Fig Newtons

This is another post about energy, but also a lesson in Temperance, with a pinch of home-spun bible study thrown in for good measure.  This article’s lessons stem from Luke 13:6-9 ESV.  It’s called “The baron fig tree”.  And I use this as an example here for a number of reasons.  Not the least of which being it’s a lesson in faith for the DF in the soulmate cycle, but also a lesson in energy transference, which is very important to understand if you’re part of a deep-soul connection of any kind.

So since this lesson seems to be coming up in the energy currently I thought I would write about it here.

I’m going to Steve home=spin and paraphrase the bible here a bit.  The baron fig tree story from the bible talks about a land owner who wants the worker to cut down a certain tree.  Stating, this tree hasn’t produced any figs for a few years and it’s costing money.  The worker who knows his job well and begs the field owner to give him another year with the tree.  He knows his job, and is begging the field owner to have some faith in him and his ability.  The field owner agrees, and sure enough a year later that tree after some careful maintenance becomes the biggest producer of figs in the grove.  Turns out it would have been a big mistake to cut it down, and a costly one at that.

Now I’ve condensed things, and paraphrased the story as I’ve said, I’m not here to teach religion, but this passage as with most bible passages is open to many interpretations.  The bible is taken negatively and has been used for shall we say bad purposes for as long as its been around.  For instance a cynic missing the lesson completely would say the worker was lazy.  The owner was right, if it’s not producing get rid of it.  The worker just didn’t want to cut it down because that’s a lot of work.  You have to chop it down, then cut it up, and haul it away etc.  See…. easy to make it negative, in fact negative is like junk food, it’s even funnier as a negative story..  Damn lazy worker, prick ass mother-fucker…!!!!!

The reality is the lesson is two-fold.  On the one hand it shows a lack of faith on the owner’s part.  Lack of faith in his worker.  In business this makes him a bad manager.  A good manager defers what he doesn’t know to those who do and relies on the expertise of those under him or her.  Only an obsessive psychopath is a micro-know-it-all manager.  This concept ties directly to a catch-phrase of Dr. Phil’s, which is, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”  Which in life is important to remember on many levels, be it you not knowing what’s around the next corner, or you deferring to someone who knows something you don’t.  It cuts both ways…

But the secondary lesson is one from the worker’s side.  The worker took care of that tree, and honed his skills in the process.  He had “faith” that tree would produce fruit.  His experience helped with that faith in that he saw all the tell-tale signs that it would.  His passion about it in the end saved the tree from being cut down, because his energy of faith spread onto the field owner who then allowed the tree to live one more year..  The owner still could have said no.  But that would have been short-sighted, and in end cost him even more profits.  Profits that by the way he couldn’t see, and never would because he lacked faith.  Faith in his worker, and in himself really…

The main lesson here is actually one of Temperance.  Temperance has many lessons contained within it.  It’s not just about patience.  The runners in the soulmate cycle think they know things that they don’t know.  They think they’ve got it covered, but that faith is beginning to waver and falter, mostly because it’s false, i.e. it can’t hold water.  This faltering on the runner’s side is due in no small part to the DF’s growth.  And since the two are connected it’s quite easy for that energy of growth to bleed over.  But it’s equally as easy for the negative energy on the runner’s side to bleed over onto the non-runner as well.  Which is why the lesson on Temperance is so important.  One of the key elements of Temperance is retention of learned lessons.  Meaning, not forgetting a lesson once we learn it.  That’s the key to the non-runner keeping the energy of the runner off of them thus keeping the flow positive instead of negative.  This is why I always encourage the DF side to keep growing, keep learning, expand beyond what they have already figured out..  This energy benefits both sides, just like it benefited a certain fig tree.

Many DFs for example feel like they’re done.  Tired of the back and forth, and for their own health and sanity want to cut ties with the DM.  In theory that’s fine, you shouldn’t be waiting for anyone anyway, or even giving them too much thought other than the cautionary tale they have to teach you.  You should be growing.  BUT, you two are connected at the soul level.  Because of that by default the DM side will figure it out one day..  Some sooner than others but still they inevitably will, maybe even in the next lifetime even..  My advice in this instance is always to cut ties if you must, but leave the energetic door open.  At very least one day you may get some explanations, some closure.  You can simply tell the universe “I’m done, I’m out, but my door is open.”.  After that by all means go about your life..

