Archangel Gabriel costumes are HOT this year

If someone like me is to continue on YouTube we need to all get a few things straight.  The most important thing being sometimes shit’s gonna happen.  We’re playing with some pretty powerful energies out there.  Most everyone by now knows that I deleted the first version of the October All Signs Monthly Overview reading.  I do explain why on the NEW REAL Version which I took time out of my evening later that day to produce.  But I want to hammer home WHY the first reading is dangerous and why I deleted it, and more importantly WHY you shouldn’t watch or view it.

I’m told some people copied the reading or have audio versions of it.  Some were even putting up screen-grabs of the reading AFTER I deleted it.  This is very bad, and a wee bit insulting to me.  Do you think I don’t know about energy???  Do you think I didn’t have an important and urgent reason for deleting the video??   Am I prone to taking things away from you guys and gals??  Do I yank down videos all the time every day??   (ummm.. nope)

Well read on, and you’ll not only find out why I deleted it, but why you’d probably LOVE LOVE LOVE the deleted version…  And more importantly why you shouldn’t..

The above being said, if I delete a reading, it’s for great cause.  My energy is protective.  My nickname to many friends is “Jupiter”.  Jupiter is the great protector.  I look out for all of you all of the time.  I warn you about shit readings you might find on YouTube, I also teach you a lot about the energy around you.

What I don’t do is the readings for my health.  In fact they’re harmful to my health.  I spent hours of my time and energy on the original now deleted reading, (all morning in fact) and it not only costs me to delete it, it harms the channel.  The YT algorithm doesn’t like it when you delete videos.  I then took more of my energy to re-do it later in the day, under a proper understanding of the energies.  Why??  Because I fucking care!!!  That’s why!!!

Having said that, those who second guess me and say “well I like the reading and I think it was for me” are being fooled.  Fooled by the same energy that I was fooled by.  Open your eyes….  That deleted reading was TOO PERFECT.  and granted I should have spotted that.  I failed and did not, and I admit that and have taken steps to rectify my error.

In the now deleted reading every card was perfect, they all said exactly what everyone or anyone would want to hear.  So of course you love the reading.  You probably would want to watch it or listen to it over and over again.  It’s like junk food.  The Death card in the perfect place, the disappointment cards are in all the perfect places.  The soul energy was perfect.  Perfect perfect perfect.

The word “perfect” is a problem and a red-flag in any reading or any life situation.  Life isn’t perfect.  People have flaws.  Angel energy as I originally and mistakenly read was around the reading doesn’t behave this way.  TRUE angel energy is like a teacher who makes the student find and dig for the answer.  Angel energy doesn’t create sugar-coated readings.  Only Devil energy does.  It is only devil energy that makes things seem “perfect”.

For example the con-man who has all the right paperwork and says all the right things.  Or the date that seems to tick all the boxes of your dreams.  The sociopath who wants to you to trust him or her and says everything perfect, everything you want to hear.  Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.  They don’t want you to dig or ask questions, they work with misdirection.  Devil energy is an illusion designed to please or trick the brain to gain some kind of control.  It strokes the ego.  It puts the roses in all the right places.  It always resonates in a reading.  That’s why I laughed when someone said they loved the reading.  LOL…  YEAH I BET YOU DID!!!  The same way I can’t sit next to a box of Pop-Tarts without eating the whole fucking box!!  The reading was a devil misdirection, that I missed..  And deleted to protect you all from.  If you believe I deleted it to take something from you because you loved that reading, then that’s the devil energy of the reading itself that’s gotten hold of you.  The same that made even me believe it wasn’t there..

A devil energy fueled reading like the original now deleted October monthly overview is like junk food for your brain.  Of course it resonates.  It’s designed to by the very energies I failed to spot within it.  Even I got excited on the video.  But I had succumb to the energy.  I missed that arch angel Gabriel doesn’t belong around the Lovers card.  I never questioned why it was there.  The Lovers is arch angel Raphael energy.  But there was so much Gabriel energy, it permeated the whole reading and all of the energy I was picking up on.  Again this should have been a red-flag, but it was delicious energy.  It was junk food.. I missed the red-flags in that reading and that’s my bad!!  I admit that!!  I’m powerful, but I’m not perfect.

All of my wisdom, all of my know-how comes from past mistakes.  That’s how I or any of us learn and get better.  The lesson learned is always worth the errors made.  The energy of October is tricky.  There’s clearly a learning curve in play.  I get that now..

HOWEVER…  What’s NOT MY BAD is when people disregard my warnings and judgment about the energy of MY reading and insist it’s a good reading because “they love it”.  Of course you do.  It even fooled me!!  I’m sure it resonates and makes you feel good inside.  It’s soaked in devil energy.  A devil disguised as an angel.  And rather convincingly too I might add.  The universe gave me signs all through the reading that it was a devil in disguise and NOT Gabriel energy.  But I missed all of those signs.  In the end it took a little girl from next door in an angel costume acting like a devil at just the right moment to get me to run back inside the house 10 minutes after the reading’s release and pull it the fuck down!!

By all means do what you want.  Ignore my warning, ignore what I’m saying.  But know this…  Second guessing ME on energy, especially in a reading I did, and I deleted is a fool’s move.  If it wasn’t dangerous and complete crap I wouldn’t have deleted it.  I don’t like wasting energy., and it took a lot of energy to do that reading.

I did my job, I caught the error and  I deleted it.  Which in turn gives no one the right to watch it.  It’s creator doesn’t want you to watch it.  Why??  Because it’s total bull shit..

My error with the reading was a math error.  I based the entire reading on arch angel Gabriel energy being around everything right at the beginning of the reading in the pre-shuffle which tainted the entire reading after that.  Rendering the reading invalid, and false.

In the end I’m only human I make mistakes.  I tend to catch them quickly because I’m smart and I know my shit.  I regret that 500 people saw that video.  I BEG those 500 people to forget they ever saw it.  I deleted it as fast as I could.  But I’m at the mercy of YT servers sadly.

The new October Overview reading for All Signs explains all of this, but I wanted to make a note about it here.  The new reading is excellent and because I knew about the devil energy, I was able to expose it right on the table.  I can be fooled once, but rarely twice.

Everything happens for a reason.  The reason for this deleted reading ties with October’s energy which is that of exposing this very energy.  The universe taught me and all of you by example.  In fact exposing this devil energy is what the 10/10 portal energy this year is all about…  So in a way the reality did in fact play out right in front of us in both readings.

But it was there as a cautionary tale in the original now deleted reading, not as a reading you all should take to heart.  Though I’m sure for those who saw it, it was easy to get sucked into for reasons I’ve already explained.  I would give your attention to the new October overview if I were you.

It’s never my intention to put up a bad reading.  I take what I offer all of you very seriously.  This one fooled me.  At worst it offers false hope.  At best it’s a red-alert to remember the energy around us in October has a deceptive element attached…  Knowing that is a big part of the battle to defeat it.  And fortunately defeating it is exactly what October is all about.  Which again is probably “why” all of this happened in the first place.
