Eclipse – (It’s not just a cool Pink Floyd song)

I thought I would pop-in for a special article.  A little time for some science.  I love science…  Why because it’s awesome..  And because it helps when paired with all this astrology and spirituality to really tie it all together.

I’m on the eve of doing a very important Eclipse reading for the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8th..  To save myself some talking on the intro of the video I thought I would bang out this article.

So what is a lunar eclipse?  Well… in the Pink Floyd song “Eclipse” it ends with the line “and the worms ate into his brain“.  Fortunately there’s no need for us to worry about anything like that happening here in the real world.  Having said that, let’s start with some fun-facts, some science and some history.  Let’s go back in time for a moment.

To understand any eclipse, solar or lunar, we first must understand our closest celestial neighbor… “The moon”…  Well technically our closest celestial neighbor or neighbors as the case may be is tons of space-junk, but that’s OUR doing…. so we won’t count it..  lol

First off, human beings are alive rather coincidentally (and there’s no such thing as coincidences) at a very special time.  We “happen” to be here at a point in time when the moon is in just the right spot that the moon’s energy isn’t too strong, or too weak, it’s Goldilocks just right, AND because of the moon’s perfect placement at this point in time when total eclipses be them solar or lunar occur, they are indeed “total”.  Meaning, the Moon is in just the right spot so that during a solar eclipse it totally blocks out the sun.  Which means that the moon that you see in the sky at night is the exact same size as the sun you see in the sky during the day.  This is important because it actually shows balance.  The moon is just the right distance from the Earth to be of benefit to humans, its placement creates the balance in energy necessary for human and life of all kinds here on Earth to be successful.  I single-out humans there a little bit because we’re actually a pretty fragile creature.  Many believe we’re not even from this planet.  We’re not built for it actually.  If the Moon was too close to the Earth its effects on the Earth would be too strong for us to survive under.  The planet would be a volatile place to live.  And if it were too far away it would have no impact on the Earth and thus the same end volatile impact.

The moon is 238,900 miles away from the Earth.  The sun is 91.155 MILLION miles away from the Earth.  So the odds of us being here at the very point in time when everything lines up perfectly in the sky are pretty steep.  But the moon wasn’t always where it is right now.  The moon used to be much closer to the Earth.  If we were alive during dinosaur times for example the moon would be approx. 4000 miles closer to the Earth than it is today.  And that would have resulted in an over-coverage solar or lunar eclipse.  Resulting in the lack of “perfection” we have today where the moon exactly coverers the sun for example in a solar eclipse.

The moon is slowly moving away from the Earth.  But I wouldn’t fear that too much.  It’s moving away at about 4 cm a year give or take.  In a million years that’s only just shy of 25 miles.  So no worries…

The moon is the second most powerful energy that affects us here on Earth on a daily basis.  It’s very important.  It keeps our weather stable among countless other things.  Which is kinda handy when you’re trying to live here.

So is it bad for human life on Earth that the moon is moving away?  Yes, but our actual problem is the Sun.  In a million years the moon will only drift away about 25 miles as I said.  That’s not even a noticeable effect.  I could still pull an eclipse reading on that.  God knows how many subscribers SLT will have a millions years from now..  LOL..  No our problem is the Sun.  The sun is getting hotter not cooler.  A million years from now the sun will be 10% hotter than it is right now.  Human life if it’s still here will have to move to arctic regions to have livable temperatures.  That said, our time here is limited.  This of course assumes we haven’t wiped ourselves out by then with greed or climate change.  So even if we go all green, we’re still eventually fucked..  But we’re talking over a million years down the road give or take.  Maybe we’ll become pod-living people that only come out at night when it cools down.  Who knows….  lol

But what of the moon, and eclipses?  Okay…  well I’ve taught you many times on video that 98% of all energy that affects us here on Earth comes from The Sun, The Moon, and the Earth’s magnetic field and other internal earth-based energies, including surface energies like weather for example.  In a solar eclipse the moon actually blocks the Sun’s energy.  It cuts us off from it for a moment.  I often describe it on video as a computer rebooting.  It’s a reboot of the energies.  A moment where the most powerful energy that affects us “The Sun” is missing from the energetic equation.  We can also thank a solar eclipse in 1919 for proving Einstein’s theory of “Gravitational deflection of light” correct.  It’s called “The Eddington experiment“.

