The Last Dance with Pluto in Capricorn

The Last Dance with Pluto in Capricorn (one more time to kill the pain) is a fitting title for this article because it really is my last chance to talk about this important energy as it won’t be back until around the year 2256.  I’ll be pulling and posting the Pluto Direct in Capricorn reading on Thursday the 10th of October.  On the 11th Pluto officially goes direct in Capricorn for the last time in any of our lifetimes.  It leaves Capricorn on November 19, 2024 and we won’t see the return of this very special revolutionary energy until around the year 2256.

That said, I think it’s worth me saying a few words about this transit of Pluto through Capricorn which began way back in 2008.  And maybe I can share some thoughts as to why so many philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, environmentalists, feminists, racial leaders, astrologers, and frankly anyone with an IQ above 130 is horribly disappointed with society,  i.e. why this transit that was supposed to be so special ended up being an epic failure.

Many people had high hopes for Pluto in Capricorn back in 2008 when it began.  And for good reason, it should have been a spectacular transit.  The surrounding energies were set up perfectly for some real growth to occur.  In fact a couple astrologers even wrote books about it.  Oh the buzz was exciting.  We had as a society a real chance at success with this Pluto/Capricorn energy.  But something went wrong…..

Honestly we were supposed to by now be much further along and more evolved as a society than we currently are.  But as many philosophers, brave astrologers who aren’t afraid to risk their following, and me (who really doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks) have noticed, we’ve strayed.  We made selfish, superficial and downright poor free-will decisions as a society.  We opted for the junk-food devil energy, over the angel food good stuff.

So what happened??  It all began with Pluto entering Capricorn with a mess in the housing market happening thanks to greed and banks and other lenders drenched in devil energy taking advantage of lower income folks.  The greed had set in some time prior to 2007 of course, but it certainly peaked at the tail-end of Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius. Then as Pluto set into Capricorn there was hope.  But something went wrong.. We got distracted by the bright lights of technology, enamored with celebrity, and worse yet CEO billionaire types.  We began to put the wrong people on pedestals, believing that success or fame makes someone special or somehow all knowing, or worse yet “good” in some way.  Which isn’t true most of the time.  Power corrupts, and if popularity energy is allowed to run amok it can make a person delusional with god complex syndrome, dissipative disorders, and narcissism etc..

The energy around us tried to show us time and time again that we were heading the wrong way, backing the wrong horses.

During Pluto’s once in 10 generations transit through the epic energy of Capricorn we had a chance to become greater than what we had ever been.  We had a chance to save the planet on many levels.  Boy did we blow that!! We are way beyond the tipping point and we’re already seeing the signs of it.  The Earth will be kicking our ass worse and worse each year going forward no matter how many electric cars you buy or cans you recycle.  We’re only a couple years away from the birth of the Cat 6 hurricane and 140 degree summertime temps in spots.

Beyond that we had a chance to develop more empathy as a society.  Did we do that??? Nope, we got meaner and hate energy spread like a pandemic.  Pluto in Capricorn also gave us the chance to get educated.  Information of all kinds opened up.  The rise of smartphones and social media should have heralded in a great era of discovery.  An era where the common man, the average Joe or Jane if you will could talk to and learn from people all over the world.  It was supposed to bring us together like no other thing that ever existed had.  Instead even that energy backfired and social media ended up becoming the problem, what psychologists call, “the failed social experiment”.  Instead of the uniting savior, social media divided us.  And divided we fell.  It became a world of finger pointers, egged on by power hungry narcissists who benefit if we all dislike each other.  Social media became a bastion for low vibration my way or the highway types, racism, and people with a warped view of what free-speech spouting off their dangerous lie first fact check later bull shit.  Social media also saw the rise of the influencers, many of which from what I’ve seen have an IQ barely above that of a squirrel.  Which would be fine if they weren’t “influencing” our fucking children and some adults too sadly.

All in all Pluto in Capricorn was an energy that contained a lot of opportunity within it.  I and many of you I’m sure took those opportunities and thrived because of them in various areas of life.  The opportunity energy was available on an individual basis or societal.  While I and many of you may have used this energy properly, society as a whole wasted it for the most part.  Pluto in Capricorn become a calling card for the decline of western civilization. Instead of getting smarter as Pluto in Capricorn’s energy intended, we got dumber, greedier, more materialistic, and sadly much more racist and sexist as a society.  We didn’t end up evolving at all.  We devolved in fact.

I won’t even go there with how much we fucked up on the political side.  But I can’t leave it out because on one hand it’s frightening, and on the other hand it’s quite sad.

Pluto in Capricorn is about truth, but in an equal and opposite reaction lie energy is there and can prevail, as I always say, both energies are always present.  It’s up to our free-will which way we go.  And it seems we went with lies.