To relate all of this to the fig tree.  There’s no need to cut it down, it’s a fig tree.  One day and you never know when you’ll get some figs off of it.  Your faith in that just as the worker had in the Luke story is the very energy that will fuel the runner’s growth, and by default fuel more of your own..  If you just cut the tree down, and say fuck it, I’m out!!!  There’s no way you get a Fig Newton at any point in the future.  It’s energetically and logically irresponsible to do such a thing when such a wonderful cookie could come out of it.  Remember that fig tree ended up being the field’s shining producer of figs.  There’s a lot of Newton potential there..

So by all means walk away, but leave the energetic door open.  Leave a void for them to fill.

Part of my studies in learning about energy was an still is of course comparative religion as I’ve said.  When I figured out I was different from the other kids I knew I had to study it.  So I studied science, philosophy, psychology and human nature, and I studied the religious side to complete the picture, i.e. balance the energy of my studies.  One without the other is out of balance.  That’s why I always suggest the new-age experts on YouTube and such also become science experts.  It’s harder yes, and the math sucks, but if you’re smart you’re smart, and smart people always want the big picture of things.

I point this out because religion, the bible in particular actually explains energy quite well.  While I may home-spin it all and make it simple for public consumption, the bible does a good job of that too.  The problem with it or any religious text is that it’s open to many angles of interpretation.  It’s easy to twist it, and inject a bit of ourselves, our fears, and even our crazy into it.  That energy is actually designed into the book.  I figured that out quite fast from the energy of the text itself when I first began to read it many decades ago.

So what does religious texts like the bible teach about energy?  Well if you asked that you probably were confused by my final sentence in the paragraph above.  I talked about the energy of the text itself.  So I’ll clear this up…

So many people who visit my channel on YouTube, no matter how many times I say it, still don’t hear or understand the concept that “everything is energy”.  Everything means everything.  Food, words written or spoken, the paper things are written on, dogs, cats, cars, air, clouds, water, thoughts, feelings, all of it, everything is energy.

In a Steve home-spun easy to understand nutshell, what the bible in particular teaches about energy is the very concept that the universe is nothing more than a giant radio transmitter.  And we, are radios.  The channel frequency or frequencies that we tune into is what we listen to, just like with a radio.  It’s what we get.  i.e. like energy attracts like energy.  If you don’t like what you’re getting, change the channel.  But it’s up to us to do that.  We have free-will.

Everything is energy… in 3D easy to understand terms, let’s say you were a person who drank heavily, partied a lot.  Because of that activity you shouldn’t be surprised if one day you find yourself on a gurney being prepped for a liver transplant!  You attracted the energy for such a thing, you free-willed yourself right onto that specific radio channel and that’s the song you got… Usually along the way you get signs to change course.  For example every heavy drinker is aware of and usually think about the consequences of their actions.  Just like every smoking is consciously aware of the dangers as they do it.  But we have free will to be on whatever channel we want.  At the end of the day there are countless examples I could offer.  All you have to remember is that everything we do, say, think, feel, hear, see, taste, smell, and experience in general IS ENERGY!!!!  The whole damn universe is just various types and frequencies of energy…  And like energy attracts like energy.  If you don’t like what’s on your radio station you simply need to change the channel.  It’s not as difficult as people think it is.  Changing ONE little tiny thing can have a gigantic ripple effect.

You also have to understand that everything comes from us.  We can’t control outside energies, i.e. what others do, or what they think of us, or whether they feel or us or not.  The only thing we CAN control is our reaction to outside influences.  Most if not all things that happen to us good or bad can be viewed dozens and in some cases 100’s of different ways.  How we view determines what energy we’re in, i.e. good or bad to keep it simple.

