Yes Virginia there is a God – (But sadly Santa is bullshit)

I get asked by many people if I believe in God. This is likely because of the way I am with me being rather “unique” in skill-set shall we say. It’s understandable on some level. I can see how it might seem that I think there is only “the universe”. This false notion is fueled by new-age websites and strange books written by people who are not like me who for the most part have no real ability to see or feel any kind of presence or energy on a high level. There’s one guy on YouTube with 70K followers who seems to have invented his own laws of physics and how souls and the universe interplay together. He had over 100K followers a year or two ago, but it dropped to 70K when he kind of lost his mind and got a little as I say “kooky” with it.  I find this all very frightening because his remaining followers actually believe what this fool is saying. People like YouTube guy give the real-deal people like me who exist a bad name, making us seem like kooks even though most of what WE say is backed up by real science and mathematics. I have a vast understanding of what I can do and how I can do it, its been a lifelong process of discovery. I also have a vast understanding of science and advanced mathematics. YouTube guy took a learning annex course on new-age philosophy and now his remaining 70K people are listening to this fool. It makes me sad it truly does.

I chose a unique path for my life, people like me of which there aren’t many on the planet are usually profilers or some sort of negotiator because of our ability to literally read people. And yes I do know the definition of the word “literally”. Not just any profiler though, no people like me are easy to spot in that role, they’re the ones who stand out, they go way beyond the course book offered to the rest of the average Joe recruits. TV movies of the week are made about them as they can somehow find the bad guy and call them on their shit as though they were there with them when their crimes were committed.  People like me usually choose creative outlets to help channel our talents and more importantly keep them in line and balanced.  Me, well I cook a bit, and I play the guitar, drums, bass, and triangle.  Fun-fact:  I was second triangle in my 3rd grade chorus.

Music always called to me, it has always been there, and when I first picked up a guitar at age 5 I actually knew 3 chords right out of the box, which my father who also played guitar was endlessly baffled by. He used to tell people when he’d had a few beers “when he picked the thing up it was like magic or something, he just began to play.” I believe and know now based on my years of experience being me that I likely had some residual energy still residing inside me from my previous lifetime. That energy likely belonged to a musician of some sort. Past-life energy can sometimes remain with us in the new vessel until about age 7. There are countless credible stories of this happening, including one boy born in the 60’s who was shot down in WWII and actually remember his whole family. At age 5 or 6 he wrote down not only his name and who he was in his previous life but the names of his family as well, and through research with a little help from his baffled parents he actually went to visit that family. The energy faded for him as he grew older, which as I said is typical. These concepts are very real, and actually rooted in real physics.

I can safely tell you most people are oblivious to what’s going on around them, they live a very 3D life, trapped in a way in their ego or mind.  There is much more to life than what you can pick up with your limited 5 senses. There are people like me that may have an extra gene activated or something along those lines who can sense some of these things.  It’s really as simple as that from a scientific perspective, no hokus-pokus, no weird new-age crap, it’s science plain and simple.  My love and fascination for birds of prey which many of you know about goes way beyond liking them and just thinking they’re neat. When I was 6 I had a Kestrel, her name was Panama Red, (a popular weed available at the time, my parents were avid pot smokers and my dad named the bird… lol….) and I noticed she could see the same things I could see. She noticed certain things that I thought only I could pick up on.  A lot of birds can do this including Parrots by the way. Interestingly it turns out hawks and owls can actually read and feel the energy around their prey. They have a gene that’s activated which allows them to do this. It’s part of my lifelong fascination and kinship of sorts with them. So again, these things are real, but kooks on YouTube and who write new-age sites have made it such that people like me are misunderstood by the “general public”. We’re lumped in with those fools with their fairy stories and voices in their head, so most who are like me keep quiet about it who and what we are and what we can do.   Sort of like a secret identity.  But we use our “very real” abilities to gain an advantage over others in life.  As for the general public,,,, Well….. People assume things, we tend to lump people into groups of our own sorting, it’s one of our worst traits by the way.

One thing people assume is that I don’t believe in God and they think that my beliefs can’t possibly mesh with their religion. That’s bollocks!!  In fact as I’ll prove in the coming paragraphs this is NOT the case at all.  Most of the main religions have it right, they just tell it in a way that can be more easily understood by the masses.  They tell it through stories.  Keep in mind as well that most of those texts were written in a time where if you were to go back there with something as simple as a ball point pen in your pocket, you would have been considered a “god”!

