Time in a bottle

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you

I thought we would have a chat here about soulmates, soulmate cycles, and the construct of time in an effort to make in no small part the concept of “timeless” a bit more clear for everyone, and also to maybe help you all get more out of tarot readings in general.

This article opens with a lyric, a verse from a Jim Croce song called “Time in a bottle“.  Some of you might wonder why I chose that particular verse when there are many other lyrics in the song that deal more with time.  Well, I never do anything without at least some thought, so obviously there’s a reason I chose that one.  Not the least of which being it’s probably one of the most beautiful sentiments ever written in a song.  Jim wrote that song for his wife, and as it turns out their time was short.  Knowing this helps hammer home maybe why I chose this verse of the song to talk about soulmates and the soulmate cycle in particular.

In case you’re not a philosophical thinker and it isn’t clear, I’ll explain.  I talk a lot on the videos about lessons.  Yes there are many lessons we learn when we’re part of a soulmate connection.  But as it relates to the concept of time I often say sometimes we don’t learn what those lessons were for until much later, sometimes many years in fact.  That lyric I open this article with refers to an after-fact realization.  Someone who thought that none of their “wishes” in life came true.  The box was empty.  It was just loss after loss after loss.  There’s never enough time he says in the song to do things that you want to do once you find them.  But upon reflection he realizes that the one wish that did come true was overlooked, and as it turns out it was the only one that mattered in the end.

What many of you don’t realize yet and I’m hyper aware of as I observe your growth and track this soulmate cycle from a distance is that you have no idea “why” all of this is happening to you yet,  The mistake is in trying to figure that out.  This only leads to despair and depression in some cases.  The very act of trying to figure out what’s around the next bend and why something is happening only gets in the way of the lessons by slowing its absorption down.  Every one of you has a destiny, and IF in life the universe puts a person or a situation in front of you that challenges you, it’s to prepare you, to upgrade you to the level necessary for said destiny.  You don’t know what you don’t know says the great Dr. Phil.  And he’s right…!!

You’re all very lucky in fact.  Many people never have anything put in front of them by the universe to challenge them.  These people I call energetic cogs.  They’re carry-over souls who basically come here to take up space and help the universe balance energy.  Kind of like dead-weight in a way.  They peak at 18 or 20 and that’s their life.  They go to work each day and see very few challenges except maybe an over-extended mortgage and to make a long boring story very short, then they die and move on into the next life, where it’ll likely be much the same for them as they were not challenged to grow in this current one.  They have no real destiny.  They’re the cones on the freeway.  While this may sound cruel, it’s not.  They’re background extras in the movie of life.  Every movie needs extras.  They balance energy.  It’s a good analogy in fact.  If not for the extras the start wouldn’t be anything special.  If not for the extras the star would be walking down an empty street, and that just wouldn’t look right.  It would look out of balance.

Let’s be philosophical for a moment…  I talk a lot about you finding your self-worth and the lessons the DF needs to learn etc.  Think about it for a moment.  Think about how grateful you all should be to your runners.  These are all lessons you never would have learned without your runner DM.  Without them you never would addressed your past pain, the stuff you swept under the carpet.  You also never would have found me for example.  You wouldn’t be reading this article or watching my readings.  You’d be like “Steve who?”  More importantly, without  your runner you also would still be in the same emotionally immature place you were, giving love to people who do not reciprocate it back to you.

But I argue energy flows two-ways.  It always does.  Yes one side is slower sometimes but the same philosophies apply to the DM side with regard to YOU.  Without you they would not be facing their past pains either.  Even if they are in more denial about all that than the DF is that’s not the DF’s concern.  That’s the universe’s concern.  The DF’s concern is the DF.  What the DF learned is to put themselves first.  The DM is slow to figure this out, and generally in the energy is sitting in the status-quo as I like to say.  They saw the connection as an inconvenience, as something to run from, but that’s because they needed to learn what the connection showed them or forced them to look at.

