Annoyingly right

I run into this all the time.  Many of my close friends would tell you that I’m “handy” to have around.  I offer advice and insights that most people either can’t get anywhere else, or just plain don’t get.  I’m able to read people and situations on a level that some find astounding, and others find it rather uncomfortable.  Usually the ones that find themselves nervous around me are the ones who live behind a wall of pretense.

I have what’s often called “Deep empathy”.  It’s a bit more complicated than that and it comes with some side effects including being hyper-sensitive to the energies around me.  But along with that empathy I also have an unusually high level of observation skills as well which is a side-effect of my rather high IQ.  Usually people with a high IQ have some OCD type symptoms.  You all saw this concept with Sheldon for example on the TV show Big Bang Theory.

Unlike Sheldon in my case my rather high observation skills blend with my studies of psychology and human-nature.  With that education and hint of OCD bringing an enhanced observational ability I’m in many ways a bit like a profiler or a mentalist, in that I can spot dozens of signs, clues, micro-expressions and other things that most people just plain miss.  And I can do it in “seconds”.  In fact most people who have been in shall we say precarious situations and maybe got in the car with the wrong person one night, or even just got into a relationship with the wrong person, actually got over 100 clues right from the beginning that they just plain missed.  Most people for example get divorced because they married the wrong person for the wrong reasons.  Part of what I teach people and will expand on in the coming year on my videos, especially the mailbags and here in this blog is and will be how to spot some of these “signs”..  In a sense how to read people and situations.

So what of this article’s title?  Well….. I’ve spotted a rather humorous pattern in my own life over the years.  What happens is because my advice is honest and without bias, I just say what I pick up on and feel, it tends to not be what people are used to hearing, or even in many cases even want to hear.  Which is ironic in a way because they came to me for the truth.  But one thing I’ve learned over the years is most people are carpet-sweepers as I call them.  They really don’t want the truth.  With most of my friends we just hang out and laugh a lot and have fun.  I don’t live my life in “guru gear“.  I live most of my life in a cruising gear, as we would on a freeway for example.

The thing is, most friends you’ll go to for advice won’t say anything that will jeopardize the friendship.  This is especially true if you’re at all successful, famous, or it in some way it’s either cool to know you, or it benefits someone to know you.  So what many friends do is curb their advice back into obvious very positive and uplifting messages which while kind, really does no good in solving your problem or answering your burning question or concern.  In fact it’s dangerous because you listen to them.  And this may sound arrogant and I don’t mean it to, but most people are fucking morons.  It’s just a fact I’m sorry…

What you get from a lot of people is often more of an ego stroke because they don’t want to ruin the connection they have with you by upsetting you.  Or they don’t know the answer so they make something up, or base an answer to you on something that happened to them, which is never a 1:1 correlational anyways, so it can be taken under advisement, but it’s pretty useless overall.  You’d be surprised how common this is when going to friends for advice.  Family is worse because they want to protect you.  So they end up often limited you, almost controlling you in a way.   Done under the intent of keeping you safe of course.  But life itself isn’t safe, and playing it safe makes few successful.  What I’m saying is, many of you are totally unaware that you’ve been getting bad advice or as I like to call it “stroked” by people,  you’re whole life.

With me, ultimately what happens is what I call “The loop”.  I give my advice, that advice is ignored because it’s not what someone wants to hear and it doesn’t come with a compliment or an ego-stroking, so sometimes they resent it!!  Thus they don’t listen to me.  Normally they do what some other friend told them to do because that sounded nicer or worse yet, “easier”.  Here’s a quirk of human-nature for you.  God’s honest truth, most people are sheep.  They will listen to the last person they spoke with.  So if you’re not last in line, they will in a way forget what you even said.  You see this at work all the time I’m sure if you work in a structured office environment.

