attention to receive messages.  The universe talks to you through other people, coincidences, and eyebrow raising happenings. To get your answers you have to be spiritually open, and fear never leaves us that way.

In most cases only adhering to a set religion leaves you horribly closed off because of that fear energy that it generates.  Now these are just my observations, but I saw it growing up in my own family.  And quite frankly if you do any reading, history will tell the same story.

Free-will is a gift from the universe.  It actually is a by-product of the energy we’re made of.  But that’s too complex to go into.  So we’ll call it a gift and leave it at that..

So how do you properly use free-will you might ask?  Well…. I’ll share with you some thoughts and examples.  So here’s a simple formula to follow as you go through life.  It’s really only one simple rule..  A simple plan if you will…

That rule is, “if it doesn’t “FEEL” right, it’s NOT right for you.”  The trick to that however is you must trust what you feel.  This is  difficult in our society and probably for many of you reading this.  This is because we live in a box ticking society.  People foolishly put criteria on things, and that creates expectational energies.  Which are always rigid, and one of the opposite energies of free-will.  I’ll give you an example…

Let’s say you’re looking to buy a house.  Most people have a set list of things the house must have.  Some of them are negotiable and some are not.  The NON negotiable ones are the problem..  By having a checklist of non-negotiable things the house must have you’re working against your own energy, and using your free-will energy against your own best interests.  Sure you may want a room for a nursery, or you may want a two-car garage.  Okay fine.  But the truth is a house is both a practical and an emotional purchase.  There must be balance.  So what is that proper balance.  Well in my experience emotion is a thicker energy than practicality.  That said, balance between the two looks a bit more like 70% emotion and 30% practical than it does a 50/50 split..

My point above is the ideal thing to do because of the power of free-will and the way it can turn against us if we use it improperly is to go in neutral and consider the fact that you might just fall in love with a place the meets only SOME of your criteria.  Criteria for anything is limiting your own possibilities.  Life isn’t a checklist.  It’s not ticking boxes.  The box you need to tick based on what I know of energy is your own box..  And no I don’t mean that in a dirty way of course..  But also I kinda do.. LOL..

This same principle applies to relationships.  I can’t stand these people that have a checklist.  NO ONE, not science, not even me, knows why we fall in love with someone.  Surface energy like appearance can attract us, but it’s not enough.  Every date you go on, every person you meet prior to meeting them or going on the date is a potential soulmate/life partner.  Every day you wake up there’s a chance you’ll someone will enter life and change it forever.  That should be your neutral attitude.  ANY and I mean ANY preconceived notion about what they “have” to be is using free-will against yourself.  You have free-will.  You can always say no if you’re not feeling it.  But by creating a check-list of requirements you’re utilizing your free-will decision in advance.  Some might disagree with that but psychology even would back me up.  Energetically you’re setting a polarized energy of some kind.  Why is that bad…  ???

Free-will as I said is a neutral energy.  And we all know because very fuckwit on YouTube including me alerts you to the fact that “like energy attracts like energy”.  That said, the neutral energy of free-will can only be used to your advantage if the energy you’re putting into it is also neutral.  You can’t be overly positive and you can’t be overly negative.

I’ll shoot straight on this dating example.  It doesn’t matter if they tick boxes on a practical checklist.  I had a friend who loved this date she went on.  Absolutely thought he was fantastic.  But didn’t want to see him again because she has a requirement that they be over 6 feet tall.  The guy it seems was 5 foot 10.  Yup, true story, she rejected a beautiful connection, one that her emotions screamed was fantastic for a stupid tick box that wasn’t ticked.  Now the reason she did that I can tell you is because she’s insecure with herself and needs to have someone bigger than her by her side to compensate for that.  i.e. she’s worried too much about appearances.  Don’t even get me started on what shit that is.  I’ve tried many times to help this person, but her parents and society as a whole did a number on her for sure..  Either way, it’s a great example of why you don’t create checklists!!  She was glowing after the date.  But alas even though she sat with him for hours having amazing conversation, and they had so much in common, she in fact had shot him down the moment she sat down.  As soon as she saw he was under 6 foot tall.

I will say it one more time.  Emotion, what you feel about a person, a situation etc. is about 70% of the weight you should give it for proper balance with the practical side.  If it doesn’t feel right it’s not right.  That doesn’t mean if it does feel right it is however.  All it means is if it feels right you keep going with it, you use your free-will to “decide” to flow down that given energetic road.  The universe can only talk to you through emotions.  It is NOT a voice in your head.  It’s the same way I do the readings.  I feel the emotion and then translate it through my heart chakra up to my brain and out of my mouth.  If it doesn’t feel right, you use your free-will to “decide” to either proceed with caution, or turn the damn metaphorical car around..

In either case, the key to free-will is in understanding that it’s NEUTRAL ENERGY…  It MUST be interacted with, and utilized within NEUTRAL ENERGY..  Anything other than that puts expectation on outcomes.  And when we do that we set ourselves up for either disappointment, or plain old missing out in general should we choose to reject a person or house or job that doesn’t (said sarcastically) “tick the right boxes”.

Oh… and in case you’re a box ticker and are wondering… “Well Steve what if it does tick all the boxes??”  My answer is you’re missing my point, read the damn article again!!.  My point is… It’ll tick those boxes whether they’re there as a requirement or not.  The point is NOT having any boxed for ANYTHING to have to tick.  This allows for “TRUE” “HONEST” emotion to flow..  And that’s were intuition lives.  And that’s where you’ll make your best decisions.

By all means know what you like and know what you don’t like.  Write it down if you want.  But don’t be rigid in those things.  Neutrality is about being like water.  It allows for adjustment and leeway.  If you’re rigid, you’ll miss much of the magic in life.  Because that magic I always talk about…  Well it lives in neutral energy.  It doesn’t live in pie in the sky lists of ideals, or in preconceived negativity, i.e. prejudgment of people and situations.  The magic is in the middle, it’s allowing the energy to flow, it’s allowing things to happen, good or bad, or usually a mix of the two.

In my experience the most amazing things that have ever happened to me have surprised me.  Meaning if I had a list they wouldn’t have been on it.  If I had a check list YouTube and all of you wouldn’t be on it.  I despise attention.  I’m a hermit by nature.  But this is part of journey, and I felt that..  When I started my channel I was totally neutral.  I just allowed the energy to flow.  And I flowed with it, with no expectations I allowed it to surprise me, and YES sometimes piss me off..  But that’s life, that’s actually true balance.  Nothing is ever perfect, we don’t live in perfect world within perfect energy.  In fact we live and exist in a rather wobbly and unstable energy.  Energy that could turn on a dime and go out of balance at any time.  But that’s magic too.  That wobble is what keeps things from EVER getting boring.

And that’s all the more reason why neutrality for outcomes is so important.  It’s why it’s important that you’re like water.  And you simply take the shape of whatever you’re poured into.

So of course, don’t stop thinking.  Your brain’s job is to analyze and process the world around you, and that’s important.  You must apply logic to be sure you don’t do or get into something stupid.

But if you flip the energetic equation as many do, and allow the brain to have 70% of the say, and emotion the smaller 30%, you’ll shut down most things, and most people too.

Why???  Because they’ll have to be a certain height, or have a certain look about them, and even though your soul screams it’s for you, you’ll RUN from it.  Sound familiar???  It should, it’s exactly what the DM’s did in the current soulmate cycle.  Except for most of them it was 90% brain/ego and 10% emotion.

And that’s horribly out of balance, and guarantees poor use of the mighty neutral power of “free-will”, that all have COMPLETE control over…
