The yuppie complex

Yuppie is a bit of an old word from the 80's.  It's pretty much today translated into the entitled folk of the world.  Upwardly mobile people, although in today's world…

The good the bad & the ugly

Let's talk about energy, specifically good vs. bad and why sometimes we think we're doing something good, when in fact we're not, or vise versa. This topic came up today…

The only certainty is uncertainty

German physicist Werner Heisenberg's "Uncertainty principle" states that the position and the velocity of an object cannot be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory.  This principle goes a…


Philosophers often wax on the idea that there is no evidence the past ever happened.  Time doesn't leave for us to follow.  It just passes.  Some might be confused by…

Strange Day

I figured while I was working on a new article that yet again I would post a song track for you.  This is a jazzy piece with  a slick melodic…