Bloody-well write

Today we’re going to talk about writing, being yourself, art, perspective, and point of view.  And we’re even going to visit a restaurant.

Part of my role here at SLT over the past year has been one of the trigger-man.  I offer a unique perspective.  Or at least a solid perspective delivered in a way that sinks in for many in a rather unique style shall we say.  The truth is I just say shit.  I don’t worry about what comes out of my mouth.  Most of other readers out there on YouTube would blush or cringe at much of what I say.  They wouldn’t or in some cases couldn’t say it.  In the beginning I caught flak for it.  But as time wore on that flak wore off a bit.  Not because prudes all of sudden were okay with the word fuck, or pussy, or dick, but because my methods though called reckless by some who misunderstood early on were in fact sinking in.  The thing with me is not unlike the police I rarely ask a question I don’t already know the answer to.  And on that note I don’t do anything recklessly.  I always know what I’m doing and why I’m doing it, and what might or might not happen as a result at the very least.   That concept of everything happens for a reason even applies to my now departed Twitter and my soul-tribe out there.  While as I said in a recent articled called “Twatter” I didn’t follow my original plan of no interaction for the channel, in the end I realize I didn’t follow that plan for a reason.  All of us will continue to be important to each other for many years to come.  It’s clear on the timeline as I read it.  Everything in life is about “timing”.  Divine timing is important.  Had I followed my original plan for the channel NONE of the experiences that happened in 2021 would have happened.  None of us would have connected, and had I launched the channel even a month later it would have changed the energy and the “divine timing” of it all.  It’s quite clear to me that the SLT experiences of 2021 for all involved, myself included, were supposed to happen, and had to happen.  In the end I followed my intuition and I was right to do so.

On video I don’t rehearse anything.  I just hit record.  I say whatever I feel like saying and I give the analogies that I feel like giving.  As I said I offer a unique perspective.  It takes some guts to do that, but it’s not just about that.  It takes knowing who you are to do that.  Many of my friends said my channel wouldn’t survive because people would freak out.  Most of the readers just talk about guides and angels and rarely swear they said.  They had a point, they know me, and they know I swear a lot.  I did some crazy things in 2021 on SLT.  I pushed the limits, because I wanted to see how far I could go.  But I did it for true and altruistic reasons, and the universe always rewards that.

I for example started the “Quickies” aka the Bangs on June 28th 2021.  This led to the discovery of a new chakra,,,,the dick chakra.  But it didn’t stop there.  I had redheads under my table blowing me as I did videos to keep me hard for when Sara Gilbert turned up.  LOL…  I slapped the deck, I talked about sucking vibrators and squirting orgasms.  Hell I even made women squirt who had never squirted before.  I know this because I got photos!  LOL  Much appreciated by the way!!  cheers….   Anyway,,, I opened these shocking to “mothers against Steve’s Love Tarot” prudes videos by asking people to get naked, by saying the classic SLT tagline, “Bikinis OFF!!… everybody up on the table!!”  Some of you can hear my voice in your head as you read that I bet.

But mixed into all of that was an energy I was sending out.  It’s one of my superpowers, it’s why many of you feel close to me, it’s what drew you to the channel.  You didn’t have to stay, but you did, but you did… and I thank you.  Yes I know I just ripped off ZZ-Top lyrics but I do love Texas, and I know Billy would never sue me.  lol  Anyway….. my channel scares away people who I’m not connected to or who are too shut-down to absorb the energy.  Even if we were not connected at the time you found my channel, the energy was ripe to form a new connection.  Hence, I’ve made many new soulmates connections because of the channel.  But it’s not just me, it’s a lot of you as well.  You all have connections and connections within connections.  It’s a web as I feel the energy.

I should also point out on the energy side, that proof of the energy I send out is in the pudding.  The part lost on people who found my channel late in the game is that for the first month and a half of the “Quickies”, while I was bangin’ away and having people get naked in hot tubs, bathtubs, beds, and patios, NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY even knew what I looked like.  But it didn’t matter because of the energy.

My channel sends out my energy no matter what reading I’m doing.  I have a healing energy that goes out yes, but energy is also my voice, my words, everything is energy as I often try to explain.  That energy captures your attention.  But it’s not your brain’s attention I capture.  It’s your soul’s attention.  That’s why the prudes and the mega-shut down get triggered by what I do like a motherfucker…  But in the case of the “Quickies”, the energy was loosened so much that my energy went out easier, and it was received easier by you all on the other side.  Energy requires reciprocation to flow.  And it flows easier the less resistance there is.  That loose energy had a two-fold effect.  It on one hand made the readings better as those were and still are the best readings I’ve ever pulled and some of that energy is just coming into play now, as they’re all all signs readings.  But on the other hand that loose energy also increased your receptivity to any perceived wisdom I was imparting on regular videos and mailbags and such.  So in effect, my unique approach was actually of benefit.  Which is great, because I love proving my friends wrong!!  lol

But what of these words I use on videos and what of my analogies which can sometimes be quite crude in nature.  Well… again I offer a unique perspective, a point of view.  I’m being ME!!  If you like me on the video, you’ll like me just as much in person.  That realness and authenticity is an energy all its own.

