December 2022 – (A decade long cycle begins)

I’m getting ready in the next day or so to pull the December All Signs Monthly Overview reading, followed by the 12 sign zodiac fly-thru reads.  December on the astrology side seems a bit dull when compared to something like the change energy of October and the spiritual shit on crack energy of November.  But don’t discount December.  It’s the lead-in month to a year that I’ve labeled and predicted to be a year of “Restoration“.  See my article on 2023 for more on that.  But December has its moments.

First off the core energy of the month is one of Ace of Pentacle based solid new beginnings.  Surrounding that core energy is the energy of Sagittarius season and “archers taking their shots” which caries us through most of the month.  Followed by the grounding and balanced energy of Capricorn season which opens with a POWERFUL solstice energy!  A bit more potent than normal actually this particular year…

However!!!  On top of all of that are 2 main events in the astrological skies, leaving the incredible full and new moon energies of the month aside, energies number 1 of the two main events in December is the final semi-sextile between the North Node of destiny and Chiron.  This is that course correcting energy I pulled on back in September when it happened twice in one month.  Well just after Christmas on the 26th we get one more course correction.  This energy will really hammer home ALL of the lessons learned on both sides of the soulmate cycle going back as far as about October’s 10:10 portal.

BUT….. the star of the show in December is one of my favorite energies..  That’s right you guessed it,,,, “JUPITER”..  The largest planet in our solar system moves from spiritual Pisces back into action oriented Aries.  Planets like Jupiter LOVE fire!!  In fact most Jupiter-like planets around the galaxy that we’ve found are closer to their Sun than Mercury is to ours, and many scientists believe our Jupiter started out very close to the Sun, which explains why as it moved out into the cold of space it shrunk in size by about 1/3 from its original close to the Sun size.  Planets like Jupiter NEED that fire energy to keep their systems up and running.

Anyway…. astronomy fun-facts aside… The last time Jupiter was in Aries was at the end of May, and it was there most of the Summer, giving us a taste of things to come in the first half of 2023..  Jupiter then went retrograde and eventually went back into Pisces where it had been prior to May for a bit.  Now here in December moving forward it lands itself in Aries for an extended stay until about May 16th 2023.

But you need to pay attention to what I just wrote to understand why this December 2022 launches us into a cycle that we only see approx. every 30 years or so.  You see Jupiter is powerful.  It’s the planet of expansion, and most of the time it goes into a sign and then retrogrades back into a previous sign and then back again into the sign it began in prior to the retrograde.  This process pisses Jupiter’s energy off.  It interrupts Jupiter’s energy quite a lot.  Think of it like you’re doing something important and you keep getting distracted..  It’s hard to put in a focused effort under those conditions.  It’s a bit of 2 steps forward and one step back within the energy itself.  But every 30 “OR SO” years Jupiter does what it’s about to do beginning here in December.

When Jupiter moves into Aries on December 20, 2022, it begins a 10’ish year cycle which lasts until June of 2032.  So we’re in a very special Jupiter cycle until 2032.  One which by the way hasn’t happened since June of 1989 thru October of 1999..

It’s basically a 10 year cycle of what I call “pure Jupiter transits” that only occur about every 30 years or so..  Technically 33 years in this case.

What this “pure Jupiter transit” energy period does is it allows Jupiter’s energy and mission in each sign to not be interrupted.   Which with Jupiter being the planet of expansion and growth allows for A LOT OF THIS!!  In other words for about the next 10 years when Jupiter enters a sign which it does about every 11.8 month it remains in that sign for the full period.  When it goes retrograde it STAYS in the sign it’s in.  No going back into the previous sign and interrupting the energy.   This again allows for Jupiter’s energy to remain focused.  And do it’s job much better.  Because Jupiter has a mission in each sign.  A mission of expansion and growth, and it’s always helpful with ANY mission to stay focused.

Think back to the last time this happened.  The time period between the Berlin wall coming down and the birth of the internet.  June of 1989-October of 1999.  While the 90’s had its turmoil on the war side of things.  It was one of THE most prosperous periods in US history.  In fact by the end of the decade the country had ZERO, ZED, NONE national debt and unemployment was almost a thing of the past.

My point is it was a period of massive “growth and expansion” the very themes that Jupiter’s energy brings us.  My own life during that time between 1989 and 1999 saw massive growth and change, and many people have a similar story.  For some of you that period of time saw your very BIRTH!!

Things changed for the worse or we saw less growth and expansion when Jupiter slipped back into its 20 year “or so” cycle of unstable retrogrades where it has been up until this coming December 20th.  During the past 22 years we’ve seen the towers fall, we saw President GWB who walked into a clean White House pile up tons of national debt, we saw the housing crash, we saw unemployment rise to record levels.  I’m not a huge fan as I always stay neutral on such matters so I can spot the patterns of things accurately but I have to say I always felt bad for Obama.  He had a fuck all of a mess to clean up for sure..  After that we saw COVID and all the fuckery that arose from that which we’re still living through.   My point is this 20 or so year period from October of 1999 thru December of 2022 was a far cry from the prosperity and AWESOME personal and professional growth many people and countries saw in the previous 10 “or so” year cycle from June of 1989 thru October of 1999.

It’s a shame the main cycle of Jupiter isn’t reversed so we can get 20+ years of the good energy, and only 10 or so years of the interrupted energy..

So it’s a hell of a month.  This Jupiter 10 year cycle of pure growth and expansion begins here in December, a month of new beginnings, and it’s part of the energy that’s making 2023 a year of restoration.  A big part to be honest.

It’s very exciting energy to be pulling on.  I’m not only looking forward to December 2022’s readings, but also the upcoming year’s reads..  Things are getting more powerful within the soulmate cycle itself but also outside energies and soulmates are beginning to seap in.  And I’ll be keeping that in mind as I carefully read and translate the energies for you…

So stay tuned for your December monthly reads and of course the All Signs December 2022 Monthly Overview read.  As Fred Sanford used to say…  “This is the big one Lamont“…