But at the end of the day I chose that specific lyric from “Time in a bottle” for both the DF and the DM side.  Because, and take it from me as I have much experience here…… One day, maybe not today, but one day if you learn your lessons and you find that Empress within…  If you find your true-self buried deep in your soul.  Whether your runner ever shows back up and you live happily ever after or not isn’t the issue, in fact it’s not even important to the whole process, and you’ll learn if that happens that it never really mattered anyway.  This is because if you find that Empress energy you’ll figure out one day exactly what Jim Croce did.  You’ll find that all of those wishes you had did in fact come true after all.  When you think back to this time, this point in your life you’ll appreciate it for what it was.  You’ll have that memory of a runner who if not for them none of the growth you experienced would have been possible.  And one day maybe much further down the road, the DM runner will figure it out too in relation to you.

The soul always wins in the end as I say.  But for some of the runners that win will come with a lot of regret attached.  Because unlike the song title.  Time does cannot be captured in a bottle.

My fondest hope you DFs  understand that problems only occur in soulmate connections, towers only happen, and it’s an unhappy ending shall we say, when we spend too much time worrying about someone coming in or reaching out, and not enough time understanding why that’s actually NOT important.

As for “Time in a bottle”, as an energy reader I need to understand the human construct of time.  Not because it’s important to the readings, but so I can forget it.  We can’t forget something we don’t know about.  I know… more philosophy..  Sorry….  It’s my thing….   Anyway back to the article…  This is because as I often say there’s no time in the energy.  Time is in it’s most simplest explanation a construct of man.  It’s us tracking cycles.  But they’re localized cycles.  The spin of the Earth, and the Earth’s spin around the sun.  But everything is energy, and energy is cycles, so really as an energy reader I need to understand and do, that cycles contain cycles within cycles withing cycles into infinity.  It’s a bit like those Russian dolls where you start with a big one and you keep taking them apart and there’s a smaller one, and yet again a smaller one as you do down deeper.  This concept is something that I need to understand to do the readings for you.  My intelligence and understanding of the science of what I’m doing and my studies of what this silly ability I have is, is where my true value to all of you lies.

But you as the viewer do not need to know the science on the level I do.  What YOU as the viewer need to understand is what I just explained above in complex terms simply boils down to ALL readings are timeless.  There is no time in the energy.  My April 2021 reading could be happening for you or someone else right now.  I might be pulling right now readings that happen for some of you in November of this year.  This is why if you’re new to my channel you should WATCH EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that calls to you.  No matter what the date is on it.  It makes NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE as I’ll explain below.

What happens with many viewers and frankly most people in this world today is they are sort of selfish.  Not always in a bad way, I mean to say they have a hard time separating themselves from themselves.  They think the readings are all about them, they don’t consider the cycle.  The soulmate cycle is a 12 year cycle.  Groups of people come in and out of the cycle at varying intervals.  Sometimes cycles even overlap.  So people from the previous cycle enter the new one etc.  What I’m saying is, when I pull a reading I often say something like, “you’re all on different timelines“.  And that’s true…  It’s all a bit like a freeway and its various on-ramps and exits etc.  Some of you are doing 80 MPH, so you’re way up the road and you get off the soulmate freeway at exit 50.  But on the same road at points that you already passed another person might be doing 40 MPH.  So they’re behind you and maybe they’re getting off at exit 60, so they’re going to be in it longer than you.  And yet another person is going faster than you at 90 MPH but they got on the freeway long after you did so they’re actually behind you but will likely may get off at exit 50 just like you did.

All of this makes doing mass general readings tricky.  Because the average Joe or Jane has no idea of such concepts.  These simplified versions of time distortion/dilation and cycles that I’ve laid out here for you…. in their truth mathematical forms boggle even the greatest scientists and mathematicians.

What happens with many viewers of the readings is they immediately watch the reading and think this isn’t for them, or that it’s not.  The truth is folks, every reading is for you.  It might be you in the future for all you know.  Again, you don’t know what you don’t know, and while it may boggle your mind everything including your future and past are all happening at the same time.  And I might add both your future and your past are sending you messages.  For all you know your future self is trying to get you to hear something, and it’s putting a reading in front of you to do that.

