
Philosophers often wax on the idea that there is no evidence the past ever happened.  Time doesn’t leave for us to follow.  It just passes.  Some might be confused by this because you might think, “well Steve I have pictures, and I bought a car today, and I have a car, so that proves time past and something happened.

If that was your answer by the way, philosophy may not be for you.  LOL.  It’s not about the day to day, it’s about the passage of time itself.  To understand this concept/philosophical thought you first must dismiss the idea of physical evidence.  In the short-term physical evidence of your past, my past, or our pasts can endure, however over the long-term, over long spans of time it can all just disappear.  But in the concept of time itself you can see this philosophy play out on a clock.  As the second hand of the clock clicks by, you see it for 1 second on each second it lands on.  However as it moves to the next second on the clock there is no evidence it was ever on the previous second.  If you were to look at the clock randomly you might see the second hand on the 14 second mark.  The philosophy here is, how do you know it was ever on the 13 second mark if you didn’t see it.  The answer is you don’t!!  (technically)…

This philosophical conundrum is used by scientists in fact who want to study either Holographic theory, or the computer simulation theory of our universe.

The holographic universe principle suggests that we’re living in a simulated reality (this is different from the hypothesis that states we live in a computer simulation). Essentially, it claims our physical world is nothing more than a detailed illusion. This illusion is actually projected by our brains, as energy fields are being decoded into the seemingly three-dimensional universe we see around us.  This theory explains everything from telepathy to out of body experiences, right up to what people like me do with reading energy.  It also goes a long way to explain why Tarot works as well.

But the computer simulation theory,… a theory that states our universe is just a computer simulation actually makes a lot of sense too, and also goes a long to way to explain many things like telepathy and energy reading etc.  For either theory, Hologram or Simulation the  math holds up to incredible scrutiny.  Being an energy reader person I can say that either of these theories explain a lot of the blips and anomalies I find in the energy.  I always noticed a reset function within the universe.  It’s a fail-safe of sorts.  We see it come up in readings on YouTube all the time.

Are the moments of our lives real, or are they just a simulation or projected hologram?  In Hologram theory our brain actually creates our universe.  That’s the real difference between the two.  Basically it says that our brains mathematically construct reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately from another dimension.  Believe it or not, the evidence to support this is growing.  But I’ve seen and lived evidence of this since I was 3 or 4 years old.  It’s nice of science to catch up, but all they had to do was visit my kindergarten class and I would have gladly told them all about it.  LOL..

TIME FOR SCIENCE with STEVE!!   Just for fun I’ll explain that if we are a simulation we would all have a pre-programmed set of back-story within the energy.  We would all be programmed to assume certain things and know certain things.  Things like the universe is billions of years old for example.  When it is just as probable in theory that it could have been just created 5 seconds before we appeared.  The fact is for all any of us know, it’s equally as likely that we simply just appeared in this instant pre-programmed with a back-story and some historical knowledge as it is the universe is billions of years old.  There’s no evidence that 1 second ago even happened.

But one thing I can tell you, which I often tell you on video is that I know for a fact as do scientists that nothing in the 3D is even remotely real.  None of it is even solid.  Solid isn’t even a real thing as we perceive it.  Which does lend some evidence to either the Hologram or Simulation theories.

Everything you see that you think is solid is actually about 99.999999999% empty space. What you feel as solid are just the energetic bonds you’re hitting.  This includes your own body by the way.  Your hand isn’t actually solid.  We can thank magnetism for most of this.  Without magnetism nothing would hold together.  It’s the Yin to energy’s Yang.  They need each other.  In fact it’s the Earth’s magnetic field that allows our planet to even support life.  If it were to disappear we would go right along with it for sure.

So assuming there is nothing physical such as writings, a picture, or a building to mark the passage of a moment in time, there is actually no evidence that time passed at all, and also no evidence that anything happened at all when we assumed it did.  Furthermore we may not even be here and our brains might just be constructing our reality.

Let’s Big Bird it up….   I like the Dinosaur analogy here.  We all know about Dinosaurs right?!  I had a T-Rex sippie cup when I was 2 years old.  I loved Dinosaurs.  Aren’t they proof that the Earth is very old.  Actually NO, it’s equally as likely The Bible is 100% correct in its placement of the Earth’s age at 6000 years…  But it’s also equally likely that the Earth is is 6 seconds old.  We wouldn’t actually know, or be able to tell.  Like I said, if we were a computer simulation on a repeat cycle we would be pre-programmed just like characters in a video game are.  But even if it’s a hologram and our own brain creates everything there would still be conditioned beliefs.

