The only certainty is uncertainty

German physicist Werner Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty principle” states that the position and the velocity of an object cannot be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory.  This principle goes a long way to explain the issue readers like myself face when doing readings, or like all of us face in our lives with “free-will”.  To explain, free-will is very 3D.  It’s us making decisions which put us into new energy flows.  The problem is with energy there’s no way to predict “exactly” which way the metaphorical wind is blowing, or will blow.  We can read the energies and tell their current direction, but they can speed up or slow down or turn around at any time, at any moment.  Hence “uncertainty”.  This principle also drives meteorologists crazy as well…

Why do we have uncertainty?  Well, it certainly keeps things interesting but that’s really the reason why.  We have uncertainty or in the case of readings and dealings with other people “free-will” in short because we’re not in control.  I know that sounds backwards, and I try not to get too complex with these articles.  But we’re NOT!!  We’re not driving or controlling anything.  We create nothing, we control nothing.  Even the electricity powering your computer right now was already there.  We simply harnessed it.  In the case of electricity we transform the flow of water for example into friction by turning turbines, and that friction energy is then transformed again into electrical energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or transmuted.

There’s a prevailing message out there as I sometimes watch other videos on YouTube and read other articles from some of the new age crowd that we’re somehow superior beings of some kind that are important to the universe.  Well we’re important but only as such as we are energetic beings.  We’re part of the universe, I’ll phrase it that way.  I hear statements like a kindly cosmos is looking out for you.  Well,, yes and no.  The reality (if you want it) is it’s all about what flow of energy you’ve put yourself in.  To keep it simple, as is always said and as is a fact of physics, like energy attracts like energy.  Energy flows both ways, and that’s always best to keep this in mind even with this principle.  Meaning, let’s say for example that you’re in a good flow.  It’s positive energy and it’s attracting nice things to you, you’re a happy little bugger.  Everything is going your way, even the flowers and squirrels are saying hello to you like some crazy children’s TV show.  Is the cosmos looking out for you?  Maybe if you tilt your head sideways and twist a bit it might seem that way from certain angles, but in reality it’s just the energy flow that you’re in.  You don’t control that flow, nor did you create it, nor was it created FOR you.  You through your free-will decisions and reactions to things based on those decisions put yourself in this flow.  And further “nor”, you don’t have any way of staying in that flow or knowing when that particular flow will change, or worse yet when it will end.

Now, that’s not to say that you can’t PUT yourself into good energy flows.  Of course you can.  You do that through your actions.  You USE the principle of like energy attracts like energy by behaving a certain way, taking certain actions, and in doing so you change the energy around you.  If you change one small thing, even the placement of something on your desk you actually change the energy around you.  This concept is similar to the principles of “Feng shui”.  My point however ties back to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.  YES you can put yourself in new flows, but you’re always at the mercy of the flow.  And that flow is uncertain, and unpredictable.

There’s a video out there and I won’t put a link to it where someone is talking about this type of thing and they seem to have timelines and energy flows all wrong.  It’s as though they’ve invented their own laws of physics, and made human beings the center of the cosmos.  They say and I’ve heard this before, with each decision we make we create a new timeline for ourselves.  This is false, this goes to that nonsense that human beings are special in any way from other energy.  While we are a complex life-form with a very complex brain or processor, energy-wise we’re no different than a chipmunk or a tree.  And if you find that offensive then you miss the concept that everything is energy and everything is connected.  It doesn’t mean your life doesn’t matter or it’s not important.  It is!!!  Our reality is the 3D, and things matter to us.  BUT, it’s arrogant to think that the concept of everything is connected just means humans.  Everything means everything.  For instance we’re connected energetically to the planet we live on.  That planet is energy, and everything on it is energy etc.  Everything is connected, if we were to cut down all the trees and also pollute the ocean, because we’re connected to it all that would affect us.  In this example’s case it would remove our ability to breathe because everything is connected and nothing exists in isolation.  We need that Oxygen just like other things need the CO2 that we breathe out as waste.  What’s waste to us benefits something else.  When Oxygen for example first appeared on Earth it was poison to the lifeforms already living here at the time.  But it’s that Oxygen that allows for higher more complex lifeforms such as ourselves.  Complex DNA chains could form etc…