We have a lot of new people on the channel.  A whole wave of them is entering this soulmate cycle around the time the sun moves into Pisces.  I already made that prediction back in November or so on a video.  And I said they might be showing up early.   I told readers to expect a jump in subscribers.  Well, they’re already arriving in fact.  I’ve seen the spike in subscribers on my channel.  In fact we jumped from 62K subscribers on Tuesday to 65K by Friday.

The above said, I’m writing this article so we’re all on the same page.  I’m hoping some of those NEW arrivals see this article.  Because you might not be where my readings are right now yet.  I’m tracking the soulmate cycle on my channel.  I’m not the usual YouTube channel.  I’m here to study the soulmate cycle.  So I’m driving on that freeway with you all.  Only I’m taking metaphorical pictures a long the way.  lol…   My point being all of the readings on the channel are timeless, for the reasons I’ve already stated here in this article.

If you don’t understand the science, no big deal.  It’s not your job to.  All you need to understand is ALL READINGS ARE TIMELESS.  Energy is cycles.  While the surrounding energy usually changes based on given astrology at the time, the core energy remains the same and comes back around.  Everything is energy, and energy is cycles.  Cycles repeat.  But as I said only the core energy usually.  The surrounding energy differs a bit.  This is why for some maybe my June 2021 reading didn’t resonate at the time, but it might right now as some of that energy is cycling around.  It’s also why the current soulmate cycle is similar to the last time it occurred.  This current soulmate cycle’s twin happened last during WWII.  The core energy is the same.  But the surrounding energies are different, the astrology isn’t exactly the same etc.  So WWII forced great separations..  Well so did COVID a World Pandemic.  Similar but not identical.  Think of it more as fraternal twin cycles instead of identical twin cycles.

All of this is complex, and I can’t take down any more levels than I have.  We’re already at Big Bird level with the science.  I’ve explained it on a 6th grade level which is what the Science channel does by the way.  While it’s easy for my brain to keep track of it all, it’s not easy for everyone to.  But you don’t have to understand what I must understand.  You simply have to understand that our clocks and calendars are human things.  Humans are tiny….  tiny ….. tiny…. little nothings to the energy of the universe.  There is no clock or calendar in the energy.  Yes I can ask the universe for a time-frame for the viewers, and even explain what I want by visualizing the Earth’s placement around the sun but it’s always fluid even when we do that.

Think of it as going to the mechanic.  When you pick up your car the mechanic doesn’t go into graphic detail about everything he did.  Talking about clutch pressure plates and this and that.  No…. he or she knows their job and you trust them to do it.  I know my job, and I know my shit.  That’s the value you get at SLT.

All you as the viewer need to understand is that every reading is timeless and worth watching if the title resonates with you no matter what the date is on it.  Cycles within cycles within cycles.  Energy is complex, and even the New Moon reading I pull on Sunday the 30th of January 2022 could be for someone 2 months, 2 years, or even 10 or 12 years from now, or 10 years ago even.  Because you’re all at different points on the same road.  And yes…. your readings are all about you, because you’re concerned about YOUR situation.  I get that…. But not unlike the freeway we drive on, while you may be focused on driving YOUR car, BUT you also must pay attention and understand that there are also OTHER cars around you.  It’s not every man or woman for themselves in a soulmate cycle or even in life is my point.  We’re all connected and every one of us matters.  Helping one another through the cycle is a way of helping the universe balance the energy it’s trying to balance.  And while she may be a fickle old gal….  And often reminds me of R2D2…  She’s also a very appreciative and generous old gal when given some help.

One very powerful way of giving the fickle old gal help in balancing energy is through gratitude.  It’s a powerful energy.  The Jim Croce verse I offered up at the beginning of this article expresses gratitude beautifully in fact.
