Energy Schmenergy

I always get a kick out of people who don’t believe in energy.  I think in most cases it’s the same sort of energy that surrounds those who don’t believe in science, or think it’s all there to trick us etc.  It’s because it’s hard, and they may be a bit short-sighted.  Energy is complex, it involves cycles within cycles within cycles, and all of that requires a depth of thought that many have a hard time with.  Science is the same way.  It’s complex, the math is hard to understand, because it’s equations within equations within equations etc.

But me…. I like to simplify things.  I know there are many who don’t understand what I mean on video when I talk about energy is cycles, and the difference between a core energy cycle, vs. short energy cycle, or that vibration is frequency and frequency is simply the speed of a cycle.  Knowing how complex energy is and how bad most people are at math and science I can totally dig and understand why it’s just easier for most people in society to cast it all off as new age nonsense.  But I warn, that attitude is low vibrational.  And that’s a problem.

So having said that, I’m going to take “energy” and explain what I mean down to its least common denominator.  And that’s a combination of the planet Earth, and it’s seasons and its weather within those seasons.   I’m going to explain this to you the same way I explained it to my 5 year old niece several years back.

First off, EVERYTHING is energy.  The entire universe is just different frequencies and forms of energy.  Even matter is held together by energetic bonds.

That said, weather is energy, the Earth itself is energy.  I talk often about the laws of physics and how they apply to the energy I pick up on in a reading.  One in particular is “equal and opposite reaction”.  Taking that down to its least common weather related denominator, it becomes seasons.  We can look at the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere of the Earth.  First off when I say core energy cycle, I mean the main environmental energy that we’re living in.  Think of it as your house.  Core energy cycles can be many years long.  In our example here of the Earth the “weather related” core energy cycles are about 3 months long, we call them seasons.  The equal and opposite reaction of these seasons occurs when in the northern hemisphere right now for example it’s springtime, and in an equal and opposite reaction to balance the energy as nature always tries to do, in the southern hemisphere it’s fall.

Now I’m simplifying and keeping our Earth bound weather example going just to show you how it all plays together with these cycle terms of core energy cycle and short energy cycle.  Right now in the northern hemisphere the core energy cycle is Spring.  Cycles always occur within cycles.  Picture a target for a visual, it’s circles within circles.  So for simple 5 year old girl example here, the core energy cycle is Spring, but within that core energy cycle are other smaller (short) cycles that come and go.  For example one day it’s sunny.  That’s a short cycle within the core energy cycle of spring.  Now within that short cycle are other even shorter cycles.  It might be sunny and warm, or sunny and cool, it might get windy half way through the day, or it might be calm.  So the core energy cycle is Spring, but within that are short cycles that happen on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.  It’s not just about rainy vs. sunny, yes those are short cycles within the core energy cycle of Springtime, but it’s what happens throughout each of those days within the short cycles of sunny vs. rainy that reveals the details of the energy.  This is no different than how I do a reading for you.  The only difference is I read emotional energy not weather energy.  The cycles and such all work the same.  Core, short, short within short within short etc.

It’s really that simple.

All of what I’ve described above is simplifying something very complex.  But it all works the same.  Everything is energy, and energy is cycles.  So let’s talk about cycles, i.e. frequency, i.e. vibration.  If someone is “high vibration” that means their frequency is high.  Frequency is measured in HZ, for example 60 HZ means the cycle of energy comes around 60 times per second.  60 MHZ means it comes around 60 million times per second.

High vibrational people’s frequencies are very high i.e. FAST.  Why is that good?  Well that creates a fast moving barrier to low vibrational frequencies sneaking in and infecting them.  The higher the vibration of a person the stronger the force field is to keep the devil out as I like to say.  By contrast low vibrational people have lower frequencies, i.e. SLOWER, and that doesn’t create much of a barrier to stop bad things getting in and infecting them and thus making their low vibrational issue even worse.  Things like conspiracy theory energies, doubts, fears, biases, depression, anxiety etc.  Think of it like a firewall for a computer.  High vibe people have a great one!!  Low vibe people are surfing the net of life without ANY firewall protection at all.  If they’re low enough vibration they’ll pretty much believe anything, and usually look for someone to follow who is on their level.  Which is normal, but their level is low.  So it’s kinda not good.

So the above is why you want to strive to raise your frequency, i.e. vibration.  You do this in part by learning, and acquiring wisdom from that learning.  You do this by not dismissing things as fake this or fake that just because they’re hard for you to understand or don’t suit your agenda.  The minds of low vibrational people are very cloudy.  They have a hard time with science and math in particular.  But sometimes even people who are good at such things but still low vibrational will warp the data based on bias energy that has crept in due to their low vibration.  This is where a lot of the BS false facts we hear from politicians and such in the news all the time come from.  It’s why fact checker right now is a popular and busy job.

