Addictive reasoning – (February 2023)

As I type this article much like on video when I get a song popping in I have one here too..  Pink Floyd’s “Brain damage” from their classic 1973 release “Dark side of the moon” is ringing clearly.  It opens with the line “The lunatic is on the grass“.  Which has a specific meaning within the context of the song, but here a slightly different yet eerily similar meaning in relation to the psychology of the runners and how their brain/ego is working within this soulmate cycle.

Many times in my readings I use the example of an addiction to describe the runner’s behavior.  A few have questioned why I do that, saying it’s not the same thing.  On one hand they’re right, because soulmate cycles have the opposite effect on the brain than an addiction typically does.  Going back to the opening line of “Brain damage” noted above “the lunatic is on the grass“.  i.e. in this case the universe is conveying a message to me of the fears that cause them to run are all on the surface in the conscious mind rather than in the subconscious mind as they are in addicts.  Never the less the energetic formula offers the same result.  And don’t worry, I’ll explain if you read on…

We must remember that I’m simply translating energy that comes in and is felt as emotion into words, i.e. a translation in general terms for a general/broad audience.  It’s always tricky because as I always say, “the same frequency of energy plays out differently in different situations“.  In this case the same energy that makes someone continue to do something they know is bad for them like an addiction to a bad habit for example is the same frequency of energy that makes someone stay in a bad/toxic relationship or continue on in a way of life that’s not aligned with “who they really are“.

There are many frequencies of devil-type energy just as there are many frequencies of angel-type energy.  All devil energy frequencies are negative energy, which feeds itself, unlike Angel energy which needs to be constantly fed by actions, or words, or outside input of some kind.  In the case of devil energies specifically some are quite mild and some are quite severe, but not unlike a virus (of which there are many types) they all have symptoms, i.e. deliver a specific result or set of results.

The specific frequency of devil-type energy in-play within the runners in this soulmate cycle is a form of devil energy which is often seen in addicts.  It creates a “false need“, which in-turn has a deep fear of change effect.  i.e. fear of what will happen if change occurs.  It’s an energy frequency that creates the illusion that life will fall apart if any changes are made, which results in what I often refer to in my readings as a sort of “Stockholm syndrome” effect.  As a side-note this same frequency of energy with its “false need” effect also reflects quite often in materialistic people.  This energy makes them believe they “need” “stuff” to be complete.  Which in-turn creates a side-effect we often see within many of the runners of keeping up an image or appearances, i.e caring too much what others think, or a need to impress.  This energy doesn’t just affect runners, it actually affects much of society in today’s world.  But many of them are suffering from this particular side-effect alongside the fear of change effect.

So as you can see just this ONE single frequency of devil-type energy creates a wide, differing, yet connected array of effects.

To an energy reader or empath of any kind this is a very clear energy, it’s very easy to read actually because it’s quite a low frequency (vibration).., BUT it’s not so easy to resolve.  It’s a bit like the common cold, which for all its commonness we’ve yet to find any sort of cure…

So now let’s look at the differences between how this energy plays out in the brain for an addiction vs. how it’s playing out in the minds of the runners here in the soulmate cycle.  As you’ll see there’s a bit of a flip effect in play.

On one side of the coin is addiction.  There’s a very famous video on YouTube by a popular guru dude named “Sadhguru“.  He was asked in this short video about quitting smoking in particular.  His response was very much that of how most gurus describe using energy incorrectly.  His response was two-fold.  First he said, “it’s stupid”, why would you keep doing something that’s “stupid”.  Fair enough, he’s right.  Continuing to stick your hand in any meat-grinder is indeed “stupid”.  But his point about energy was basically in his own way a description I often give on video about how most people use the energy around them incorrectly.  He said, “why make your body into a smoke machine”?  It’s not designed to be a smoke machine… so why make it one..?

