Every WITCH way but loose

Energy is a funny thing.  I don’t mean funny ha ha.  I mean the entire universe is just energy in various forms.  Even matter is held together with energetic bonds.  It’s all mostly empty space all things considered.  I call the universe “the fickle old gal” as most of you know.  The reason for that nickname however is because energy is actually quite easy to manipulate.  But I should rephrase that and say “deceptively” easy.  It can turn on you on a dime and when it does it comes back on you 3 fold.  Many great minds were obsessed with the number 3 and for good reason.  Nicola Tesla was one of them in fact.  Also good to note that 3 to the 3rd power is also a very important number.  That number is 27 by the way.  It’s a number I tend to look for in things…  I call it my good luck number in many ways, but mostly it’s an indicator.  A north star of sorts.

At any rate we’ll talk about the number 3 another day.  But I have mentioned its importance on many videos.  Not the least of which for the reasons I’ll state in this rather important article.

I’ve spoken with many people in the short 1 year span of SLT’s existence.  And in that time I’ve noticed an abundance of people who either ask about or are in fact doing what they call “spells” to conjure up their soulmate, their runner, to make them turn around and chase for a change.  Other people are keeping it a bit more mild and manifesting their person.  Which is actually similar energy output to a spell anyway.  Think of a spell as s recipe that you bake at home, and manifesting as ordering over the phone and having it delivered..  Anyway, I’ve given much advice on these topics and even have a mailbag video on the topic of manifesting on the YouTube channel page.  Yet, some people can’t seem to see past themselves enough to understand why their spells or manifesting isn’t working.  Truth be told they might be working.  Or they might not, in which case you might want to duck for cover, as I’ll explain…

All of this manifesting and spell casting is fine, (he said with caution) IF you know what you’re doing.  IF you do not know what you’re doing, you will in fact cause more harm than good, and may even face 3-fold karma back on yourself if you’re not careful.

These concepts are difficult to understand.  So I work with metaphors and analogies.  So here’s a couple… lol….

Most people are the cause of their own problems in their lives, be it love, money, or luck in general.  It’s not because they’re assholes or anything.  I mean yeah some are for sure, but I mean they’re energetic law breakers, without realizing it.  We break laws all the time in the 3D.  Everyone breaks certain laws from time to time.  The most common is speeding.  The sign says 45 MPH.  And you’re doing 60 MPH.  LOL.  The difference is you likely won’t get caught for speeding.  There has to be a cop around to see it, and generally there isn’t one around.  But when we break energetic laws there’s always a cop around.  Because everything is energy and it’s all governed by what I would call an over-layer of energy.  In a way breaking energetic law is a little like trying to break or defy the laws of physics, which in and of themselves are part of the energetic law.  The punishments for defying the laws of physics are usually rather quick.  For instance you jump off a building because you foolishly think you can fly.  Well…. you find out pretty quick that you can’t fly, and you wind up in the hospital.  You tried to break a law of physics and you were immediately punished for it.  This is what I mean by there’s always a cop around when it comes to the metaphorical “energetic long-arm of the law.”..

The problem that many find themselves in is that while jumping off the building is met with an immediate punishment.  When we manifest incorrectly or worse yet try and cast a spell because some fuckwit with a website put one up with instructions. (for fuck sake people…. be fucking careful)…  The punishment may take some time to come back on us.  And as it does it always comes back on us 3-fold.  When I say that to people they’re often not sure if that 3-fold rule is true?  Well….okay…. I just gave you an example of jumping off a building because you think you can fly.  Defying or breaking an energetic law of physics.  You were fine and healthy going up to the top, but at the bottom I would say you’re at least 3 fucking times worse-off as you scream in pain on the ground at the bone sticking out of your damn leg.  LOL  ..  People sometimes are blind to the energetic punishments.  But on that note, to quote the great comedian Ron White…  “you can’t fix stupid.”..

Let’s talk for a moment about spells.  (by the way as I write this The Eagles Witchy Woman is playing in the background)...  I’ve gotten a lot of questions on spells since I mentioned I have a witch friend who basically blesses my card decks for me.  Yup, that’s true.  And I actually have a few witch friends.  I like them very much.  I even used to bang one years ago..  Sadly, they’re not green, nor are they evil.  BUT they do have a good understanding of energy, and the delicate balance of it as contained within nature.  Any witch will tell you that spells are dangerous if not done correctly.  Spells are simply manipulation of energy.  However when you manipulate energy you must conform to the laws of the universe.  You’re asking the universe permission to knock energy out of balance.  It’s a bit like calling the police department and saying, my wife is having a baby, I would like permission to exceed the speed limit please….

There are many laws of the universe, but one of those laws I mention quite often.  Be it a spell or manifesting, the manipulation of energy must be “for the greater good of anything or anyone involved“.  What does that mean?

For the greater good means what I’ve been telling everyone since day 1 of SLT.  The whole universe is energy, and all energy does in nature is try to balance.  As a simple in your face right in front of you example, we see it in mother nature here on Earth.  We humans are real-deal energetic law breakers.  We do a great job of knocking mother nature out of balance with our pollution and deforestation for example.  And we’re so short-sighted and selfish as a creature that we think we’re getting away with it.  But the police of nature, of energy, penalize slower than the police in the 3D, or the laws of physics with our fall from the roof from earlier.  No it takes much longer for a violation of energy and the greater good to come back on us.  But we pay a price for it eventually.  Knocking energy out of balance if it’s not for the greater good pisses-off the fickle old gal universe, or in this example mother nature.  And she in return retaliates by making US the cause of our own problems.  It’s a cascade effect in this mother nature example.  Meaning our actions release viruses that have been long dormant.  Our pollution melts the glaciers due to CO2 warming the planet.  Oxygen levels drop.  It’s all very slow but basically we’re slowly rendering ourselves extinct by our own actions.  And after we’re gone the planet and its energy will re-balance and it will all start all over again.  If you think this example is fiction well sorry to say scientists are already trying to find us another planet to ruin, as they all know we won’t be able to live here in 200 years time.  It looks like it’ll be Mars.  #PoorMars