As an example, we had a former president in the USA who talked about airports in the 1700’s being taken over during the revolutionary war.  Yup that’s true, he said that and wasn’t kidding.  And that’s a good example and one of 1000 I could offer of the warping of facts due to a lack of understanding stemming from ultra low vibration in this former president’s case.

High vibrational people research things, learn things, and do some checking of the math so to speak.  The facts are that planes were not invented until 1903, and the first airport “College park airport” didn’t exist until  1909.  King George III and George Washington were both long dead by then.

The sad part of that example is another principle of energy.  And that is that like energy attracts like energy.  There were and still are literally thousands if not a million people who believe that there were airports in the late 1700’s because someone in authority said it.  Okay?  #blindfaith will get ya everytime.

So hopefully here I’ve explained vibration, frequency, and what that all means and why high vibrational people are not as susceptible to bull shit and/or the influence of low frequencies, which are often devil-type frequencies.  And hopefully I’ve also explained in a simple  and easy to understand way what I mean by cycles of energy, both core cycles, and the short cycles that happen within a given core cycle.

My job on YouTube is tricky.  I’m not a tarot reader.  If you come SLT for a tarot reading, you’re really missing what I’m doing.  Those cards are just there to reflect some energy back so that I can show you what I’m feeling.  Truth is I hardly use them, they’re just pretty pictures for you.  My job is on the surface at least to wake up some old souls whose time has come to raise their vibration.  But moreover my job is tricky because I pick up on the energies around us much the way you all pick up on the weather around you.  I’m in essence “The energy weatherman”.  And while there’s generally only ONE main core cycle of energy happening at a given time, within that core cycle there are no less than 1000 short cycles of energy coming and going.  Some bigger and lasting months, some smaller and lasting weeks, days, or even just a few minutes.

So again, energy is more complex than weather and seasons, but I don’t believe in making things complex when I’m trying to help people understand them.  I’m not here to impress anyone with my knowledge.  I’m here to fucking share with it, in the hopes it helps you in some way.  If you understand the concepts I’ve laid out in this article.  You pretty much, albeit in a very basic way, understand how the energy around us works.

There’s a lot of people who think they’re high vibrational.  I remember one guy on Twitter so caught up in conspiracy theories for so many years I couldn’t even find his soul energy.  In fact most low vibrational people think their high vibrational.  They live under a haze of sorts.  It’s a bit like being stuck in a box or a small room.  It’s easy to make yourself believe things when you’re pacing a small room day in and day out and can’t see outside.  And of course low vibrational energy feeds itself so it’s very easy for narcissism to set in etc.  If you try to tell a low vibrational person that they’re low vibrational they usually react very violently, lashing out at you etc.  The same applies to narcissists.  You can’t tell a narcissist that they’re a narcissist.  They will deny it and lash out at you.  They’re trapped in a low frequency (vibrational) loop.  Only they can break through it.  It’s a bit like in tarot, 8 of swords type energy.

The real indicators of whether someone around you or some politician, or even YOU is high vibrational or not are as follows.   Neutrality…. They’re a neutral energy output.  High vibe people are not too positive (Ned Flanders), and not too negative (brooding suicidal poet).  They’re balanced, not perfect, but close enough for rock and roll.  True high vibe people always allow for the fact that they may be wrong, they’re never rigid in their beliefs, they’re always fluid and adjusting based on new incoming data from their continued thirst for education.  High vibe people admit their mistakes, they don’t shift blame onto others, they admit when they don’t know something, they don’t make up shit when they don’t know something for fear of misleading people.  They think about what they say before they say it if for no other reason than to “quickly” run it through a logic filter.  But most importantly of all, high vibrational people know that everyone and everything has something to teach them.  They NEVER miss a chance to learn something new.  They don’t dismiss things they don’t understand as fake this or conspiracy that.  They do the hard work, and take it upon themselves to study something, learning everything about it PRIOR to voicing an opinion, so as to not speak from an “uninformed” perspective.  High vibrational people take a neutral lofty perspective whenever possible.

All of the above sounds pretty rare and hard to find in today’s world doesn’t it?  Well it is… By my best guess about 80 to 86% of this planet lives in and around low vibrational energy.  Is that why we keep electing idiotic power-hungry fuckwits with backward facing agendas into office?  YES!!! it is,,,, And it’s also why we’ll be the cause of our own extinction one day, and it’s also a core reason why the world is in financial peril and will likely off and on continue to be into the foreseeable future.  We keep repeating the same mistakes over and over on what I can only describe as a sadly predictable cycle.

But for those of you reading this.  I only need 1 of you to get what I’m putting across here and I’ve done my job.  Because every journey, or any amount of growth and understanding begins with 1 simple step..  And yes I’m paraphrasing Confucius there a bit, but that’s okay, he was a very high frequency dude.