So if we view things from a negative angle, or fear the devil, we attract devil energy and the negative.  Some people even think they speak to the devil himself.  NO,,, there is no DEVIL himself, it’s just energy..  In fact devil energy of any kind is only attracted to us because of our brains, our ego.  The soul is made of love, it’s pure angel energy.  Devil energy doesn’t go anywhere near it, even if it’s a serial killer.  However in their case the soul is permanently disconnected from the ego.  The heart chakra which is the translator is on the fritz as I like to say.  Anyway…. there is no Satan.  No one talks to the devil, they’re talking to themselves.  Or as INXS once sang, “The devil inside”.  We gave it name like Satan, just like we give Angel energies names, like Michael and Gabriel.  We do this because it’s human nature to humanize things.  We do the very same thing with our pets, whether they’re pet rocks, dogs, birds, or fish, our brains have a need to put everything into human terms.

Bible readers like my family for example fear the devil.  My mother talks about Satan like he is a person who lives next door and comes over to borrow the vacuum or something.  The fact is he doesn’t.  He doesn’t exist any more than the various Angel energies do in literal terms.  Be it devil or angel energy, it’s all just varying frequencies of energy within various bandwidth ranges within the universe we live in.  What I always explain to my mother and am trying to explain here to all of you is, if the devil comes a-callin’, it was YOU who called him in.  Mostly commonly this happens because of past issues we’ve swept under a carpet and never dealt with.  But the same applies to an angel comin’ a callin’..  It’s always up to us..  Whether it’s eating the right foods, or wrong foods, or thinking the right thoughts, or wrong thoughts, feeling the right feelings, or the wrong ones, positive or negative we do it to ourselves.  We’re just the receiver, we choose which channel we receive by radiating an energy frequency.  The universe then matches us, and that’s what shapes our personal experience, i.e. our existence.

Some who misunderstand my point might say, “well Steve if we’re a receiver how can it all originate from us”?  Well your radio is a receiver, and the channel it’s on originates from you putting it there.  I can’t make it any more simple than that..  Everyone gets a fair shake.  We all have the same basic radio/receiving capabilities.  It’s up to us to decide what channels we’re on.  Not unlike with a radio the universe can’t send us energy until we tune into it.  So yes, it all originates from us doing something.  The universe’s signals are always there, and they’re all there at once..  The radio thing is just a simple analogy to help people get their head around something that’s actually quite complex.  You all know what a radio is, and you all know what a transmitter is.

The field owner in our story from Luke in the bible was viewing things from a limited negative perspective.  Kill the tree he said, it’s costing me money!!!  Angel energy cancels out devil energy as I always teach you on my videos.  The worker in the story was putting out angel energy in return, showing the owner the positive perspective of future profits.  The love of money is devil energy, it clouds, it makes us greedy.  The worker used angel energy to play on that greed energy within the field owner and thus cancel it out with the promise of future profits if the tree were to live.  Sort of like if someone you owed a million dollars to was going to kill you, and you stopped them by saying, I’ll give you 2 million if you let me go…

That’s the energetic interpretation of this story..  At the end of the day we don’t know what we don’t know.  So 5 of swords short-sighted thinking only invites devil energy in.  Devil energy is always short-sighted.  It’s illusion that leads to delusion.  Long-range energy is always clear.  Think of it as visibility on a clear day.  And devil energy is a foggy day..

So if you’re frustrated with the lack of “figs” coming out of your runner tree shall we say..  Have a little faith in your own ability, which in this case is your own growth.  Turn the energy around onto yourself.  Putting work into yourself or a fig tree, will yield results, even if those results are not immediately evident.

Hope is great.  Hope is short-term though.  Hope implies something might not happen, so you “hope” it does.  Faith is where the real power to manipulate and change energy lives.  I’m not telling you to have absolute faith in your runner.  Hell even the universe doesn’t.  LOL..  What I’AM telling you to have absolute faith in YOURSELF!!  In turn that benefits the runner.  Think of it as the worker in our Luke story having faith in his abilities.  That energy, his work, spread to the fig tree, and the result was figs, and a lot of them I might add.

Whatever you personally gain and learn from this soulmate cycle will only benefit you down the road, rewarding you with better people, to form better friendships and relationships with.  Which ties directly to one of the most important lessons of Temperance I mentioned earlier…. lesson retention…

Learning increases your vibration i.e. your frequency..  Retention of that lesson, remembering it, and carrying it forward is what allows you to “grow” from what you’ve learned.  Because if you forget the lessons you learn, net net the math on that comes to zero..  i.e. you’ve learned nothing.  And zero multiplied by anything is zero!!