Just to give you some juxtaposition.  I recall 20 years ago in 2004 Howard Dead was removed as a front-runner for president because he got a little too enthusiastic on the campaign trail and did a good ol’ Yee Haw on stage.  Yup 20 years ago way before Pluto was in Capricorn “Yee Haw’ing” too loud would be enough to ruin your chances of becoming president.  Now apparently all bets are off??!!  From the party that once gave us “Justifiable rape” back in 2012 now you can also grab women by the pussy, be convicted of sexual assault then claim to be the protector of women, you can put an entire city in danger with a lie about cats being eaten on national television.  And also plan your campaign around your court dates.  So yeah we’ve come a long long way from a well placed good ol’ southern “Yee haw” being enough to get one kicked off the campaign trail.

Most people don’t remember Howard Dean, I bet most of you reading this didn’t in fact.  This is because the public has a short memory, and politicians count on that.  That short memory is actually how new normals get started.  We just seem to be starting the wrong kind of new normals is all…

At the end of the day we were supposed to do better.  Pluto in Capricorn was our great hope.  Now what??  Now we’ve got Pluto in Aquarius to look forward to which unfortunately for us is all about eating the karma from the shit we did while Pluto was in Capricorn.  Which would have been good karma had we not fucked up so badly.  Now we’re going to have some messes to clean up.  Messes that may remain well into the 2040’s when Pluto moves into creative and restorative Pisces.

So yeah we fucked up.  I’m sorry but we’ve devolved.  I’m not the only observer who’s noticed it.  I could turn any of the examples in this article into 10 page essays quite easily.

Admittedly even my timeline reads from back in 2008 at the beginning of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn showed two paths.  But I like many others didn’t believe we would actually go down the bad path.  It read so crazy I remember thinking it was highly unlikely.  I mean I can’t predict free-will, no one can, but for fuck’s sake who could have predicted influencers, justifiable rape, and they’re eating the cats and dogs!!?..  And honestly I could have listed over 150 things there..  I just chose those few because they’re all really nuts…

After a once in 10 generations transit of Pluto through revolutionary Capricorn we should at least be able to tell the difference between substance and fluff, or at least right and wrong.  And it seems that we can’t.  In fact we’re so bad at it, we’re so deep in the devil junk-food energy we’ve got energetic diabetes as a society…

Which leads me to my upcoming reading on Pluto’s upcoming direct motion for the final time in Capricorn.  The last dance with Pluto in Capricorn brings us a rare once in 20 generations opportunity to redeem ourselves as a society and get it right.  We can pull a last minute at the buzzer win out of a total loss.

Pluto will be dumping the last of its Capricorn energy between October 11th and November 19th 2024.  I call it an energy-dump, and this is something that usually happens when one of the larger outer planets changes signs.  This energy-dump gives us one final chance to get it together.  To pull up our collective big boy and big girl pants and start making some wiser decisions.

I’ve only been on YouTube for part of this Pluto in Capricorn transit, but I’ve done my best to try to help and slip in some tips.  Tips like “people that like power don’t want you to be free, because your freedom limits their power.”  This applies in politics or in the soulmate cycle which is a direct refection of societal energies anyway.  The Burger King, (King of wands) that the DM always shows up as wants things “their way”.  The King of wands is an ego-based energy that loves power.  My neighbor is a King of wands and his ego is so big he can’t even bring himself to admit he rents.  Someone once asked him if he rented or owned and his response was “yeah we’re here.”  Totally blew-off the question like a King of wands always does.  Especially if that question hurts their ego in some way.

That’s just one example of many.  But I figured I would point out that this is it.  October 11th to November 19th is Pluto’s final run, final energy-dump in Capricorn.  This is an energy that books were written about back in 07 and 08.  An energy that was supposed to change the world….   But I would argue that it did change the world.  Just not in the direction everyone hoped or maybe foolishly expected.

So why do we make these mistakes as a society?  As I say, energies provide an opportunity, and both polarities are always present.  i.e. Angel, and Devil, positive and negative…  We always have free-will to decide which one we choose.  The thing is with most of planet Earth being filled with easily flattered and thus easily manipulated ego based low vibrational people, the junk-food of devil energy is almost always the predictable choice.  Just look at our eating habits as a society.  So I suppose back in 2008 we all should have seen this coming…

So we went the wrong way it seems…  So what??  Well…. we got one more shot at it, one blast of Pluto in Capricorn energy over the next month or so…  It’ll have some real kick to it.  Like a 10 gauge shotgun with a 3 and half inch magnum shell in the chamber.

So let’s take our shot, and let’s not fuck it up..  While our personal choices may be more of a short-term hold.  On the societal side the karma phase of Pluto in Aquarius lasts well into the 2040’s… My fingers and toes are crossed for society and the human race.  Just remember, real change begins at home.  So focus on YOU first.

The upcoming Pluto direct transit through Capricorn should provide a great deal of clarity.  It doesn’t tell you what to do or where to go or even who to vote for any more than I do.  Its job not unlike mine is to point out some things.  To offer you some clear observations.

So….  One last time…. Pluto in Capricorn will simply ask….. “are you sure?”   …. That said, I don’t personally care what you choose to do, or think, or even who you choose to vote for.  I couldn’t give two shits.  All I’m saying is whatever direction you choose, or choices you make…. make damn sure you’re sure.