Using the simulation theory as an example point, the characters in that game might live in a post-apocalyptic world, and know where their local bar is, or where to find hookers etc..  And even know all about their world’s long history.  But the fact is, they don’t know they’re a computer simulation.  They have no idea that you from what they would see as another dimension just turned on the game they live in 5 minutes earlier.  LOL

My dino point is, computer simulation, hologram, or real universe or whatever, archaeologists only found the dinosaurs by accident.  So we only know they existed by accident.  Whether they are 5 minutes old or 65 million years old, by all accounts we shouldn’t even known they existed.  There is no evidence they ever did.  In fact for most of human existence we didn’t know they existed.  Yes, of course we have fossils.  But, let’s talk about fossils.  Fossils are an accident and/or by-product of nature, and a rare one at that.  They only happen when things settle just right and turn organic matter into rock basically.  But even with those fossils we still have no proof of age.  Sure we can date the fossils, but time isn’t real, it’s a 4th dimensional human construct, and on top of that, WE may not even be real!!   So how we know this all isn’t just a computer simulation, or a hologram of our own mind’s projection?  The answer is, we don’t.  So at best any “evidence” we have, or think we have of the past is all circumstantial.  Hard evidence doesn’t exist.  Even for Dinosaurs.  They could just be part of the back-story that the energy, hologram, or simulation either wants or has programmed us to believe.

The Earth was teeming with life back in those dino days as far as we know.  Yet if we took all of the fossils that remain of this dino past of ours and put them all in one room.  If we could somehow gather ALL of them up from the Earth.  All of those fossils wouldn’t even scratch the surface of the amount of life and differing species of dinosaurs that were (theoretically) here 65+ million years ago.  Assuming it was all “REAL” and there’s no hologram or simulation at-play.  The fact is that for greater than 99% of the dinos that likely existed there is no evidence for their existence at all.  No fossils, no pictures, no fossilized turds even.  Nope, nothing!!

Yet my philosophical point here is that even with the fossils of the ones we DID find, there’s still no evidence that they existed either.   Because we don’t know.  We don’t know if we’re a simulation, a hologram, or a real universe.  The fact that Tarot works for example actually goes a long way to prove the computer simulation and/or hologram side of things.  The universe stores a lot of data.  I often call it a giant hard-drive.  The Tarot reflects the energy of that very data.

The above deep thoughts of time and evidence of existence aside.  Here on good old planet Earth people dwell on their past and their past actions waaay too much.  The past is for learning from, and moving on from.  I’m trying to teach you here in this article that you’re the creator of your own life.  If anyone wastes your time, it’s only because you allowed them to.  Nobody wastes 1 second of my time.  I never dwell on the past.  Because I’m not totally convinced there even was one.. LOL..

So to offer some end advice here…  Try not to look back and wish that things had been different in your life.  The moment you start thinking like that, you limit your options for both the present and the future.  All the while doing nothing to change the past.  All we have is the present moment.  I take you back to my clock analogy from earlier.  All we have is where the second hand on the clock is RIGHT NOW!.  One second later and it’s gone, with no evidence in the human construct of time, or the energy of the universe itself that it was ever on that second.  And just like that it moves to a new second on the clock, and yet again the past is gone.

Dwelling on the past is an epic waste of time.  By all means learn from it.  The past always contains lessons for us, and we MUST learn them in order to grow.  But never dwell on the things you “wish” you could go back and change.  Because you can’t….

No one can grant your “wish” to change the past.  There is no Genie to do that.  But you can fulfill that “wish” in the present by applying the lessons from the past and getting it right THIS TIME.

“This time”, the present,,, is all that matters.  Because to go just a notch deeper in this article’s philosophy.  Not only is there no evidence of the past, there is also no guarantee of the future.  In fact, there is no evidence AT ALL that there will even be a future beyond any given present moment.  There’s also no evidence there’s even a present moment, just to go down the rabbit hole a bit more…  lol….

So again I state hopefully very very clearly….  RIGHT NOW, the present, (assuming it exists at all) is ALL that fucking matters.!!!

Draw a line under yesterday….. And make today “right now” a new beginning.