Anyway, 9 times out of 10 it all goes wrong for them, because my advice was good, honest, and from what I pride myself on, “an intelligent, informed perspective.”  Then the inevitable happens…. They rather humorously return to me for advice to solve a problem that occurred because they didn’t listing to my original advice in the first place.  So now they still have the original problem, but it’s been fucked up so much that there’s a new problem that’s been added.  So then I have to think even more to help them out of a jam they wouldn’t have been in in the first place had they simply listened to me, and not their friend “Moron McKissAssyman“.

This has been a repeating cycle in my life for as long as I can recall.  Now usually it’s just newer friends who aren’t yet aware of what my close friends and wife and family always refer to as “my most infuriating quality“.  That quality being I’m as they say… “Annoyingly right“.  LOL

I’ve mentioned this on video a few times and I think a few got it wrong based on their tweets at the time.  They thought I was being arrogant and that I think that I’m always right.  When in fact I do not.  I’m a student of philosophy.  And a rule of philosophy states, “The moment you think you you’ve figured it all out, is the moment you in fact prove that you have not.”.   The “Annoyingly right” moniker is put upon me by others.  I myself don’t have a clue, nor would I say such a thing about myself.  In fact the very footer at the bottom of this blog says this very same thing.

Being smart is great.  But being wise is necessary to balance it.  Smart will either help you or hurt you depending upon your level of arrogance.  Plenty of smart people are assholes who help no one.  Wisdom is what’s needed to balance “smart”.  Being smart is knowing things and having a fast mind to work things out.  It’s about adapting, either adapting something to work for you, or adapting yourself to work with something.  It’s wisdom that balances intelligence by preventing you from being so sure about something that you neglect to consider that you might be incorrect.

I always assume there’s a chance I’m wrong.  The wise reason being so that I can plan to adapt if necessary.  Intelligent people see things from many angles.  Wisdom is knowing the answer rarely lies in just 1 of them.  Usually it’s a mix of several angles and a healthy dose of compromise.

Having said all of that….  I don’t want to just talk about myself.  There was a point to all of the above.  That point comes from the energy I pick up on as we head into January.  I want to make sure you “listen” and maybe, hopefully “heed” my advice.  And in case you read someone else after me, don’t fucking listen to them!!!  That said I’ll end with some advice about love.  Because it is most definitely coming your way very soon if it’s not already staring you in the face.

We see a lot of pentacles in those tarot readings I do.  We see someone on the other side or maybe some of you (roles can always be reversed) who think that money or status is love.  We see it here in this article where I talked earlier about friends and how most think they have good ones, when in fact what they have as I’ve often rather disappointingly found are ego-strokers, or sugar-coaters.  But we’ll talk about “friends” and what they “actually are in another article, another time.

Let’s look at money…  It’s the most fun topic.  This is about someone, anyone who thinks that money and status and other mundane 3D concepts have anything to do with “love”, which in and of itself is a soul concept.  Money isn’t love, money is a thing we use to trade for other things here in the 3D.  It doesn’t exist in the 5D.  It’s not even actually acknowledged in the 5D.  It’s a by-product of prosperity energy translated into 3D.  It’s also, even in the 3D, unimportant and relatively easy to replace by the way.  Love is an irreplaceable emotion, it’s felt deep in the soul, it actually comes from our soul energy which is why science has never figured out what it is exactly.  Oh they can read the 3D chemical reactions, and even the psychological reasons we’re attracted to someone, i.e. body symmetry.  But the emotion of love is not measurable.  It’s not in the brain, the brain can’t make sense of love, in fact the brain always tries to protect us and urge us against it.

Love isn’t practical, it cannot be analyzed by the brain or thought about because it makes no logical sense, it’s an emotion.  The brain simply releases chemicals to aid the 3D us in acting upon said emotions.