He’s right.  Your lungs are not designed to inhale smoke.  You wouldn’t take your car and turn it into a bulldozer.  It’s not a bulldozer.  In fact it’s not designed to push anything except itself.  If you use it as a bulldozer moving heavy objects you’ll likely burn out your transmission or clutch pretty quickly.  Who’s fault is that?  Well it’s yours dummy for using a machine the way it’s not designed to be use.  No different than getting sick from smoking.  You went against energy and did it to yourself.  Free-will which I’ll write about soon is a powerful tool, and we all have it at our disposal.

The problem in the soulmate cycle with the runners is two-fold.  With the runners in this soulmate cycle they’re life is what they know.  Their brains have developed around certain concepts.  Granted those concepts are rooted mostly in devil energy according to the readings, a very pentacle based superficial life in general, but devil energy is brilliant at making the un-real seem very real.  It can make you believe that having that car or that job is all that matters, and once you get it your life will be complete.  Hell that’s how devil energy works.  It works by creating illusions..

It creates a haze, a bubble that’s hard to see through.  If it’s allowed to grow and fester, it grow to block out reality as a whole.  Devil energy in all forms is negative based energy, and negative energy feeds itself.  It’s like cockroaches.  If you see one, you can bet there will be a thousand more soon if left unchecked.

These soulmate connections have popped a hole in that devil bubble around the runners.  They got to see what’s outside of that bubble of illusion.  BUT devil energy is also brilliant at creating doubt, and patching holes up.  While doubt is good, it can keep you out of trouble, it can also overcome you if it’s controlling you and you’re not controlling it.  And that’s what’s happening here in these situations.  And that’s why the readings often reflect an energy of surrounding energies making it scary for these runners to make changes, or leave situations etc.

I believe it was the February overview extended where in this reading the runner’s subconscious mind knows you make them happy, knows they have feelings, even knows it would be wise to go towards you.  In fact it’s pushing for it because the heart chakra is open on their side.  But their conscious mind is driven by a Devil.  Which causes confusion.  It’s a bit like them asking themselves all the time for example, “why do I feel this way for this person?”  That person being YOU.  They can feel it, but can’t push it away..  Can’t distract themselves from it.  That’s because of reasons I’ll explain now…

First off addictions…  The opposite of what I described above is usually the case with an addiction like smoking, drugs, or alcohol for example.  In those cases the conscious mind is aware it’s bad.  Smokers all know they should quit.  Many tell themselves all the time, “this is my last one”..  But it rarely is..  And this is because of the subconscious mind.  Which is where the “need” to smoke is generated from.  This plays out as with any addiction in a little voice that says, “have one more”, or more commonly it surrounds the withdrawal symptoms that happen after quitting.  So they quit, they get dizzy, nothing goes right, they lose concentration, everything feels weird and different, and that’s when the voice from the subconscious kicks in and says,.. “see…. you NEED this to function”…  And at that point the conscious mind is hard pressed to not believe this nonsense, and it’s back to the addiction they go..  This example as I said on the extended reading for February is why things like hypnosis works quite often for people trying to quit an addiction.  The belief in the “NEED” for it lives in the subconscious mind and that’s what hypnosis for example talks to.  It’s a bit of a retraining of the subconscious.

But I will say on the hypnosis side of things… You do need a hypnotherapist who is well trained and versed in psychology in order to strategically plant the right suggestions. Just like doctors, some are better than others..  In the case of hypnosis psychology knowledge is necessary because as you’ll note when I talk about the soulmate cycle in a moment, the conscious mind doesn’t have to listen to the subconscious mind, or vice versa.  As with anything we say or suggest to someone be it under hypnosis or to their face…. it’s all in the phrasing, and that phrasing requirement is different for each individual.  Not unlike a car where you don’t want a moron messing with your engine.  You don’t want a moron messing with your subconscious either.