By contrast in a lunar eclipse it’s the Earth’s shadow that causes the eclipse.  But it has nothing to do with the moon per-say.  Many people even readers on YouTube (go figure he said sarcastically) think that it’s the Earth blocking the Moon.  I actually heard someone say this to their thousands of viewers.  This is not true!!  A lunar eclipse unlike a solar eclipse doesn’t actually BLOCK the moon’s energy from reaching the Earth the way a solar eclipse blocks the Sun’s energy from reaching the Earth.  In fact the lunar eclipse occurs because the Earth is actually blocking the Sun’s energy from reaching the Moon.  What we see as an eclipse is a shadow effect.  The energetic result is that the lunar eclipse isn’t a “reboot” of energy as the solar eclipse is, it’s a re-alignment of the energy.  So the lunar eclipse re-aligns things.  Sort of like the way your car’s suspension might be re-aligned at the repair shop.  The lunar eclipse offers a moment of PURE clarity, clarity that we can move forward with.

The moon’s energy as a whole is moody and sometimes confusing.  In astrology Cancer is ruled by the moon.  So in this current soulmate cycle which is sponsored by Cancer energy there’s a lot of lunar energy at play.  Which is making things harder for the runners.  It’s also why the King of cups shows up a lot in reference to their vulnerability.  The moon’s energy is strong enough to stretch the Earth and drag the oceans back and forth like making waves in a bathtub.  The lunar eclipse is a calming effect on that energy, which is where the clarity comes from.  It’s a bit of a “Calgon take me away” moment as they used to say on those old Calgon commercials from the 70’s and 80’s.

It’s important to understand the paragraph above.  So in summary, the solar eclipse blocks the Sun’s energy from reaching the Earth.  The lunar eclipse is the Earth’s shadow blocking the Sun’s energy from reaching the Moon..  The solar reboots the energy, and the lunar re-aligns it and tunes it.

This particular lunar eclipse is in Taurus.  And that alone supercharges the whole process.  It grounds the energy.  The north node of the moon is also in Taurus so we have some north node point of destiny energy in play as well.  Which should make for a very interesting reading to say the least..

There’s a lot of bogus hocus pocus information out there about eclipses and this and that.  I just thought I would add some science and some grounding to it all with this article.

I’ll end with some science theory and straight up science.  The moon is very interesting.  Scientists still don’t know where it came from.  I can tell you it’s energy is alien to the Earth.  Science has proved this very point by testing the moon rocks brought back from the moon.  When they tested them they expected to see the same composition we have here on Earth.  They did not… In fact moon rocks are not related to the Earth AT ALL!!   COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!  Which shot down a popular theory that the moon was created when a Mars sized planet crashed into the Earth and knocked a chunk of it off.  The math never worked on that theory anyway.  It’s always been a bone of contention for scientists who knew the collision theory was flimsy at best.

Many believe and when I say many I mean scientists that the moon was towed into place, or placed in some way.  Meaning the Earth began without a moon.  When tested the moon is actually older than the Earth.  Which would imply it came from somewhere else. There are ancient cultures that have writings that speak of a time before the moon.  This is possible..  If the Earth and our existence is a construct, meaning planned and built, which many scientists believe.  Then it is in all likelihood that whoever built it all put the moon in place to stabilize the planet.  As again without the moon weather here would be wild to say the least.   And if you were going to run some sort of life experiment on a then wild planet.  You would probably want to do something to stabilize it.  And that indeed is what the moon does.

There’s also a theory that the moon is hollow.  Its basically a hollow shell with a coating of dust and rocks on the outside for show..   This is a valid theory because of the moon landing.  When they dropped the lander back to the moon’s surface it rang like a bell.  The moon rang out for hours in fact.  This was recorded by NASA so it’s not a conspiracy theory.  Also in support of the hollow moon, is the odd fact that ALL of the craters are the same depth.  That’s weird.  Because some of them are pretty big.  And bigger should mean deeper…

I can tell you as ME… The moon’s energy as I said is alien to the Earth.  It doesn’t belong.  To use a metaphor, energetically it’s a banana in a bowl full of Oranges.

So something is up with it.  But whatever it is I’m glad it’s there, and of the energetic effect it has on our lives here.  And I might add I’m happy to pull on its energy any chance I get.  Because it’s one powerful son of a bitch, and it never ceases to amaze me…