I’m not trying to turn this into the science channel.  The Oxygen thing here on Earth as an example is easy to follow, and I see no point in overcomplicating things in my articles.  There’s plenty of PHDs out there spouting off big words and overcomplicating things.  Which is why most don’t understand science.  And because of that form some rather kooky ideas about things like global warming etc.  The example I gave ties to my earlier point because WE don’t create anything we simply live within what’s already here.  You DO NOT make a new timeline as if you’re some kind of energy god by making a free-will decision to do something.  That timeline or “energy flow” is and was already there, you simply by making a decision to do something put yourself in its flow.  It’s as though you took your canoe out of one stream and walked over and put it in another, got in and off you went.  That stream was already there.  When you’re in that canoe in the flow of water you do not control the water (river) do you???  Do you think you do??  Surprisingly that’s what some people with massive following on YouTube are trying to convince you of.  If you do think that I’d like to meet you, because you would make a fine psychology paper about a new form of superiority complex far beyond any ever seen before… lol

On the canoe topic… Here’s a simple home-spun Steve analogy for you.  If you want to understand free-will or uncertainty you simply need to imagine yourself in a canoe going down a river.  That river is the flow of energy.  You do not control the river, nor can you predict when it will speed up or slow down.  You’re at the mercy of it.  You’re at the mercy of the free-will decision you made to put your canoe in that new flow.  You didn’t like the old river’s flow, so you made a decision to take your canoe out of that flow and move it to this new one.  You hiked carrying your canoe through tough terrain all the way over to it.  The new flow seems great, and it attracts all sorts of nice things to you.  However due to the uncertainty principle it can turn on a dime, because as I said you don’t control the river.  You might come around bend and all of a sudden it’s rapids.  This river isn’t mapped, so you have no way to know, it’s new to you.  Your reaction to those rapids is the key to your success.  You could be negative.  It might depress you that it got shitty all of a sudden.  So you through your new free-will decision to be negative about the sudden onset of rapids take can canoe ashore and make another free-will decision to find a new flow to put your canoe in.  But by this very uncertainty principle for all you knew it was about to good again if you’d just stuck it out for a bit.  But instead you reacted negatively and ruined what was possibly a great energy flow.  And because negative energy attracts more and feeds itself, you go to the doctor and get you some meds.  Extreme example, but a nice snap-shot of our collective society currently.

My point in the paragraph above is one of going with the flow.  We do this all the time in life.  Things are going good, then they’re going bad.  And when they go bad we let that bother us, even sometimes forgetting all about the good.  It’s human nature backed up by physics to remember the bad more than the good.  Sometimes we don’t even consider the fact that things might just get good again when we hit those rapids.  I mean they were good just a bit ago.  And because like energy attracts like energy when we let the bad bother us we attract more bad, so even if the flow gets good again often times we’re too wrapped up in feeling bad and surrounded by negative energy that we’re either suspicious of it, or worse yet miss it all together.

Free-will exists because many flows of energy exist.  That’s a simple explanation but it’ll do for our purposes here.  We can make decisions to go one way or the other, but we cannot control what happens when we do.  We are just energy, that’s all, and the energy we surround ourselves with combined with our reaction to it creates our existence.  Many people don’t realize that they’re the cause of all their own problems.  As I said earlier, if things are going good, there’s no certainty they will stay good within a given flow of energy.  You can’t have light without shade.  So even good flows have to have shade to balance them out.  And by contrast bad flows have to have light to balance them out.  Everything is energy and energy always tries to balance itself.  Hence the principle I always state of “let the energy flow”.  Just be…  That’s it..  You exist…. Anytime you fight the current, technically you limit that existence..  You put yourself in the penalty box so to speak.

So don’t let the bastards get you down.  Be those bastards your runner soulmate or the pricks you work with.  There’s no such thing as luck, it’s all about the energy flows we put ourselves in.  The life lesson here is when things are going good appreciate them, but don’t go into a freak-out panic attack if all of a sudden you hit some rapids.  Even if you work with people you hate, you find them to be total pricks, there are still good days and bad days within that energy.

Every river is like that, periods of calm, and periods of white-water.  Energy readers call the energies around us “The river” for a reason.  Yes it’s a great Bruce Springsteen album, but it also describes the energy perfectly.  Within every good flow are some periods of rapids.  Always expect the unexpected because unexpected things i.e. uncertainty is the only actual certainty in life.

