Alley Cats

This article is a bit of psychology 101.  It’s also while a story from my real-life a principle that applies to much of what I pick up in the energies around your runner soulmates.  Sometimes on video I mention my neighbor.  I say all kinds of things.  I say he’s an asshole, and he’s low vibration etc.  And all of that is true!  But there’s a deeper issue with this person which is why I often feel sorry for him rather than yell at him and call him a fucker.

Sometimes in life our world can become small.  The soul wants to live its true-purpose, it’s vast, expansive, and eternal.  But many times and frankly for most people obligations or expectations put upon us by others such as family or career etc. cage our souls as I like to say.  For instance someone might be a free-spirit in their soul, yet in the 3D they’re forced by these “obligations” and “expectations” to live a life that’s quite contrary to their soul’s free-spirited nature.  Often this caged soul manifests in the 3D as outbursts, anxiety, depression, overthinking, and in the case of my neighbor something that’s rather psychotic in nature.  I don’t mean psychotic in a serial-killer sort of way.  No, I mean psychotic in a sad pathetic sort of way.

In the realm of your soulmate connections there is indeed “psychotic” behavior at play, mostly on the runner side, but a little on both sides.  That behavior usually manifests on the runner side as spying.  Spying is negative energy, and it’s psychotic.  In fact it’s actually illegal in the 3D.  You can’t peep in your neighbor’s window for example.  Yet online it’s quite common.  But offline in your soulmate situation’s case for some of you it shows itself as a drive-by your house, or them showing up places under the guise of “by accident”.  All of that is psychotic in nature.

But a caged soul can also make someone an asshole.  And that’s where my neighbor comes in.  His world is small.  His energy however is big, and sadly it’s very caged.  In his youth he did shit, he had adventures.  Now, he lives alone in a shitty little house that overlooks an alley.  His behavior having driven away anyone that would possibly love him.  We need love to survive, it’s essential.  Even a hug is very powerful energy.  Having said that, yes our soul needs love to survive, but ideally that love energy needs to come from another person, or a pet at the very least, or something that helps others as a soul’s purpose.  Not however, an alley.!!  When it’s an object it can become an obsession, which is devil energy.

That alley I spoke of has become my neighbor’s whole world.  He loves that alley.  In fact he’s actually told me that he “loves the alley”.  It’s what he wakes up to every day.  He polices it like it’s nirvana on Earth.  Me, and the rest of us, see it as an entrance way to our garages and/or driveways etc.  It’s actually a pretty ugly, shitty alley if I’m honest.  It’s walked on a daily basis by homeless people, or people passing through, or work crews doing their jobs..  It’s often covered in litter.  But once a week a city comes and sweeps it all up.  But that’s not good enough for my neighbor.  Because he loves that alley.  It has become his whole world.

In psychology-speak because his soul is caged he’s adopted some obsession and along with it the usual anger-management issues.  Because the soul isn’t satisfied with love being given to an alley, which cannot give back.  Energy requires reciprocation to flow.  Anyway, as always with this behavior it has led in his case to the the usual passive-aggressiveness.  This is because in his soul he’s a free-spirit.  Free-spirits let things roll off them like water off a duck’s back as they say.  They also give and receive love freely.  But his soul is caged, the love spigot is shut down.  His world small..

Passive-aggressive behavior is a red-flag.  When I see it in someone, I always take a closer look at them.  This is because it can lead to deeper more psychotic behaviors.  It always masks a deeper issue regardless.  Yes,,,, his soul is caged..  But that’s his problem.  Or is it?  Because people like this lash-out and make their problem other people’s as well.  They do impulsive things in a moment of outburst or rage.  These outbursts are usually the product of fears.  In other words an inner-knowing of how caged they are and how small their world has become.  Meaning, the person feels they could be so much more than what they are, yet they do nothing about it, which in-turn creates an inner frustration of sorts.

In the case of your soulmates this often manifests as them casting you off.  But I assure you the moment they do that, deep down inside, their is instant regret.  This is because of that “inner-knowing” that I just mentioned.

In the case of my neighbor his love of the alley has become an issue.  He doesn’t like that my soul isn’t caged.  He sees my life and how I live it and deep down wishes he was doing the same.  But rather than do anything about it he lashes out.