So what of “God” you may ask?  I think people get confused and think if I believe in the universe or science I can’t believe in a god.  Well first off everyone should believe in the universe our government spends Billions researching it and it’s right up there in the sky, you literally can’t miss it. LOL.. I’m always a bit surprised by this non-belief in either energy or the universe.  I usually write those people off as just plain fucking stupid, asking “do you think your toaster runs on magic?”  lol  Anyway my annoyance with the stupidity of some people aside the answer to the God question is I in fact DO believe in God, in fact I know for a fact that there is a God, no “belief” or “faith” is necessary on my part.

Every energy reader knows this to be true.  Now to be clear and to not create any confusion I don’t talk to God! I’m not that silly moron YouTube guy I spoke of!!! I don’t know there’s a God because he comes over on Thursday nights for beer and pizza. That would be indicative of a brain tumor for which I would need to be rushed into emergency surgery. I know there’s a God as do most people who are like me because its presence is all around us. I/we can’t help but feel it. It’s like an omnipresent static energy that runs through everything and touches all of us. Though what specifically “God” is I do not know, nobody does yet in fact. But we all want to figure it out.  My guess is it’s both a creating and protecting energy of some sort.  It’s the boss, the governing energy if you will.

Some often get confused and think I believe “the universe” is god. NO I do not believe that. The universe or river as people like me call is NOT God; the river is simply a data flow of energy as a simple explanation. God takes on many forms in many different religions. I’ve studied most of the main religions extensively, And to be clear when I say I study or research something it’s not like when some lazy slacker in school reads the cliff notes to pass a book test.  NO, I assure you when I research something it’s way beyond simply reading something once or god forbid searching the internet for information.  No I’m obsessive about it.  I’ve traveled to libraries around the world to find rare books on things I research. Yeah I do crazy shit like that. I typically read everything I can 3 times on the low-end for comprehension and retention purposes, and then from there I usually do my own further analysis. Being Italian I of course was raised Catholic. Which is why it’s funny when people write into me and quote bible passages as me being a tarot reader flies in the face of them.  That tells me right off they either haven’t read the bible, or they can’t comprehend it.  Because nothing could be further from the truth.  I’m very well versed in the bible in fact, (been slapped by a few nuns even, mental note, quick witted little boys are not well received by the Catholic religion.. end mental note)

Point being it’s best not to make assumptions about my beliefs simply because I talk about energy and rivers and the universe. In fact I’m quite unique in that I talk only about things I know to be true.  I talk ONLY about things I’ve studied or have personally either seen or felt that I can offer a hypothesis on. Whereas by contrast most people in this world especially on the internet just make shit up as they go and talk out their asses. LOL Truth is it’s a fool’s move to make assumptions about anyone in the first place.  Let people talk, then view their actions.  It will show you how full of shit they are.  I personally would never try to change anyone’s belief system. Believe what you want to believe and I’ll respect the hell out of you for it, as long as you also respect my beliefs and me in return.

So what is this God energy? I’m inclined to agree with the late great comedian George Carlin with his old bit where he talks about the “invisible man in the sky”.. He has a point, there is no invisible man in the sky.  The whole bit about us being made in god’s image is just human being’s ego putting them on a dangerous pedestal.  The human race believes it’s some sort of omnipotent being of some kind.  The reality is we’re one of the universe’s biggest pains in the ass.  Mostly because we have free-will and we’re stubborn as fuck thus we’re constantly knocking energy out of balance, and the universe is JUST ENERGY, the whole damn thing, and ALL energy does is try to keep itself in balance.  The easiest example of this is mother nature, our eco-system here on Earth.  Think of that as the universe.  Then ask yourself how much have humans because of their greed mostly fucked that up?  The answer is A LOT!!  In fact we will go down in history as the first creature to ever exist on Earth that will be the cause of its own extinction.  Scientists know this and are working on plans to terraform Mars.  Not for farming, but because we’re going to need a new place to live one day.  Or should I say a new planet to ruin.  lol  I laugh but it’s the sad truth, all you need do is look around.  For example we cut down the rain forests at a rate of the area of the state of Rhode Island every day, so someone can make a fancy wood box or build a condo.  This action is dropping oxygen levels on the planet.  At the rate we’re going in about 100 to 150 years you’ll need to buy an oxygen tank to help you breath just to live on Earth.

So that’s human beings.  Again, believe what you like.  But if we are created in god’s image, he must be very disappointed and embarrassed to show his friends his creation.  I believe religions should not be taken “literally”, as they are worded to explain complex things in a manor all can understand.  The masses cannot understand the complexities of the universe.  Even the science channel uses cartoons and dumbs things down to a 6th grade level.  When the masses can’t understand something they usually react violently to it.  That ties to my “Spring-Break planet Earth” article where I talked about old souls passing Earth by leaving us with too many young ones.