If you ever watch a show called Food Network Star you’ll learn very quickly how important having a unique perspective is.  They call it in television and radio a “POV”.  A point of view….  Someone who stands out from the crowd and offers something unique.  But it always has to be based in authenticity to be effective.  That’s always been me in everything I’ve ever done.

I make this point because I have a lot of plans for this blog, and my soul-tribe to a degree.  I plan to expand this blog over the course of 2022.  Tons will be added, even a community forum later in the year.

But also in 2022 I want to bring on some guest writers.  I want to give some of you the chance to do some writing and tell your story, or talk about your journey.  I want to offer my readers many perspectives.  If it’s something you want to do.  It’s a chance for you to have your words in front of what so far is a blog that’s on track to get 100K reads in its first month online.  And that’s just the beginning!!  This blog could go to a quarter of a million reads per month quite easily.  Right now about two weeks in it’s at about 52K reads as of today.

When the time comes and it’ll likely be early-mid 2022 I’ll do a post and we’ll add a form to it for you to express interest, so no worries…  It’ll all be very organized and easy.

However I want to say a couple things here about writing.  I actually write a lot.  I track my whole life with writing.  I’ve actually written enough to fill I would guess 2 New York City phone books.  My writing isn’t too far off from my speech on video.  You can read anything in this blog with my accent and voice inflection and it’ll sound like I’m reading it to you.  WHY?  Because I’m sending out energy here too.  And more-over I’m being ME, I’m being real when I write.  So many people I see when writing try so hard to be something they’re not.  They use big words to sound smart for example. if this is “who” they really are, that’s fine, but usually behavior like that is core programming of some kind, or as the kids like to say, someone who’s trying to hard.  If it’s for a specific audience that’s fine, but usually we’re writing for a “general” audience.  The fact is big words that only a few people know make you seem like an stuck-up asshole, not smart at all.  Because if people have to stop every 5 seconds to look-up a word in your fucking article they will not be back.  LOL…  If you want to seem or come across as smart, just say smart things that make sense.  There’s no room for pretense in life or in writing.

Whatever it is you write.  Be it a blog, or a book, or reviews for restaurants, you MUST have a unique point of view to be successful.  You must be who you are, and come across as real, as authentic.  I say that from experience, and because it’s true.  Everyone who is truly successful has a unique POV.

Take me for example.  What if I wrote restaurant reviews?  How would that go?  Can you imagine the shit that would come out of my mouth and land on the paper. if I wrote fucking restaurant reviews.  Well they’d be honest I’ll say that much.  If I did I’d probably have fun and it would read like Steve (me) writing a review for a restaurant.  So let’s see, I’ll write a quick mock one now…

As we pulled into the parking lot of “Amore Italiano” my hopes were high!!! Unlike my previous restaurant review of “The golden wok” we didn’t see anyone shitting in the bushes of the parking lot outside their car.  But that’s no surprise, we’d heard the food at “Amore Italiano” was pretty good.  Hey… it you can keep it down ya, that an automatic 3 Steve’s up, which IS well on the way to a perfect score of 5 Steve’s up!!  When we reached the entrance we barely made it 2 feet through the door when we were greeted with a smile and a rather loud (and distant) HELLO!! by what appeared at first glance to be a very GIANT woman in a full body-cast about 20 feet away from us!  I remember thinking, “my god what’s happened to her?, and how fucking tall is that woman?!!!”  As we rather cautiously approached we realized to our relief and sadly our fashion horror that it was actually a tiny man in very odd looking white suit standing behind a mirrored fish tank with an almost fun-house mirror effect!!   Somehow I felt relieved, but also sad I didn’t get to meet a 10 foot tall woman in a body-cast.  Anyway, he told us his name was Pete, he was friendly, polite, tiny, and likely very itchy in that bizarre suit material.”  He shuffled us off to a nice table in the back corner and said our waitress would be with us shortly.  I secretly hoped she was tall for some reason.  The atmosphere of the place was pleasant, though it reminded me of 1930’s Chicago.  I half expected Al Capone to be in the corner booth on the other side of the room from us.  We were ready to eat, I was hungry and eager to order.  That is….. until the kitchen door opened and ……………..

