The past is gone! (but is it really?)

Why does shit happen to us in life?  Why do we need to “learn lessons all the damn time?  The real question is why do most people allow all that “shit” to hinder them by not learning the lessons on offer?  The fact is many people delay or alter their own destiny by NOT learning from the past.  They either hide their head in the sand or sweep the past under the proverbial carpet, or they allow the past to dictate and in most cases limit their future by not only failing to learn the lessons on offer, but for many it’s also a case of missing the point of the whole past experience in the first place.  Everything happens for a reason.  The trick sometimes is in figuring out that reason.  And my point is many don’t even bother.  The biggest mistake is one people often make which is one of using the past as a “template” for the future rather than what it’s supposed to be which is a “guideline” for it.

As a prime example many of you reading this were hurt by someone.  Someone who in some way which you can apply to your situation had past pain which they never addressed and that in-turn as it always does created disorders and complexes of sorts within them.  Resulting in you being basically cast off because of what someone else did to them, or in some cases many someones.

The lesson for the victim (you) of this behavior to take away is most definitely NOT to shut down and never let anyone else in.  It’s also NOT to pine your life away.  Let’s say for example you used to date a drummer.  That drummer was an asshole who hurt you, cut you deeply.  Then a year or two down the road you meet another drummer.  But you cast this person off saying to yourself, “oh I’m not going through that hell again!!”.  Well.. wait a second, what hell is that exactly?  And why are you prejudging this situation?  Fact is that’s a failed lesson.  A great big “F” on your test.  Because the new drummer isn’t the same as the old drummer.  There is no 1:1 correlation between the two other than body parts and a hobby or job, although in this example that hobby or job comes with some stereotypes attached to it, they’re just stereotypes.

My simple point here is the past should be used as a guideline, a yellow light, NOT a red light!!  What you should do is if you like this new drummer compare them to the old drummer yes… BUT compare them from a neutral perspective.  A perspective of giving people a chance to fail, rather than failing them straight away..  I used to see this all the time at school with siblings.  A teacher who had the older sibling years prior and had a bad experience with them would often take it out on the younger sibling who showed up a couple years later.  Asking the question to the younger student, “is so and so your brother or sister?”  Just because the older one was a jackass doesn’t mean the younger one will be too.  In fact in most cases they’re not the same.  But that’s human nature.  We make assumptions, usually based on facts not in evidence or facts we “think” we have in evidence.  This psychological factor is a big part of what’s wrong with the world today, but on a personal note as it applies to all of you it’s a lesson in taking your lessons and gaining wisdom from past experience and applying it in an unbiased way to protect yourself but not limit yourself.  Because in the case of our drummer analogy the NEW drummer isn’t the old drummer, and the new was likely put in front of you by the universe as a test.  Granted that test can go either way, it could be a test to see if you put your heart in the meat-grinder again, but it could equally be a test to see if you act in the same manor as the very person who hurt you way back at the beginning of it all.  What we often call “the Burger King”.  lol  Generally the universe gives us tests in a positive direction more than it does in the  negative.  Meaning the universe says…”here’s a good one, a second chance, what are you going to do?”  I’ll be honest with you, most people actually fail this test, and they become the cause of their own problems in doing so.  Because rejecting a gift from the universe usually results in some karma, i.e. a tower moment.  In the case of many of your soulmate situations your person failed the test!!  They manifested someone good and got someone good i.e. YOU!  And because of the bad that happened to them in the past they ran from it, thus failing the test.

Technically the past is gone, (well not really but that’s a topic for another article).  Everything that happens to you contains something to learn within it.  It all happens for a reason.  This is NOT a random universe we live in.  That learning is why we’re here in the 3D.  It’s a learning experience.  It’s not supposed to be misery though.  Life is supposed to be fun, and give us the chance to acquire additional wisdom and in the process evolve our energy.  Which we then take forward into new lives and grow it more etc.

Based on recent readings the universe seems concerned about this topic so let me say this.  If you meet someone new and you allow your pain from the past person to infect you, then you in affect have become the living embodiment of your past person who hurt you.  You’ve done to someone else what they did to you in many ways, which is not cool, it’s shitty.  “Do unto others as you’d have done to you”.  So STOP IT!!  Don’t do that!!  Go into everything with an open heart and neutral energy with no expectations.  Especially if you like this new person, and your intuition is pushing you towards them.

Fear holds us back in life, fears are often the product of past lessons not properly learned or nonsense our parents or family put in our heads from our earliest memories.  Make damn sure you give everyone within reason a chance to fail before you fail them.  Obviously if they introduce themselves as Bob the serial killer you might want to not be so nice, but assuming they’re a decent regular human being try to be cool.  Because everyone has something to teach you, and it’s those lessons both good and bad that make life worth living.

In closing you always have the option to ignore your lessons in life and just wallow in pain, not learn anything, and die alone with cats in a 1 bedroom by the airport with an open half-eaten bag of Cheetos sprawled out across your chest from your collapse.

BUT if you do learn your lessons as many of you are and you get some HOT first dates may I offer a word of advice…  For fuck’s sake if you don’t want to die as described above DO NOT scare away new suitors with crazy-talk about a twin-flame soulmate connection etched in the fabric of the universe itself that is destined for your future so the two souls can be whole again.  And for god’s sake don’t mention an energy reader named Steve who works with a laughing parrot named after Ian Fleming who speaks of fickle old gals, destiny, and cats that drive cars.

If you do mention any or all of the above and you’re on a date with someone new.  My suggestion is to make damn sure you’ve already ordered first.  Might as well get a free meal out of it because after that kind of crazy shit comes out of your mouth that person’s dick (or puss) chakra is staying closed.   LOL

—- Cheers