In the soulmate cycle the same thing is occurring within the brain that I just wrote about for addicts, however in soulmate cycles it’s a bit of a reverse addiction in that the subconscious is urging them to go for it and change their life, but their conscious mind is getting in the way and having none of it.  This is because of the ego, or image they’re trying to keep up, or more likely it’s because the energy of real love isn’t something they’re familiar with.  Most of the runners are very superficial or at the very least very stubborn.  They haven’t led a deep life per say, but rather one that’s been very pentacle based, could be money or job, or too much family, where it becomes restrictive and full of obligations and expectations.  For the runners allowing true love to flow is risky because it’s a combination of an ego blow that says they got everything wrong in life so far, coupled with the unfamiliar nature of the feeling in general.  Which in-turn kicks in the devil energy around them in the form of a defense mechanism.  i.e. they run from it, because change is scary.  And devil energy of any kind is a fear generator.

But the reason communication often seems likely in the energy itself is because that notion to run or stay put is only in their conscious mind.  At their core change is strongly desired.  Basically it’s a reverse addict who’s quitting the wrong thing.

In either case… Addiction or love… if you sit in toxic energy too long you become entrenched in it.  It can be very hard to leave it.  I always say devil energy of any frequency is like junk food.  It’s easy to eat.  And it’s usually cheaper than eating right.  This energy plays off the inherently lazy nature of most people.  This is very much the case in the soulmate cycle.

Often times early on in my reads on this cycle I felt an energy of a person who ran from the DF but as they were running didn’t want to.  That’s proof that the running and fear and overthinking are all in the conscious mind of these ego based runners.  So basically you have a runner who ran and while they were running their subconscious mind was yelling “STOP YOU IDIOT, where ya goin'”!!!  Which is what made them turn around and take a second look, or maybe spy, catch themselves spying, then run away again, but yet return to spy after some time..  This is classic textbook soulmate cycle, it’s just the current one that we’re in now is a standard soulmate cycle on crack.

As I said in the February extended…  We all are who we are…  People don’t change, they adapt.  These runners at their core will always question the unknown.  But they CAN easily especially within the current energy adapt to behave differently in the now ever changing surrounding energies…

All of you can adapt as well.  There’s never been a better time to kick a bad habit, or alter your thoughts about yourself, your future, and who you are than the current energies of right now.  While a similar energy of change was here back in October…  That energy was trickier because of Uranus being retrograde..  Now that Uranus is direct and the North Node is lighting up February it’s very easy to cut through any lingering devil energy around you.

And while I can’t talk to the runners, I can talk to you.  If you get a peak out of the haze of any devil energy bubble.  Believe it… It’s real, and it’s for you.  If you can get that through to your conscious mind, the sky’s the limit for you and your future for sure…

Now if we could only get the runners to listen to their subconscious mind and stop doubting in their conscious mind what they feel we’d be all set.

In this soulmate cycle the runners often show up as the King or Queen of Wands..  He or she rules the conscious mind, i.e. the ego.  Doesn’t like to admit they’re wrong, even when confronted with truth.  As phony as phony gets.  The subconscious mind in this soulmate cycle is ruled by the King or Queen of Swords.  And he or she has been trying for a long time to ram their sword of truth up the King or Queen of Wands’ ass…

What I’m telling you above is WHY our overall energy in the main YouTube February 2023 overview reading was the Queen of Swords crossed by the King of Cups.  It’s the Queen of swords who rules the subconscious in this cycle trying to get your runners to open up.  This very concept returned and came up again in opening of the extended with the High Priestess as a crossing card directly bookend the Death card of change crossing The Sun.  All the while with a Devil crossed by a 4 of pentacles of fear and holding back between the two.

The good news is, some of that sword of truth held by the Queen is poking through in the current energies…  So maybe there’s hope for them yet….  We’ll see…..

But yes the runners are behaving very much like addicts.  Albeit in an opposite way within the brain  as I’ve explained, but the end result is the same.  They’ve been staying with something on their side that’s bad for them mostly because it’s easier than facing the truth.  They all ran from you in some way…. but I’m telling you they never wanted to… and have been circling back ever since.

Its been very strong in the energy lately, and take it for what it’s worth to you, I suppose it’ll mean something different for each of you, but “they’ve been watching“…