Now some of you might think that a review that begins like the one I just made up above would put people off.  If you think that way you’re wrong.  Sure at first Steve restaurant reviews would be met with opposition, “how dare he be sarcastic!!”  “Pete is wonderful and that was a tailored suit” they would proclaim!!  But as the readership went up the ad offers and restaurant requests would skyrocket.  I bet at least 10K of you reading this right now want to know what happened when that kitchen door opened.  The rest of you do not!  And that’s fine, it’s always a numbers game.  Well I’m not going to tell you anyway!!  You’ll have to subscribe to “Steve’s Love Food” to read the full review.  See that.!!… see what I just did there??…… I just up-sold you!!

Jokes aside, my point here and the moral of all this is as a writer or artist of any kind the moment you start second guessing yourself or worse yet care AT ALL what anyone else thinks, you’re already dead in the water.  That applies to life in general as well by the way, and it’s the very approach I take to my own life, music, and the approach I took with Steve’s Love Tarot.  But on the art side if you care what other people think you’re the wrong personality type to be in art of any kind.  Writer, actor, musician, photographer, or painter, etc..  Fact is, if I were actually writing restaurant reviews I would write them honestly, and would inject a ton of humorous quips into them every chance I got.  Basically I would be Steve from the videos in restaurant review form.  lol

But seriously…… why the fuck wouldn’t I be??  I mean most people go to restaurants to have fun.  They sit with friends and drink and eat dinner.  They pay for an experience, an evening out.  It’s like a hooker that comes with food.  Why can’t the writing about that restaurant be a fun yet informative experience too?  Based on my experience I could predict that my write-ups for restaurants with my style of writing would be hated at first by some.  Hated by the restaurants too.  Hated for the sheer fact they wouldn’t be what people were “used to”.  On the restaurant side, they’re used to paying for reviews, but I’m not on the take.  OMG, OMG…  And that right there is a point of psychology that limits innovation, and what got me YouTube slammed by triggered, frightened assholes in the very beginning of it all.  It was the “he’s right, but OMG his language…. OMG…. OMG!!!!  lol  People like me, and some of you, and artists who do new and innovative things are always seen as rogue, or out of the control.  And that scares people.  Especially if your shit is good!!

People are conditioned to immediately reject anything different than what they’re used to.  Usually this notion is put in our heads at school or by our parents who constantly want us to “behave”.  The fact is that if I gave two shits what anyone thinks as most people do there would be no Steve’s Love Tarot, none us would have ever met or probably even crossed paths.  But I’m not like most people.  I know that hate that rolls in is a sign that I’m on the right track.

They say there’s no innovators anymore.  I disagree, I just think the issue is there’s no “self” anymore.  I think most of the world needs to lighten up and go on a spiritual journey,  But I also think on some level individuality has gone the way of the dinosaur.  I’m hoping I can set a good example at the very least…

In closing….. When you do anything in life make damn sure you stir emotion in others.  Live life with some fiery passion, tempered with cups of emotion, settled with grounded earth energy, and topped off with airy thought.  I don’t care if you work at a grocery store, be the coolest fucking checker they ever had, make people want to come to your line because the other one’s suck!!  When you move people, or teach people, or make people think or feel anything at all through your art or though just being YOU, you stir them yes, but energy flows two-ways.  In stirring others, you also stir the energies of success for yourself.

For those of you who write, or want to guest write in this blog in 2022.  When it comes to writing always write about what you know to be true.  NEVER write about things you don’t know, or haven’t lived unless you specify this is what you’re doing.  Don’t play guessing games in front of your readers without first telling them this is what you’re doing.  You’ll lose their trust.  Remember that content is king, but so is trust, without it you have nothing, and that applies to relationships of all kinds, be it with readers, viewers, friends or love partners.  If you don’t have self-worth and confidence within yourself, then no one will have confidence in you!!  Writing needs to move people in some way as I said.  But the reader also has to like YOU too.  They have to form an emotional attachment to you in some way.  If your writing is at all stale, or fake, nobody will care about you or your writing.

And from the art side of things.  Artists don’t mind if someone likes or hates something they do.  Love it or hate it, it’s a reaction…  It’s apathy for their work that’s bothersome.  With art or life in general, always remember, it takes emotion to cause a stir.  If you don’t care, nobody else will care.  And if nobody cares…. there’s no fucking point is there?

And that my friends is why I’m so passionate on the videos and here in this blog.  And it’s also why I fucking swear a lot and talk about bangin’ you all.

Oh and by the way, don’t eat at “Amore Italiano“.  The food kinda sucked, and the beer was watered down……  Oh yeah, and when the kitchen door opened we saw the cooks watching what looked like a tarot reader slapping his big deck. 😉

— Cheers