Everyone knows I take walks.  Hell millions of people know in fact, because I mention it on videos.  Walking is healthy, and it keeps the brain sharp.  Plus I like the fresh-air, and we have a lot of cool wildlife in the neighborhood.  Because my psycho neighbor sees me waling all the time he’s got it in his head that much of that litter in the alley he loves so much is my doing.  Oh, did I mention people with this issue also fixate??  Yeah… they do…

He LOVES that alley remember.   His anger issues have spread to external passive-aggressive behavior and did some time ago.  But now that behavior is becoming mildly psychotic.  He loves the alley, and he knows I like my car.  So the other night in the dark he picked up a bunch of trash from the alley and left it on the roof of my car.  He’s done this before.  He did it once with orange peels.  He sees me eating oranges and assumes rather falsely that I’m the only one in southern California who eats them.  So all orange peels he finds must be mine.  Yes, I say sarcastically, I alone am keeping the orange groves in business.  lol  … Me being me, I’m well aware of his motives for doing this.  Some might ask, “why would he do that to your car?”  Well the answer is in the bible actually.  It’s an eye for an eye.  Which by the way is one of the most misinterpreted bible passages.  LOL..  He loves the alley, so he figures (falsely of course) if I’m going to litter on something he loves, he would litter on something I love.  It’s a psychotic way to view things, and it’s actually on a higher level how many of the stories on Dateline and 20/20 begin.  lol

I’ve confronted him about the orange peels he places on the roof of my car in the past.  And when I did he revealed himself for what he’s become.  Which is basically a passive-aggressive caged soul asshole.  They always lie for reasons I’ll explain.  So yes, he lied and thought he would be clever, or thought I was stupid, one or the other, and said, “the wind must have blown them up there.”.  Yes… yes… the wind blew random orange peels from 3 different oranges into a perfect pile on my roof.. REALLY?!!

So with his latest incident the other day of leaving garbage on the roof of my car, garbage that wasn’t mine by the way.  I put a camera on the car.  Not because I wasn’t sure it was him doing this, but because I’m concerned that it will escalate.  I’m concerned because it has escalated already.  Now!!!! I’m not just responsible for orange peels, but I’m also the source of all litter in the alley that he loves.  It’s like his wife or something.

Passive-aggressive behavior is dangerous.  It’s like a gate-way drug.  It leads to bigger things.  It’s a cry for help in many ways, and when paired with lying about it when confronted it is a sign of psychosis setting in.  It’s becomes pathological.  In other words he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing.  He doesn’t acknowledge even to himself that he’s doing it.  In fact he believes his own lie when he claims he’s not.

I’m not going to show him the video of him doing it.  The video is for the police if it continues or escalates.  The reason I’m not showing him the video is because if I do he may react in a violent way.  I’m in effect showing him something that he himself is doing on auto-pilot of sorts..  Nothing good comes of confronting someone about their passive-aggressive behavior.  I did confront him about the garbage on the roof of my car.  I didn’t mention the video.  He in true psycho fashion offered to help me find the culprit.  Sort of like the killer helping the police, which is a common theme on TV and in movies.  This offering to help find the culprit was a sign to me that this person is pretty far gone.  Which is why if it happens again it’s a matter for the police.  Because I myself just pity the man really.

All of this is no big deal, I don’t think he’s an ax-murderer.  Just a sad man with a caged soul.  But caged souls are dangerous.  And many of you are dealing with soulmates whose soul is caged.  The Leo angle in particular is heavy on this.  I call their person’s soul “The Hulk”.  Every time I pull a reading on that angle or sign I feel that person’s pain deep down.

I often say you’re all lucky to be in the soulmate cycle.  And even if you’re not in it, you’re lucky to still benefit from the experience and the learning and growth it has to offer.  Whether it’s you or your runner you both have a benefit, a gift that my neighbor doesn’t have.  You all have the gift of energies trying to help you change and grow.  My neighbor does not.  He’s not part of any cycle.  In fact his energy is in a loop, as most people’s are.  It just goes around and around.  Basically he’s killing time until he dies.  He has no soul purpose because his soul is buried in concrete with not much hope of getting free.  Not at his age anyway which is 60’s or early 70’s.  He blew it in this life.  He made the wrong soul choices, and ended up in the end a psychotic passive-aggressive, living alone, loving only an alley.  And through that psychosis, falsely accusing yours truly of being a litter-bug..

People don’t cross my path without purpose.  I always say that.  And yes I’m aware the universe wants me to help him.  So I am!!  I’m doing everything as the energy flows.  I know not to show him the video.  I’m also playing along and letting him help me find the “culprit”.  LOL..

So if you’re one of the people who thinks even for a second that you’re being punished by being part of this rather difficult soulmate cycle.  STOP IT!!!

You’re very lucky!!  Whether your soulmate runner figures it out or not isn’t your problem.  YOU only have a problem if YOU don’t figure it out.  If YOU don’t find your self-worth, your Empress energy.  You have a problem is you repeat a past mistake and give your love away to someone who’s incapable of returning it to you.  Learn your lessons, worry about your side of the fence.  Anything that’s meant to be will be.  Leave the door open, because we must be open.  But the Empress picks and chooses.  He or she casts off anything that comes through that door that doesn’t meet his or her standards.  By finding that inner Empress, i.e. your self-worth that lives deep in that soul of yours you’ll prevent future pain, live a better life, attract anything you want to you.

AND most importantly…. you won’t be a lonely psychotic dumb-shit who falls in love with an alley…