That’s just one example and I could write 1000 page article on my disdain for the human race.  Such a selfish creature, it’s a wonder we’re even still here to be honest.  We’ve caused more animals to go extinct in just the past 100 years than have gone extinct in the past 10,000 years by natural re-balancing forces.  We’ve also in the past 120 years done 40K years worth of damage to the atmosphere of the very planet that keeps us alive.  All so we can selfishly have what we want.  In a nutshell that’s about it.  We destroy our own delicately balanced environment rather short-shortsightedly all so we can have what we want.

And this goes to my point.  The same applies when we manifest or cast spells etc.  Be it manifesting or casting spells, neither can be done because we selfishly want something or someone.  I see so many people who seem to fucking think the world revolves around them, and their needs.  The universe, the energy around us is all connected.  It’s about the collective.  It’s about ‘the greater good”, it’s about “balance”, i.e. Temperance.  Remember that word “Temperance”, because we end on it…

Any witch will tell you if you cast a spell for selfish reasons it’ll come back on you 3-fold.  Yes people always have free-will so spells don’t always work.  But that doesn’t mean you won’t be punished for your selfishness.  The crime is in the manipulation of energy for the wrong reasons.  Whether the spell or manifesting worked or not isn’t relevant to the case says the fickle old gal judge.  By casting the spell or doing the manifesting for selfish reasons you knocked her energy out of balance.  If you want an image in your mind…  Think of that old movie “Mommy dearest”…. “NO WIRE HANGERS!!”

If you’re too young to remember that movie……… “FUCK YOU for being young!”

So be careful with your manifesting, or any spells you might cast.  Ask yourself before you do it or them, “am I just doing this because I selfishly want something?“.  OR, “am I doing this because it’s best for all parties involved?

Here’s a few spell or manifestation concepts you might want to stay away from, as they tend to backfire and they are the most common one’s that violate the for the greater good principle without people even realizing it.  1. making someone like or love you.  Very risky unless your motives are pure, but as a rule if your manifesting or spell or even wish contains the words “make them”, you’re probably going to catch some karmic backlash.. LOL (just sayin‘)…  2. manifesting problems on someone else’s side.  This almost always leads to some backlash energy coming back on you.  And in soulmate cycles it really delays things big time…   And my favorite to stay the fuck away from is 3. Manifesting or casting spell for a “specific” person.  I know this sounds wrong, but as anyone including me will tell you.  If you want to be on the safe side of the energetic law, ask the universe for what you want “or something or someone better.”.  Always shoot higher than want you want as well.  The rule is if you want The Moon, aim for Mars.  If you’re too narrow and will only accept one specific thing or person, the universe acts a bit like Google search and gives you either nothing, or, the next closest thing, which doesn’t mean the next “best” thing.

Anyway, I see and feel a lot of selfishness in the world’s collective energy.  A lot of me me me me me out there.  Hell I even see it on my own Twitter feed sometimes when an asshole pops in who wants to tell me what I “should be doing”.  LOL..  And while nobody is perfect, we’re not all monks for god’s sake.  You still however have play within the law.  And the law of the universe is clear, and a good rule of thumb to keep in mind.  And basically it says that it’s not all about YOU and what YOU want.  Everyone and everything is connected.  Energetically speaking a tree means as much as YOU do.  And I laugh as I type that because I know someone reading this will think they’re more important than a tree.  Well energetically we’re all connected.  In the case of trees if we keep cutting them down at rate we are currently proof of that energetic importance will be reflected in our inability to walk around without an oxygen tank to breathe in as little as 150 years time.  Everything connects to everything.  Even in your car if you disconnect one thing under the hood, generally speaking it doesn’t run right.  So even the things we build are built on connected things within them.  And those things all balance each other out.

Anyway, back to my point…..

We’re all connected, and it’s not all about you or me, it’s about everyone and everything.  Do NOT and I mean DO NOT EVER do anything that manipulates energy, i.e. could potentially knock energy out of balance, UNLESS it’s for the greater good of all involved.  If you don’t know what you’re messing with, don’t mess with it.  Be it a car, a computer, or the energy that connects us.  And do not take spell instructions off a fuckwit’s website and even attempt said spell.  That’s very dangerous unless you know what you’re doing.  I myself don’t need spells.  I can manipulate energy without them.  BUT I’m very fucking careful if and when I do.  I give it a good long thought, looking at it from all angles to make damn sure that manipulation of energy is for the benefit all involved.

In closing…..  I’ll keep it simple….  My grandma used to love to bake cakes…   I was the only boy in the family, and boy did she adore me…  But I imagine if went over and punched flat one of her cakes that she’d been working on and getting balanced just right….. She’d have probably kicked my ass…. ..  No matter how cute and adored I was…. lol

The universe is a fickle old gal.  She’s like a grandma really…  She can be your best friend, or she’s can smack your ass hard!!  If you’re nice to her, she’s nice to you.  All she likes to do is balance energy.  It’s her thing, she loves it,…  But if you come along and knock her hard work out of balance with your selfishness.  Not only will she be comin’ for ya with a case of karmic whoop-ass….. You’ll also in affect be the cause of your own problems.  i.e…. you did it to yourself.

Temperance is a very important lesson to learn in life…  I argue it’s really one of the key elements that makes the empress so special….  Aside from its meanings related to alcohol consumption.  It’s really about balanced energy..  It’s about not putting one’s self above or below anyone else.
