Pluto in Aquarius 2024

I wanted to add some additional thoughts for your consideration on the ever important transit of Pluto through Aquarius from January 20th or 21st depending on where you are through early September 2024.  It’s the final “teaser” transit before Pluto lands in Aquarius for its long-stay from November 19th 2024 right up into the early 2040’s.  There are important decisions to be made on both the personal stage and the world stage during this transit.  As my reading on this transit revealed a lot of clarity is on offer.  However if we’re rigid in our beliefs or stance on issues we won’t be able to utilize that clarity to make wise decisions.  And the decisions attached to Pluto in Aquarius are far reaching to say the very least.

On the personal side, for most of you the main transit of Pluto through Aquarius will make up the rest of or bulk of the rest of your lives.  I myself will be an elderly man by the time it leaves and moves into Pisces for its long-stay beginning in 2043.  Be them small decisions or big ones, make no bones about it they ALL in their own way have far reaching effects for our personal lives.

But I digress.  Right now, here in this article I’m going to play Astrologer for a moment.  But first I need to explain how and why I even use astrology in the first place.  I know, I always say I’m not your fucking astrologer, but in this case let me take that roll.  And let me also say on the note of “learning” and “education” I could be your fucking astrologer if on wanted to be.  Why?  Because as an energy reader I figured out by about age 6 without knowing anything about astrology at the time that the way the planets and their alignments pull on the core energies around us has a huge impact on how those energies interact with our lives.  Later down the road I compensated for some flaws/gaps I found in the astrology by understanding more about the Earth’s magnetic field and the very powerful role that it and Earth’s energy in general plays in it all.  Which generally isn’t accounted for at all in astrology.  Especially the Earth’s magnetic field which is the 3rd most powerful influence on us.  Often governing our moods far more than any planetary alignment in fact.  I always account for this energy and other Earth energies in my reads by the way.  Even if I’m pulling on a specific astrological alignment.

So I studied the shit out of astrology for about 10 years.  In fact I was obsessed with it by age 15 or so.  I know it down to the math level.  i.e. the core equations of it all which are mostly Boolean logic, which is a fancy way of saying “binary”.  Though I should note that astrology’s core equation is flawed right from the start in that it assumes the Earth is the center of it all.  When in reality the Earth revolves around the Sun, not the other way around.  Meaning as we come into Aquarius season, it’s actually NOT the Sun that’s moving into Aquarius, it’s the Earth moving into Aquarius.  The Sun is right where it always is.  So your Sun sign is actually your Earth sign technically speaking.

Astrology is thousands of years old, so I cut it a lot of slack.  Some place its beginnings at 600 BC, others as far back the 3rd millennium BC.  But even here in good old 2024 its core math doesn’t account properly for the fact that the sun’s energy is a dynamic ever-changing energy.  For instance the sun spins at several points, and its energy fluctuates through a variety of frequencies, in some cases on an almost hourly basis.  The Sun spins on its axis as a whole every 27 days, however different portions of it spin at different speeds which makes it actually a hyper-dynamic energy.  So it is very much NOT a static energy as it’s reflected in astrology’s core equations.  But these flaws in astrology’s core math which a mathematician could (and have many times) rip apart in seconds are irrelevant to the planetary interactions and alignments that impact our surrounding core/environmental energies.

So for me astrology is all about energy interplay more than it is about the semantics of what’s the center of the solar system or what sign someone is.

So let’s talk some astrology to end this article.  On January 20, the Sun and Pluto make a conjunction on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius. The Earth and Pluto both move into Aquarius positioning just hours after the conjunction.  (Notice I didn’t say the Sun moves into Aquarius, it’ll be right where it always is as I talked about earlier.) This is always powerful and this conjunction happens every year, but this year it’s a real hum-dinger eye opener for sure.  It’s linked to self-assertion and transformation of our lives and the ideas that govern them.

But this year’s conjunction activates the “exact” same space (in the sky) where another great conjunction occurred.  That was the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0° Aquarius in December of 2020, which activated what most call an “upheaval”.  Which shouldn’t be a surprise with everything that happened at that time.  In case you need a recap, we had a president refusing to admit he lost the election and attempting a coup to retain the presidency for the first time in the 247 years of the country’s history, which led in early January of 2021 to a riot on our capital where what looked like the cast of Duck Dynasty carried in a Neuse to hang the Vice President if he didn’t violate the constitution to go along with the coup, thus turning what was up to that point the model of freedom for the world effectively into a 3rd world dictatorship country.  I could rattle off a longer list of embarrassing atrocities that have ensued since then but I’ll refrain because it would turn this article into a 2 hour read.  LOL

Humor and deep deep shame aside…  My point is this year’s conjunction of Pluto and the Sun reactivates this same energy.  Which could cause some shakeups on the world stage and in our personal lives as well.  Because there were not just upheavals in the world but also in our personal lives on varying levels at the end of 2020 into 2021.  I know that because when I started my channel on YouTube around that time I got thousands of emails from people who were really confused and in need greatly of some help.  I’ve done my best to provide that help going forward.

Basically with this year’s conjunction being with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius we have a chance to learn and potentially benefit from the past and what it taught us in some way that allows us to grow into the future.  That “way” will vary for each of us, but also applies on the world stage too.  There’s a reason I said on a recent reading that the energy feels like the beginning of SLT again, it feels when I sit down to do a reading that it’s early 2021 again.  This conjunction is part of why that is.

For all of us on varying levels it’s a do over.  In fact 2024 is a great big do over in many ways.  But that do over is only the energy providing an “opportunity”.  It’s always down to our free-will whether we take it or not.

My guess is some will and some won’t.  In our personal lives that’s fine.  That’s life really.  But on the world stage that’s dangerous.  Because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  And we’ve got a lot of low vibrational down right stupid in some cases links out there fucking up our chain BIG TIME… lol  Which is why I wrote in an article some time ago called “Spring-break planet Earth” that old souls are really passing this little planet by these days on a regular basis.

Sadly that leaves Earth with too many young souls, and not enough old ones to balance them out.  Too many young souls around is a bit like living next door to an Air B&B that’s been rented out by a bunch of teenagers.  You might be responsible and older but they’re not and they out number you.  Good luck getting to sleep, or for that matter keeping your yard and the neighborhood clean and safe.