BUT…. oddly most of what the religious texts explain based on my research is the exact same thing that people like me can see and understand and a lot of what science is just now catching up and figuring out.  I imagine must of the religious texts were written by people with some special skills.  I’m glad science found dark energy, but I hate to tell them I’ve known it was there since I was 4 years old. And the Hindus have known it was there for thousands of years.

But talking about a parallel energy grid system of dark energy flowing through an ion field isn’t really conducive to the common man following along, nor is it something for he or she to pray to or even fear as some religions require. Also most of the religious texts were written in a time when the people didn’t always understand what they were seeing around them and in the sky. For example what if they were to see a cellphone?  They may describe it as Nostradamus did when he described in one of his quatrains “people in the future talking to each other with rocks”, or holding rocks. He didn’t know what he was seeing in his projected image, so he described it as best he could with the knowledge he had in the time-period he lived in.  He likely pulled his future predicting data as did and still do countless other prophets and psychics from “the river” by the way.  The River is not just a great Bruce Springsteen album, it’s also what people like me, energy readers call, “the universe.”

My point here is God as I and other’s like me know it is energy of unimaginable power that not only created the universe (the river) but governs it as well. As I said we can feel it there, but we cant’ see it or touch it as we can with other forms of energy. The river or universe in-turn is where all of us and everything we see comes from. It’s the database of sorts. The river or universe contains all of the information and energy of everything that’s ever happened or ever will happen. Granted all of this is a lot more complex than what I’ve described here, I’m simplifying a lot so I don’t end up writing a 200 page article, and I’m also addressing a general audience.

It’s best to look at it like this. As with Lavoisier’s “Law of conservation of mass” energy cannot be created or destroyed. All of the energy ever created or that ever will be created already exists in the universe. (fyi. energy and mass inter-convert in this law) I and people like me and even science can’t see this “God” but we can feel it as an inexpiable omnipresence. It’s basically and to put it SIMPLY, an energy or energetic entity of some sort that governs the known universe. Think of it as the creator and executive producer of “The river” (universe) which as I said in-turn governs us, our fates, and timelines etc. The most anyone like me or some psychic can do is tap into the river.

The only thing we humans can do that appears to be able to “tap into God” oddly enough is prayer. I’m a firm believer in prayer actually, and I know that surprises many of you. I’m sure you expected an anti-prayer diatribe. No quite the opposite in fact. Often times I refer to it as “manifesting” or “manifestation”. Though those the terms prayer and manifesting are often defined differently on many websites the fact is they are the very same thing, and the same energy is produced. There is only one universe we live in folks.. LOL. We’re all praying to the same God energy source no matter what we believe in.  Call it manifesting, call it praying, call it Hooga-Booga I don’t care, it’s all the same thing.  Many new-age people have it wrong on their websites or god forbid YouTube videos. They think manifesting is “the universe” bringing you things. Yes that’s what happens as the end result if it’s done properly, but the universe is bringing you the thing because you placed an order directly with the “God” energy, and he she or it in turn processed that order down to the universe (the river) for fulfillment.  I can’t seem to figure it out nor can anyone else I know who’s like me but prayers seem to by-pass “the river” and go straight to the top (God) if done properly.  And by properly I mean with pure intent from the soul.  Not just greedy begging from the brain for a new BMW. LOL.. That’s a topic for another day as this is also very complex to explain.  But as a quick easy to follow analogy you can think of “God” (whatever it is) as Amazon, your prayer as your order, and “the river” or “universe” as the shipping department that processes your order and gets it to you.

I didn’t want to leave out any of my atheist or agnostic readers. You too are all free to believe (or be unsure of) what you want to believe (or be unsure of), and I of course still respect you for it.  Truth is, I don’t know everything yet either.  I’m too young to have figured it ALL out, and I won’t have time in this lifetime to figure it ALL out.  It’s a process that will carry over into future lifetimes.  Including down the road the one where we all need to buy Oxygen tanks to breath on the planet we fucked up with greed.  Which is ironic because it’s one of the 7 deadly sins in the very book (bible) that many who write into me throw in my face with their assumptions I haven’t read it.  Sorry kids…. I have.  In fact I’ve read it hundreds of times, front to back.

In closing…  For those of you like me who definitely believe in “God”, whether you’re a fanatical crazy person about it, or just a casual bible reader, I encourage you to keep praying. Because while we may never know or even agree on what he, she, or it is, I can promise you this much…, whatever or whoever God is, it is definitely listening to those prayers of yours.

— Cheers