The secret to living a good life is to know that.  And when you hit the rapids enjoy that ride too.  We only fuck things up when we’re really good at being content and happy when things are going well, calm, and smooth, yet when we hit those rapids we change and become sad or fall into woe is me moments.  Those woe is me moments are negative energy.  And in reacting that way and not realizing that the river might just smooth out again we actually put ourselves in a new flow.  One that’s got much more rapids to it than the one we were previously in.  Just do what you would do in a canoe on that river if you hit a period of rapids.  And that put simple is… hold on tight, and maybe even enjoy the ride, enjoy the contrasts that life has to offer, and the lessons that can be learned and the wisdom that can be gained within those contrasts.

Now a pessimist might say it’s equally likely that the flow could get worse and it’ll never smooth out again.  This is why I always say anyone who is a pessimist doesn’t understand energy.  To those pessimists I say with that attitude you can bet it won’t smooth out for you.  You’ll keep yourself in rapids by manifesting the very thing you’re pessimistic about.  And in the process you’ll miss you’re whole life by in large.

As I said, you can’t have light without shade.  While we can predict the flow of the river or where the rapids will be.  If we’re smart we’ll know that there will be rapids, even in the best most positive of flows.  And that’s because life would be out of balance without that contrast.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you control anything with your free-will decisions.  All you’re doing as you go through life is getting the lay of the land and adjusting as needed to what’s already there.  Energy or matter (they’re interchangeable in this universal law) cannot be created or destroyed, it only transforms or transmutes.  Our free-will decisions do on some level transform the energy around us by changing the flow of energy that we find ourselves in.  But that transformation is in large part determined by our reactions to it as I’ve explained.  Be it a good flow or a perceived bad flow, put simply, it’s all what you do with it.

Just like your runner soulmates making their free-will decisions against the flow of the energy back towards you.  They’re fooling themselves into thinking they can escape the main energy of the connection itself.  Which is why I swear at them often on video.  LOL…  The paradox here is because they’re making a free-will decision to move away from something they don’t actually want to move away from.  So in each new energy flow they put themselves in with their questionable free-will decisions, they actually drag the energy flow of the soulmate connection they’re trying to escape right along with them.  Net net, filling the canoe with water from the old flow and sinking themselves in the new one!!  Hence those towers….

A philosophical article maybe….  But one that I hope helps someone out.  I hope you realize that there is a separation between the 3D and the 5D.  It’s your actions in the 5D that have the most impact on your 3D world.  Actions in the 5D are made via your emotions, thoughts, and manifestations.  The river flows in the direction of 5D to 3D.  So stop thinking you control anything.  The 3D is actually an afterthought in many ways.  The visible universe by our perception is a small sliver of the entire universe.  70% of it for example is dark energy, named because it’s invisible not because it’s evil.  That’s the energy I pull on for the readings, and it’s also the river, it’s the energy that connects everything.  Planets, galaxies, stars, people, animals, buildings, trees, atoms, everything!!  And that’s only ONE of the invisible forces and energies around us and connecting us.  If anything the 3D as we know it is a by-product of the 5D.  Which back up the flow of energy from 5D to 3D and not the other way around.

That said, if you want to improve your life and perspective on it, start realizing this life is all just a ride we’re on.  It goes by in a blur, and things from the past almost always loose their meaning and importance as we take that ride.  We don’t know how long the ride will last, and we can’t see the next turn.  But proper perspective says that that’s where the fun is.  The fun is IN the uncertainty.  It’s about the journey not the destination.  We all end up in the same place.  But some of us get there in a little more psychological style than others.  These life journey’s are far more fun and there’s far more wisdom to be gained when shit goes wrong.  If someone fucks you over, they made a decision to do that.  Your reaction determines what flow you’re in.  Just go with the flow and laugh it off.  That will ensure they end up in a negative flow and you in a positive one.  If you get pissed and punch them, well you just changed the energy around you, perhaps to a not so good one.  My advice for life is always to just “enjoy the ride”.  And learn as much as you can.  But no matter how much you learn you still can get past uncertainty.  So you gotta be cool with uncertainty.  It’s what the universe is kinda made of metaphorically speaking.

The Buddhists always say, if left to settle things work themselves out.  And that’s very true.  That smooth river that turns to rapids, could just as easily turn smooth again.  Nothing you can do to make that happen.  The river is already there, you didn’t build it and you don’t control it, SO STOP thinking you built it or own it, and STOP thinking you control it an ANY WAY!!  Try not to worry about those rapids..  They’re likely to smooth out soon enough like I said.

While that’s not certain to happen, it is by logic and the principles of science and physics “likely” to happen.  What many don’t know that I’m privy to is that scientists live by a principle.  Simply state it’s why the word “likely” is in quotes above.  That principle is, “if something can happen it likely or probably will.”