That said, and this is NOT an opinion by the way.  It’s actually a fact of energy, so listen up.  A marriage or relationship of any kind built around money or security or worse yet as I see often here in Los Angeles the love of status of some sort, (i.e. a person who name-drops their own spouse) leads to an empty soul, a caged soul.  Which in turn denies the chance for who we really are to emerge, thus leaving us feeling stuck, depressed, anxious, and in some cases with the need to turn to alcohol or drugs to make us feel better albeit ever so briefly.  Which in tun ages us faster, and those wrinkles appear in our 30’s and 40’s instead of our 50’s or 60’s, so we get even more depressed with every glance in the mirror.  None the less we distract ourselves with work and practical concerns so we don’t have to feel anything, or burst our bubble of illusion and delusion.  But that only leads to a delay of the inevitable.  And that inevitable often begins with those quiet moments at night just before we drift off to sleep where what I call the “quiet discontent” creeps in.  Because career success or status or money etc. isn’t 100% of what our soul needs even if that career for example is our calling from the soul itself.  The majority of what we need is emotional fulfillment from something called “love”.  One of the most powerful things one human being can do for another is actually energetically speaking, a hug.  Something so simple actually can awaken the soul if it’s an honest energy exchange.  Either way emotional fulfillment is only achieved through real, honest, felt in the soul, love.

No prescription meds or alcohol will ever take its place or fill that void I’m sorry to say.  All that will do is get you to your next life more quickly.  A next life by the way where since you didn’t learn your lessons in this one will be a bit of a karmic re-run shall we say…

So yeah you can love, marry or stay married for money.  You can even think you’re “the shit” because you’ve got a 7 or 8 figure bank roll.  To each is his or her own I say.  But it’s not fulfilling and at least one of you in the relationship statistically speaking will need to seek that emotional fulfillment outside the relationship.  Because the soul rarely can be denied what it cries out for, caged or otherwise.  This is why these types of nonsense superficial relationships sometimes seen on the DM or runner’s side are fraught with infidelity and fighting.  In many cases on the infidelity side it’s blissfully ignored by the one being cheated.  Not because they don’t know, but because they choose to look away and carpet-sweep it all.  Logically that makes sense, and that proves they’re in their ego or brain rather than their soul.  Because logic lives in the brain, and logically if you’re married for money or status, you shouldn’t care if someone cheats or lies.  As long as the money is there, and they’re still bringing in the status, it doesn’t matter.  This is why people who are married for money is to me always a tell-tale sign of a backward flow of energy within them.  A false sense of self-worth.

This is why I often harp on the videos about “self-worth”.  I’m trying to teach my viewers my DFs, my soul-tribe what “real” self-worth is.  Self-worth comes from the soul not the brain.  It’s a flow of energy from the soul to the brain to be processed and utilized in the 3D.  So the flow is 5D to 3D.  If we switch the directional flow of this from the brain to the soul, i.e. 3D to 5D we end up materialistic, selfish, and a bit high on ourselves shall we say.  Or as we call it here where I live, “a Hollywood asshole“..  lol  Self-worth isn’t arrogance.  It isn’t based on your job, or how much money you have, or even how hot you are.  It’s based on whether or not you can feel your soul energy.  Your true-self lives in the soul, and I assure you it’s invincible and eternal.  It’s real power!  Money can be lost.  Powerful jobs can be lost.  The only one who can take your soul away, is you!  Sadly so many people these days are doing just that.  Basing their self-worth on nonsense.

So my advice here as we have so many DMs returning especially in the January and February energies is to be sure then when and if they do, they resonate with your soul, not your ego.  If their return does sooth your ego, just be sure it’s for closure purposes and not some need to “win”.  Because while it may be a soul connection, the other side, the runner is and has been well disconnected from their soul for some time.  Their flow of energy has been from 3D to 5D, not the proper way around.  If it’s a “win” you’re looking for, the DF who has found that inner Empress has already won.

So make sure your energy is in proper flow, i.e. 5D to 3D.  If it is you’ll have found that Empress energy and in the process “true self-worth”.  Because if not, you may find yourself coming back to me a few months down the road, and reminding me that yet again I’m…… “Annoyingly right.”…..

— Cheers